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I opened my eyes, Lukas still by my side.
"Good morning." He smiled.
I smiled, sitting up.
"What time is it?" I asked,
"Time to get up and do things." Joked Lukas, getting out of the bed.
"Ha ha. Very funny." I smirked, getting up as well.
"But seriously. It's Monday." Lukas started making the bed, and I helped, thinking about my job.
Cake decorating, I'm a master pastry chef- and I come home smelling like powdered sugar every day.
I have the weekends off, as does Lukas, so that we can get together with the order.
I put on a red shirt, blue jeans, and my apron.
I walk into the kitchen, and turn on the coffee machine.
I look at the clock.
8:53 AM.
Lukas walks in, his blond hair looking a bit neater.
He was wearing jeans and brown boots, with an orange shirt.
I took two mugs out of the cabinet, pouring coffee in them.
I put sugar and cream in mine, doing the same with Lukas's.
Lukas took the coffee, looking out the window while drinking it.
"Have you heard any news of Axel and Olivia's wedding?" I asked.
This was almost like normal.
Something just didn't feel right.
"Yeah..." Lukas smiled. "They're getting married in August."
It was the middle of June.
"Wow.." I sipped my coffee. "They hated each other...Now they're getting married..."
"I heard rumors about them..." Muttered Lukas, a devious look in his eyes.
"What?" I asked. "What did you hear?"
Lukas's smile melted.
"It's pretty bad... I feel kind of bad for hearing it..."
"Oh for the love of Notch, Lukas, Tell me!"
Lukas looked at the clock.
"Nope. Gotta go. Love you, see you tonight."
"Lukas get your butt back in here!"
I put down my mug, wanting to hear more about Axel and Olivia.
I walked to the trapdoor, hurrying behind Lukas.
I was about to ask him again, when I saw him frozen in place against the ladder, looking scared.
I dropped down the rest of the way, seeing a pair of men in black tuxedos.
In the middle of them, stood a man with a whit lab coat, his snake-like eyes boring into mine.
"Hello, Jesse." Said the man with the lab coat, walking towards us.
"D-doctor Jackston?"I stuttered.
"Yes... I see we've met again. You and your... Boyfriend."
Doctor Jackston's jet-black hair was swept back perfectly, tiny bits of grey hairs on his head.
"Why are you here?!" I demanded.
"You promised not to tell anybody about our little secret. You broke that promise." He said, surprisingly calm.
"But you can trust Lukas- he's my boyfriend!" I cried, thinking of all the horrible things that Doctor Jackston had done to me.
"You were only a prototype. We still need to run further tests on you, and we still need more willing subjects."
Lukas glared at Doctor Jackston.
"You aren't doing anything with Jesse." Growled Lukas.
"Jesse isn't going to be much of a problem. Jesse- fall."
My head turned fuzzy, and I saw spots.
My legs crumpled beneath me, and I fell to the ground- unable to get back up.
"What did you do to her?!" Spat Lukas, still glaring at Doctor Jackston.
"It was the final modification that we did. It enables us to get her to do simple tasks with voice activation."
"Jesse!" Cried Lukas.
"Handle the boy." Muttered Doctor Jackston.
The guards in tuxedos stepped forward, grabbing Lukas.
"NO!" Yelled Lukas, struggling against the guards. "I WILL NOT LET YOU HURT JESSE!"
"You need to calm down, blondie." Snarled one of the guards.
Lukas was still struggling, when one of the guards pulled out a syringe.
"Have a nice sleep." The other growled, jabbing the syringe into Lukas's back.
Immediately, Lukas stopped struggling.
He fell to the ground, the guards stepping out of the way.
"Goodnight, Jesse." Purred Doctor Jackston, looming over me.
I felt my eyelids getting heavy, and they closed, canceling me out with the rest of the world.

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