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If anything, Rin felt utterly pathetic. Here he was, the son of Satan, asking his crush to stay with him instead of being alone. As if being injured and helpless wasn't bad enough, now he sounded like a girl. A really pathetic girl.

'Forget I said anything. You're probably really behind.' Rin typed out, before showing his classmate and then shoving his cell phone into one of the pockets in his shorts.

"You sure?" Bon asked, as he sat next to him and their fingers touched.

The demon jumping at the sudden contact and giving him a nod, before putting his hands in his lap. Bon letting out a sigh as he stood up and messed up the demon's hair, a smirk on his face before he headed off.

"Fine. I'll see you later, Kitten!"

Rin's face turned candy apple red, as some of the students stared at him in confusion and others laughed or giggled. As Shura let out one of her loud ass giggles and the demon looked at his lap to avoid seeing the looks on everyone's faces. The demon silently wishing he could actually walk, so he could go find Bon and strangle him for calling him that. Just as the echo of his name reached his demonic ears and he looked up to see Blackie running toward him. A smile stretched out across the Sith cat's face, as the fur ball jumped into him lap and rubbed against his chest.

"Rin! I knew it was you!" Blackie spoke in utter joy, as the Sith cat jumped up and down on his lap. "I missed you, where have you been?"

'Getting my ass kicked by Amaimon and losing my voice.' Rin sighed in his head, as he spoke telepathically to his summoning pet.

"Losing your voice? How'd you lose your voice?"

'Can't tell you.'

"Amaimon took it, didn't he? You two always fight."

'I can't tell you.'

"He did!" Blackie huffed, as he looked up at the demon angrily and his tail lashed. "Next time you meet him, call me! I'll beat him up!"

'Blackie, you can't do that. He'll keep my voice, if you do that.'

"That's cheating!"

'It's the rules of the game.'


'Can't tell you.'

"Not fair!"

'When is he ever?'

"True. Anyway, why are you here?"

'Bon carried me here.'

"Bon?" Blackie looked at the demon in a bit of confusion, as one of his ears flattened against his head. "That guy with the bad attitude, that you have a crush on?"

'You don't have to put it like that." Rin half stuttered, as his face turned red. 'He doesn't have a bad attitude.'

"You still have a crush on him, though." Blackie pointed out.


Blackie pouted, as he curled up in the demon's lap and quickly fell asleep. Rin letting out a mute sigh, as he leaned back on his palms and looked up at the sky. The sky and bright blue and not a single cloud in it, as the bell rang and the demon mutely groaned. One class down, three more to go.


"Rin, wake up."

The demon let out a mute whine in protest and shifted a bit, to get more comfortable. Just as someone jabbed him and the demon's tail lashed about.

"Rin, wake up." The voice spoke, again, which the demon promptly ignored; just as whomever it was leaned close to him. "Wake up, Kitten."

In an instant the demon was up and awake. Only to hear a grunt of pain and turn to see Bon holding his nose and glaring at him. As anger welled up in the demon, in his sleepy state, and he punched his classmate in the face. Bon hitting the grass and letting out a yelp of pain, before the demon snapped out of it and realized what he had done. Rin hurriedly pulling out his phone and typing a message, as Blackie woke up from his perch on one of the fountain's higher levels.

'I'm sorry! Are you okay? How bad did I hurt you? Did I break anything?' Was typed hurriedly across the screen, as he showed it to his classmate and they got a few stares.

"No, I'm not okay." Bon growled, as he sat up and glared at the demon. "I think you broke my nose, when you sat up."

'I'm so sorry! Let me look at it.' Rin typed, as his classmate pulled off his backpack and looked at the text.

"Just stay there. You've done enough." Bon practically ordered, as the demon's mood hit rock bottom and he looked down at his lap.

Rin wanting to help in any and every way he could, but his classmate obviously didn't need him. Not after he hit him.

"What happened?" Blackie asked, as the Sith cat jumped down beside the demon and looked at the two.

"I punched Bon in the face, by accident.' Rin spoke telepathically, to the cat demon beside him. 'And he thinks I broke his nose.'

"How hard did hit him?" Blackie practically yelled, making Rin flinch and look down at his lap.

'I think I broke his nose when I sat up.'


