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Continuation of Day 9


Rin let the chopsticks hang out of his mouth, as he kept his gaze on his lap and gave his classmate a nod. The demon did have five days left, before the enchantment became permanent, but there wasn't much he could do at this point. Bon had said he wanted to go on a date with him, when he could walk again, but since Yukio told him the teen had probably changed his mind. After all, Bon knew what the demon had to get his voice back; but he'd probably never do any of that anyway. His classmate may look like a grouchy thug looking guy, but he knew Bon had a good heart and something like that was impossible now.

'I know.' Rin typed, before he showed his classmate.

"What are you going to do?"


"Nothing?" Bon repeated, nearly yelled as he glared at him. "What do you mean by nothing?"

'What are you going to do?' Rin asked, as he got a look of shock from his classmate.

"What do you mean by what am I going to do? You should be asking yourself that, not me!"

'I've been trying, but I've failed. I know you only wanted to go out on a date with me, because of my letter. It's pointless to date someone over some silly words on some fancy paper. Especially when you never liked that person to start out with.'

"What the hell are you saying?" Bon yelled, as he glared at the demon and dug his fingers into his jeans. "I never said I'd go out with you because of your letter! I said I wanted to go out with you because I never realized how much you loved me!"

'It was still based off my letter.'

"I could care less about that letter-"

'How can you go out on a date with someone you hate on a day to day basis? You've never said anything to me that gave me a hint that you wanted to date me for whom I was.'

"That's because I know nothing about you!" Bon yelled, trying to contain his rage. "That's what you do on a date! You take someone you like, or what to get to know better, out and spend time with them!"

'I'm going.' Rin typed, as he stood up and showed his classmate.

Only to be shoved against the cherry tree they were under and pinned to the trunk. As the demon let out a mute gasp and dropped his phone. His classmate boring holes into him, as he glared at the demon and kept a firm grip on his wrists.

"So that's it for you?" Bon demanded, anger dripping from his tone. "You're just going to give up your chance to go on a date with your crush and let that bastard take your voice? You're not going to fight me or even argue with me?"

The demon hung his head as he let out a mute sob and shook his head. Tears rolling down the demon's cheeks, as he gently shook and gave in. Even if he loved Bon with every inch and muscle in his body, he couldn't drag him into this mess he had created. It wasn't worth the heart break and fighting that would come afterwards. He couldn't let it happen, because he knew he'd never survive the heart break. Bon was the only person he could ever trust with the real him, and he wasn't about ready to give into his emotions. That's what Amaimon wanted from him. He wanted him to fall prey to the game and forget about the Earth King, so the older demon could have the upper hand. This had nothing to do with what he wanted or loved. It was all about Amaimon getting the upper hand and crushing him. Nothing more.

"You're pathetic." Bon growled, as he let go of the demon and grabbed his bag. "To think I was actually going to give you a chance and see if this would work out. I really do hope you don't get your voice back. You're better without it!"

Without another word, Bon walked off and left Rin standing up against the tree. The demon shaking uncontrollably, as tears rolled down his face and no noise came out as he cried. The teen sliding down into the grass, as he wrapped his arms around himself and his throat throbbed because of his crying. The demon to afraid to move, or get up, as he sat there and the tears streamed down his face.

'I can't get my voice back, without you.'


"Nii-san are you alright?" Yukio asked, as he walked into the dorm's small cafeteria and found the older twin sitting at one of the tables.

The demon's knees pulled to his chest, and his face buried into his knees, as his shoulders shook and his tail hung limp off the chair. The older brother's mind silent for a few moments, before the demon's voice telepathically reached him

'I give up. I don't want my voice back.' The demon spoke telepathically, as he didn't move an inch. 'Amaimon can keep it for all I care.'

"Nii-san, you don't know what you're saying!" Yukio yelled, as he walked over to the demon. "You've still got time left! You've got five days before it becomes permanent!"

