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Day 8


"There you go, Rin." The doctor spoke, with a smile. "It should feel better without the stitches."

'It does. Thanks!' Rin typed out. 'When do I get to go back to class?'

"You have to learn to walk, again." The doctor said, as he sat in the chair next to the bed and looked at the demon. "You can't go to classes, if you can't walk. We'll have to put you through therapy."

The demon let out a mute groan and lay back on the pillow. The doctor messing up his hair, as he grabbed his things and headed for the door.

"And your brother should be back soon." The doctor said, as he pulled open the door and looked at him. "He said he'd help you with the therapy."

The demon gave him a nod and watched the door close, before he let out a mute sigh and tried to ignore Blackie's purring. The Sith cat having insisted he stay with the demon, was now asleep at the foot of the bed and on Rin's feet. The teen's feet having fallen asleep, because of the lack of blood flow, and didn't seem to want to move no matter how hard he tried. Which evidently pissed the demon off. He wanted to be up and walking, again. No matter what it took.

"Morning, Kitten." Bon teased, as he walked in and got hit by a pillow.

The demon angrily glaring at him, as he grabbed his phone and took his anger out on the keyboard.

'Quit with the Kitten Shit! It's so not funny, and it's not cute! Everyone in the fucking school was laughing at me, after you left! Do you have any idea how long it's going to be to get my reputation back?'

"Nope, but It's not like I care." Bon frowned, as he sat in the chair and gave the demon his pillow back; the demon's breakfast sitting in his lap. "You barely have a reputation, anyway."

'I saved the world! From my father!'

"That was a few months ago." Bon sighed, as he set the demon's breakfast in the younger teen's lap. "Most everyone has put it behind them. It'll just end up in the history books and be forgotten."

'You still embarrassed the shit out of me! Now everyone will start calling me Kitten!'

"No, they won't."

'Why not?'

"Only I can call you Kitten." Bon spoke, a small frown on his face. "No one else has the right."

The demon's face turned bright red, as the older teen spoke, and saw the serious look on his face.

'Neither do you.'

"Who said that?" Bon challenged.

'I did! If I'm the person you're calling Kitten, I have the right to tell you if it's alright or not!'

"Why can't I, then?" Bon asked, as he leaned back in the chair and raised an eyebrow.

'Because...' The demon paused, as he stared down at his phone and tried to come up with an intelligent answer; but gave up and came up with the stupidest excuse ever. 'Because, if you want to call someone kitten it should be Blackie.'

"Your familiar?" Bon asked, as he frowned at him and Blackie woke up in an instant; looking around for danger. "Are you serious?"


"Well, I'm not going to."

'Why not?'

"I love the way your face turns red, when I call you kitten." Bon chuckled, as he teased him. "It's too priceless and it's cute."


Rin threw a pillow at his classmate and angrily went to his breakfast, as Bon sighed and set the pill he caught down. It obvious his classmate was getting used to the demon's outbursts and was getting used to brushing them off.

"You know, I wasn't joking about the last part." Bon sighed, as he looked away and actually looked nervous for once. "I do think it's cute."

Rin's heartbeat stopped for a moment, as he turned and stared at his classmate. Chopsticks hanging out of the demon's mouth, and a soft pink dusted across his classmate's cheeks. As Bon reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope, handing it to the demon.

"I read your letter." Bon muttered, as the demon hurriedly took the letter and the chopsticks fell out of his mouth. "I had no idea it was yours, till Shima told me."

Rin stared down at the envelope in his hands, that he had been holding about five months ago when he secretly gave it to his crush. The demon not knowing if he should cry in joy, embarrassment, or in pain of the memory that followed after he gave it up. None the less, tears rolled down the demon's cheeks and Bon was looking down at his lap, not aware of the tears.

"If I had known it was yours, I would've done something. Anything at all to fix it." Bon confessed, running a hand through his hair. "You're always so fucking shut up, that I can't tell if you're mad of your crying on the inside. You just cover it up and hide it from everyone, so no one can tell, but if you actually let someone know. Then maybe you wouldn't still hate me because of the letter. Maybe it'd be different."

The older teen let out a sigh of frustration, and messed up his hair, and tried to get a hold of himself.

"But then, if you weren't mad at me for the letter; I wouldn't have fallen for you."

