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Day 12


Letting out a mute yawn, Rin snuggled closer to the warm object next to him and sleepily opened his eyes. There next to him, Bon lay fast asleep, with his arms wrapped around the young demon. Rin blushing, as he realized he had fallen asleep with the exwire by accident last night. Although, Bon didn't seem to care by the way he subconsciously pulled him closer in his sleep. The older teen's face buried in his neck, and his breathing soft, as Rin smiled and gently stroked the teen's hair. The action making Bon pull him to his chest and protectively wrap his arms around the young demon, as Rin's face turned cherry red and he mutely squeaked.

The demon having nothing left to do, but lie there and wait for Bon to wake up, as he played with the older teen's hair. Which the demon found out was long enough to put in cute little braids, and in minutes the demon was braiding the blond and brunette hair together, till Bon shifted beside him. Rin looking up at his classmate in wonder till the older teen opened his eyes and saw the younger. Bon gently smiling at him, as he kissed the top of the demon's head and sat up. The older teen running a hand through his hair, and accidently ruining the demon's braiding; till he reached the last one and looked at the demon.

"Were you braiding my hair?" Bon asked, as he frowned and fingered the clump that was still together.

Rin pouting, as he nodded, and his tail swayed off the end of the bed.

'You ruined them.' The demon mouthed the pout still evident on his face.

"I'm sorry, kitten." Rin spoke softly, as he pulled the demon into a hug and gently kissed him. "Maybe next time you can braid my hair, when I'm awake."

In an instant, the demon face lit up and Bon chuckled. The two completely content in each other's arms, as Rin purred and Bon held the demon close.

"I love you, Rin." The older teen spoke softly, as he buried his face into the demon's neck. "And I'm going to do everything I can to break the enchantment. I promise."


"Bye you guys!"

"Come back, again!"

"And bring Rin, too!"

"Everyone gave a quick wave, as they ducked out of the inn and Shima took a quick picture. The exorcists following them out, as they headed for the train station. Bon smiling as he held the demon close to him, as he turned and waved back to everyone. Rin beside him, and waving to everyone, with a huge grin on his face. The demon leaning close to him and purring against his chest, as they turned the corner and headed down the street. Shima excitedly talking to Miwa beside him, while Rin happily walked beside him and ignored the stares from the people in town.

"Rin! Bon!" Called out several voices, as their group stopped.

The four of them turning to see the little boys from the park running toward them, with their ball and big grins on their faces. The little group stopping in front of the two teens and grinning up at them, as one of them spoke up.

"We heard you were leaving." The shy boy spoke up.

"So we wanted to give you this." Another boy spoke, handing them their ball.

'We couldn't take that.' Rin typed out, before showing them. 'How would you guys play catch?'

"My mom bought me a new one." One of the other boys piped up.

"We wanted to give you something to remember us by." The boy holding the ball spoke, as handed the ball to Bon. "Cause we don't know when you'll come back."

Both teens looked at each to her, before Bon knelt down and took the ball from the boy.

"Thank you." Bon spoke, giving the kid a smile and messing up his hair. "We'll take good care of it."

The group of boys gave them happy nods, before Bon stood up and Rin clung to his arm.

"Maybe we can play catch when you guys come back." The boy spoke, giving them a smile.

'You can count on it.' Rin typed, as he gave them a big smile.

The boys giving them a smile, before they waved and ran off to go play. Rin smiling beside him, as he laid his head on Bon's arm and their little group headed off toward the train station. The air around town becoming a lot lighter around them, as they reached the train station and got on their train. Rin sitting with him, as they sat in a seat and the demon leaned against him. It not even taking five minutes, before the train had taken off and Rin was fast asleep beside him. The older teen holding back a chuckle, as he stroked the demon's hair and Shima handed him an envelope from across the aisle.

"Kinzou-nii and Juuzou-nii told me to give this to you." Shima spoke, as Bon took the letter from him. "They said it was important."

Bon tore the envelope open, as he peered inside and frowned. The older teen pulling out the letter and reading it, before he tried to force it back on the teen.

"I can't take it back." Shima spoke, biting his lower lip. "Kinzou-nii and Juuzou-nii said you couldn't give it back under any circumstances."

"Figures." Bon spoke, as he shoved the envelope in his backpack and looked down at the demon. "Looks like I can't hide everything from them."


Bon let out a sigh, as the train came to a stop and looked down at the demon. Against him, Rin was fast asleep and deep in his dreams. The demon cuddled close to his chest and his tail no longer hidden, as Shima got out of his seat and chuckled.

"You carry Rin-chan, Bon." Shima spoke, as he reached over and grabbed Rin's stuff. "I'll carry his things."

