The Contract is Drawing Me Closer

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9. The Contract Is Drawing Me Closer..


" Tomoe please sit down, You'll wear yourself out."

The fox heard this in his subconscious but he wasn't paying attention. He didn't know why he was freaking out, panicking, overreacting. Maybe it was because by the time they got to this cursed yokai hospital that Nanami was pale and shivering..

That they took her back, looked at each other funny and told him to stay in the waiting room. Thi wasn't unnerving for him; it made him panic.. his hands shook; his tail was limp and his ears were flattened to his head in confusion and fear.

Why was he shaking? Why had he begged her not to die? Not to leave him? Was he that afraid of being alone? Was the contract that strong that he practically begged a stranger to stay with him?

He begged for the baby to live, for Nanami to be okay.. for someone to help them already. Now here he was covered in blood, it was soaked into his yukata, as he paced back and forth on the already worn carpet of a hospital.

This was so serious that not even Inari could handle it. It was to hard for the man and it made Tomoe panic, His heart was racing as Mikage looked up from a baby magazine and sighed as he sat it down. He stood up as Tomoe turned around and the teen bumped into him, crashing slightly in confusion.

The fox looked at with hurt playing on his features as Mikage gripped his shoulders and looked him in the eye,

" Tomoe.. Sit down. Your going to run yourself into the ground.' He whispered this out but the word binding was there, making the fox plop down in the floor by the waiting room chairs. He pulled his knees to his chest,

The waiting room was full of coughing and choking, sneezing and crying. Some old people in wheel chairs, hurt children with arm braces and nurses who walked around and helped whoever they could.

There was a few people who ran into the waiting rooms, screaming for answers. Tomoe wanted them to, but he was new to this all; He was so young. A teenager with no head on his shoulders, to be honest he was scared. He never meant to get her pregnant, a stranger, He didn't mean to make her his mate forever.

It just happened..

And now here he was worrying and not knowing why. He didn't love her, yeah sure when they first met he found her attractive and maybe he did, Lust after her; but that was all his affections let him feel.. Now he was a bit worried.

She was in there in pain, bleeding. Screw the baby... He just wanted her to live, She was his one and only mate. She was the first to touch his ears and tail, she was the first that made him wonder why he was the way he was.

They were still drunk that night, but he did remember talking to her in a slurred conversation after everything had settled down. It was a weird conversation, but it was nice for him. After that night he had trouble sleeping, there was that saying..

Once you sleep with your mate, its hard to sleep alone again.

Tomoe's ears flopped, that month she wasn't around was terrible, Only when he moved to her room had he been sleeping again. He didn't even know why really; this wasn't him or anything else of that matter! He didn't like her, but their contract was interesting in a way..

Tomoe sighed out and leaned his head back against one of the chairs while Mikage kept his eyes trained on the worried teen, Finally the god pushed his glasses up on his nose and sighed out before looked forward at Tomoe,

" Tomoe... Once this all settles." The god paused, " Are you guys going to do the fates tying ceromony?" He whispered out making Tomoe's ears flop in sudden realization. The tying fate ceromony. It wasn't a wedding, but it was close.

People came close for the ceromony dressed in their best tradtional wear, Then he had to wear some fancy get up while they had their hands lifted, held together and then the god of the shrine, which would be the foxes father, would then wrap a string around their hands and tie the red string...

It was embarrassing to say the least, it meant to never leave, it was a promise of marriage until they were old enough to do so. which meant it was engaging them until the wedding ties could be made. And now that Nanami was pregnant?

The ties would be strong and confused for the young fox. Tomoe fidgeted a bit before chewing his lip and looking down in embarrassment, he didn't want to talk about tying his fates just yet. It was kind of embarrassing to be talking about that with your father anyway...

That was something very personal... Besides he didn't think he wanted to do that with someone he didn't even have feelings towards! He bit his lip as bile rose up in his stomach, ignoring Mikage. The god saw this and sighed out from it...

"I'll ask at a better time, ' The man sighed and patted Tomoe's head with a sigh. The fox looked at him slightly, he didn't know what was wrong with him; but it was like his body was screaming and saying, ' No, NO!! COME BACK!' It was making him feel sick and slightly pained.

Why? Maybe it was the blood that now turned cold on the front of his yukata? It was soaked to his skin, sticky and slightly slick. He gagged at the feeling of it all over him, seeping in and making his cringe from it all.... It was from his chest down, soaked on his night yukata and down to his ankles, some on his skin. Making him choke from the smell...

His ears flopped as he looked at the clock, what was taking this man so long? He was so tired and slightly dozing; but he felt guilty for doing so... Mikage looked at his son and his guilty expression before sighing out. The time was passing by rather quickly, but it was also long...

