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Continuation of Day 6


A crash of thunder clapped against eh sky, as the demon let out a mute whimper and curled into a tight ball. Ignoring the pain that came from his hip, as he buried his face into the pillow and his body shook. The teen mentally cursing Amaimon, in every way possible, for leaving him like this; just as another rumble of thunder clapper against the sky. The demon tensing at the loud and threatening sound, as he pulled the sheet over his head and pulled his knees close. Tears rimming his eyes, as he squeezed them shut, and silently begged someone would come and find him. To come comfort him in some way, or to hang onto, just as the door swing open and nearly hit the wall.


The demon felt the tears spill over from his eyes, as his voice reached his ears and he wished it had been someone else. The teen was already so vulnerable, that it wouldn't take much for him to lose it. He'd take anyone, other than Bon. None the less, the demon pulled the sheet off his head and opened his eyes. Only to see his classmate practically soaked to the bone and panting, as he noticed the tears on the demon's face. Bon closing the door shut, as he gave him a worried look and walked over to the injured teen. His classmate kneeling next to the bed, only to gently cup the demon's cheeks and wipe away the tears rolling down his face.

"God, Rin. I'm so sorry." Bon spoke softly, a look of regret across his face. "I should have never left you alone by yourself."

The brunette gently stroking the demon's cheek, just as thunder rumbled across the sky and the demon squeezed his eyes shut. The mattress sinking in, as he felt a hand stroke his hair and the younger slowly opened his eyes to find his classmate sitting on the bed. His hair wet and in his face, as his clothes stuck to his skin. Despite that, the older teen was completely focused on him, and only for him, as the teen's hands slid to his and gently rubbed soothing circle along his back. The demon's mood softening, as his tail swayed under the sheets and he mutely purred. The older teen gently smiling at him, as he climbed over to the other side of the bed and laid behind the younger. A rumble of thunder barreling through the room, as the demon panicked and turned around to buy his face into his classmate's chest.

Day 7


The demon letting out a mute whimper, as he clung to his classmate and shook against him. Bon gently smiling at him, as he stroked his hair and wrapped an arm around his waist; pulling him close. Only for the demon to unbury his face from the teen's chest and look up at him in surprise, as his classmate moved his bangs back and kissed the demon's forehead.

"It's alright." The teen spoke softly, as he looked down at the demon's flushed face and smiled. "Your safe. It won't get you."

The demon nodded his head frantically and the teen held the younger closer to him.

"It can't get you with me here. I'll protect you."

Rin looked up at his classmate in pure surprise, and didn't resist, as Bon wrapped his other arm around him and pulled him to the teen's chest. Making the demon feel safe, as Bon gently nuzzled his hair and the demon's face turned red; his heart thundering in his chest.

"Go ahead and get some rest." His classmates spoke softly, as thunder crashed against the sky and the demon clutched his fingers into his classmate's shirt. "I'll stay right here and protect you."

'You promise?' The demon mouthed, against the older teen's neck.

"I promise."


Letting out a yawn, Bon opened his eyes and found himself in Rin's bed at the Order. The said teen asleep in his arms and clinging to his shirt, as his chest rose and fell with his breathing. Bon gently smiling, as he ran his fingers through the nearly blue-black hair and the door opened. Rin's doctor walking in and noticing the two of them, before he gave the exwire the nod of the head and closed the door.

"He still sleeping?" The man whispered, as he set his stuff in the chair and Bon gave him an nod."When did he fall asleep?"

"After midnight." Bon replied, trying to keep quiet.

"Then he won't wake up for a good few hours." The doctor said, as he dug through his medical bag.

Bon sliding his arms out of the doctors way, but not taking his grip of Rin, as the guy gave him a smile and set to work on the nasty wound. The hue claw mark having healed greatly, but was still not good enough for him to go out an fight. Which the teen knew he'd go out and do, if he was released, and the order knew that as well. With Rin's voice gone, the order had been making decisions left and right for his health and his classes; that not even the exwire could agree to. Although the demon wasn't even well enough to get out of bed. So there was no way he was going anywhere for the next few days. Unless the teen could figure out a way for the demon to get out of the room.

"Looks like he'll be able to have the stitches removed tomorrow." The doctor said, as he shoved his supplies back into his bag and looked at him. "And he should be fully healed in two days."

Bon gave the guy a nod, as he stroked the demon's hair and watched him head for the door.

"Is there anyway I can get him outside?" Bon asked, as he watched the doctor stop and look back at him. "I think he could use some fresh air, and a chance to get out of this room."

"You need an exorcist present." The man spoke, as he pulled open the door. "Angel and the Order don't want him getting out of hand."

"He won't, not with me and Shura there." The teen spoke, getting a nod of approval from the doctor; before the door closed shut and the teen turned back to the demon in his arms. "I bet you'd want to get out of this room, as much as I do."


