Problems Explode

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8.Problems Explode..


Nanami looked through the racks of baby clothes as Tomoe stood in the background with his arms crossed. She looked frantic, and he was surprised she wasn't barfing or complaing about a headache.

But here he was watching her go through outfit, apon outfit. It was rather shocking, did all women shop like this? He wondered this as Nanami stopped and looked over her shoulder at the fox. He looked like he was in deep thought as she sighed and bit her lip.

Today it was a bit different between them, they seemed to be talking more then yelling, and Tomoe had asked to hold the ultrasound. When he did he had stared at it and then the booklet from the doctor, as if trying to figure out how the baby woudl form from his self declared, ' Blob'

Nanami on the other hand watched him closely, how she ever got stuck with a handsome guy she would never know; but he was sweet and kind, When he wanted to be. Plus just in that day she had seen a side to him that shocked her.

When they were at the ice-cream parlor he had laid his head down on the table and whimpered out. He looked stressed, his ears flopped and his white hair fanning about him. His clothes wrinkled slightly as if he was trying to stop fideting but failing miserably; And when he looked at her his eyes were filled with tears..

Tears that never slipped down or showed themselves, They were stuck on the brim of his beauitful violet eyes, but they never fell.. Becase if they had she would have gotten sick with worry. Why she didn't know.. But she wanted to make him smile again. So she patted his head and made him look at her.

She just wanted him to be okay, and she didn't know why. This was that jerk. That yokai that fumed at her and told her to leave, the teenager that was cold as ice and screamed at her for being pregnant. But..

He was also the guy on the street that she met, He had a kind side and he was handsome. She had leanered he could be smart and soft, but also stern and thoughtful. He was so harsh and cruel and yet, he had a side to him that hardly anyone saw.. She liked that side.

He had a wonderful smile.. when he chose to show it.

Nanami smiled to herself as she searched some more throughthe racks and came across a white striped sleeper. It was white with little yellow stripes, and it had cute little giraffe heads on the feet. It was perfect, plus it had built on mittens , just for clawed babies. Tomoe told her that the baby woudl have '' Appendages'' So that meant the baby would have claws too.

She pulled it out and smiled, She didn't know what she was having, Girl or boy.. she didnt care. This little outfit had yellow on it so it had to match both genders... Nanami turned around and walked over to Tomoe with a childish like grin,

" I really like this one." She showed him the cloth and Tomoe grunted.

Tomoe stared at the sleeper and sighed out heavily, Girl and their tastes. He did have to agree it woudl fit for a child, but he wasn't expecting it. Plus it only reminded him of how small the child was going to be... he swallowed as he lifted his hand to touch the fabric.

He was trying to swallow the fact that a little one was on the way, but it was hard. He had been the fox demon with swords and fox-fires; now he was going to be a daddy. It was scary, but he had made up his mind that the baby would always be safe in his care.

: The color is perfect for both genders." Nnaami smiled slightly and Tomoe looked at her cloely. This human was different than the other human he had met. She was headstrong and feisty, not caring to slap him without a second notice..

Tomoe felt the cloth and blinked,for a human she could choose a nice piece of cloth. It as soft to the touch and it was kind of silky but also warm. he blinked in shock at it; the only thing that was offensive about it was the giraffes.

" What do you think?" Nanami cooed and stared at the cloth.

He liked the feel of it but he hated the design itself; But for some reason she was smiling at it... And his stomach was twitsing in a funny way again. In fact he felt kind of sick to the stomach, His face burned before he looked away slightly and shurgged his shoulder,

" I D-Don't know. Maybe.. Check the bottom. If it has a hole you can get it."

To be honest Tomoe was hoping and wishing that there wasn't a hole at all, but as Nanami flipped it over, she.. With little pride. Stuck her hand through the back of the sleeper and wigglered her finger through the hole.

Tomoe looked at her finger and his face turned ten shades of red before he grabbed the sleeper and blushed furiously, " F-Fine! J-Just stop doing that! Its disgracful!" The fox held the sleeper in his hands and Nanami gave him an innocent, ' What I do?' Look.

The fox ignored her and watched her pause, Tap her chin and then skip off towards who knows where. When she came back she held up a yellow blanket with a little orange fox in the corner. It was a bueatiful yellow and Tomoe wondered if she had an obsession or because she didn't know what the baby was going to be yet, Just like him.. He had no clue what the baby was to be.

He grabbed the blanket and sighed heavily as he glared at the girl, His mood changing dramaticly,

" Anything else?" He huffed and glared as he held the two items in his hands. The baby wouldn't be there for seven months, they didn't need to buy a closet worth of clothes-Yet. He gorund his teeth as he realized the time. Mikage was going to kill him, or send a search party out..

The brown haired girl looked at him and seemed to be thinking before smiled, " I have to go to the bathroom." She smiled and Tomoe's eye twitched.

" It took you that long to decide just in you needed to go?!" e hissed in a dire complaint. He didn't have time for all of this. He had to get back to the shrine and get to work, plus he had so work laundry sense Nanami came in the shrine and--

' Choose family over Work..'

