Puh-Leeze /;)

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(Hey jewels!!! How are you all Doing?! I hope that You Answered with a 'great' or a 'Fantastic'!!! Cause well You deserve to have a Great or Fantastic day!! Oh sorry I went Off Track again! Thanks you guys for all of your Support and I hope That you guys will like this next Chappy!)

Raph Pov

I smiled to myself for the hundredth time as I lay in my bed, See you then! still on the screen of my phone. I was going on a date with Lilly? I was going on a date with Lilly!! I sighed to myself before hearing my door open, I quickly frowned.

"Yo dude! When are ya getting out of your room? Breakfast is getting cold!" Mikey said poking his head in.

"MIKEY! How many times do I have ta say it, stay out of my room!" I growled at him.

I looked at me, and then broke out in a stupid looking grin, "What did ya do Raph?"

"What?" I sat up and crossed my arms.

"Well usually ya already have your belt on and mask or at least your seis." He came in and leaned against my door frame, "But it's ten, and ya are still laying in bed. . ." I could almost see the gears in his head moving and then clicking. "It's Lilly isn't it!"

I felt my face heat up and I quickly looked away, "No it ain't!"

"Did little Raphie get a text from his girlfriend?" He grinned.

"NO! Now get out of my room!" I growled standing up.

He backed up still smiling, "Well if it wasn't a text, then maybe your dreams came true and she kissed ya!?"

I stopped, as the memory of holding her close, her smile and laugh. I knew that my face was redder then my mask, "No." I whispered out, my voice cracking in the lie.

Mikey's eyes went wide, and he turned quickly, "OH MY SHELL!!!! LEO! DON! SERINA! GUESS WHAT RAPH DID!?!?!" He bolted out of my room.

"MIKEY!!" I chased him down the stairs and tackled him at the bottom. We wrestled around on the ground.

Unfortunately Mikey was hard to hold onto, "RAPH!" I swung at him as he dodged and rolled over and around, the rest of the family coming into the kitchen, "KISSED!" I went to chock him but he curled up and kicked me off. He then ran behind the table, "LILLY!"

I huffed and glared at his stupid grin, Leo stood leaning against the counter, Serina was in the middle of picking up a plate and froze, Donnie looked over at us. Everything went silent before Serina smiled, "Finally!!"

Leo smiled,"Finally Raph got the courage to ask!"

"Shut up! It took ya a year ta ask Venus!" I growled.

"So you kissed her and you are going on a date!?!" Serina squealed, "I have to text her!!" She ran out of the room, towards Don's. 

I smirked at him, "Did ya have a nice night?"

He glared at me and was about to say something when the Lab started to blare and flash red. We ran in behind Don as he started to furiously pound on his keyboard, "What's going on Don?" Leo ordered.

"Teddi's alarm just went off, I'm trying to figure out where she is." He glance at Mikey's scared face, "It could just be a accident, she might have just hit it."

"Guys! Lilly's phone isn't working?!" Serina came in and showed the text on her screen, message not sent, number no longer in service. 

Leo looked over at us all, My anger growing at the possibilities of what was wrong, "I got the coordinates!" Don said standing up.

"Alright lets go and find out what happened, Serina can help seeing as how it is Day time." He looked over at me.


"Day time means no shadows." Leo glared.

"I know that fearless, now let's go!" I huffed and glared back at him.

"We don't have time guys!" Serina said and pushed us all out and into the shellraiser.


We made it to the alley way and were waiting in the car for Serina, Jeeze she was taking her sweet time!? The door opened up and Serina looked in, "Come on guys, it's in a pretty dark alley and this street isn't really that busy." I jumped out and right in the shadows along with my brothers. We looked around the long alley way, there wasn't anything out of the ordinary, just a plain dirty ally!

I Growled and hit a box out of the way, earning a glare from fearless. Before I could say anything Mikey spoke out, "Look! It's Teddi's bracelet!"

We came over and saw a rubber pink bracelet that said laughter on the side, with a smiley face, "And both girls were here, this lenses and the bracelet proves it." Don said holding up the lens.

"Well then who took them?" Serina asked tapping her chin. All of the sudden a group of Foot ninjas jumped down and surrounded us.

I grinned and twisted my seis out, "Finally some answers I can hit!"

Lilly Pov

I jerked awake gasping, memories and thoughts flooding my mind as I search the room I was in. The room was dimly lite from some glowing green tubes on the other side of the room, but from what I could see it looked like a mad scientist lab off of a horror film! The room was full of tables with different tools and things that made my skin crawl just thinking of the why?! I shuttered and blocked out the rest of the thoughts. I could see there was a long table with a bunch of different objects? What that was my purse?! I saw my glasses, wallet, broken phone, and Teddi's skate board. . . TEDDI?!?

