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"Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness."

- Steve Maraboli-

"Not good, it's not good!"

Taehyung ruffled his hair in frustration as he secretly monitored the tense situation between Yoongi and his sister through Seokjin's mirror. This time, he was alone. Once in a while, he would check his surroundings to make sure that no one was around. But it did not make him feel really safe because the fact that he could sneak into the room so easily already made him feel anxious.

But Taehyung was being Taehyung. He ignored all his uneasy feelings and kept doing what he had thoroughly planned for years, which was to fix their broken hearts. But then he had to admit that the plan did not work as he had wished for. In fact, he started to think that his friend was right; he just made the situation worse.

"What should I do now?"

He looked around, and his eyes sparkled when he saw another one of Seokjin's belongings: a silver arrow and its glistening bow.

"I wouldn't touch them if I were you," the man with a deep, stern voice said as he entered the room. The temperature suddenly dropped, causing Taehyung to gulp nervously and avert his gaze towards the source of the voice. It was a voice he would never forget, the same voice that had once woken him up from a deep sleep.

Taehyung quickly moved away from where he was standing and turned his stiff body to face the person speaking. Lacking the courage to meet his eyes, Taehyung chose to keep his gaze fixed on the floor.


"Namjoon, sorry for the wait. Oh, Kim Taehyung?"

If Taehyung could have buried his head in the floor like an ostrich, he would have done it at that moment. He could feel two pairs of eyes burning into the back of his head.

I'm done.

"Have you finished the chores here? If so, you may return to your place."


"Y-Yes, Seokjin-ssi, please excuse me," Taehyung stammered.

No need to think any further, Taehyung bowed and walked out of the room.

"Breaks the rule once again, I'm dragging him down with me," Namjoon said to Seokjin as he left the room, taking the cold and thick air with him.


Last night ended with Soomin kicking Yoongi out of her yard. She had no idea why that joke had such a significant impact on her mood, but she knew she couldn't shrug it off like she used to.

Previously, the only feeling she had for him was hatred. But now, she didn't even know what it was. One day she might hate him from head to toe, but then in a minute, she felt guilty towards him. Surprisingly, this guilty feeling led her to start caring about him. Just like this morning.

"Do you have class today?" Soomin shifted her focus from her breakfast to her mom, who was sitting next to her at the dining room table.

"Nope, why?"

"I met Yoongi's mom earlier, and she told me that Yoongi won't be able to accompany you today. He has had a fever since last night."

Fever? That's new. Soomin played with her food while she deeply thought about him being sick. Is it because he was searching for me under the rain? Oh, just snap out of it, Soomin. He deserves it.

"Oh," was the only answer she gave her mom before helping her with the dishes.

But what if it really is because of me? For the sake of Merlin's beard! Stop thinking about him, Soomin!

Ah, fuck it.

Soomin dried her hands, tied her medium-length wavy hair into a messy ponytail, and asked her parents for permission to visit him, which, of course, made their jaws drop in unison.

"Oh, good morning, Soomin," Mrs. Min's warm voice greeted her kindly as soon as she opened the front door. No need to say a thing, Mrs. Min led the way to Yoongi's room.

"Yah! I told you to take a rest! Shut down that laptop right now!"

Soomin flinched when the sweet and caring Mrs. Min turned into a savage kind of mom as soon as she entered Yoongi's room. She looked into the room and found him on the bed, working on his laptop. His room was kind of messy, with papers scattered all over the floor and his bed.

What is he doing?

"Mom, please, I'm just having a fever, not a heart attack. Let me finish my work first."

His voice was hoarse and weak. From afar, she could see that his pale face was slightly flushed, perhaps due to the high fever. His eyes were also puffy and red.

Soomin silently poked Mrs. Min's backside and gave her a signal to let him be. "I'll talk to him," Soomin whispered to his mom before she entered his room and closed the door slowly.

Soomin took a seat on the floor near the door, silently observing what the boy was doing.

Why so serious? Soomin talked to herself when she saw him focused on the screen. It's kinda weird that he did not even notice Soomin because once or twice she let a giggle slip each time he frowned and scratched his head in frustration.

What is with that spotless face? Gosh, look at those skinny legs. How on earth does a guy have better skin and figure than me? And those thin lips...

"The heck!"

Yoongi almost jumped out of bed when an unknown cold object suddenly made contact with his bottom lip.

Darn Soomin... You and your stupid curiosity.

Soomin pulled her index finger from his lips in a flash and stepped backward awkwardly, looking at Yoongi who was now in a shocked state.


Yoongi blinked his eyes repeatedly while touching his bottom lip.

"Did you just... wait... since when? No. I mean, what are you doing here?"

Soomin cleared her throat and fiddled with her fingers while trying to find the right words to say. "Uh, I just... um..."

She's nervous. How adorable. Yoongi rubbed the tip of his nose to cover his smile as he looked at her.


Sigh. "IheardthatyouaresicksoIcametosee youbutyouweresofocusedwithyourlaptopsoIjustsatonthefloorwaitingforyouto notice mebut then your lips..." She halted when she reached that part, wishing that he did not catch what she had said at the speed of light.

"And what is wrong with my lips?"

Yoongi was biting his bottom lip to hold back his laugh when Soomin's lips formed an O shape. She gave up. There was no use for her to deny the fact that she intentionally touched his lips. She dropped herself back to the floor with a pout plastered on her face.

"Your lips are too tempting to be ignored."


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