Until a man came in, he was holding a clipboard and it took Mikage a long time to realize how much time really had passed. Tomoe was passed out on the floor, blood all over his clothes. He was breathing slowly as the doctor came in and cleared his throat,

" Tomoe-Mikage."

Mikage blinked and shook Tomoe awake, making Tomoe moan and groan from the sudden rude awaking. He was tired from sitting up almost all night, but he wasn't expecting to be awoken at this time. When he finally pryed his eyes opened he saw a man with a doctors coat standing and staring at him with a smile.

He thrust his hand forward and Tomoe shook it while rubbing the other with his sleeve.

" I'm doctor Whiet." He smiled, " I know its not Japanese but its mine. " He shook Tomoe hands as the fox slowly stood to his feet, he yawned behind his hand as the man sighed and cleared his throat.

" Now, I know your question, and I'm going to answer it; But please follow me." He smiled and Tomoe looked at Mikage worried. The god ushered him out and the fox groaned slightly in confusion. He followed the doctor back slightly, not really knowing where he was being led.

Was he being led to Nanami? Was she okay? Was the kid okay? He wasn't quite sure and this doctor wasn't telling him a thing which only ticked him off to some extent. The fox bit his lip as he was led into a room. It was a bit dark and there was a big scene with x-rays on them.

He arched his brow, not knowing where this was going or why this was happening at all. All he knew was he woke up, Nanami was screaming in pain and blood was everywhere. The doctor suddenly stopped and smiled,

"Okay Mr. Mikage.. We have good news... and we have bad. The good news it that the baby is okay." The doctor pointed the x-ray scene and then circled an area that looked like a stomach, and low and behold?

The blob was still there..

Tomoe blinked until the doctor chuckled from his forlorn look, He was staring at the spot with such relief.. and he didn't know why. He bit his lip as the doctor sighed,

" Now for the bad news, Your baby is fine.. you mate is not so great." This made Tomoe jerk his head towards the man in alarm. He didn't know why but he immediately opened his mouth in shock and slight panic,

" What do you mean?" He snapped out before the doctor could explain. This made the doctor sigh and look at his charts,

" We needs more milk in her diet, The baby will be needing it. What she eats the baby eats, Keep this in mind. Her body is slowly getting weaker." The man sighed, " BUT only because of the foods and things she's been eating. She's been in to much stress... but what surprises me?" The ma pointed at the x-ray once more.

" She said her family could only have One baby.' He sighed, " but her body is healthy enough to have many children without fail. She may be human... But." The doctor suddenly smiled, " She might be out of the majority that can have yoaki children. Congratz.." He smiled and Tomoe felt his heart lurch in relief and fear.

The baby was okay, but Nanami was weak because she wasn't watching it and she was worrying. Wasn't it the males good to worry at a time like this? So that the pregnant one could be calm and not fear or panic? He didn't know much about babies or women but he could at least try a bit harder... right?

The fox shifted slightly before the man looked at him , " Its best to avoid activity with your mate," This comment made Tomoe steam red but he said nothing, " And I have a small question. Have you started getting your sickness yet?"

This made Tomoe pause, He had NO clue what this guy was saying but he decided to go, ' huh? and let the man answer. His innocent and confused look made the doctor laugh before the man sighed,

" When kitsune males mate and get their mates pregnant? They have morning sickness even more then the female does. You both go through the same things.. Mood swings, aches and pains, and Puking.' The man blinked and Tomoe felt himself go pale.

" NO! " Tomoe suddenly burst out and the man started to laugh joyously,

" I take it that you haven't.. Well. Your mate is going into her five week sir." He smiled, You'll be getting sick maybe in the next week or so. " That's when the doctor wrote something down and then looked at Tomoe slightly.

" Do you want to see her?" The doctor whispered and Tomoe bit his lip.

Did he? She was his mate, but that wasn't by choice. It was a mistake really, a mistake he didn't mean to make. His teeth had been bared that night and he tore to hard.. it wasn't on purpose. She was his mate but did he have to see her?

He didn't want to see her and yet he did. He wanted to see her smile and move the hair out of her face so he could see her eyes. He wanted to see her face and laugh when she smiled at him, even though she was weak and he knew it. He wanted to smell her, to see her laugh..

But this was all the contract, right? The blooming contract he signed with his homornious desires. The way his teeth had hit her? They hurt from the memory and he almost whimpered from how sore they felt..

It took the fox a while before he looked up at the man and with shielded eyes nodded, he would see her. He didn't know what he would do, but when he saw her he hoped it flooded in. he would feel rather stupid if they just stared at each other and muttered , ' Get well soon you lazy git.' That would be horrible for, not only Mikage to see...but for the doctor as well.

The doctor smiled and lead him out of the room and down another long hallway. Screaming came from rooms and wails of children around, the maturnity ward... It made sense, it was said that babies were made and born on full moons, mostly because people got more risky on nights like this.