Tomoe froze for a minute, What was that voice? It sounded so natural to him, so normal and comforting. Why he didn't know but it made him calm down instantly; but the words shocked him and made him freeze up. Who had said that to him and why? He couldnt remember really.

The fox swallowed and looked at Nanami, who had started to ramble again, making expecting yokai mothers look at her as if she was a loony. Tomoe winced and put a hand over Nanami's mouth, shutting her up and making her glare at his rude action.

He sighed as his shoulders slumped and he looked at her directly before looking back around him, " Go to the bathroom and don't get eaten." He sighed out slightly before Nanami rolled her eyes and stomped off towards the ladies room.

Tomoe watched her leave before he looked aorund at the yokai woman and a few kids. Even a few men, they were all looking at him and Nanami. He ground his teeth; it was to supected. He was justa teen and he had a pregnant mate. It woudl spread quite a few rumors; but then again.. Given how he used to be and how his past was?

He wasn't to sure if they woudl try anything, but when Nanami was alone? he had to make sure they didn't try to make a move. He trusted his doctor but that was it, Right now Nanami was with child.. Two months pregnant and she was starting to smell like a carrying mother. Tomoe winced out as he looked around..

He didn't know why he was protecting her..

But he was pretty sure that deep down there was a reason.


Nanami rolled her eyes as she washed her hands and looked up at herself in the mirror. Her hair was messy and she noticed she was a bit pale.. something she wanted to scream and complain about more then anything.

She pouted slightly, Tomoe was looking aroudn a lot before she went to the bathroom and she wondered why. The girl winced and ran a hand through her hair, ignoring the achy feeling she was feeling in her stomach. If she told Tomoe that she was in pain... Would he care ? Its not like he wnated this baby right?

But.. What if he did and he didn't tell her. Even if he wanted the baby it didnt mean he wanted her. But what if he wanted her but not the child? Nanami woudl never turn against her child for the pleasure of love, right?

The girl winced out, cursing to herself for making herself worried or anything else stupid. Nanami wahsed her hands again remembering something she had noticed in the stall earlier. The girl swallowed and pressed a hand to her abdomen.

" Please hang in there.." Nanami whispered out with a slightly tremor in her voice. Why? Because.. She saw a slight stain of blood, and it really made her panic.

She needed to rest or something right? She needed to rest.. She was comin gup on her fifth weak of having the baby in her; it was too bad that she didn't hear what Yonomori said when she was there...

Yokai babies usualy are lost by Human mama's at weak five...


Mikage looked up from his paper when he saw Tomoe and Nanami walk in holding a plastic bag. He arched his brow before Tomoe sent him a small embarrassed glance that said, " don;t wanna talk about it.'

The god clucked his tongue and looked up at the time before sighing out, it was later then planned but apparently, do to the brand on the side of the bag? They went baby shopping. The giddy god broke into an excited smile as he stood up and pranced up to the teens.

Tomoe glared at him in embarrassent as the god looked into the bag and cooed at the yellow pieces of clothing, they were adorable! Plus the texture was so soft that the god was shocked.

The god looked at Tomoe, who was seething quietly. He wondered what got him so mad. What coudl it possibly be that was upsetting him already at this time of day? he looked tired until he was shocked that Tomoe, with a shy face, Pulled out a picture and showed it to the god.

Mikage fixed his glasses as he took the photo, He stared at it, " What is this?"

Nanami smiled as Tomoe started to hang up his haori, " Its the ultrasound, the picture of the baby?"

Mikage nodded slightly and started at the photo before titling his head to the side and shaking his head to the side, " Its not that blob right?"

Thats when Nanami stepped on his foot causing him to yelp and drop the picture. Then the pregnant woman picked the picture up and stomped off in a flurry of snot, tears and hatred towards the men around her.

Tomoe blinked and then looked at Mikage, who was, At that time holdinghis foot and crying slightly.

" Thats what I said.." Tomoe sighed out and the man shook his head as if trying to think straight. Nanami got gotten moody ever since she left the bathroom. It was starting to get on his nerves. The stupdi human was ticking him off..

Maybe he wasnt ready for this? He wnated the baby to live but that didnt mean he wanted the baby. Tomoe grunted to himself slightly in confusion.. His head hurt and he didnt feel to well..

Something was going to have to break the ice between him and Nanami or things weren't going to work out, But what coudl possibly break the icy atmosphere between them when it was obvious that they coudln't get along perfectly?

What could change that between them? Tomoe didn't know if he wanted it to change really, he never wanted to be blended with a human.. but it had happened. All because she broke his phone and made his attention be drawn to her beauitful eyes.

The teen paused for a minute but shook off the thought as he walked forward, not catching his father as the god pulled out the sleeper and cooed over the giraffes. when Tomoe got to a fair distance he walked into the kitchen and started to prepare the meal.

