New start -1

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We finally reached our destination
Kerala as they call gods own country
It was beautiful
My reason to travel was to give my child the experience of living with everyone
Traveling and spending time with parents
Which I never had when I was a child
I want to give her everything , but one thing pings me
Will I be able to fill her mothers place in my heart?
That's I'm unsure of ...
Gauri pov
I reached the address in Manipur
But to my dismay there was no one
When contacted the neighbors they said they left a week ago
I tried to gather information from the near by people and police station
After a lot of questioning and investigating
I finally got information from the local school saying that omkara accepted an offer as an art teacher  in Kerala
After persuading them a little more I got the address of the school
Finally , I will meet them again
Om : here we are mishti your new school
Go inside
Mishti: then you?
Om: not today
I'm joining next week
This week I have some work
Setting up our house
Mishti: this is nice
You get holidays whenever you want
Om: is you are jealous when you can take holidays and help me
What say?
Mishti: no thank you
I don't want to get trapped in a box
Did you forget that you accidentally packed me in a box
Om: who was the one sleeping in it?
Mishti: I thought we were playing hide and seek
You are mean dad
Om: enough of your taunts
Now go inside
Mishti: you will be ..
Om: I will come exactly at 4pm
I promise
Mishti: I know you wouldn't leave me alone for a long time
Gauri pov
I was waiting since morning in front of the school covering my face with a scarf
Finally I saw them , omkara and mishti
My mishti is grown up now
She not the same girl who says just mama
She talks a lot of words and the way omkara was treating our daughter was different
He was taking atmost care for her
He changed ...
Tears of happiness were rolling down my cheek
I wanted to go to them
But I stopped when .,,
Mishti: papa before I go
I want to tell you something
Om: what is it doll?
Mishti: you are always worried if you can give me the love of my mom right
Let me tell you dad
You are my mom and dad
I don't care if my mom is not there for me
Please don't be sad
Om: mishti ..
I hugged my doll .. the words she said touched my heart
Mishti: now leave me
I don't want to be late for my new school
Om: all the best !
Gauri pov
I stopped .. she didn't care if her mother was there
Why in the world would my daughter say that?
I was way beyond hurt
Before I could balance my thoughts
Omkara was ready to drive away
I quickly followed him in my car
He drove to his new place
And I parked my car just outside his house
Today I need to meet him at all costs
All this week I was so engrossed in getting things for this house
That I forgot to unpack
These mishtis things will take me a lifetime to unpack
How many toys did I even buy for her?
Seeing these boxes I feel too many
I was about to start with my work
When I heard the bell ringing continuously
With irritation I opened the door
Om: who the hell are you?
The moment I saw her I became numb
She was standing in front of me
She changes a bit , she was wearing long heels
And was a bit fat than she used to be
I wanted to hug her and ask her how she is
But I stopped as I recalled the reason why she left me

Gauri : omkaraji!
Gauri pov
I saw him , his eyes softened seeing me
I was hoping he would talk to me
Ask me how I was ?
He would let me into the house
But to my astonishment .. he tried to close the door
Om: get lost !
Gauri : om I need to talk
Om : I don't need to talk to anyone
Please leave ...
Gauri : om it has been 4 years look at me
I need to tell you .,,,
Om: I don't have time to listen to any of your stories
The hurt you have given me has not been healed gauri
Please leave ..
Gauri : om...I .,,
Om: before I loose my temper
It's good for you to leave
Gauri : no om I didnt come back to leave
I have come to stay with you forver
Om: I have declared you dead gauri
And dead people don't come alive
So please ..
She was still insisting and crying which I couldn't bare
I was happy to see her again but the pain she has given me was too much
I don't want our daughter to go through the same pain
So I dragged gauri out of the house and closed the gate
Om: before you go
I want to make one thing clear to you
My wife and mishtis mother died 4 years ago
So please stop bothering us and let us live in peace
If you try to evade our space again the consequences will be severe gauri
Mind it
Gauri : omkaraji ....
I didn't want to turn her away like that
But the pain in my heart was too much to bear
Though I hate her with all my heart
I don't want her to ruin her life coming back for me and mishti
Let her stay in her with her kunal
I don't need her anymore
No .. we don't her anymore
Gauri pov
I didn't go away
I will not accept it
He has to listen to me
I will not go anywhere .,, this is my house and my family
I will fight for it
As I was waiting outside the house
I saw om come out again but this time he didn't even acknowledge my presence
His eyes were red with anger and he let his hair loose

He readily got into his car and left at once in a hurry
And I just followed him
If something is bothering him , I should know
4 years of secrets are enough omkaraji
Not anymore
I entered the clinic in a hurry
This was my chance to fulfill mishtis and my dream
Gauri pov
I was shocked to see omkaraji enter a clinic
Where it specializes in pregnancies
What is he doing here ?
Authors pov
Hi Readers ,
Be ready to watch a romantic tale of cat and mouse
Omkara doesbt want gauri
And gauri will not leave him alone
With mishtis support will gauri get back her family ? Or some thing else happens to make them feel for each other
Stay tuned for the update
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