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Continuation of Day 11


Rin mutely purred beside his classmate, as they walked side by side down the sidewalk with Shima just behind them. The two teens having spent the last two hours sightseeing, while Shima took pictures of them and Bon explained everything to the mute demon. Rin having fallen in love with the teen even more, when he found out the brunette n' blonde loved the outdoors and was secretly an artist. Which had the demon looking p at him in excitement and leaning closer to him, as they headed for the small park in town. The children shying away from the, as they saw him with Bon and Rin frowned, the younger teen separating from his classmate and over to the children. Bon looking at him in surprise, as he watched the demon. Rin squatting down by the kids and gesturing them to throw them their ball to him. The small boy giving him a nod, as he tossed the ball to him and it went over his head. The demon quickly rolling backwards and pushing himself up in time to catch the ball, as the kids looked at him in shock and clapped. Rin giving them a small bow, before he gently tossed the ball to the shy boy sitting by them and caught his attention. The small boy looking at the ball to them, before Rin gestured him over and the kid nervously got up. It not even taking five minutes before all of the, were playing catch and the demon waved to them, before heading over to Bon and Shima. His classmate giving him a smile, as Rin gave a nervous wave and dug out his phone.

'Sorry about that. They looked a little freaked out.' Rin typed out, before showing the brunette n' blonde.

"It's because I'm here." Bon spoke, as he watched the kids play. "Because of the Blue Night."

'You just got to show them you mean no harm.'Rin typed, before grabbing the teen's hand and dragging him toward the kids.

"Rin, don't." Bon warned, as he tried to get out of the demon's grip. "I'll only scare them off."

The demon just shook his head and dragged him toward the group of kids. The little boys stopping as they saw the older teen and shied back. Rin giving them a gentle smile, before pulling out his phone.

'He's my friend. Can he play too?' Rin typed out, before showing them.

The boys nervously looked at Bon, before the shy kid spoke up.

"I think it's nice." He spoke, his voice a bit quiet. "The more people the better."

The boys slowly agreeing, as Rin smiled and they started their game of catch. The demon being the first one with the ball, as he tossed it to his classmate and Bon looked at him with a bit of worry. The teen urging him to toss it to one of the kids, as the older teen looked down at the ball. Bon gently tossing the ball to one of the kids, as the boy caught it and they continued on with their game.

11:47 am

"Bye Rin! Bye Bon!" The boys called, as they gave them a wave and headed home for lunch.

The two teens giving them a polite wave back, before Bon looked down at the demon and smiled. Rin happily waving to the kids, with a huge grin on his face. The younger teen letting his hand fall to his side, when the boys disappeared and looked up at him. The grin still on his face, till he saw the smile on the brunette n' blonde's face and blushed. Bon gently wrapping an arm around the demon and pulling him close, as Rin looked up at him and nervously gripped his shirt. The two teens pulled close, and their chests touching, as Rin's face turned several shades of red before staying a deep cherry red.

Bon gently cupping the demon's cheeks, and stroking the soft skin of the demo's flushed cheek, before leaning close to him and looking into the demon's eyes. The midnight blue orbs staring into his, as the older teen brushed his lips against the demon's and Rin desperately hung onto his shirt. The two just centimeters close to kissing, when a flash went off and Rin quickly jumped and backed away. The demon's face turning a deep red, as he looked nervously at the grass. Shima not even standing two feet from them, with his camera facing them and an apologetic look on his face.

"Shima-!" Bon stared, growling at his best friend.

"I couldn't help it! It looked so cute and the lighting was perfect!" Shima quickly spoke, as he hid his camera. "I didn't know the flash was on!"

Bon let out a growl, as he glared at Shima and Rin avoided their gazes. The younger teen quickly heading over to their bench, and away from them, before Bon could get a word in.

"The next time you do that I'm sending you back to the inn." Bon threatened, before he headed over to Rin.

"Wait, Bon." Shima quickly spoke, grabbing his arm.

"What now?"

"I just want to know this. Do you care about Rin? I mean really care about him?" Shima asked, giving him a serious look.

"Yes, I do." Bon spoke, giving his friend a serious look and taking his arm back, "Why else would I bring him here?"

"Do you love Rin-chan?" Shima asked, as he looked over at the demon.

'Why are you asking that question?"

"Because I don't want Rin-chan to get hurt." Shima spoke, as he watched Rin get out their lunches. "Rin-chan really loves you and the last thing I want to see is Rin-chan getting his heart broken."

"He won't get his heart broken." Bon spoke, as he headed toward the younger teen. "Because I've already fallen in love with him, and I'd never hurt him."

Shima gave him a nod of approval, before the two headed over to the bench. Rin giving them a small smile, before handing the older teen his lunch. Bon giving the teen softly smiling, before he took his hands lunch from the demon and gave him a gentle kiss.

"Thanks kitten." Bon spoke, as the demon's face turned red and he sat next the demon.

