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Continuation of Day 5


"What do you mean it was Rin's?" Bon demanded, as he got to the entrance of the building and saw Shima in the distance. "I know is handwriting, it's easy to pick out."

"Yeah, in a normal class." Shima spoke, laughing a bit. "But his handwriting drastically changes if he's writing a paper."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is..." Shima hung up and walked over to him, pulling out one of the letters out of the box and handing it to him. "You don't know everything about Rin-chan, Bon."

With a bit of hesitation, Bon took the letter from his best friend and looked at the envelope. His name written across it, in bright blue ink, and a small heart next to his name. As he flipped over the envelope and pulled out the letter, opening it. Only to stare down at the page and fight the urge to cry for the injured teen that was waiting upstairs. The beautiful written letter, in bright blue ink, had been written over and degraded. Harsh comments and cusswords scrawled over the beautiful blue writing, as Bon's hand tightened on the letter and he saw the huge 'BITCH!' written on the bottom in red marker.

"I saw Rin-chan write it in class." Shima spoke up, drawing his attention from the letter. "He threw out a good twenty copies, till he got it perfect. then, after the letter incident, he ended up crying for days and didn't come to school. He thinks you put the letter up on the board to make fun of him."

"But I didn't." Bon protested, glaring down at the paper.

"Rin-chan doesn't know that. He thinks you did it on purpose."

"Then I should go tell him." Bon spoke, before his best friend grabbed his arm.

"Bon, if he just woke up, I suggest you don't attack him. He's probably sore and hungry." Shima advised, as he took the letter and put it back in the box; giving it to him "Let him relax and eat. He deserves a bit of peace before you attack him."

"Thanks, Shima."

"Don't mention it!" His best friend spoke with a smile, as he headed off. "Oh! And be nice to Rin-chan! He can be very sensitive sometimes!"


"Hey, I'm back." Bon called out, as he opened the door and the demon turned to look at him and went right to his cell phone.

A pang of guilt taking over, as he watched the demon type out a reply, and set the box of letters next to his backpack. Before he walked over and sat in the chair, noticing a bottle of pain pills on the side tale and the air mask and heart rate monitor in the corner of the room.

'Welcome back. Sorry you had to go buy me food.' Rin typed out, and showed him, the words having no meaning without the demon's voice to back them up.

"It's fine. Besides, you need it since you've been asleep for so long." Bon spoke, as the demon nodded and he pulled the Styrofoam box out; handing it to the teen. "Since you haven't eaten in awhile, I just got you some chicken and plain rice. I didn't want to get something your stomach wouldn't be able to handle."

'Thank you.' Rin typed out, before he took the box and Bon handed him chopsticks; which he gladly took.

The demon opening the box and pulling the cover off the chopsticks, before snapping them apart and dug in. The teen taking it a lot slower than he would have, but it was a lot better than him eating too fast and throwing up. Rin needed all the energy he could get, if he was going to get back onto his feet, and Bon was going to do everything he could to make that happen. Especially if the whole letter incident Shima had talked about was true. If anything, he had to make up for that.

'Have you eaten?' Was typed across the screen in his face, as the Exwire came back to reality and he nearly jumped back.

"Yeah, around eleven."

Rin messed with his phone and gave him a nod, before he went back to eating. It obvious the demon would've given up his meal if he found out the older hadn't eaten, or at least had made him eat some. Either way he wouldn't think of taking food from him, till he knew the demon was either full, of he didn't want to upset his stomach. None the less, the silence between them was deafening and it was driving him crazy; even if Rin communicated with his phone.

'Have you gone to classes?' Was shoved into his face, as the teen seemed to pick up on the problem , and he popped a piece of chicken in his mouth.

"No, I've been looking after you." Bon replied, as Rin nearly chocked and looked at him in disbelief. "I've been keeping up thanks to Shima and Miwa."

'You should go to class!' Rin typed, shoving his phone in the exwire's face.

"I'm taking care of you."

"I can take care of myself! I don't need you!'Rin angrily typed, as he shoved it in the brunette n' blonde's face, before he realized his mistake and dropped the phone.

The injured teen's phone hitting the floor, before Bon got up and grabbed his stuff. A look of regret on Rin's face, as he looked down at the food in his lap.

"Than, I'll leave you be." Bon spoke, as he close the door and missed the mouthed words the demon spoke.

Don't go.

Day 6

7:53 am

Rin laid curled up in bed, as the door opened and the doctor from yesterday came in. Noticing the demon curled up in the sheets and staring at the wall, with his dinner from last night laying untouched.