" Hamburgers.." Tomeo muttered and slightly looked down at the food he had cooked, he didnt know what brough him to cook them but for some reason it seemed right; but want annoyed him was that hamburgers were Nanami's favorite food. It was embarrassing to say the least but he woudl keep his mouth shut and keep looking forward.

He served them out on the table before Nanami walked in and spotted the food; her eyes grew big before they caught with the foxes. Tomoe blinked and looked away rather quickly, not knowing why or what was wrong with him exactly.

What was with him? he didn't know but he wasn't sure if he was well.. His stomach was sinking at each minute and his father was giggling uncontrlabbly at the table.It annoyed him that the god coudln't shut up but really annoyed him was the fact that Nanami was quite. She had grimaced a few times and Tomoe wondered why..

What was wrong with her? She was eating and yet she was acting as if something was bothering her. Tomoe swallowed a bit and almost jekred up the table but he reframed himself as he sat down, not looking forward but looking down at his food.

Then Nanai finished, excused herself and left Tomoe to watch her walk out of the room. He bit his lip in confusion until his father elbowed his arm and wnked,

" You can't stop looking at her." He giggled and Tomeo felt heat go to his collar. He looked down and galred,

" T-Thats rediculious!" He huffed, it wasn't like that.. he just wanted to be sure she was okay. He wanted her to be okay. Why he had no idea, but it meant something to him which irritated him to some degree. The fox tinged pink before the god smirked,

" Be careful.. or you might have twins. " The god stood and skipped out of the room, " And We'll all know why!" He cooed and laughed as Tomoe turned completely red. THE IDIOT! He-He wasn't thinking anything of the sort! He was just wondering why Nanami was grimacing at the table, that was all!

The teen swore, He was going to clean the dishes and got to bed, simple. It was late and he was tired, He noticed that Nanmai had already turned in and he wondered why exactly. The fox chewed his lip but picked up the dishes. He didn't care about a low leveled human...

It was just the mate contract. Tomoe glared ahead and huffed out, he didn't love, and he didn't want to love.. it wasn't happeneing and he wasn't planning on giving in to love just because of a mate mark.

It Wasn't Happening..


Later on That Night..


Tomoe was panicked, Why? Why was he panicked and why was screaming out rather loudly? Because..

He had just gotten to sleep when Nanami woke up with a pain in her stomach. She had winced out and bit her lip in confusion.. She didn't know what was going on. Maybe because she didn't take her medicine? she wasn't sure..

But the girl panicked when she felt something warm on her leg.. She yanked her blanket back and almost screamed.. Blood was all over her leg and night shirt. Panic rose up in her chest s a loud scream came out of her mouth,

Tomoe who was on the other side of the room immedaitly jerked up and looked over in shock, he knew something had to be wrong. He knew a scream, and this one was of fear and terror. Oh god...

What if she lots the baby? Was this what the blood was for? She was so paniced as Tomeo rushed over. She had blood on her finger tips as he looked up at him and reached out, Tears ran down her face as she shook and Tomeo froze.

The smell of blood was strong and to him he almost threw up, But Tomoe kneeled down and let Nanami's arms wrap aroudn him, Her blood covered night shirt pressed into his hakama and the fox paniced.

He was shaking and he choked on his own breath. He wasn;t used to things like this! What was going on? He was freaking out.. He felt slightly sick to the stoamch as she held on to him with trembling hands..

And Then The door opened and Tomoe looked up at see the shocked face of his father.

" Call the doctor!! Call Inari!! JUST CALL SOMEONE! DON'T JUST STAND THERE!" Tomoe choked out and held her close to him. He didn;t know what was wrong with him.. This emotion was starting to make him shiver and almost puke.

He didnt want this bay to die.. he may of not wanted it but he didn't want it to die. Tomoe was going to try and be there for it! This was his mate and she was screaming, and with each scream it tore a wall in him.. The contract was breaking him down and the fox soon started to panic himself.. he was shaking as the blood amount grew as her wials grew louder..

" CALL SOMEONE NOW!!!" Tomeo wialed out, He couldn't stop it.. He didnt know what was going on. He didn;t even want this baby but something him made him scream and hiss out in panic.

" MIKAGE PLEASE!!" Tomoe choked out and Held Nanami close.

He didn't want His mate to die eiher.. If she died then Tomoe would be forever alone. Without his mate he woudl never mate again.. He would never know love or anything. He may of not loved Nanami but he wanted to somehow make it work. It was going to take time but ...

What was time if She was dead along with the product of when they mated? he didn't love her, He didnt even harbor feelings for her.. But .. Why was he..


" CALL SOMEONE! NOW!!" Tomoe continued to scream.. even thoguh Mikage was already on it.

Someone had to come..

Because even though he didn't love Nanami or the baby? He...

Couldn't lose either of them..


Yes Tomoe does not love her yet, or like her.. But he's getting there. And don;t be mad because of this chappie!!! There is more still to come so don't scream! O.O

The Question is will yoube able to survive the next Chapter? Did the baby survive? Or did it pass away? You guys will have to wait.. ' Smirks'

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