I looked around and sighed in relief as I saw her right next to me, she was suspended up in the air with chains! I looked over myself and saw that I was in the same condition, both my arms and legs were chained down. I looked back at Teddi, her head was slumped forward asleep. I tried making noises and I called out her name, "Teddi? Teddi? Teddi!"

I huffed, maybe I wasn't talking loud enough? I took a big breathe and yelled out, "TEDDI!!" She winced and tilted her head up fluttering her hazel eyes open. Her eyes widening as she realized our situation, she started to call out some words and frantically jerking around, the only word I could make out was 'where.'

I shook my head, and looked back to Teddi. She had stopped and was looking in a certain direction, so turning I saw some foot ninjas and a girl coming through the door. The girl took charge and started to command the ninjas, she had black short hair with yellow in the back, and even from far away I could tell that she had way too much make up.

She came and walked in front of us and started to talk, a smirk on her face. I watched Teddi's face as she went from scared to anger as she started to talk back to the girl. I looked between them both the only words that I could make out was trap and turtles. I easily put two and two together, we were bait for the guys! Teddi's face grew red and she started to yell at the girl, the girl, oh what was her name?! Kate? Kara? K- something. . . Oh Karai! Yeah that's it, Karai grew angry and yelled out something before pointing above us and said 'death.'

I looked up and found out that the room was glowing for a reason, above me and Teddi was a canister of greenish-blueish stuff! What was that some sort of poison?! She was going to kill us! I felt myself tremble, I didn't want to die, a tear made it's way down my face. I quickly wiped it off with my shoulder, I had to be strong, I can't let them know that they scared me! And if not for me then for Teddi, I had to show her that I was here for her.

Karai left the room and so did most of the soldiers, but some of them stayed to do some finishing touches on the four large machines that stood on the other side of the room. They were pretty heavy duty, they had a thick sliding glass door with hard heavy metal around. They were just big enough for. . .The guys! "ARGH!!!" I slumped forward, how could I have been so stupid!?

I glared back up at the remaining soldiers as they left the room, I had to do something?! I will not willingly stay here without some plan of action! I started to search the room more carefully, Me and Teddi were suspended by the farthest wall from the door, right across from the four machines. There were three tables total with tons of wicked looking tools, what made me sick was the two examination tables in the middle of them.

I looked away and saw that down on the floor next to me was a computer panel of some sort? I looked closer at our chains and saw that the ones holding our arms were attached to some sort of pulley system. That's why there's a computer panel there! I looked up and gulped at the poison above me, that was another reason the computer was there.

I felt pins and needles in my left arm as it fell asleep, I tried moving it and that's not all that moved. The chain around me gave way a little, I jerked back up and saw that my chain was rusty! Perfect! Now I had something that could help, I just needed to wait for the right moment.

I turned to show Teddi and saw her body shaking with sobs. Teddi was always the one ready to try anything new, she got scared easily, but always came back with a grin or a smirk if it was a prank. She always bounced right back. But in the time I had known her I saw that she was terrified. I waved my hand trying to get her attention she didn't even move.

"Teddi it's okay! Teddi it's okay." I repeated that until she looked up at me, my friend who was always ready for a joke, a tough skater girl was petrified. Anger boiled in me, how dare the foot clan do this?!I huffed, my anger wasn't going to help Teddi, I quickly buried it down, and looked at her with as big as a smile as I could muster, "It's okay Teddi."

She sighed and gave me a small smile back, "Sisters."

I nodded as some relief came into her. I pointed one finger up to my rusty chain, her smile widened when she saw that and she nodded. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths before flashing them open with determination. I smiled Teddi was back and ready for anything. 

Teddi Pov

(Let's mix it up a Little Bit! Tell me what you Think?)

We stayed in the room for who knows how long?! I mean really? No food, no water, and no potty breaks?! Not that I should complain, at least we weren't hurt? I sighed and looked over to Lilly she was looking around the room and glaring at the cuff around her hand. I smiled, she wanted to break the chain no wonder Raph likes her. 

The doors slammed open and clown face came back in, yeah I know her name is Karai she told me that last time she came in here. According to the guys the 'Slicer' or something rather was the leader and was hurt pretty bad in there last fight. And Karai who was his 'daughter' was now in charge of the foot clan. She came in with a few of her pets and was walking back and forth ranting around with a pair of claws on her hand and a . . . katana on her back.

"Those imbeciles don't they know how to follow instructions! Can't even leave behind the correct message for the freaks!"

I huffed what a little scamp, "What happened now? Yer Pets do bad?"

She stopped and glared at me, "Shut your mouth girl."

"Gladly, I wouldn't want ta stoop ta yer level of stupid anyways." I smirked. I was scared, tired, and a little board. 

I saw Karai's glare harden, I probably should've kept my mouth shut. "Says the girl that decided that she want to be related to a clown, nice do."

Oh no she didn't! "Are ya blonde cause yer stupid or are ya stupid cause yer blonde?"

