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Makoto ran to Midoriya's location that was marked in the text he sent her. She ran and ran before finding herself in an alleyway. Makoto didn't call out and simply crept along the sides, finding Iida and Midoriya, as well as a pro hero called Native.

    "What on Earth happened?" Makoto whispered to Midoriya. He pointed to a figure on the other end of the alleyway who was facing the street. Makoto recognized the figure as the Hero Killer: Stain and her eyes widened.

    Makoto nodded silently and pulled the three towards the other edge of the alleyway silently, "Stay here. I'm not going to engage if I don't have to but you three need to get out of here."

    "We can't move Makoto, it's his Quirk. He's able to paralyze us somehow."

    Makoto cursed silently under her breath. All of a sudden, Stain turns and locks eyes with Makoto, "When did another wanna be hero appear? I thought taking out your little friends would be enough to teach you a lesson."

    Makoto stood, "I came because my friends were in trouble. I'm here to aid them, like a true hero."

    "True hero my ass. The only true hero is All Might. I will only let him kill me. The rest of you are after money and fame, you don't want to actually be heroic."

    "That's where you're wrong."

    Stain didn't reply and lunges forward towards Makoto. The girl dodged and quickly formed a dome around the three that were paralyzed for their safety. Stain continued to attack and Makoto continued to dodge, wanting to avoid combat. She was not authorized to fight and Makoto did not need to get herself into any trouble.

    While Makoto and Stain played cat and mouse, Shoto came on to the scene and shot a beam of ice towards Stain.

    "You should be clearer with your cries for help, Midoriya. I almost didn't get here in time." Stain evaded it and lunged at Makoto again. Makoto had been caught off guard from Shoto's appearance that Stain was able to cut her arm.

    Stain quickly licked the blood on his knife and Makoto fell, now being paralyzed. Her dome was released.

    "Shoto! Don't let him lick your blood! It's how he paralyzed people!"

    "Smart girl. She your girlfriend?" Stain began to taunt Shoto as he fought off Shoto's Quirks.

    "No, but that's none of your concern. You hurt my friends and I will protect them."

    "Whatever you say."

    Shoto and Stain picked up where Makoto left off but Shoto was engaging in combat, using his Quirks in an attempt to make Stain falter. Makoto kept her eyes on the other three that were paralyzed, noticing that Midoriya was starting to move again.

    "You kids gotta get out of here!" Native yelled after the four, attempting to tell the children to save themselves.

    The hero was ignored as Midoriya stood, using his legs to jump off the side of the buildings and sending a kick to Stain's head. It caught Stain off guard but he continued to fight Shoto with the addition of Midoriya.

    Stain lunges forward and managed to cut Shoto on the check but was not able to lick the boy's blood. Makoto panicked at this as she slowly started to regain the feeling in her arms and legs.

    The feeling in her body slowly returned and eventually, Makoto could fully stand now. She rushed forward and replaced her dome around Iida and Native.

    "You guys need to go! It's my fault you're all here! Please, don't get caught up in my business!"

    Iida's voice was present through the dome, Makoto only shook her head as Midoriya spoke up, "No can do Iida! We're here to protect you!"

    Iida didn't say anything after that but Makoto released her dome, realizing that Stain's grip on one of them should be letting up by now.

    "I'm guessing that his Quirk works best on a certain blood type. I'm AB myself," Makoto said, catching the others attention.

    "I'm O." Native said, Stalin's hold still strong on the pro.

    "A." Midoriya said as he continued to fight Stain.


    "I'm B as well."

    "Shoto, it's very effective on B types, Iida's been down for a while. Midoriya his effect on you lasts for approximately ten minutes. On me it's around five. O type must be the strongest, Native is still down for the count."

Shoto and Midoriya nodded as they continued to fight. Iida stood up as Makoto played defense, he stretched for a moment before shouting,

    "Recipro Burst!"

    Iida shot forward and nailed Stain, knocking the villain out. The four tied Stain up as Native was starting to be able to move. The authorities arrived soon and Makoto used her Quirk to make a makeshift cast for Stain's arm that looked disfigured.

    The police took Stain and the four Class 1-A students were rushed to the hospital.


    Makoto, Iida, Shoto, and Midoriya were all in the same room because of the confidentially of the incident.

