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Continuation of Day 9


Bon let out a frustrated growl as he walked the dark halls, and used the light from his phone as a guide. The teen cursing himself, in every way possible, for treating Rin in such a way and wishing he would take it back. Even though, by now, it was nearly impossible. Rin was probably already with that creep Amaimon and was having his voice taken away. Although, no matter what the teen couldn't let that happen. He couldn't just let the demon give up and lose everything he had. The teen used to fight for everything and everyone he cared about, and lately the demon had done nothing but depended on him. Which was a bit weird for him, but he wasn't going to complain. The teen had been finally warming up to someone, instead of pushing everyone away, and it had been nice to see that side of him. Plus, now that he had seen a glimpse of the demon's soft side, he couldn't lose him. The teen wanted to be there for him, listen to him, even protect him if need be. Which he needed to done now, before it was too late and Rin could no longer get his voice back. Right now, Rin needed him and he was going to do everything he could to save him.

"Do you really want to give up on our little game, brother?" A voice spoke, as the teen froze and stopped just behind the corner. "It was just starting to get good."

Silence filled the hall, as Bon knelt down and cautiously looked around the corner. Only to find Rin standing in the middle of the hall, his blue flames around him and his back turned, as Amaimon stood in front of him. The Earth King's hands shoved in his pockets and a lollypop in his mouth.

"That's easy to see, brother." Amaimon spoke, in a teasing voice, as he reached out and touched Rin's chest. "It looks like you got your heart ripped out."

Bon just stared at the scene in front of him, as the words Amaimon spoke sunk in. The teen not even able to understand why Rin was acting this way. Standing silent and still, while he let his enemy touch him. Leaving to give into his demands. Things not even Bon would believe the demon would do, as he went back to Amaimon's words. How he had said it looked like Rin's heart had been ripped out. The older teen instantly cursing himself as he realized he was the cause and that was probably the reason Rin was giving up. The reason he was giving away his voice, so he wouldn't have to play Amaimon's game or see Bon.

"Nonsense brother. If you didn't have a heart you'd be dead." Amaimon mused, as he was listening to Rin's reply and gesturing the demon to a classroom."Then let's end your pain, brother. So we can make our little agreement permanent."

Bon watching as Amaimon opened the door for Rin and moved out of the way for the demon t walk through. Rin making no gesture, as he walked into the classroom and the lights inside turned on. The teen letting out a low growl, as the door shut, and Bon forced himself up and around the corner. Bon practically jogging down the hall, before he reached the room and couldn't hear a sound of talking or moving. The teen inwardly panicking, as he grabbed the door handle and pushed the door open.

"Rin!" Bon yelled, as the door hit the wall and he found the two demons close to one another.

Amaimon sitting on the teacher's desk, glaring at the teen in displeasure, with Rin standing in front of him with the Earth King's hands around his neck. The younger demon completely lifeless, as he turned his head back and the older teen saw the dull and lifeless look in those once beautiful crystal blue eyes. Rin's gaze a dull blue and his gaze weak, as he stared at him with no interest and Amaimon growled low in his throat.

"What are you doing here?" Amaimon asked the older teen, with his focus on Rin and obviously his thoughts.

"I came after him." Bon spoke simply, as he looked at the younger demon. "I came to apologize for earlier, before it was too late."

"It is too late." Amaimon spoke, as he growled at him. "Brother has made his decision and he will forfeit his voice- What?"

Amaimon looked down at the younger demon in shock, as he growled. Before Rin turned to the older demon and Amaimon glared at him.

"I don't care of you want to hear him out. We made a deal. You're voice belongs to me, now."

Rin said nothing as he pulled out his phone and typed out a response for both of them.

'I don't care. I have five days left, before you can officially take my voice. So you can hold on a few more minutes. Bon, go ahead and talk.'

Cautiously, the older teen looked at the older demon before he looked at Rin.

"Look, I just wanted to apologize about what I said earlier. I didn't know I meant anything to you from the way you were acting earlier. You acted like you didn't care about getting your voice back, or about me. Plus, you kept going on about how I was only in love with you because of your letter." Bon explained, as he got a displeased look from Amaimon. "But you weren't listening to what I had to say and what I was telling you. You kept going back to your letter."

'Your point?'

"My point is that you're jumping to conclusions and you aren't listening!" Bon yelled, pointing to his classmate and glaring at him. "I read your letter, yes, but before I did I never knew you were in love with me so much! That's why I said I wanted to take you out on a date! I want to get to know you better, so I'm not blindly jumping into this mess! I want us to get to know each other, before you jump into the wrong conclusions and do this!"

Angrily the gestured to the way the demon's were no and Rin looked toward the floor. Amaimon giving him a warning look, as Bon ignored it and continued.

"I never said I didn't love you and I never said I'm madly in love with you, but I'm willing to give us a chance!" Bon practically yelled. "So quit mopping around and get over here and kiss me, you idiot! I'm tired of running after your ass."