Rin giving him a small nod, before he handed Shima his lunch and the demon dug into his. Bon immediantly noticing that their lunches were different and the older teen's tasted a lot like the younger's cooking. The older teen looking over at the demon and smiling when he saw the demon's face a light red. Bon wrapping an arm around the demon's waist and kissing him on the forehead, making the demon jump at the contact and blush a deep red.

"Thanks for making my lunch, Rin." Bon spoke, as the demon looked up at him nervously.

'You're welcome.' The demon mouthed, as he leaned against the teen and went back to his lunch.

The demon's neck vibrating against his shoulder, as he purred and ate his lunch. Bon gentle smiling at his classmate, as Shima fiddled with his camera and took a quick picture. The brunette n' blonde silently wishing this day could last forever, but even he knew that could never happen. All he could do was hold onto this moment and keep it in his heart forever.


"You guys made it in time for dinner." Kinzou joked, as the three teens walked into the inn. "All the guys wanted to eat Rin's cooking, again, before he leaves."

'I can do that.' Rin typed out and showed them.'What do you guys want?'

Kinzou named off a list of things, before Rin picked one and headed off toward the kitchen. Bon quickly following, till his mother stopped him and Rin disappeared into the kitchen.

"Ryuji, can I talk to you?" She asked, a slightly worried look on her face.

"Sure." Bon muttered, as he reluctantly followed her down the hall and into an empty room. "What do you need?"

"It's been bothering me for awhile, but it seems like you and Rin seem really close."She started, as she turned and looked at him. "A bit too close for my opinion."

"I'm stopping you right there." Bon quickly spoke, before his mother could get another word in. "Whether I'm too close to him or not shouldn't' mean anything to you. Rin and I are really close friends."

"You seem closer than hat." She spoke, frowning at him and crossing her arms over her chest. "Even you know that I want the best for you, Ryuji."

"And I have the best." Bon argued back, glaring at her. "No one can replace Rin."

"You two can't even have a normal conversation! He has to type everything out!"

"That's because a demon took his voice! I told you that!"

"Why would a demon bother to take his voice?"She demanded, glaring at him. He's only one kid out of hundreds at your school. Why would a demon take his?"

"Because he was fighting the demon and he pissed it off!" Bon yelled, glaring at his mother. "The demon went through his head and found out Rin was in love with me, so he took Rin's voice away and made a deal with him. He said the only way he'd give Rin back his voice was if he could get me to fall in love with him! So that's why I'm so close to him. I've fallen in love with him and I'm not leaving his side."

"Ryuji, that's impossible!" His mother yelled, as she glared at him. "He's a guy! How are you going to continue on the family name, if he's in the way?"

"Rin is not in the way!" Bon yelled. "What happened to the 'I want eh best for you' speech?"

"That doesn't pertain to him! He's practically worthless!"

"Rin is not worthless! He's perfect!" Bon practically screamed. "Yes, he acts like an idiot sometimes and he pisses me off, but I love him! I've seen the real him! The nice, kind, and caring side! The side to him that always sees me as the most important thing to him and is always worries about me!"

In the short silence that followed, Bon let out a sigh and looked away from his mother.

"I had the best day of my life today." The teen spoke, a lot softer than before. "We hung out at the park and Rin played catch with a bunch of kids that got all scared cause I walked past them. He got them all happy and playing, again, before he dragged me over."

Bon nervously ran his tongue across his lips, before he continued.

"I was so afraid they'd run off, like when I was younger, but Rin stood right by me. He told me I wasn't going to hurt them and I was his friend." Bon leaned against the wall behind him and felt a smile stretch across his face. "For once they weren't afraid of me they were comfortable around me. For once I felt normal in this town and he was the one who made me felt this way. We may have only spent a day to get to know each other, but I've seen what he's really like on the inside and I love him because of it. All I want to do now is be beside him and see him smile, again. He means everything to me and I'll never leave his side, even if it kills me."

Silence stretched out between the two of them, before Bon's mother sighed and pushed her hair back out of her eyes.

"Alright, you win." She finally spoke softly, looking at him. "I won't argue with you about this any longer. I can see you care deeply about him, and I have no right to stop you."

"Thank you." Bon spoke, giving her a smile, before he turned to the door. "You can come in kitten. I know you're there."

Outside the room someone fiddled with the door, before it slid open and a very nervous Rin poked his head in. The young teen looking around the room nervously, before Bon gave the demon a smile and held out his hand. Rin looking at him, and then his mother, before he gently set his hand in the older teen's. Bon gently pulling the demon toward him and holding him close, as the demon blushed and looked up at him.

'You don't have to die for me.' Rin mouthed up at him, as his cheeks turned a soft red. 'I'll protect you.'

"I know you will, but I'd die for you if it meant you were safe." Bon spoke softly, as he gently brushed the demon's cheek.

Rin gently smiling up at the teen, as he leaned against him and mutely purred. The demon completely content in the older teen's arms, till a cough came from behind them. The younger teen quickly stepping back away from the older, as his face turned red and they both realized Bon's mother was still there.

'Dinner is ready.' The demon mouthed, before he quickly exited the room with Bon just behind him.


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