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The train ride was quicker than expected for the two teens, the two having fallen asleep. Makoto was shaken awake by Iida, who also happened to be going to Hosu,

"Wake up Makoto! It would be disgraceful to be late for your internship!"

"Thanks Iida, go ahead, I'll wake up Shoto." Makoto turned to look at Shoto who's head was now laying on her shoulder because of her movement. When had she fallen asleep? When did Shoto fall asleep?

Makoto reached over and shook Shoto's shoulder, the dual haired boy stirring lightly. His eyes blinked open and he appeared rather drowsy,

"I fell asleep?"

"Yes, we both did. Get up sleepyhead."

It was then when Shoto's face became a light pink. The boy sat straight before taking a deep breath, any trace of his earlier embarrassment gone,

"Let's get our stuff and get off the train before it leaves with us still on it."

Makoto nodded and the two quickly gathered their belongings, speeding off the train. They were left to their own vices to find their agencies at this point.

"Makoto, my father's agency is that way, do you know where to go for Arachne?"

Makoto nodded, "Arachne's agency is the other way. I've gotta go, it's a decent walk. I'll text you later."

Shoto nodded and then two headed in their own directions.


Makoto reached her specified agency soon enough, the pro hero Arachne waiting outside. Makoto ran up and stopped to put her stuff down,

"It's nice to meet you, Arachne."

"Aw, kid! Don't be so formal! Just call me Satorou!"

"Okay, Satorou. You can call me Makoto then."

"Makoto it is! Why don't you go get changed into your hero costume and we'll get started."

"Alright, can you show me to the bathroom please?"

The conversation ended there, Satorou took Makoto to the closest restroom and told the girl he would put her belongings in the room she'd be staying in.

Makoto changed into her hero costume, relieved that the changes she asked for had been made. The cloak was much less baggy and so was her shirt. It was closer to a spandex material. The red crosses had also been removed, the costume as simple as ever.

"Satorou? I'm done changing."

"Oh there you are kiddo! Today is on the laid back side, I'm just going to show you around the agency and introduce you to several key people who work here. After that we'll do a little patrol around the area and that'll be it for the day. Tomorrow the hard stuff starts."

"Oh, alright."

Arachne showed Makoto around the agency, showing her the vital places she would need to know as well as where she would be staying for the week. The tour was fairly quick, only an hour or two having passed. After the tour was complete, Arachne grabbed his sidekick, Prism, and the three of them went on patrol.

"Currently, the Hero Killer: Stain is in Hosu. Patrols have increased because of it so don't be surprised if we see any other pros. Maybe you'll see some of your classmates."

"I doubt it, only three other students from Class 1-A came to Hosu. And one of them is at Endeavor's agency."

"Endeavor?! Who'd he send a request to?"

"Arachne, it's most likely his son. Todoroki Shoto? He placed second in the festival."

"That's the one."

"I kind of forgot he existed. He's so dead pan. Didn't you and him fight?"

"Yes, he won, obviously."

The three continued to walk, Prism and Makoto trailing behind Arachne as he spoke to some citizens. The two girls mostly talked about each other's Quirks. Prism's Quirk was a simple light bending Quirk, she could use light as energy and shoot it out in beams of pure light. She was very powerful.

Arachne stopped walking and turned around, "That's it for tonight. Tomorrow we'll start actually training and we'll do another patrol. We do at least one a day, you'll accompany me on all of them unless stated otherwise."

"Okay Satorou, thank you. I'm going to go change and get some dinner."

"Okay kiddo!"

Makoto turned and walked to where she would be staying. Once she reached her room she released his Quirk, Makoto changing back into a he. The boy sighed and ran a hand through his hair, changing into some sweats and a tee. In his female form, these clothes were quite big for him but they were extremely comfortable.

My clothes were also pretty big on Shoto.

Makoto's face lit up in a deep scarlet at the thought, Shoto was only an inch or two taller than female Makoto. However, when the dual haired boy wore male Makoto's clothes, he was swallows up by them. The prospect of Shoto wearing his clothes made him happy, a little too happy.

Makoto shook it off, still feeling a little flustered. Makoto went through his suitcase before noticing a pair of jeans that would never fit him.

Crap! That's right I threw everything from my laundry into my suitcase! Of course that included Shoto's clothes.

Makoto sighed and set the clothes aside, deciding to text Shoto about it.

so guess what stupid thing i did lol

What is it this time?

i put everything from my laundry into my suitcase so i have ur clothes here with me at the agency :,)

You're an idiot.

o u c h
my feelings, jerk

My clothes, jerk.

this is amazing
u have ascended

I'm never doing that again.



