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I looked up at the doctor's face, his snake-like eyes boring into mine.
"We're so sorry... about what happened..."
The sharp scent of antiseptic bit my nose, and I stared at the linoleum floor, tears streaming down my face.
"It can't be undone... I'm so sorry..."
I thought about how the man had pushed me out of the skyscraper.
I thought I was dead.
But I didn't die.
Doctors went to work on me, quickly realizing that they had done something wrong.
They couldn't get my composition quite right with my new... modifications.
They had made me stronger- better.
Advanced memory.
Stronger circulatory system.
Better immune system.
Practically indestructible body.
They had made me into a form of superhuman that could withstand almost anything.
"Could we run a few tests?" Asked the doctor, facing my mother.
"Of course not!" Snarled my mom, staring daggers at the doctor. "She's not a toy for you to experiment on!"
My mom wouldn't let them experiment on me-
That is, until my parents died.
Then there was nobody to stop them from testing me.
Enhancing me.
I still remember the first enhancing they did to me.
I felt like I was dying, I can't even explain it.
It felt like fire coursing through my veins, unbearable pain...
Only to be continued countless times until they got a finished product.
Why did it have to be like this?
I didn't ask for this.
Why did they make me like this?

"Jesse!" Cried Lukas, shaking me.
His blond hair was messier than usual, sticking up in random places.
"Lukas?" I asked.
He surveyed me, looking relieved.
"Jesse you were screaming in your sleep again." He huffed, looking at me with his sky-blue eyes.
"I'm sorry, Lukas... I just keep having nightmares, and... I can't help it..." I sighed, feeling like crying.
"It's okay..." Muttered Lukas, pulling his half of the covers over him.
I pulled my half of the covers over me, curling up next to him.
He and I had been together for a while, Axel had already proposed to Olivia- their wedding scheduled in the months to come.
But Lukas and I aren't like that.
I kept my eyes open, looking at the room.
Moonlight shone brightly through a window, and the cold air makes my face cold.
I thought about how nobody knew about my mutations.
Nobody except the doctors and my dead parents.
I mean, I'm pretty normal- if you don't count the fact of me being almost completely indestructible.
Lukas doesn't deserve this...
He doesn't deserve to love a freak like me.
I feel awful about keeping something like this from him-
But I can never bring myself to tell him.
I think about how I wake Lukas up almost every night- screaming and crying, and he doesn't even know why.
I keep my secret, and he loves me completely.
But I don't feel good about it.

----------------Time Skip----------------

We were walking into in the back room of the hub, the others gathered at a huge wooden table.
Olivia had her redstone spread across the table, tinkering away.
The others were relaxing, Ivor was reading, Axel was trying to work on a new version of TNT (don't ask) and Petra was staring off into space.
Lukas and I walked to the table, the others turning their heads.
"You guys look like death." Smirked Petra.
"Shut up, Petra." I growled, sitting down at the table.
"Hey. I'm just trying to make a joke." She laughed, smirking.
"And I'm saying that now's not the time. Bother somebody else." I muttered.
Ivor turned to us, one eyebrow raised.
"You two don't look like you've gotten much sleep recently, Jesse." He said, looking at Lukas and I.
"Just drop it." Growled Lukas, taking a sip of his coffee.
The others looked at us, suspiciously.
"And your sure that nothing's going on?" Asked Olivia, doubtfully.
"We're sure..." I mumbled.
Axel stared at us.
"Because if you guys-"
"WE'RE FINE, OKAY?" I snarled.
The others flinched, slowly going back to their things.
I looked at Lukas.
His blond hair was a little neater, but he looked extremely tired, and I felt guilty.
I had kept him awake at night, but he never got mad at me.
Sometimes, I wonder if any of this is real.
It doesn't seem like it.
"Okay..." Sighed Lukas. "What kind of design are we going to do for the fountain in the town square?"
He looked at me, expectantly.
"Oh... Um... Maybe we could use chiseled Quartz? It'd look nice..." I mumbled.
"Sounds good... But maybe instead of chiseled Quartz, we could use regular Quartz... And put glowstone lanterns around it?" Mumbled Lukas.
"You're so good at architecture..." I smiled.
"Well... Not really..." Smiled Lukas.

------------------Time Skip--------------

There are a lot of side effects of my mutations.
Like, different colored blood.
Which is strange... But it's normal for me.
There's other things, too... But not as obvious.
"Jesse?" Asked Lukas, leaning on the doorframe. "Have you seen my ocelots jacket?"
I smirked.
"You mean this one?" I asked, tossing Lukas his jacket.
Lukas caught it, putting it on.
"I still don't know how you like it so much..." I huffed.
"Hey- I don't really know either." He smiled.
It was the middle of the day, and Lukas insisted on taking me with him on a walk.
We do this often, walking through the woods around the treehouse- until we finally decide to go back inside.
"Let's go..." I smiled.
He opened the trapdoor, climbing down the ladder- waiting for me at the bottom.
I don't know why, but I just like it when he goes first.
I started climbing down the ladder, when I felt my foot slip.
I plummeted to the ground, hitting the earth hard.
The impact knocked the breath out of me, and I heard Lukas.
"Jesse!" He had kneeled next to me, his eyes wide with fear. "Are you okay?! Are you hurt?"
His eyes settled on my face.
"Y-your blood... It's blue?!" He gasped.
"H-how... Are you...playing a prank on me?"
"No... Lukas..." I sighed.
I looked at him, his face pale.
"What's going on, Jesse?" He asked.
I sat up, feeling my head.
My hand came away blue.
"I've got to tell you a story." I said, feeling like crying. "And you might not believe me."

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