    Makoto had gotten away with a deep cut on her arm and a few scratches and bruises. Shoto had more severe injuries but nothing life threatening. He had a few cuts as well as bandages around his head from when he had gotten hit by Stain.

    Midoriya was closer to Makoto's condition. He was okay, just injured legs from the use of his Quirk and his arm appeared broken.

    Iida was in the worst shape, his arm was severely damaged and he too had gotten several cuts and bruises.

    Midoriya and Iida left the room, going to grab some food and water for the four of them. Once they left Makoto moved to sit on Shoto's bed,

    "Are you feeling okay Shoto?"

    "Yes, I'm feeling quite well Makoto. What about you?"

    "Don't worry, I'm okay," Makoto softly smiled, "What do you thinks going to happen? We used our Quirks without authorization. Well you three did. I didn't attack Stain but I had authorization to defend with my Quirk."

    "I'm not sure. We did the right thing, if we hadn't been there Stain wouldn't have been captured and Iida may have died. Same with Midoriya and Native."

    Makoto wordlessly nodded, her hands sitting beside her. Shoto lifted one of his hands and placed it on Makoto's. The two didn't say anything and enjoyed the moment before Makoto spoke up,

    "Shoto, I need to tell you someth-"

    "We're back!"

    Shoto looked at Makoto questioningly but the ravenette simply shook her head and smiled. The boy nodded and released his hold of her hand. Makoto stood and grabbed a water bottle for the both of them.

    Makoto laid on her bed when their door opened again, in walking Endeavor, Arachne, a smaller shorter gentleman in a hero costume, Native, and two men wearing suits. The two men were from the police force, one being a man and the other appearing as a dog.

    Must be his Quirk.

    "Hello you four, this is the head of the Hosu police department."

    "Hello sir." Makoto bowed her head as did the other three.

    "No need to be so formal, I'm just her to speak to you. When Quirks first appeared, they were not used in public or on anybody. Then, years later, laws were set in place so Quirks may be used for heroic actions with a permit. In today's superhuman society, Quirks are used but under restrictions.

    Three of you didn't listen to those restrictions, and blindly used your Quirks without authorization. You used them to hurt a person and almost created havoc."

    "What are you saying? That we shouldn't have stepped in? That we should've stayed behind and waited for the cops and heroes to arrive?"

    "Shoto, calm down. Let him explain."

    "What I'm saying is that if you wanted to take credit for taking Stain down, you would all be punished. If you, however, give Endeavor the credit, saying the four of you were saved, nobody will know of your illegal Quirk usage. You will be exempt from any legal repercussions. Without the four of you, we wouldn't have caught Stain. I thank you for that. I just want you to be aware that what you did is very illegal."

    Shoto nodded but had a glum demeanor.

    The four agreed to let Endeavor take the credit for the work. Arachne came forward and whacked the back of Makoto's head,

    "I don't know whether to be proud or disappointed."

    "I didn't fight Stain. I only defended the injured, as you authorized me to."

    "Loophole, huh? Whatever, I'm glad you're safe kiddo. You won't be returning to my agency, they'll keep you here for the rest of today to check up on you and then you'll be sent home. You'll stay the night at my agency and return home in the morning."

    Makoto nodded and a million thoughts arose in her mind.

    I only have thirty minutes left in my female form. What am I going to do?! Midoriya is the only one who knows, maybe he could help me get released quicker?

    The ravenette stayed in her bed as the pro heroes spoke to their interns. They all eventually left and Makoto spoke up,

    "I need to use the restroom, Midoriya could you show me to it?"

    "O-Oh uhm sure!"

    Midoriya followed Makoto to the female bathroom and she looked at Midoriya panicked,

    "I'm going to have to release my form in a max of an hour! I need to get released, now!"

    "I figured that's what this is about. Go talk to the nurse, say you need to get home for a family emergency."

    Makoto nodded, "I'll try that, don't tell Shoto. He knows I have no family. Tell him and Iida that a nurse found me on my way back and took me to get released."

    Midoriya nodded and headed back to the room while Makoto searched for a nurse. Makoto eventually found one and was able to get released with her excuse, reaching her room in Arachne's agency before her Quirk forcibly let go.

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