Chapter 5

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Silverkit shook her fur free of any moss as she padded out.

The cold night air pushed through her fur, but she fluffed up and continued.

Her eyes glinted mischievously as she walked through the woods. If only there was someone with me.. I could give them a good scare! She thought.

She soon came to a stop at the RiverClan border, where she saw the tiny frozen lake her and Mistpaw had previously skated over.

She hopped over and ran towards it at full speed, and she felt her paws slide off of snow and to the thin ice.

She zoomed over it and crashed over the side, and got up again and repeated.

She started bouncing up and down on the ice, wondering if it will break.

It didn't, so she crouched down, ready to run full speed.

But as soon as she put one paw forward, the ice suddenly made a loud cracking noise, and she fell in.

Mistypaw's POV
Mistypaw lay awake in her nest beside her best friend, Cloudedpaw, who was fast asleep.

Just as she was dozing off, a loud crack erupted through the den.

Her head shot up and she nudged Cloudedpaw, who mummered, "no mom it's too earllyyyy..."

Mistypaw would have teased him for it if not the current situation.

Sighing, she hit him with her paw and he shot up.

"I heard a crash, I'm gonna go check it out." Mistypaw said, and left the den.

Cloudedpaw ran from the den as she was leaving camp. "WAIT!" he yowled.

"SHHHH" Mistypaw scolded. "Shut up you mousebrain!" She whispered.

Cloudedpaw smiled sheepishly and Mistypaw rolled her eyes.

She traced through the snow and saw that the small pond had been cracked.

Underneath the ice, there seemed to be a small greyish-silver blob sinking further into the water.

Mistypaw narrowed her eyes to look further, and padded forward.

Only one cat came to mind when she saw the bright blue eyes sinking further into the depths of the pond.


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