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Day 11


"Time is up, brother." A voice called through the dark. "You've lost our game."

Frantically, the demon looked around in the dark for the voice. The silence crushing, as the young teen started walking through the blackness surrounding him, wrapping his arms around himself. The air thick and cold around him, as his tail shivered under his shirt and the demon shivered not long after. Rin curled into himself, as he stumbled ahead and saw a street light ahead. The light making the demon jump into action, as he ran toward the light and saw a door. The wood pale and worn out from years of exposure to the elements, as the demon pushed the door open and stopped in his tracks.

The scene in front of him shattering the demon to pieces, as the door slammed shut behind him. The rooms dim lights around him, and a horrible stench overwhelming the room. As the figure moved in the far right corner and the demon silently held his ground. The demon's tail shaking, as the figure stood, casually walking toward the only light in the room. Until it stopped and the demon let out a growl, till he realized no noise came out and set a hand over his throat.

"You lost our game, brother." The voice spoke again, as the figure stepped into the circle.

The light illuminating a smirking, blood covered Amaimon, as the demon let out a mute gasp and backed up into the door. The older demon reeking of someone else's blood, other than his own, and a twisted look in his eyes. As the demon let out a mute whimper, Amaimon snickered.

"Are you afraid, brother?" The demon mused, as he leaned forward and Rin pressed himself against the door. "Afraid I'm going to hurt you, or someone else you care about?"

With a snap of the older demon's fingers, a light in the back of the room turned on. It caused the demon to lose his balance, as he slid to the floor and stared at the figure across the room in chains. Tears welling up in the demon's eyes, as he choked back a mute sob, Amaimon smirked. The Earth King casually walking to the back of the room, before he leaned down next to the figure and tilted its head up. Only to reveal the bloody and barely conscious face of his classmate. His chocolate brown eyes barely focusing, and his brown and blonde hair matted with blood, as the older teen let out a weak groan and his eyes feel on the younger.

"R-Rin. R-run for i-it." Bon weakly forced out, as he gave the younger demon one of his usual serious looks. "G-get out of h-here."

"That's rude." The older demon frowned, as he set a hand on the teen's shoulder and dug his nails into the skin. "Brother just got here."

Without a second to stop the older demon, Bon let out a strangled scream in pain. The younger demon instantly covering his ears, as the tears rolled down his face as he was forced to watch his classmate in pain. Amaimon gave him an evil smirk as he stood up and pulled Bon to his feet. The older teen stumbling to his feet, trying to cope with the fingers digging into his shoulder, and Rin tried to pull himself to his feet. Only for the demon to find his body frozen in place and he couldn't move. Just as Amaimon pushed Bon into the center of the room and his nail were ripped out in pain, as he fell to his knees and looked at the younger demon. A sincere and pained look on his face, as Bon gave him a small smile.

"R-Rin, you n-need to get o-out of here." Bon spoke, as Amaimon was casually walking up to him from behind. "You n-need to run."

'I can't leave you.' The demon mouthed, as tears continued to run down his cheeks and he stared at his classmate in fear and horror. 'I won't leave you. I can't.'


"Sorry to break up your little heartfelt reunion, but it's time I claimed brother as mine." Amaimon growled, as he set a hand on Bon's head. "And you're in the way."

'No, don't.' The demon pleaded, as he tried to force himself to stand. 'Please don't!'

"I always wondered how long it'd take for a human body to bleed out." Amaimon mused, as he gently brushed his fingernails against Bon's throat.

'Please don't! Take me instead! Kill me instead!'

"Looks like I get to find out."



In an instant, the demon was awake and shaking against the mattress. Bon standing beside the bed, a worried look upon face, as tears came to the demon's eyes and spilled over. The teen turning in to a sobbing mess, as Bon's worried look turned more severe and he was sitting on the floor next to the bed. The older teen softly stroking the younger's hair, as Rin squeezed his eyes shut and mutely sobbed. The mattress creaking in protest, as the demon opened his eyes and saw Bon sitting on the bed, giving him a worried look.

"Rin, it's alright. Just calm down." Bon spoke softly. "You had a nightmare."

In an instant the demon tackled his classmate into a hug and clung to his shirt. The demon mutely sobbing into his classmate's shirt, as Bon gave him a look of surprise, gently wrapping his arms around the young demon.

"Rin, it's alright." Bon spoke softly, as he held the demon close. "You're safe."

'You died.' The demon mouthed against his chest.'In my dream.'

"I died?" Bon spoke in surprise, as he looked down at the demon. "How'd I die?"

'Amaimon. I lost the game. He killed you right in front of me.'