'It'll never happen. Bon doesn't even like me.'

"What do you mean he doesn't like you? You were really close yesterday!"

'He didn't mean it. He only liked me because of my letter. He doesn't like me for who I am.'

"How do you know that? You haven't even gone a date."

'It doesn't matter. It's over.'

"What do you mean it's over? What happened?"

'Bon hates me. He called me pathetic.'


'At lunch.'

"You still might be able to fix this. If you talk to him you might-"

'I'm meeting Amaimon tonight. He's taking my voice and going back to Ghenna.'

"Nii-san, you can't do that! If he takes your voice-"

'It's over. I already made my decision.'

"Nii-san look at me!" Yukio demanded, as he pulled the demon's face up and froze.

The younger brother staring into a pair of dull and lifeless blue orbs. Tears staining down his cheeks and his eyes puffed up, as tears still continued to roll down his cheeks. Not even a bit of hope in his older brother's eyes, or strength left in him to fight, as he turned his gaze away and left the tears fall freely.

'I have nothing left to hold onto. He was all I had to hope for. I've lost the game.'


Bon angrily tapped his pencil against the desk, as he glared down at his homework and let out an angry sigh. After two hours of homework and studying nonstop there was nothing left of his motivation to continue. He was almost caught up with his missed assignments anyway. It wouldn't kill his G.P.A. to take an hour long break and eat dinner or take a long bath. Both of which he desperately needed, as he sighed and got out of his chair. Only for his cell phone to go off and make the teen growl, as he picked it up and noticed his teacher's number.

"What do you need, Okumura-sensei?" Bon asked, as he answered his phone and grabbed his wallet off the desk.

"I need you over here right now!" Yukio ordered, as a crash echoed in the background. "Rin's lost it! He said something about seeing Amaimon tonight and giving up his voice. Then he tried to leave the house and I stopped him. After that he started attacking me! You need to apologize- Nii-san, get back here!"

"Where is he going?" Bon demanded, as he headed for the door.

"He went into Cram School and he took my key. I can't go after him."

"I'll go after him." Bon yelled, as he grabbed his key.

"Suguro, you have to snap him out of it. He's lost it and he's practically given up hope. He said something like he had nothing left to hold onto and you were all he had left to hope for. He's given up."

"Not on my watch he's not!" Bon yelled, as he shoved his key into the door and pulled the door open. "The idiot can't give up that easily."


Silently, the demon headed down the hall and let his blue flames give off a soft glow in the dark hall. The teachers having left nearly an hour ago and most of the classroom locked, as a shadow moved ahead of him and the demon came to a halt. Only for Amaimon to casually stroll into the light of his flames and give him a sad, yet bored expression.

"Do you really want to give up on our little game, brother?" The demon asked, a lollypop in his mouth and his hands shoved in his pockets. "It was just starting to get good."

'He hates me. I have nothing left to gain.' The demon spoke telepathically. 'I've lost everything and I have nothing.'

"That's easy to see, brother." Amaimon teased, as he walked forward and set a fingertip on his chest. "It looks like you got your heart ripped out."

'I don't think I have a heart left.'

"Nonsense brother. If you didn't have a heart you'd be dead."

'I feel dead.'

"Then let's end your pain, brother." The older demon spoke, as he gestured the demon to follow him and he opened a classroom door. "So we can make our little agreement permanent."

'Fine.' The demon said, as he walked into the room and the Earth King followed in after.

The lights jumping to life, as Amaimon flipped on the light switch and walked past the teen. The older demon hopping onto the teacher's desk, as he hummed to himself and gestured him to follow. Rin giving in as he walked over to him and the older demon cupped his face. Amaimon giving him a pleased smirk, as he slid his hands down and wrapped them around Rin's throat. Just as the door burst open and the older demon let out a low growl.



A/N: 60 views?! Thank you guys so much! You dont know how much that means to me. Seriously, thank you guys so much!

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