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Continuation of Day 10

'You're serious?' Rin asked, as he stared at his classmate in pure happiness and shock. 'You're taking me to see your family and stuff?'

"Yep." Bon spoke, chuckling at the demon's face, and a flash went off behind him. "Shima!"

"Sorry Bon." The pink-haired teen apologized, as he lowered his camera and fidgeted. "Rin-chan looked so cute! I just couldn't resist."

"Just try not to blind him." Bon growled, as Rin blinked his eyes to try and make the little blue dots disappear from his vision. "Sorry about that, kitten. I'll make sure he turns off the flash."

"Then the pictures will be really bad, Bon!" Shima whined, as Rin sighed and grabbed his phone.

'Honestly, it's fine. Just give me a heads up.'Rin typed to the pink-haired teen, then to Bon. 'And just relax, Bon. I can't go blind because of a picture.'

The teen beside him sighed, before he gave him a nod and leaned back in his seat. The demon letting out mute huff as he leaned against Bon, purring. His classmate chuckling, as he stroked the demon's hair and the younger teen's tail slid free of his shirt. The demon's purring increasing, as he cuddled close to Bon and his classmate smiled down at him.

"Don't drool on me, if you fall sleep." Bon teased, as Rin frowned slightly and wacked the teen with his tail.

Before the appendage rested back on the seat and the demon was back to his mute purring. The rhythm and rocking of the train slowly lulling the demon to sleep, as he closed his eyes and was lost to his dreams.


"Kitten, wake up." Bon spoke softly, as the demon was starting to wake up. "We're here."

"Come one, Bon! Quit moving! I want to get a picture of Rin-chan sleeping on you!" Shima whined.

"If you don't quit with that camera of yours, I'll burn it." Bon practically yelled, as the demon let out a mute yawn and opened his eyes.

Only to find he was still leaning against Bon, and the sky just starting to get dark, as the demon sat up and stretched. A flash going off, as Bon growled at Shima and Rin stood up and grabbed his sword and bag. Rin smacking Bon in the shoulder with his tail, to get the teen to calm down as he sleepily followed Shima and Miwa off the train. Bon close behind him as they stepped off the train and Shima was immediately attacked by two adults that looked just like him. The blonde man tackling the pink-haired male with a hug, as the dark-haired adult chuckled and messed up Shima's hair.

"Nice to see you again Renzou!" The blonde said, as he let go of the teen and looked at the teen's hair. "Dad is so going to kill you for doing that to your hair."

"Nice to see you too Kinzou-nii." Shima frowned, as he shoved his camera at Miwa. "Take a picture for me!"

Bon just rolled his eyes, as the three guys took a picture and Shima took his camera back.

"Those are Shima's brothers." Bon explained to the demon, as Rin leaned against him. "The blonde is Kinzou and the brunette is Juuzou. Juuzou is the oldest of the three and Kinzou is the middle child."

The demon gave him a nod, as Shima finished talking to his brothers and the brothers looked at the demon.

"I'm guessing you're Rin Okumura." Juuzou spoke, as he pointed to Rin's unhidden tail and the demon panicked a bit to hide the demonic appendage. "You can relax. We won't tell."

"Yeah, Kinzou-nii and Juuzou-nii are the only ones that know you're a demon Rin-chan." Shima spoke, giving him a smile. "So no one will try and kill you."

"Yeah, pretty much everyone at the inn is an exorcist." Kinzou spoke, as he rubbed the back of his head. "But you don't have to worry about it. We're the only two people that know, so you'll be safe."

The demon gave them a nervous nod, before Kinzou grabbed Shima's hand and dragged him ahead. Rin starting after them in confusion and wonder, as he watched the brothers goof off and play with Shima's camera. Bon was completely silent, as he walked beside him, and glanced around at the shops. The young teen fidgeting with the strap running across his chest, as he nervously looked toward the ground and ignored the stares he got. It obvious that the demon was an outsider here and everyone in town knew that, as Bon wrapped an arm around the demon and shot him a reassuring glance. Which only gave the older teen an even bigger nervous look, before Bon sighed and held him close as they walked.

"What's with you?" Bon asked, as he looked down at the demon and rubbed the teen's side. "I've never seen you this nervous."

'There are so many people, and I hate it when people stare at me.'The demon typed, nearly dropping his phone twice as they walked.

"They're only looking at you, because you're new here." Bon explained, as he rubbed the back of his head. "Plus, you're with us."

'What's that got to do with it?' The demon asked.

"Ever since the Blue Night everyone kind of stays away from us, because it was the place we lived and prayed. They thought it was some sign of God telling them that we were evil, so the most of them keep away from us. Only a handful of people talk to us outside the inn."


"It's were we all live now." Bon explained, as he gave the demon a soft smile. "You'll see it soon."

"Kinzou-nii! Give me back my camera!" Shima yelled, as the pink-haired teen ran after his brother.

