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Doctor : see mr omkara
I know what you are trying to say
I have read your application and I know why you want a child
But we need a few answers there are a lot of childless parents in a line waiting for surrogate
And you on the other hand a single parent
Wants an other child
Which is making it difficult for me to give you a chance
Om; I'm ready to pay any amount doctor
Doctor: I know that
But we need to have more information
You didn't mention about your wife in the documents
What happened to your wife ? Are you divorced?
Or is she infertile
Om: what does that mean?
I don't like you prying in my life
Doctor : the rules here are strict mr omkara
We need to have this information if we need to give you a chance
Please tell your wife's name first
Gauri pov
I was standing outside the doctors cabin
And trying to listen
As I didn't want to go and invade at once
But listening to the doctors questions and watching omkarajis  uncomfortable state
I couldn't stand silent anymore
So I barged into the cabin
Gauri : May I come in
Doctor : who are you ?
Gauri : I'm omkaras wife
Gauri omkara Singh oberoi
Om: what are you doing here
Gauri : jaanu. Why did you leave me alone in the car ?
Did you know how much I got bored
Doctor : I think I have seen you somewhere
Aren't you that singer who sang that song
I will remember you
It's my favorite
Gauri : yes doctor it's me
Doctor : but you are gauri sharma right
Gauri : it's my stage name
My actual name and recognition
Is gauri omkara
Om: gauri why are you here?
Just leave .. get lost
Doctor : mr omkara  is this the way you treat your wife
Please have some manners
Gauri : my apologies doctor
My husband gets angry whenever he is tensed please don't take it in the wrong way
The actual reason he came here is because of me
We were planning  for a child but my history of miscarriage got him worried
That's why he thought of this option
Please don't think wrong about him
Doctor : that's the case then
You should have said this before mr omkara
Miss gauri please come with me
We will do some checkups and let's see if you can bare a child
Gauri : thank you doctor
I was getting frustrated
Why did gauri come here ?
And why is she destroying my life like this
My only option is going to be lost because of her
Why can't she let me live in peace
Selfish person
As I was fuming with anger
Gauri returned with the doctor after some rough 30 mins
Doctor : mr.omkara your wife is perfectly fine
She can have another baby and there are only minor complications
So take my advise and try for a child with her
You don't need any surrogacy so i reject  your application
Om: what?
You cannot do this
Gauri : omkaraji
Stop it
What are you doing ?
Don't shout like this
Whatever anger you have you can show me personally in our bedroom
Now let's go from here
Om: you ..
Doctor : your lucky mr omkara
You have got your perfect match
Om: you doc.. forget it
I was leaving off in a jiffy when gauri came in front of me again
Om: why are you doing this ?
What will you get by making my life miserable
Gauri: I'm not making your life miserable omkaraji
I'm making it better
I know how uncomfortable you felt answering that doctors questions
So I ..
Om: so you made her reject the application
Which I was hoping to get accepted since a year
Thanks for your help
You leave no stone unturned to desroy my life
Gauri : if you know what happened 4 years before
You wouldn't be talking like this omkaraji
Om: and I don't have the interest to know
So get out of my life
Gauri: never ..
I'm never leaving you and mishti again
Your my family and I will not leave that easy
Om: so whatever you want but I'm not going to forgive you that easily
You destroy me gauri
Gauri : but I can fix things just give me a chance listen to me
Om: listen to you?
Did you listen to me gauri
I was running behind your car like a mad person
Just to make you listen to me
But you didn't care and my mishti was crying out for you but you didn't come back
You didn't have the heart to look back when mishti .,
Gauri : mishti  what?
Om: I cannot recall it
As it was too painful for me
But whatever it is I don't want you in my life please leave us alone
Gauri pov
I didn't say what I was supposed to say
But now I clearly understood the pain in his eyes
He was beyond hurt of my doings
But I promise omkaraji by hook or crook
I will get back our family together
I went straight to mishtis school to pick her up
It was really weird that gauri is trying to make her self back in our lives
Even I want her to be there for us
But ....
I'm not sure that if I make her come back in our lifes as I fear she will just leave again
I'm sorry gauri , I cannot trust you anymore
I got down my car and saw a cheerful mishti running towards me
But I was suprised when she crossed me
Om: mishti where are you going?
Mishti: gauri Kumari sharma is that you ?
Gauri : yes !
It's me
Mishti: I'm your fan
Can I please get your autograph
My name is mishti
Gauri : sure
But first give me a hug
Mishti: here
Gauri pov
I used to pray for this day when I will finally take my child in my arms
Mishti: gauri why are you crying ?
Gauri: no I'm just happy
Here I signed this
Mishti: I really like your songs
I have a lot of collection
If you want you can come to my house and check it out
Gauri : your house?
Can I come ?
Mishti: sure!
Can gauri mam come to our house
please papa
Om: mishti ..,
Seeing this much excitement in her eyes
I couldn't say no
Why did gauri even be a singer ?
Mishti: she is my favorite singer papa
Please ..
Om: fine
She can come as a guest
Gauri : it's fine with me
Gauri pov
I could see his irritation
My sadu will never change
With a silent laugh in my heart
I got into his car
Om: don't think you will stay here permanently gauri
Your visiting my house just as a guest
Gauri : did you know what Indian guests are like  my sadu
They never leave
I was getting irritated and frustrated seeing her
She is not backing down
I should do something
Authors pov
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