Silently, the demon broke into more tears as Bon gave him a worried look and held him close. The room silent and dark around them, as he buried his face into the demon's hair and kissed the top of his head.

"You're not going to lose the game, Rin." Bon spoke softly, as he softly stroked the demon's hair. "I won't let you lose, and you won't lose me. I'll never leave your side, I promise. You're stuck with me."


"Yes, really." Bon spoke, as he gently kissed the demon's forehead and the demon's crying softened. "You'll have me stuck to you so often you'll get sick of me."

'I'd never be sick of you.'

"You will eventually." Bon teased, as he messed up the demon's hair and Rin gave him a soft smile.

'I doubt that.'

Letting out a chuckle, Bon kissed the demon's forehead and lifted him up off the bed.

"Come on, you're sleeping with me."


"Thanks Rin!"

"You guys have fun!"

"Make us dinner too, Rin!"

"He can't because he's going to be with me!" Bon growled, pulling the demon out of the cafeteria and sighing.

The demon squeezed under his arm still a little jumpy from the nightmare earlier, as he looked up at Bon and tried to smile. The older teen letting out a sigh, as he gently messed up the demon's hair and his mother walked over with two lunches.

"You two have fun today." She said, as Bon took the lunches from her. "And don't be rude, Ryuji."

"I won't, Mom." Bon growled, as Rin clung to his shirt and he sighed. "We're just going to walk around and check out the town, since Rin hasn't been here before. We'll be back before dark."

"Alright. You two be careful."

"We will." Bon sighed, as he ushered the demon out the door. "Tell Shima we went to the bookstore, if he wakes up in the next ten minutes."


'Why would we tell Shima where we are?' Rin asked, as he typed out the question and showed it to him.

"Because you and Shima had a fit about making a scrapbook." Bon replied, as they headed toward town. "We're only going to the bookstore first, so he won't miss any important shots."

In a flash the demon's face lit up and Bon let out a small chuckle. His younger classmate purring, as he leaned against him and the older rested a hand on the teen's hip. Rin in complete bliss beside him, as they turned onto a busy street and headed for the bookstore. Both of the teen's ignoring the stares and weird looks they got, as they got to the bookstore and headed in. The woman at the counter looking up from her papers and smiling at them.

"It's been awhile, Ryuji." She spoke, as she gave him a smile. "How's school been going?"

"Really good, thanks." Bon spoke, as Rin broke from his side and went to look at a bookshelf of manga. "How's business been?"

"Really good." She said, as she ducked under the counter and produced several books. "I saved some books for you, while you were gone. I didn't want you to lose the chance to get them."

"Thank you. I'll look at them after." Bon replied, as he walked over to his classmate and set a hand on his shoulder. "See anything you like?"

The demon nervously gave him a nod, as he tried to put the book back and Bon took it from the demon. His younger classmate looking up at him and trying to take the book back, before Bon kissed the demon's forehead. Rin's face turning red in seconds as he stared at him in surprise and Bon gave him a smile. The older teen looking down at the manga in his hand, as Rin came back to his senses and tried to grab the book. The younger teen finally succeeding, as he jumped up and grabbed it from the older. Before he quickly shoved it on the shelf and Bon sighed.

"Rin, if you want the book I'll buy it for you." Bon spoke, as he grabbed the book and gently tapped the top of the demons head with it. "You don't have to get all nervous about it."

'I don't want you to spend your money on me.'The demon typed out and showed him.

"What if I want to spoil you?" Bon asked, as he smiled at the teen and he blushed. "We're on a date, Rin. I'd feel terrible if you don't let me get something for you."

'Fine.' Was shoved into his face, via cellphone, as Bon chuckled and messed up the teen's hair.'Don't blame me if you go broke.'

"I won't." Bon spoke, as he smiled and walked to the counter and checked out the books the woman had held for him. "It'll take more than a book for me to go broke."

'Your family rich?'

"Nope." Bon spoke, as he picked out a few books and paid for them all. "I do a lot of commissions and I get paid for them."

'What kind of commissions?'

"I do-"

"Sorry I'm late!" Shima practically yelled, as he pushed open the door to the bookstore and nearly tripped. "I almost left without my camera."

"We almost left without you." Bon frowned at his friend, as he grabbed the bag of books he paid for. "We just finished up here."

"Sorry." Shima apologized, as he pulled the backpack off his shoulders and pulled out a sketch book. "But your mom shoved this at me before I left."

Giving his friend a nod, Bon took the sketchbook from him and before the two teens headed back out on the streets, gave the demon next to him a kiss on the forehead, Shima just behind them.


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