Rin stared blankly at him, till tears rimmed his eyes and he squeezed them shut. The demon breaking away from the Earth King, as he ran over and tackled the older teen into a hug. Bon instantly wrapping his arms around the younger teen, as he held him close and Rin buried his face into his neck. The older teen softly smiling, as he rubbed the teen's back and Rin looked up at him. His eyes back to their brilliant crystal blue color, and tears swimming in them, as the demon mutely sobbed. Bon giving him a reassuring look, as the demon leaned closer and pressed his lips against the brunette and blonde's. The older teen holding the demon close as he glared at Amaimon, while Rin's eyes were closed, and gave him a warning glance. Practically telling him to back off and keep his hands off Rin, before Rin pulled his lips away and Bon dropped the glare. The teen looking down at the crying demon, as Rin rested his head on his shoulder and Bon rubbed his back.

'I'm sorry.' Rin mouthed against his shoulder, as tears soaked through his shirt.

"It's alright." Bon spoke softly, as he continued to rub the demon's back, and kissed the side of the demon's head. "Don't do this again, though, you idiot."

'I won't.' Rin mouthed, before his shoulders shook and the teen cried harder.

Bon gently stroking the demon's hair, as he looked at Amaimon and gestured the older demon to the door. The Earth King giving him a glare, as he stomped out and slammed the door behind him. Before Rin buried his face deeper into the older teen's shoulder and Bon kissed the demon's neck.

"Let's get you back home." Bon spoke, as he rubbed the demon's back. "We've got a date tomorrow."

Day 10

3:20 pm

"Hurry up, Rin! Bon is waiting!" Blackie called out, as the sith cat ran into the room and jumped on Rin's bed. "He's outside."

'Alright, Blackie.' Rin chuckled in his head, as he stroked the demon cat's fur and packed his shoulder bag. 'Give me a second. I've got a few more things to pack.'

"Don't forget the Kurikara, Rin!" Blackie said, jumping up and down on the bed. "You might be attacked by demons!"

'I doubt that will happen, but I'm not leaving it behind.' Rin sighed, as he zipped his shoulder bag closed and grabbed his sword. 'Don't forget to ask Ukobach for food, if you get hungry. I restocked the fridge.'

"Alright, Rin!" Blackie sighed, as he jumped off the bed and tugged on the hem of Rin's jeans."Now, come on, Bon's waiting!"

'I know, I know!' Rin growled, as he followed his summoning pet out of the room and down the stairs. 'Just be good while I'm gone, and don't piss off Yukio.'

"I won't, Rin." Blackie purred, as they reached the bottom of the steps. "Have a good time, Rin!"

'I will. Thanks Blackie!' Rin spoke, as he smiled and pulled open the door to see Bon.

"You ready to go?" The teen asked, as he looked at the demon and Rin nodded. "Then let's go."

Rin gave his classmate a smile, as he happily followed him and clung to the teen's arm. Bon giving him a somewhat surprised look, as he adjusted the book bag on is back and let out a chuckle. The teen pulling out a pair of train tickets from his pocket and handing the demon his.

'Where are we going?' Rin mouthed, as he looked up at his classmate.

"I'll tell you, when we got on the train." Bon replied, as he took his arms back from the demon and wrapped it around the demon's waist. "I told you it's a surprise."

'You told me nothing. You left me a note telling me to pack a bag after school, so we could go on a date.' Rin typed out, after he pulled out his phone, and showed it to his classmate. 'Plus, this is starting to sound more like a vacation. Than a date.'

"Call it whatever you want." Bon said, as they were nearing the gates of the academy. "All I'm telling you is that we're going somewhere far enough away from the academy to have plenty of alone time."

Rin happily beamed up at his classmate, as he mutely purred, and leaned against Bon as he walked. His ear against Bon's heart, as he listened to it beat and slowly sped up. The demon tilting his head up a bit to see a soft blush dusted across his classmate's cheeks, as he smiled and cuddled into Bon's chest.

"Bon, Rin-chan!" Shima called out, as the two reached the gate and the demon saw Bon's two best friends waiting for them. "What took you guys so long?"

"Rin was finishing his packing." Bon answered for the demon, as Rin smiled at them.

"Well, then let's hurry up!" Shima whined, taking the lead in their little group. "I haven't talked to Kinzou-nii and Juuzou-nii in ages."

"You write to them every day, Shima-kun." Miwa frowned, as the pink-haired teen pouted. "Besides, I thought you guys got into fights?"

"They aren't really fights." Bon sighed, as the demon looked up at him. "Kinzou always starts it with kicking Shima in the head, before Shima starts the argument. So Shima is always to blame."

"No way! Kinzou-nii starts it every time!" Shima pouted, as they reached the train station and they got to their platform. "Besides, I got a ton of cool pictures to show Kinzou-nii and Juuzou-nii!"

"You and your camera." Bon sighed, as he rolled his eyes and they got on their train. "Just tell me you ran out of film."

"I still got a roll left." Shima spoke, as he took his seat across the aisle from the two teens. "I could take pictures of you and Rin-chan! I'll even make a scrapbook!"

'You make scrapbooks?' The demon asked, texting his question to his classmate.

"Yeah." Shima blushed, as he rubbed the back of his head. "Just don't tell anyone, Rin-chan."

'I won't and I think it'd be cool to get some pictures.'

"Don't encourage him, kitten." Bon spoke, as he rolled his eyes. "He'll be stuck with us all day."

'I don't mind. Besides, you said you'd tell me where we're going when we got on the train. We're on the train, so tell me where you're taking me.'

"I'm taking you to my hometown." Bon replied, as he wrapped an arm around the demon and Shima pulled out his camera and fiddled with it. "I thought the best way for you to get to know me would be where I grew up."


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