"Wow how long did it take you to come up with that one." She rolled her eyes.

"Faster then it took fer ya to put on yer face paint. How did ya do that anyways, with a three year-old?"

 She looked at me squinting "Wow you are even dumber then you look. Don't you even realize what is going on around you? Never mind, you wouldn't even understand it so I'll go down to your level." She pouted her lip out and looked up at me talking with a baby voice, "You- are- going-to-" Her face hardened as she yelled out pointing to the mutagen, "DIE!!!"

I flinched, as Karai sneered, "You do realize what will happen to someone who isn't touching some thing living?! You die, you turn into a pile of mush and die!! And you know the best part," I stared at her all feeling leaving my body, just terror, "Know one will ever know."

"HEY! YOU!" I jerked over and saw Lilly furiously yanking on her chains as she leaned forward and yelled at Karai, "Yeah you clown face! Leave her alone, you freak!"

Karai pointed a set of her claws at Lilly, with a hateful glare, "You think you can talk to me like that?! when you are the one that hangs out with the freaks!? I am a full kunochi, I am the leader of the foot and I----" She was stopped by laughter.

I looked over and saw Lilly shaking in laughter, I stared at my friend Great she's finally lost it! She looked up and her laughter just increase, It then clicked in my head, Lilly's deaf, my lips curved up and I joined her in laughter.

"Wh-What is the meaning of this!"

"Ya cheesehead!!" She just stared at me, "She's deaf!"

Karai smiled then, one that immediately put me on edge. She walked over to Lilly and looked at her, Lilly's laughter decreased and she stared back, "I am so sorry." Karai said, as Lilly stiffened and glared down at her, "It must be absolutely terrible to be deaf, to not hear anything. That must be why you didn't scream when we got you." She smirked then, the only emotion shown was hate, "It must be a truly terrible burden on your friends too even be around you. . . you do have friends right? Um? I thought so. Oh and what of your mother? She could leave and have an even better job if she finished her degree in engineering, but that would mean leaving you behind. You a broken, disgusting piece of trash. You are the reason she is so tired all the time. . . ." She went on, and the more she spoke the more I wanted to puke.

That was the only time when I was grateful that Lilly couldn't hear, unfortunately I could hear all of it.

Lilly Pov

I stared down at Karai as she spoke to me, she had the same look Annalysse did when she was insulting me. It was the I'm-better-then-you look. I grew indignant, and I didn't have to hear what she was saying to know that it was pretty far from nice. Beside me Teddi grew angry her cheeks turning red at Karai's words, that I knew would pierce my heart if I heard.

"You are one sad little girl." Karai stopped and glared at me, "You must be very lonely to act like this."

She gave me a look that said 'shut up!'

"Sad just sad. I wonder what your mom would say?" I knew I had struck a nerve when her eyes flashed. Furious she yelled out and threw a star at me, I jerked to the side and instead of hitting it's mark, my face, it sliced my shoulder. I hissed and sucked in a breath, giving Karai a glare, I couldn't show pain.

Karai started yelling out at me but stopped suddenly, before smiling darkly and turning to the door. I looked up and grinned as the guys and Serina stood there. I looked at Raph as Leo spoke to Karai, Raph smirked and gave me a wink before the battle broke out. The Foot clan rushed to them, Leo and Karai locked katana's, Donnie threw Serina in the air before helping his brothers out. Serina flew straight up and landed on the shoulder of a ninja, pushing off him she ran towards us.

I had to help! I tugged on the chain and felt it give way, I looked up and saw that one link had snapped from the bottom and was still holding on. Serina made her way over, she had a cross bow and a small scythe that she was using very productively. She went to the computer and started to pound on it, Teddi was then lowered down.

Two foot soldiers ran to Serina with maces, I yanked hard making the chain snap. I swung it down and then whipped it back hitting the two back and away from her. I whipped it back and swung it around before grabbing one and swinging him into his buddy. Teddi was on the ground now, I felt myself being lowered down too. Serina jumped over and went over to Teddi, She whipped out a knife and started to remove the chains. 

She was almost done, she only had one left when she was attacked from behind. Serina gave Teddi the knife and started to push the Foot back. I was almost down when I saw Karai, by the computer. We locked eyes, her katana was gone and her sleeve was cut, she smiled at me, 'good-bye.'

In that second I knew what she was going to do and that I wasn't going to make it. With as much power and strength as I could I whipped out my chain and pushed Teddi as far away as I could. When the goop came down I was immediately soaked in the stuff. It was freezing cold, like I was just dunked in a pile of snow.

I fell to the hard ground and that's when the pain hit, now it was so hot, too hot I was burning! I was on fire!!! I screamed out! I vaguely saw Teddi's leg covered in the stuff and Mikey trying to help her as Leo and Serina covered him. Karai running away. Donnie throwing a bunch of small bomb things. The last thing I saw was Raph's terrified face before succumbing to eternal darkness.

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