Chapter 3: Resolve and Grief

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You hear a loud sound and immediately grab your knife from under your pillow. No one...
Probably just the old building...
Or a bird hit the window.
How late is it anyway?
9 AM already?!
I'm going to be too late!
You quickly dress up, put your gear on and leave the room: you sprint to Zelda's room. She was waiting in front of her door:
"Goodmorning, Link! Slept well?"
You smile, but feel sorry:
"Too well, my... Zelda. I am sorry I was a bit late."
Nearly said my lady!
She smiles:
"That's alright, I don't really need you to wake me up, you are protecting me really well, and that's all my father wants."
You don't know, even not the following days, what you said to her next:
"I don't care what your father wants, only what you want, Zelda."
She begins to laugh:
"I do care about what my father wants, although I can't give him what he wants. I didn't know you were so fiery, Link!"
"I'm your guard, not his. And after what he said to you yesterday..."
You were thinking she would now apologise for her behaviour from yesterday... but nah.
"You must have respect for your liege though, Link. How loyal you are to me does not matter to him. What he said to me yesterday was nothing you have to worry about. I take the blame for my incapability to awake my sacred powers."
You want to comfort her:
But how to comfort a sad Princess you barely know?
So you didn't, perhaps later.
"Of course I respect the King! But I'll do what you say..."
She understands:
"Good. I say we make our way to Goron City now. Daruk has some problems with the Divine Beast Vah Rudania."
"Zelda, I don't think your father would-"
"My father does nothing about the Divine Beasts! He'll be angry, yes, but later, he'll realise what I've done and thank me."
You nodd:
"Yes, Zelda. Let's go then."
She smiles, you immediately leave the castle, and go to Goron City: It will be a long and exhausting journey.


Zelda and you walk further and further away from the Castle, and you pull your sword further and further from it's scabbard. Zelda takes "pictures" as she calls it, of everything, which you like, it's like you paint a memory, so it can stay with you forever! She takes a "photo" again and says:
"This is Lake Kolomo! It's beautiful, isn't it?"
You totally agree with that:
"It is!"
You were nervous: you don't like protecting people in places you've never been to before.
She's a bit nervous too...
You have the funny Zelda, who takes a lot of pictures and cares about you, cares about your thoughts, and you have the serious Zelda. She is clearly frustrated about her own incapability, which she simply hasn't got! I don't understand. This is the happy but worried Zelda.
She continues:
"From here, we will make our way to Goron City! Then, we'll need some adjustments on that Divine Beast so Daruk can manage it as easily as possible. He's figured out how to get it to move... however, it's apparent that we still have much more to learn...
But to think, that Divine Beast was actually built by people...
That means we should be able to understand how it works and how to use it to our advantage!
These Divine Beasts... so much we don't know... But if we want to turn back Calamity Ganon, they're our best hope."
You keep quiet, and let her speak.
She's motivated, good.
She suddenly stops walking and is quiet. Then she starts talking again:
"Tell me the truth...
How proficient are you right now, wielding that sword on your back?"
I don't know, very proficient?
She continues:
"Legend says that an ancient voice resonates inside it. Can you hear it yet...Hero?"
Aaand there's the serious Zelda again...
"I can't, Zelda..."
She turns around:
"Well then, I-"
An arrow flies just next to her ear, she screams and falls down. A camouflaged Lizalfos bites the dust, with an arrow in his throat.
You unequip your bow and run to the Princess:
"Zelda, Zelda, are you alright?"
"Of course I'm not alright, you idiot! If you shoot an arrow at my h-"
She sees the Lizalfos lying dead:
"Oh... I... sorry, Link, I didn't mean that. I didn't know-"
You nodd:
"It's alright. Here."
You reach out your hand, and she grabs it. You pull her up, saying:
"We have to be more careful, we're in uncivilised territory here."
"Thanks. And yes, you're probably right."
It was already evening, but you were getting closer to Death Mountain. Though the weather was getting colder too...
You found a good resting spot:
"We'll camp here tonight."
Zelda looks frustrated:
"Why? We can walk for another 2 hours-"
"Yes, but we're getting close to the mountains, and I don't think we'll find any place as flat as this soon there."
She sees there is no other choice:
"OK. I'll prepare some food, then."
You stop her:
"No fire."
She understands:
"No- ... alright. I'll make something of the local herbs and vegetables then!"
"Good. I'll scout the area. Stay safe and be quiet. I'll be back in half an hour."
You killed a few Bokoblins that were lingering around, and went back to the safe spot. A delicious smell reaches your nose:
"Mmm, smells good, Zelda!"
She smiles:
"Thanks, Link."
You ate quietly and went to "bed":
Some gathered leafs where you lay on. You made one bed each.
You brought 2 blankets with you, but Zelda only brought one.
After a few minutes, she asked:
"Link... I'm cold... can I get the fire started?"
You lay under your 2 blankets, but realise you made a terrible mistake!
Link, where's the gentleman?!
You give one of your blankets to Zelda. She still felt cold:
"Do you want another one?"
The nights can be very cold in and near the mountains...
She nodds, and you give her your last blanket. You went back to sleep.
"Thank you, Link."
Now it's perhaps too gentleman...
Zelda suddenly realises you have no blanket:
"LINK! You're getting sick tomorrow! Here, your blanket!"
She throws your blanket back, and smiles:
"I'm not that kind of Princess, Link. If we don't have enough blankets, we'll suffer together."
You laugh:
"Alright, Princess."
"Zelda, Link. Zelda. Goodnight."
She smiles and goes to sleep.
You pretend you're sleeping, but sit up next:
"I'll stand watch tonight."
You watched over her the whole night, and did a prayer to the Goddess:
"Hylia, please keep her safe. Let Ganon wait for another few years."
I already got attached to her... Goddess Hylia, what am I doing...

Chapter 3 is a shorter one, and I decided to make more but shorter chapters. If you played the game, tell me: Did you like it? You probably did!
Looking forward to write chapter 4, see you guys then! Peace out!

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