Rin's heartbeat stopped for a moment, as Bon lifted his head and looked at him. His classmate's face a soft mix of red and pink, as the teen noticed the tears on the demon's cheeks and wiped them away. Just as new one's replaced them and the older teen sat on the bed, to wrap his arms around the demon. As Rin desperately clung to his classmate's shirt and cried into the cream fabric. Bon gently kissing the top of the demon's head, as he held the demon tightly in his arms.

"I promise you, I'll help you get back on your feet." Bon softly spoke, as he gently stroked the demon's hair. "So you can go on a date with me."

Rin stared up at the older teen in utter shock, as the words sunk in, and Bon gave him a soft smile. The demon's heart thundering in his chest, as his classmate stroked his cheek and leaned toward him. Their foreheads touching as Bon wiped away a stray tear and looked into the demon's crystal blue eyes.

"I want to get to know you a little more." He whispered, as the demon's cheeks turned crimson. "I want to see you happy and having fun for once, instead of fighting for all of us. I can't even remember the last time you smiled."

'Neither can I.' Rin mouthed, as his classmate tilted his head up a bit to look him in the eyes.

"Then I'll be the first to see you smile." Bon whispered, as he leaned closer and their lips brushed against each other.

The demon's heart thundering in his chest, as he found he couldn't move, and Bon kept his gaze locked on the demon. Before the older teen's eyes closed a bit and the demon squeezed his eyes shut. Rin silently waiting for the kiss, as the door opened and the demon jumped and opened his eyes. Only for Bon to let out a growl and glare at Yukio, who was standing in the doorway. The teen looking at the two in confusion, as Rin inwardly screamed and Yukio flinched.

'You ruined it!' Rin yelled in his head, glaring at his brother, as he spoke telepathically to him. 'I was one second away from getting a kiss from my crush!'

"I'll give you two a moment." The demon's younger brother spoke, as he walked out and closed the door.

'Sorry about that.' Rin mouthed, as he looked down at his lap and felt his mood head south.

Only for Bon to cup the demon's cheeks and tilt his head up to pull him into a soft and gentle kiss. The demon staring at his classmate ion shock, as it felt like his heart would stop and Bon pulled the demon close. Rin slowly relaxing into the kiss, as he inwardly squealed in joy, and closed his eyes to savor the moment. The perfect moment ending a few seconds later and the demon mutely purring, as he opened his eyes. His classmate giving him a gently smile, as he stroked the teen's cheek, and Rin was in pure bliss.

'Can you not come back in?" Rin asked his brother, who was still in the hall.

"Why?" Yukio telepathically asked.

'I don't want you ruining the moment, again.'

"No. We have to start your therapy."

'You just got back!'

"And you can't walk."

'Kill joy!'

"You'll thank me."

'When?' The demon screamed in his head, as Bon held the demon close and stroked his hair.'Beside, I can't let a moment like this get ruined! Bon's actually falling in love with me!'

"Did you put an enchantment on him?"

'No! I don't know how to do that! Beside, that's cheating!'

"Whatever. I'm coming in."


"You two done?" The demon's younger brother asked, as the door opened and Rin growled in his head.


"Yeah." Bon replied, as he stopped stroking the demon's hair and looked down at the teen. "Rin just got his stitches taken out today, and the doctor said he'd be healed by tomorrow."

"Then let's get started with therapy." Yukio spoke, as he ignored the glare he got from the demon. "The faster and longer we spend on therapy, the higher the chance your legs will be back to normal. Even tomorrow, if we don't waste time."

'Really?' The demon asked, in excitement.

"Really?" Bon asked in surprise.

"Yeah. Your demonic powers will kick in and start healing your legs. Which will end up correcting your muscles and help you walk. So, the faster we get started the faster you'll be able to walk."

'Let's get started now!'

"Alright, Nii-san. Calm down and relax." Yukio sighed, as Bon looked at the two in confusion.

Both brothers realizing Bon was human and couldn't her Rin's thoughts. The demon biting his lip and texting what he had said to his younger brother, as Yukio beat him to it.

"We can hear each other's thoughts." The brunette spoke, as Rin shot a look at him and closed his phone. "Ever since my demonic powers awakened I've realized Demons speak telepathically."

"So that's how you're communicating?" Bon asked, as he looked at the two and Rin nodded. "Then what did he say?"

'Let's get started, now!' Rin hurriedly typed, showing it to his classmate.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Bon asked, as he stood up and Rin took his outstretched hand. "Let's get started."


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