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'It hurts! Make it stop!' Rin screamed in his head, as he was desperately clinging Bon and trying to walk.

"It's going to hurt to begin with, Nii-san." Yukio spoke, as he sitting in a chair a few feet from them. "You'll have to push yourself a bit, before your demonic powers kick in."

'I can't do this! Make it stop!' Rin whined, as he stopped trying to walk and squeezed his eyes shut. 'It hurts.'

"You won't get anywhere, if you give up." Yukio scolded him, as Rin shot him an angry and teary glare.

'You take over my place and try this!' Rin screamed in his head, just as Bon gently tilted the demon's head up and the demon froze.

"It's alright, Rin." Bon spoke, giving him a soft smile. "Let's try this a different way."

Slowly, and carefully, the older teen set the demon's hands on the bar railings on either side of him and stepped away from him. Rin letting out a mute whine in protest, as Bon walked to the other end of the railing and pulled up a chair. As his classmate sat down a smiled at him.

"If you make it all the way to the end you'll get a kiss." Bon spoke, making the demon blush. "But you have to make it over here by walking. No cheating."

"Not a bad idea, but it could do without the kiss." Yukio frowned.

'Shut up. I don't need your input.' Rin growled, as he shot his brother a dirty look and looked back to his classmate. 'Besides, at least I get something for killing myself with the pain.'

"Then hurry up. We don't have all day."

Rin mutely growled at his brother, as he focused on the ten feet ahead of him. The demon nervously taking a step, as he hung onto the bars, and flinched at the pain that ran up his legs. The teen letting out a mute whimper, as he squeezed his eyes shut and gripped the bars tightly.

"Think of it as training." Bon spoke, getting the demon's attention. "You're just training your legs, so you can walk again."

Surprisingly enough, his classmate's words clicked in a lot easier than his brother's. This only set a new fire in him, as he gave the older teen a serious nod and kept going. The demon ignoring every sharp pain and jolt, as he forced himself forward and finally reached the halfway point. The demon panting in exhaustion and his legs shaking violently, as he gripped the bars tightly and looked toward his classmate. A worried, but happy look on his face, as he leaned forward in the chair and rested his elbows on his knees. The notion creating a whole five inches less to walk, as he smiled and reached out his hand. Leaving the demon only a few feet before he reached his hand. Leaving the demon only a few feet before he reached the teen's hand and a foot or two before he reached Bon. This left the demon with a lot easier goals, as his younger brother stayed silent and the demon reluctantly continued forward. It taking the demon ten minutes to finally reach the teen's hand and nearly lose his balance and fall on his knees. Which had his brother up in an instant and behind him, catching him before he fell.

"Take it slow, Nii-san. You don't have to push yourself to the point you collapse." Yukio spoke, as the older twin let out a growl and frowned at his brother.

'Says the guy who told me to push myself!'

"I never said to the point your legs would give."

'Stupid moley four-eyes!'

"I heard that."


Without a second thought, the demon's younger brother let go of him. Rin letting out a mute gasp, as his knees gave and he hit the floor and inwardly whined in pain. Only for the teen's younger brother to angrily walk back to his seat and leave the older on the floor, as Bon gave Yukio and glare and got up.

"Whatever you two are yelling at each other for, dropping him wasn't helpful." Bon spoke as he walked over and slowly helped the demon to his feet. "This'll take longer if you two fight."

'Tell him that!' Rin angrily yelled in his head, even though the teen could hear him and his brother was too angry to translate. 'But, since you're here...'

Giving the teen a cute little smirk, as he let his grip slip on the metal bars. His legs giving as Bon tightened his grip around the demon, and held him close, before the demon wrapped his arms around the teen's neck and gave his classmate a soft and gentle kiss. Only for the teen to stare at him in pure surprise, as his younger brother frowned at him and the demon pulled his lips away from his classmate. His cheeks a soft pink and a smile on his face.

'I win.' The demon mouthed, as the older teen frowned at him and his cheeks turned pink.

"You cheated." Bon announced as he looked down at the young demon, the frown still in place. "I told you, you had to make it to the end."

'I made it to you.' Rin easily shot back, having to mouth out his reply. 'So, I win.'

Bon just let out a sigh and helped the demon up again, as Yukio flipped through the pages on his clipboard. Rin actually making an attempt to stand, as he grabbed the metal bars and his shaking legs managed to support his weight.

"Nii-san, how many more days do you have before it becomes permanent?" Yukio asked, the older twin knowing he was referring to the enchantment Amaimon put on him.

'Six days.'

"How many days till what becomes permanent?" Bon asked, as the demon stiffened.


'I'm not allowed to tell anyone, but you can.'Rin replied to his brother, as he looked at the floor. 'One of the rules is I can't tell anyone.'

"You want me to tell him?"

'When I'm not there. I don't want to see the look on his face, when you tell him.'