The crowds on the streets parting, as the brothers made their way down the walk and created a path for the rest of them. It making it a lot easier for the lot of them to get down the streets, as they reached the further side of town and the two brothers finally made a stop in front of a huge inn. Shima desperately trying to catch his breath, as Kinzou gave back his camera and Shima glared at him as he took it back. Bon rolling his eyes as Shima yelled at his older brother and Juuzou tried to separate them. The front door to the Inn sliding open in an instant, as they all froze and Bon silently groaned beside the demon. A woman in her early forties stood in the doorway, her hair and eyes a chocolate brown color, with her hands on her hips. Till she saw Bon and a huge smile spread across her face, right till she saw his hair.

"Ryuji Suguro! What did you do to your hair?" She yelled, as the Shima brothers moved out of her way and she stomped over to the demon's classmate. "Are you trying to disgrace our family name?"

"No, I'm not!" Bon yelled back, as he let go of the demon and returned his mother's venomous glare. "What if I like it this way?"

"It's hideous! How would anyone like it?" She demanded, as she glared at him. "You ruined your hair!"

'I like it. I think it really suits you.'Rin typed, before he showed Bon and the woman looked at him.

"Ryuji, who's your friend?" The woman asked, as she seemed to have calmed down.

"This is Rin, he's one of my classmates." Bon spoke, as he gently set a hand on the demon's shoulder. "I thought it'd be nice for him to get to know me better if we came back here."

"Oh! It's nice to meet you. I'm Ryuji's mother." The woman spoke, as she gave him a smile.

'You're Bon's mom?'Rin asked in surprise, as he stared at her in shock.

"Yep. It's nice to meet you, Rin." She spoke sweetly. "I hope we didn't scare you."

'You're fine. I'm used to Bon's yelling. It's nothing.'Rin replied, as she gave him a curious glance.

"Is something wrong with your voice, dear?" She asked, as she gave him a confused and worried look. "Did something happen to your throat?"

"A demon took his voice, Mom." Bon explained, before the demon had to make up an excuse. "We're trying to find a way to get his voice back."

"Oh, you poor dear!" Bon's mother spoke in worry, as she hugged the demon. "I hope my Ryuji has been taking care of you!"

"Of course I am! He got hurt protecting us! Of course I'd take care of his ass!" Bon yelled, frowning at his mother.

"Ryuji, don't use such language here." Bon's mother scolded the teen, as she let go of the demon and glared at him. "I raised you better."

"Sorry." Bon muttered, as he sighed and rubbed the back of his head.

The woman just shook her head at the demon's classmate, as she turned and greeted the other two esquires. Before she herded them all inside and a ton of exorcists flocked to say hello to the demon's classmates. Which only made the demon extremely uncomfortable, as he squeezed his way through the crowd and ended up running into Bon's mother.

'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to run into you.'The demon apologized, as she gave him a smile.

"A little overwhelmed I take it?" She asked, as she nodded her head to the huge crowd of exorcists.


"Then come with me. We can make dinner for everyone." She suggested, as she gestured the demon to follow her.

Rin looking back at the crowd, before following the woman. The demon following her into a fairly large kitchen, with several other woman working on meal preparations. The young teen fighting back the urge to take over the whole preparation, as he followed Bon's mother to the stove.

"I'm hoping you know how cook?" She asked, as she grabbed a few huge pots.

"You kidding me? Rin's the best cook at the academy." Bon spoke, as he appeared in the doorway and the demon's face turned red. "I bet everyone here would die if they tasted his cooking."

"Then we better get started. We've got some hungry exorcists to feed."


"The food was awesome, Rin!"

"Yeah! You should come here more often."

"Cook up breakfast tomorrow, will you?"

Rin gave a nervous wave to the exorcists in the huge cafeteria, before he followed Bon out and let out a held breath. The demon smiling to himself, as Bon chuckled at him and wrapped an arm around his waist. His classmate keeping him close, while they headed down the hall and Bon rubbed his hip.

"That wasn't too bad, huh?" Bon asked, as he smiled down at his classmate. "Seems like they like you."

'They like my cooking, not me.'Rin typed out.

"That's not true." Bon frowned, as they turned a corner and headed down the hall. "They like you, because they respect you for your talent and who you are."


"Plus, you made a good impression on my mom." Bon added. "She loves you and she thinks you're the cutest thing ever."

Rin's face turned beet red, as Bon chuckled and messed up his hair. Both teens making it to the elder's room, as Bon slid open the door and they walked inside.

'I was wondering. Where is your dad?'

Bon closed the door, as he read the demon's question and let out a sigh, before he walked over and sat on his bed. The demon following as he walked over, sitting beside him. Only to be pulled into the teen's lap and have Bon's arms wrapped around him.

"For all I know my old pops is off somewhere, again." Bon spoke, as he buried his face into the demon's hair. "He's never home that much anymore."

'Are you guys fighting?'

"You could say that. My parents never wanted me to try out to be an exorcist, but I decided that for myself. I applied to the academy and got in, before I told them. Me and my dad fought that day, and since then we've been pretty distant."

'Why did your dad not want you to become an exorcist?'

"I honestly don't know." Bon sighed, as he held the demon close to him. "He never told me, and I guess I would've never listened."

'You really should make up, before it's too late and you lose him.'The demon replied, as he looked up at the older teen.

"I will, once I get your voice back." Bon promised, as he kissed the top of the demon's head. "Right now, you are the most important thing to me and I have to make this right."


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