"I take it you two had a fight of some sort?" The doctor asked, as he sat in the chair and urged the demon to get off his injured side.

All Rin did was nod, his phone long forgotten on the floor, as the doctor made him lay on his back and lifted up his shirt. The memory of last night haunting his memory, as he stared at the ceiling and wished he hadn't typed those words. Or at least read what he typed. He had lashed out on accident and probably hurt Bon's feelings in the process. Something he's probably never forgive himself for doing, for as long as his voice was gone.

"Maybe you should talk to him." The doctor suggested, as he finished his expectation. "Clear things up."

Rin just shook his head and closed his eyes, as his phone was et beside him and the doctor stood up. The chance for the demon was slim to none, since the teen probably never wanted to talk to him ever again.

"You won't know, till you try." The doctor spoke, before he left and shut the door.

8:30 pm

Letting out an exhausted sigh, Bon slammed his book closed and looked at the mountain of homework still waiting to be done, as Miwa walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his neck. His childhood friend wearing a tank top and shorts.

"You still working on homework?" Miwa asked, as he looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I barely made a dent." Bon replied, as he leaned back in his chair and looked at his best friend; before he looked back to his desk.



"Why did you stay and watch after Okumura-kun?"

"I honestly don't know." Bon sighed, as he looked over at the envelope with Rin's letter in it and grabbed it. "I couldn't leave him alone, with Yukio gone."

"But you two fight all the time."

'I never said I didn't hate you.'

Rin's words, whether they had been typed or not, echoed in his head as he stared down at the envelope and felt his mood head south.

"Just because I fight with him, doesn't mean I hate him." Bon spoke, brushing his thumb against the beautiful blue ink. "Things just brought us apart."

"Then what are you going to do?" Miwa asked. "You left him alone yesterday."

"I'll go visit him tomorrow." Bon spoke, giving in and flipping the envelope over; taking out the letter. "I've got something I have to do first."

Miwa gave him a nod, before he headed into the bedroom and closed the door behind him.


Setting his pencil down, Bon leaned back into his chair and picked up his notebook. The teen having spent the last three hours rewriting Rin's letter, between the words written over it, and was finally able to read it. The brunette n' blonde wanting to know just what Rin had wanted to tell him, even though he had skimmed through it months ago.


I spent hours writing this letter, and trying to find the right words, just so I could tell you I love you. I'm usually not one to share my every feeling and emotion, but with you I believe I can. With you, I feel safe and calm, relaxed and at peace; and I believe I made never find someone else in the world I could love more than you. I know you may have gotten thousands of love letters by now, but That doesn't matter to me. I will wait for as long as it takes to be beside you, no matter what I have to give up to do so. By now Your probably wondering why you should even bother to look at me, or even talk to me. Well, let me start of by telling you what I love about you.

I love the way you always frown at me, when we talk and how we get into arguments so fast. I love the way your eyebrows scrunch together when you get mad or I smile at you. I love the way you're always so serious about everything and I love the way you're always studying when your alone. I love the way you laugh and smile with your friends and joke around in the halls. I love the blonde streak in your hair, and how it makes you look like a chick, and the piercings in your ears. Even how you always look like a thug when you shove your hands in your pockets and head down the hall. But, what I love about you the most; is that I may never get the chance to love you. That you may never notice, or realize it's me, so I can keep these feelings for you alive for the rest of my life and that I may never have my heart broken.

Although, I'd love to meet you at least once and confess my feeling to you in person. To me, that'd mean the world; no matter if you love me or not. Please give me one chance and I will never let you down. I truly and sincerely love you, with all my heart.

From Your Admirer

Bon reread the letter, before he set it down and picked up the original. A little blue heart drawn nest the word admirer and fairly details for a quickly drawn heart. None the less, the teen felt horrible. Horrible that he hadn't met up with Rin to listen to his confession and horrible that the young teen had found his letter for the whole school to read. No one, not even Rin, deserved that and Bon felt sorry that he hadn't done anything at all.

A crash of thunder shattered his thoughts, as he looked out the window and saw it was pouring rain. A knock resounding through the room, as Bon got up and walked to the front door to his dorm. Only to open it and find Shima standing in the hall, wearing his pajamas, and looking at him in worry.

"Shima, what's wrong?" Bon asked, as he noticed his friend's worried gaze.

"It's thundering." Shima spoke, in concern.

"Yeah. So what?"

"Rin-chan's afraid of thunder."


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