"Alright." Yukio sighed in his head, as he let the papers fall back on the clipboard and he looked at Bon. "I'll tell you when we're done with Rin's therapy."

With a bit of hesitation, the demon's classmate gave him a nod. As Rin inwardly sighed to himself and leaned against his classmate. Hoping above everything that the teen's view on him would never change. Even if he knew about Amaimon's game, and the way to break the enchantment.


With a happy mute sigh of relief, Rin flopped down on his bed back at the abandoned dorms and smiled to himself. After he had endured the whole day full of therapy, the demon was finally able to walk on his own. Surprisingly enough, he had even walked all the way back to the dorms and up the stairs. None the less, Rin was happy to be back on his feet and away from the order. Even though the idiots had been reluctant on letting him out of their sights, he was free and walking again. Which only meant that the demon would be forced to go to school tomorrow. Where he'd be teased for getting beat up by a hobgoblin and for Bon calling him Kitten. The demon just knew the teasing and jokes, and name calling would be endless, but it wasn't like he had a choice. He'd probably have to face Bon tomorrow as well. For all he knew, Yukio was telling his classmate about everything already, about his fight with Amaimon and how he got beaten to crap. About how he toyed with him and his memories. Even how he took his voice and made up his stupid little game. Even so, if the demon couldn't do anything tomorrow; it'd definitely be talking to Bon.

Day 9


"Hey, Rin-chan's back!" An excited voice behind the demon spoke, as Rin turned and got glomped by an over excited Shima. "We were starting to miss your cooking, Rin-chan!"

"You mean you were." Miwa corrected him, as he rolled his eyes at Shima's behavior. "You were crying yesterday, because you missed Okumura-kun's cooking."

"I was not!" Shima argued back, as he cuddled against the demon. "I missed Rin-chan and Bon. They've been out of school since the hobgoblin attack."

Miwa just rolled his eyes, again, as Shima hugged the demon tightly and put pressure on the healing bruise. Only to make the demon flinch in pain and try to push the pink-haired teen off of him. Which only made it worse, as Shima practically squeezed the day lights out of him and a wave of searing pain burst from his hip. The demon letting out a mute yelp in pain, before he was pulled from Shima's grip and into someone arms. Tear welling up in the younger teen's eyes as he tried to shut out the pain.

"Could it kill you to pay attention, you idiot?" Bon practically yelled, as he gently held the demon close to him and yelled at his friend. "You're hurting him."

"Sorry." Shima muttered, as he looked away and rubbed the back of his head.

Bon letting out a sigh, as he shook his head, and knelt down to look up at the demon. Only for Rin to look away, as he wiped the tears from his eyes and Bon untucked his shirt to check the huge bruise. His classmate revealing the huge purple and green bruise, that was healing and got looks of shock from Shima and Miwa.

"Is that what that hobgoblin did to you, Okumura-kun?" Miwa asked, as the demon gathered himself together and looked at his classmates.

"No, it was a lot worse." Bon spoke up, as he let go of the demon's shirt and covered up the bruise. "There were he claw marks running through it, that he had stitches for, but it seems like it finished healing."

"No way! I'm so sorry, Rin-chan!" Shima practically yelled, as he hugged the demon again. "I didn't mean to hurt you!"

'Let go of me, or you're not getting anything of what I cooked.' Rin shoved in the teen's face, after he had pulled out his phone and typed out a reply.

Only for Shima to instantly let go of him and take a step back, as the demon ignored a random student tease him about the kitten thing and Bon looked down at him.

"Can we talk?" The teen asked, as he gave the student a glare.

'We are talking.'

"That's not what I meant." Bon frowned. "I meant alone."

'Fine, but I get to eat, I'm starving.' Rin replied, before he shoved his phone in his pocket.

The demon rummaging through his backpack, before he pulled out a small Tupperware of food and shoved it in Shima's face. The pink-haired teen practically yelling in joy, as he gratefully look it off the demon's hands and left with Miwa. Rin letting out a mute sigh, as he gestured Bon to follow him and they headed off to find a less populated area of the campus. Which took them for too long for either of their tastes, but they were finally alone. The two of them stopping under a cherry tree and sitting down, as the demon pulled out his lunch and offered an extra helping to his classmate.

'I've got my own lunch, thanks." Bon replied, as the demon frowned at him and pulled out his phone.

'It's payment for buying me food, when I couldn't walk.' The demon replied, as he showed it to his classmate and Bon sighed.

"Fine, but at least send me a message if you're making lunch for me, again."

The demon gave his classmate a nod, as Bon took the food from him and the demon dug into his lunch. His classmate a bit tense, as he pulled open the Tupperware container and looked at him.

"Yukio told me about Amaimon's game." Bon spoke, as the demon looked down at his lap and avoided the teen's gaze. "You only have five days left."


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