Loose you.

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"Everything is going to me okay..."
The man smiled, his pupil-less eyes shining.
"What... What are you going to do to me?" I asked, staring up at the man.
He smirked, looking pleased.
"Don't worry. This won't hurt a bit." He purred.
He kicked me, sending me smashing through the 15th story window, plummeting to the earth.
All I can remember is screaming...
Screaming as I fell to what I thought was my death.
I remember hitting the ground, not being able to move anything...
I remember waking up in the hospital with so many stitches that I looked like Frankenstein.
"You're very lucky to have survived, Jesse." Sighed the doctor. "You almost died."
I remember glaring at him, my throat stinging because of tears that I didn't want to show.
I remember how the same man haunted my dreams- but now much more frequently.

"Jesse- what are you talking about?" Asked Lukas, looking at me
"Lukas... I'm not normal..." I croaked.
"What do you mean, 'You're not normal'?" He asked, surveying me.
"Lukas... When I was a little girl... I almost died... The doctors tried to keep me from dying, but ended up giving me mutations..." Lukas flinched at the last word.
"Like what?" Asked Lukas.
"I... My memory is advanced... My circulatory  and immune systems are better, and I practically can't die... I... I'm so sorry..."
Lukas looked at me, his expression blank.
"So... you're a robot?" Asked Lukas, in a monotone voice.
"No... I'm not... It's just..."
"Jesse you know you could have told me this before we started dating!" Growled Lukas.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know what to say, and-"
"Well it would have been useful information to know." Snarled Lukas.
I felt tears streaming down my face.
"Lukas... I'm so sorry.. You deserve better than a freak like me..."
Lukas glared at me.
"I trusted you, Jesse." He muttered, standing up.
"And I know I messed up, Lukas.. Please.. Just- just give me a chance!"
"Maybe when you stop keeping secrets from me." He sighed. "Then I will."
I was sobbing now.
"Lukas... Please! I... I can't help it... I... Please..."
"It's okay, Jesse..." He sighed. "Just... Give me a some time to try to wrap my head around this."
He turned around, disappearing through the trees.
I didn't stop sobbing, and I curled up in a ball against the trunk of an oak tree, thinking about how Lukas will never love me again.
I had screwed up my last chance at happiness, throwing it away with both hands.
How stupid I had been, thinking that I could ever have a relationship.

----------------Time Skip---------------

I was sitting in my kitchen, staring out the window.
The sun was setting over the horizon, painting pink and orange streaks in the darkening sky.
Lukas's favorite color was the yellow in a sunset.
I remember how we sat here, watching the sunset in silence, marveling at the different colors.
It was always the best thing when we did it, as Lukas usually didn't get home until after the sun set, but when he got off early, we could watch the sunset.
Now, it only makes me depressed, watching the sunset without him here.
He just left.
He didn't take his things-
He didn't yell at me-
He just left.
And I'm wondering if he'll ever come back.
Does he hate me now?
Does he think I'm a freak of nature?
I sure hope not.

----------------Time Skip---------------

I was lying awake, the covers failing to keep me warm.
Lukas still hadn't come home, and I was worried.
Even on his latest days, Lukas always came home earlier than this.
I pulled out my phone, about to call him, when I heard the trapdoor open.
I heard it close, and I heard another door open.
I hard the shower start, and I breathed a sigh of relief.
Lukas was home.
He didn't leave me.
I was so worried that he did...
The shower turned off, and a minute later I heard the bedroom door open.
Lukas pulled back the covers, laying down.
"Lukas?" I asked.
It seemed like forever before he answered.
"I'm sorry..."
"There's no reason to apologize. You can't help it."
I smelled citrus.
"But you left... And I thought you... That you had left..." I felt tears gathering in my eyes.
"Jesse you know I wouldn't do that." Lukas said, seriously. "I just didn't want to get too mad at you... I went to work on the fountain in the town square... It took my mind off things."
I can't believe he wasn't mad at me...
"I thought I lost you..." I mumbled, snuggling close to him.
"I would never leave you, Jesse. Just remember that. I have loved you for as long as I can remember, and nothing can change that."
I smiled, not believing that I thought he had left me.
Lukas smelled sweet, his warmth enveloping me.
Maybe this will be okay.

(I promise. This is not over. There's still more to come- and I'll get right to writing it. I really like this lukesse story, as I haven't written a fic that revolves around love. I do plan to write things like this in the future, as I become a gooey mess over any kind of romance. Stay tuned, the next part is coming soon.)

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