But for Tomoe?

This was the scariest part of the whole stinkin hospital.. he shuddered lightly until they turned and went into a room labeled, ' 275' Tomoe blinked when they walked in and he heard monitors..

It made him still, and shake slightly to see the girl that was his.... Strapped to a bunch of tubes and wires. Her heart beat was being monitored, blood was dripping into her from a transfusion, and for some reason Tomoe knew why the man said he would get sick from time to time..

Why did he have to see her like this? And why did the contract have to make him feel so conflicted when he saw her. The doctor nodded towards her and he left the room, mostly to give Tomoe privacy.

She was asleep, and honestly the teen didn't know what to do. He was protecting her and the baby, even know he didn't know if he wanted either of them. Right now he felt... Sick.. And distorted.

The fox slowly walked to the side of the bed and sat down in confusion, the bed caved a bit as he sat down and looked down at her in confusion.... Why was she breathing so lightly that she needed oxygen? Why did she need oxygen? He lifted his hand but froze up..

What did he do? Was he supposed to touch her? Or was to frail and breakable.. even for him? Tomoe fox let his hand suspend in mid-air; until the girl let her head fall against it. She whimpered slightly.. and her chaste lips brushed about his fingers. It made him quiver.. the chilly wind going down his spine and then letting blood rush to his cheeks.

What was wrong with him?

" T..o...m....e.." The girl whispered, it didn't even sound like his name, but he found himself stroking her pretty brown hair and smelling her scent. It smelt soft, like a summer breeze mixed with vanilla and other beautiful scents. It was comforting and he gently laid his ear on her heart to hear its soft beat..

The beat was beautiful.. just so beautiful. He didn't know why.. He had one as well but the sound wanted to make him fall asleep. He lifted his head, not wanting to stress her stomach or anything else of that manner..

" Hi.' He whispered, not knowing for sure why he did so; but it made him shiver when he eyes opened only a little. she smiled slightly, dispite being tired.. and he chewed his lip. How could she smile.. when she was in a place like this?

" T...o...m..oe." She whispered and the fox looked at her confused, he didn't understand. what was wrong with him? And why did he want to cry as if he would or could loose his best friend? He didn't know why as she smiled slightly.

" I'm w-watching...t...h.e....b.aby..." She choked out and he blinked.

" Huh?" He whispered and brushed some hair out of her eyes. She only smiled and pointed a shaking hand towards a monitor. This made Tomoe look up and blink from seeing it.. the blob moved a little; and his heart nearly stopped.

He was shocked.. it moved. The blob moved, it was amazing but he felt slightly sick to the stomach. That thing was small but it would develop soon. He looked back at Nanami, noticing her soft hand had went limp in his own. He had a streak of panic go through him until he looked at her and saw her asleep from all her antiseptic.

He bit his lip and for some reason? He felt his eyes droop as well; he was tired and slightly uncomfortable in the position he was in. His head nearly toppled until he snapped out of it and with little care laid beside the girl on the small bed.. He wrapped his arm around her tursoe and buried his face into her neck, taking in her scent.

The girl whined slightly from the way he felt with her, and the way his white hair tickled her cheek and left her slightly comfrotable. He tightened his grip, but to hard.. just enough so that she was close to him, and they kept each other warm in the cold hospital room...

He looked at her neck and let his lips nip slightly in a soft kiss, enough to let his soft lips pull away from the moist touch..

" I dont understand.. He whispered, " Help me.. ' He whispered and let himself fall asleep with the girl by his side. It felt comfortable, it had been a while since she sleep beside him, and the last time was the only time he had slept with peace and control.

He really couldn't stand not having his mate close by; and it was conflicting but it was also so calming to know she was in his arms.. it made the blood rush to his face once more in a light blush as his mouth pulled from her neck.. and he drifted to sleep.

And they both fell into a deep sleep, given all the stress they had been through. Tomoe didn't understand.. He just wished he knew how much more stress he was going have to put up with.. and why he was starting to feel sick slightly himself.

he felt unease but at rest when he fell asleep. At rest that Nanami was safe and close, Not that he understood why.. and dis-ease because he himself didn't feel up to date at the time.

He wasn't feeling to well, about his health.. or this situation..


Preview for the Next Chappie!


" WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO ADD HANDYCAP ITEMS TO THE SHRINE!?! SHE'S PREGNANT!!! BIG DEAL!!" Tomoe fumed in shock when Inari informed him that slipping in the shower was a leading casue in forced miscarriages.

He didn't want to add anything to the shrine! It was worse enough that...

He was started to feel queazy himself...


Uh-Oh! The comedy Continues! XD Just wait till the yoaki mate has to deal with what his mate has to deal with! XD And lets not forget all the shrine proofing! Are you ready!? XD

Tomoe's not! XD

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