'Do I really get to go outside?' Was shoved in Bon's face, as an excited Rin looked at him with a bowl of rice in his lap.

"Yeah, but you have to have an exorcist with you. They don't want you getting hurt anymore than you are." Bon explained, as Rin frowned at him.

The demon letting the chopsticks hang out of his mouth, as he typed out a reply.

'What dumb shit came up with that?' Was typed across the screen.

"Angel and the Grigori did, apparently."

'Angel can go kill himself, and I could care less what the higher-ups think.'

"At least you get the leave this room." Bon pointed out, as he watched the demon hurriedly finished his breakfast. "You've been stuck in here for five days."

'True, who's watching me then?'

"Shura." Bon replied, as he got a disgusted glare from the demon. "At least Angel didn't step up and offer to watch you. Both of you would be trying to kill each other."

'True, but I'll never hear the end of this.' Bon gave him a shrug, as the demon typed a bit more. 'Oh, and thanks for coming to my rescue last night. I didn't mean for you to see that.'

Bon looked up from the screen to see the demon's face a deep red and his gaze away from him, as the teen smiled and stood up; catching the demon's attention.

"Come on, I bet Shura is already waiting outside."

'How am I getting anywhere, if I can't walk?'Was flashed toward him, as the demon frowned.

"You've got two options. You either get pushed around in a wheelchair, or I carry you."

The demon's face turned a bright red, as he looked at the teen for a moment; before he looked away. The younger teen obviously weighing his options, as his fingers slid against the keyboard.

'You carry me. Shura will kill me, if we stick me in a wheelchair.'

Bon laughed at the comment, as he walked over to the bed and leaned down so the teen could wrap his arms around his neck. before the older teen slid his arm under the demon's knees, and supported him from the back, as he lifted the demon into his arms and off the bed. Rin tightening his grip as Bon headed for the door and the demon's tail swayed under him. The younger teen opening the door for his classmate, as Bon headed for the stairs and the demon laid his head on the exwire's shoulder. The demon's neck vibrating against his shoulder, as if he was purring, and Bon letting out a chuckle.

"If you had your voice, you'd sound like a kitten." Bon spoke, as he looked down at the demon in his arms and headed down the stairs. "Maybe I should just call you that from now on."

"The vibrating stopped in an instant, as they hit the bottom floor and Bon looked down at his classmate. Rin looking at his stomach in embarrassment and the demon's face a cherry red, as the teen stared at him and the demon mouthed:

'I'd rather you didn't.'

"Why not?"

Nothing was said, as the demon shook his head and the exwire headed for the entrance to the building. Bon giving up on the cute joke, when he noticed a sad and hallowed gaze in the demon's eyes. It obvious he was still thinking about the letter and what had happened. Which meant the teen in his arms wasn't going to talk to him in any form for awhile. Just as Bon turned the corner and found Shura waiting for them. The woman wearing another one of her ridiculous outfits, like always, that included an extremely short black shorts and a lavender bra. It obvious the woman was never going to wear normal clothes, and the two of them were no exception.

"There you two are! I've been waiting for ten minutes!" She practically yelled, as slight frown on her face.

"Rin was still eating breakfast." Bon answered for the demon, as the said teen was trying to situate himself so he could type out replies.

"Well, then where are we going?" The High Inspector asked, as she put her hands on her hips.

'The huge courtyard at the academy.' Rin typed out, as he showed it to her.

"Why you wanna go there?"

'It's really big and you can watch me from a ways away. Does it really matter?' The demon angrily typed, before showing it to her.

"Fine. Don't get snippy." Shura sighed, as she waved a hand at them and pulled out a key from the tattoo on her chest. :I just have to know, or Angel will give me problems."

'Angel can go get eaten by a ghoul for all I care.'

Shura burst into laughter, as she slipped the key into the lock and opened the door for them.

"You and me both."

Rin just frowned at her, as Bon chuckled at the demon and stepped through the door; Shura close behind them. As the three of them walked out into the front of the academy and Shura took her key and closed the door, before the students could walk through and get lost.

"Where you want to sit?" Bon asked, as he looked down at the demon and ignored the stares and odd looks they got from the students; which the demon wasn't copeing with very well.

'The fountain.' The demon nervously typed, almost dropping his phone twice.

"Alright." Bon spoke, giving the demon a small smile and heading down the steps.

Shura giving them an absent minded wave, as she went to go sit under a shaded tree, and told them to behave. Rin having completely ignored the woman, as he was staring down at his phone to avoid the looks from the other students. Before Bon reached the bottom of the steps and walked over to the fountain, setting him down on the ledge.

"There you go." Bon spoke, as he gave the demon a smile. "You have fun, till I get out for lunch."

'Where are you going?' Rin typed, as he gave him a confused look.

"I'm going to class, like you told me to do the other day."

The demon looked down at his lap, as he grazed his fingers against the keyboard and the older teen cold see the look of regret on the demon's face.

'Can you stay, with me?'


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