"I didn't mean it!' Rin practically screamed in his head, as Blackie jumped beside him and he felt tears form in his eyes. 'It was an accident. I didn't mean to hurt him.'

"Hey, you alright?" Bon asked, as the demon snapped out of his daze.

The demon noticing the huge bandage now on the teen's cheek, where it was now bruising, and his nose was a bit swollen. As the demon looked at him in pure shock and gently reached out and touched the teen's cheek. Only to retreat his hand back, as Bon flinched at the contact, and the demon hit the bruise on his hip. Rin letting out a mute yelp in pain, as he set his hand on the bruise under his shirt and Bon looked at him.

"Rin, it's alright. I know you didn't mean to hurt me." Bon spoke, as the demon looked at him and the older teen wiped a tear away from the corner of the demon's eye. "You don't have to get all upset about it."

'I broke your nose, didn't I?' Rin typed out, before showing it to his classmate, Blackie watching them.

"I don't know. I'll have to get it checked out."

'I'm really sorry.'

"It's fine. Let's just eat lunch." Bon said, as he pulled out a sub sandwich the cafeteria offered. "I bet your hungry."

The demon stayed silent, as he watched his classmate unwrap the sandwich and his friends saw them.

"Hey Bon, Rin-chan!" Shima called out, as he waved at them and headed over with Miwa.

"Hey!" Bon called back, as the two made it over to them. "I thought you were heading over to the library?"

"Apparently they're closed today." Shima sighed, as he sat next to Bon. "We thought we'd come see how Rin-chan is doin- Dude, what happened to your face?"

'I accidently punched him and I think I broke his nose.' Rin typed out and showed the pink-haired teen, before Bon could answer.

"No way! What did you do?" Shima asked, looking at his childhood friend in shock.

"I called him Kitten." Bon muttered, his cheeks turning a soft pink as he spoke.

"That's a cute pet name for Rin-chan!" Shima practically yelled in excitement, only to get hit by Bon. "I was trying to be helpful!"

"Well you weren't." Bon growled, as he tore the sandwich in two and handed half of it to the demon. "Sometimes you just need to keep your mouth shut."

"Bon's right, Shima." Miwa added.

'I can't take that.' Rin typed out, before showing his classmate.

"Why not?" Bon demanded, frowning at him. "You haven't eaten yet."

'I can't take you lunch.'

"Then what are you going to eat?"

"I'll get Rin food! I'll get Rin food!" Blackie happily chanted, jumping up and down, before running off.

"Where's Kuro going?" Shima asked, as they watched the Sith cat run off.

'He said he was going to get me food.' Rin typed out, a bit confused as he showed it to them.

"Lunch will be over by then. Just take some of mine." Bon growled, as he practically shoved it at the demon.


"Rin, just take some! It won't kill you!"

"What are you two arguing about over there?" Shura practically yelled, as she looked at them from her videogame.

'Bon is trying to give me his lunch, but Blackie went off to get me some food.' Rin typed out, as he sent it to Shura before his classmate, and the woman picked up her phone.

"Fine! Kuro better get moving though!"

Bon just gapped at the demon, as Rin set his phone in his lap, and his classmate deleted the text he was still working on.

"Wow, Rin-chan!" Shima practically glowed in amazement. "How'd you do that so fast?"

'It's the only way I can communicate.' Rin replied to his classmate. 'I've just gotten used to it.'

"Rin! I got food!" Blackie called out, as he ran over to him holding a small Tupperware container in his mouth. "Ukobach is glad you're getting better!"

'Thanks, Blackie.' Rin spoke telepathically, as he took the container and the Sith cat curled up beside him


"So, how was your time outside today?" The doctor asked, as he was checking the demon's wound.

'Great!...but I think I broke Bon's nose.' The demon typed, before showing the guy.

"You didn't break his nose." The doctor laughed. "I checked it, just after you got back. It's just swelled up a bit. He'll be fine."

'Thank goodness!'

"He did seem a bit happier, when he left though."

'He did?'

"Yep. it seems like you're getting somewhere."

Silence filled the room, as the doctor looked up and saw the demon's face a bright red; his tail practically wagging like an excited puppies. Making the doctor burst into laughter and mess up the demon's hair.

"Give him some time. He'll turn around for sure."


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