Bon mumbled a thank you; before he gently lifted the demon into his lap and stood up. The older teen holding the younger teen close to him, as he followed his friends off the train and they noticed a worried Yukio waiting for them. Shima being the first to reach him and attack their teacher in a hug, despite all the stuff he was carrying.

"Sensei, it was so lonely without you!" Shima teased, as the brunette was trying to get the older off him. "I missed your classes!"

"Then you can stay after Cram School and study." Yukio spoke, as he shoved Shima off him and straightened himself up. "Your grades are almost as bad as Nii-san's."

"That's not fair, Sensei!" Shima whined, as he sulked. "Studying is boring!"

"Well, if you studied in the first place we wouldn't have this problem." Yukio frowned, till he turned and saw the sleeping demon in Bon's arms. "I apologize if Nii-san cause you any trouble, Suguro."

"He was fine." Bon spoke, as he gave his teacher a small smile. "If anyone caused trouble it was me and Shima."

Shima frowned at the brunette n' blonde's comment, as Yukio gave him a nod and took Rin's bag.

"The let's get back to the academy." Yukio ordered, as he headed for the entrance to the train station.

"I can't."

Everyone stopped and looked at the brunette n' blonde, as he looked down at the demon in his arms.

"I have one last thing I have to do." Bon spoke, as he walked past them and grabbed Rin's sword. "I'll see you all tomorrow in school."

As a fair warning, the following will contain the sex scene we have all been waiting for! Enjoy my little fans!


Rin let out a mute yawn, as he stretched. The demon almost too comfortable to open his eyes, as sleep tugged on his brain, and the young teen forced himself to open his eyes. The young teen bring greeted by a bare white wall to his left and cotton candy pink sheets throw over him, as the demon let out a mute deep breath in his drowsiness. Rin silently turning his head to the other side to find Bon standing next to a window, and looking out onto the city. It only taking the demon a few seconds, before he blushed and fiddled with the sheets over him. They were back in True Cross town and Bon had brought him here, while the demon was asleep. Which made the demon's face turn a soft pink, as his tail thumped against the bed and Bon turned away from the window.

The brunette n' blonde wearing a pair of jeans and a white button up shirt. The first two buttons undone, and the teen's hair a bit askew, as he gave the demon a smile; and walked toward him.

"How'd you sleep?" Bon asked, as he sat on the edge of the bed and stroked the demon's hair.

'Good.' The demon mouthed, as he smiled and leaned into Bon's hand. 'Where are we?'

"A love hotel." Bon replied, before the demon's face turned red. "You can thank Kinzou and Juuzou next time you see them."

'Love Hotel?' The demon repeated, as he sat up and his face turned a cherry red.

"That's what I just said." Bon teased, as he played with the demon's hair. "We can't go back to the academy, because I have one last thing we have to do."

'What's that?' Rin asked, as he gave the teen a confused look and Bon placed a finger on the demon's neck.

"I think it's about time we broke that enchantment, don't you think?"

Rin nervously nodded, as his face turned a deeper cherry red and Bon stroked the demon's cheek. The younger teen leaning into the older's hand, as Bon leaned forward and gently kissed the demon. Rin mutely moaning against his classmate's lips, as Bon slid his hand under the demon's shirt and pulled his shirt up. The demon purring at the older teens gently touch, until the shirt was pulled off him and Bon was over him. The older teen capturing the demon's lips for his own and sliding his hands against the demon's hips, and up toward his chest. As Rin mutely groaned and wrapped his arms around the older teen's neck. The younger silently begging to be loved in any and every way possible, as Bon gave him a passionate kiss and played with one of the demon's nipple. Before the demon passionately kissed the older teen above him, as he mutely gasped out the teen's name and his tail thumped beside him. Bon letting out a soft chuckle, before he pulled away from the younger teen's lips and continued to play with the demon's chest.

"I'm guessing you're enjoying this." Bon teased, as he gently kissed the demon.

'A lot.' Rin mouthed, as he pulled the teen closer and the demon's tail playfully brushed against the older teen's thigh. 'But I'd love to feel you inside me. I can't wait any longer.'

"Neither can I." Bon spoke softly, as he unclasped the demon's belt. "I can't wait to hear your voice, again."

With a clang, Rin's belt fell to the floor and the demon mutely squeaked as his jeans soon followed. The demon in nothing but his boxers and his face a deep red, with the older teen over him. Bon wasting no time in capturing the demon's lips as his own, and pulling at the only fabric covering the younger. Rin letting out a mute groan, as he pulled at the older teen's shirt. The demon nearly ripping the buttons off, as they were forcibly pulled through the holes and the shirt was thrown to the floor. Rin eagerly tugging on his classmate's pants, before Bon pried open the demon's mouth and started exploring the wet cavern. The older teen softly groaning against the demon's lips, as the younger finally pushed the older's pants down. Bon smirking against the demon's lips, as he pulled the demon's boxers down. Rin letting out a mute gasp, as the cold air touched his half hard member and his cheeks turned a deep cherry red once again. Bon softly chuckling against the demon's swollen lips and the boxers were thrown to the floor.