Makoto smiled at his phone, he loved talking to Shoto. Makoto's guilt quickly flooded in, however. Shoto and Makoto had formed a bond but Makoto wouldn't man up enough to tell Shoto the truth.

Makoto sighed and threw his phone somewhere in the room. The ravenette threw on a hoodie and quickly became a female again to head to the dining hall.


Makoto jumped on her bed, changing back to a male. The boy sighed, he was nearly to tall for the bed. Nevertheless, Makoto laid under the covers and stared at the ceiling.

It was around ten at night but Makoto wasn't tired. There was nothing to tire him out. Makoto continued to stare at the ceiling until his phone buzzed from across the room. The boy practically dove for his phone, retrieving it and sitting back on his bed.


whats up?

Nothing, I just wanted to talk.

oh okie
what do u wanna talk about?

I don't know.

lol i got nothing


do i sense
it couldn't be

Wow, you got it right. How ever did you know?

very funny, candy cane

My feelings.


Hey, can I ask you something?

yeah of course, what's up?

With your Quirk, how do you refine shapes? Your domes for example, they're smooth on the inside but the outside is reinforced with rocks.
How do you do that?

oh, that's random but here's what i do
it's not so much as creating the shape all at once, it's in steps. first the actual dome, then i manipulate the dirt to smooth the inside. then i reinforce it with rocks. it's not created in one go and i have to focus a lot.

Okay, thank you
This'll help a lot Raven.

is it for training?

Not quite.
Just curious is all.

oh okie
i should get to bed, i have a lot to do tomorrow

Yeah, same here.
Goodnight Raven

night peppermint

Makoto put his phone down, glad that he was able to talk to Shoto. Makoto, after realizing how he felt about Shoto, had only seemed to want to talk to him more. Makoto was happy just to see him at this point, the ravenette would be sure not to take their time for granted.

Makoto yawned and fell asleep quickly after he put his phone down, eager for the next day of internships.


Makoto's phone went off in the morning, waking up the green eyed boy. He yawned and stretched in bed, his feet touch the backboard. His 6'1" stature was not made for the little bed but it was comfortable nonetheless.

Makoto stood, quickly changing into his hero uniform. He brushed his teeth and got ready for the day before using his second Quirk.

The ravenette walked out of her room in search of Satorou. Today they were supposed to start training.


"Oh, hey Satorou. I'm ready for training."

"That's great, we'll start after breakfast. Prism already ate and is in the gym warming up."

"Alright." Makoto grabbed a simple breakfast and ate quickly, eager to get training. The girl would finally have a better understanding of how to use her Quirk with hand to hand combat instead of just creating platforms.

Makoto reached the gym and started to stretch and warm up a little. Prism sat near a treadmill with water as Makoto continued to work. Arachne appeared after a little and the three trained, Makoto being worked the hardest.

Training flew by and before Makoto knew it he she was in the shower. Makoto quickly cleaned herself before putting back on her hero uniform which had somehow already been washed.

Arachne and the two teens headed out for patrol around Hosu. The patrol was normal, the same route as yesterday.

That was until a scream erupted the peaceful atmosphere.

The three ran around a corner to see fire everywhere and several Nomus around terrorizing citizens.

"Makoto, stay back! Prism, help me take care of these things."

"Wait, Arachne! I've seen those before! They have extreme regeneration and shock absorption! You're not going to be able to beat them, it's better just to try and get the civilians to safety!"

"Thanks Makoto, Prism, take the left and I'll take center front. Makoto, I'm authorizing you to take care of anything on the right, do not engage in combat!"

"Yes sir."

Makoto quickly ran to a family that was being chased by a Nomu. The father had a force field Quirk and was attempting to use it to protect his family. Makoto created a dome around the family and entered it through an opening she created,

"Don't worry! I'm here to get you out of here. I'll take the children first." Their parents nodded and Makoto took ahold of both of their children, the boy and girl grasping tightly to her uniform. Makoto left her dome and propelled her self forward onto a platform that led to where Arachne and Prism once stood.

Makoto repeated this twice more, taking one of the adults on each trip. Soon enough, the family was out of harm. Makoto created a safety dome around them until her phone buzzed.

-check location-

Why did Midoriya send me his location? Oh no, he must be in trouble!

"Arachne, there's someone else in trouble! I have to go!"

"Got it! Remember, no combat!"

Makoto said nothing as she ran in the direction of Midoriya's pinged location.

Please be okay.

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