The older teen gently kissing the demon's neck, before he pulled the demon's leg up and disappeared between them. The younger teen letting out a sudden mute gasp, as Bon gently kissed the tip of the growing erection and wrapped his lips around it. Rin mutely gasping for breath, as he mutely moaned and tangled his fingers into the brunette n' blonde locks in his grasp and arched his back. The sudden hot and wet feeling around his aching cock sending pleasure rolling up his spine, as the demon's bucked his hips and the grip on his legs tightened. Bon welcoming the rest of the demon's growing erection, as he sucked on the hardening flesh and licked the tip. The demon mutely gasping, as he pulled at the hair on the older teen's head; and his legs shook. The younger almost to his climax, till Bon pulled away from the demon's now hard erection and Rin let out a mute whine at the loss.

"Give me a second, Kitten." Bon softly spoke, as he gently kissed the demon and grabbed a small bottle of lotion. "I'll make you feel good in a moment."

Before the demon could mutely respond in anyway, the teen above him pushed a slicked finger into his entrance. The younger letting out a mute groan in pleasure, as the second was added and the demon's tail quivered beside him. Bon giving the mute demon under him a gentle smile, as he gave the demon a soft kiss and stretched the demon. Rin mutely panting against the mattress, until the older teen hit a bundle of nerves inside him and he let out a loud mute moan. His tail desperately shaking beside him, as Bon looked at him and pulled his fingers out of the teen. The demon mutely groaning in protest, before Bon pulled off his boxers and tossed them to the floor.

"You ready?" The older teen asked, as he slicked his own aching cock.

All the demon did was nod, before Bon gently kissed him and pushed the tip of his aching erection into the demon. Rin letting out a mute gasp in pain and pleasure, as he dug his nails into the sheets and stopped himself from biting his lip. The older teen giving the younger a worried glance, before the demon urged him to continue. Rin wrapping his arms around his classmate's neck and pulling him closer, before Bon gave him a gentle look and kept his lips locked with the demons. Bon giving a cautious thrust into the teen under him, as Rin winced and his tail lashed out beside him.

"Rin-" Bon started, after he had pulled his lips away from the demon.

'I'm fine.' Rin mouthed, as he cupped the older teen's face and smiled. 'I can take a little pain.'

Bon gave the teen a nod, before he pulled himself almost all the way out and thrusted back into the demon. Rin letting out a mute moan, as he threw his head back and gripped at the brunette locks in his reach. The older teen giving the demon a small smile, as he started at a slow pace and placed the demon's hands on his shoulders. Before the pace slowly picked up and the demon was in a mute mess of panting and moaning, as he clung to his classmate for dear life. The younger teen mutely screaming out in pleasure, as his prostate was hit dead center and his back arched in pleasure. The both of them, only inches from their climax, as the demon forced his hips down with each thrust and forced the older teen's cock to slam into his prostate. Rin letting out a mute scream in pleasure, before Bon slammed into him. The demon releasing onto his stomach, as the older came inside him, and the unsenseable pressure on his throat shattered. Leaving the two of them in a panting mess, as Bon carefully pulled out of the teen under him and collapsed beside him. Rin smiling, as he rolled over to his classmate's side and purred against his chest.

A few moments passing, before Bon froze and looked down at the demon. Only to find the younger in a happy and content purring heap beside him. Rin's purring instantly coming to a halt, as the demon bolted up and touched his throat. The two teen's completely silent, as they stared at each other and Bon nervously took the hand away from the demon's throat.


The demon gave his classmate a scared look, as he opened his mouth and then closed it again. Bon giving the younger teen a reassuring glance, as he smiled and held the demon's hand tightly.

"B-Bon." The demon nervously stuttered, his voice soft and scared.

In an instant the older teen had his arms wrapped around the demon and a smile on his face. Tears threatening to spill over in both of their eyes, as Rin softly laughed and hugged his classmate.

"Oh, god. Bon, I love you." Rin spoke, as he buried his face into the teen's neck. "I love you so much I could die."

"I love you too, Rin." Bon chuckled, as he held the demon close and enjoyed the sweet sound of his voice. "No more silent games."


Scarlett: Wait my little viewers! This is not the end! Theres only one chapter more. Then is done. Well! Hoped you Enjoyed my cute little viewers! Byee!

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