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Someone kicked me in the gut.

"Do you think she's awake?"

"I don't know. Kick her again."

I got kicked again. I grunted and opened my eyes.

Two teenage boys were standing over me. I groaned, my face on the concrete of the parking lot. "Go away,"  I muttered.

"Did you hear something?"

"Go away," I growled.

"What did she say?"

"That we were fine and could do whatever we wanted."

"I think that's what she said."

I turned my body, pain filling me as I did so, glaring up at them.

"I said. Go. Away."

They started to snicker, saying something that was undoubtedly very stupid.  

I heard a stern voice from above, one I recognized. The boys looked terrified, just like I would have in normal circumstances. In that circumstance, however, I wasn't the one doing something wrong.

My landlady was evidently standing on her balcony, staring like a hawk down at the boys.

"What are you two idiots doing today? Don't make me come down there. I swear no one disciplines their kids in this day in age. Well, I'll have no qualms about it. Scat. Shoo."

The boys looked at each other and immediately tried to make their acne-ridden faces look innocent. 

"Sorry, Ms. McCallister. Do you need help with anything?"

"Not from you. Scram."

They nodded, making overexaggerated moves of being agreeable. "Have a good day, ma'am."

I rolled my eyes, starting to stand up. It felt like I'd ran a full-length marathon, slept in the middle of a parking lot all night, and been kicked in the gut twice. I'd only actually done two of those things. 

The boys were already running away, and Ms. McCallister was screaming after them. I stood on my feet, walking into the building, trying my best to pretend that nothing was wrong.

The hall was completely vacant, and I took the stairs carefully, making it all the way up my apartment door until Ms. McCallister came barreling up the hall. She was making her way like a torpedo, and I desperately hoped she didn't see me. But, regretfully, I hadn't suddenly turned invisible.

"What happened to you?"

I turned around. "I had a bit of a rough night."

She was looking at me like I was something hideous. "Well, just let me know if you need anything."

"Sure thing. Have a good day."

She muttered under her breath and strode away from me.

With a breath of relief, I swung open the door. 

The mirror seemed to have the same opinion of me as Ms. McCallester. I looked hideous. 

Something buzzed against my leg. I looked down, confused, and pulled out my phone. 

I had texts from Theo. 

The earlier ones were asking if I'd gotten home safely, but as they went on, they were more frenzied.

Some of them were begging me to send a reply, others were panicked. Others were him desperately trying to explain what he'd done last night. 

I pressed a few buttons.

I'm safe.

More messages kept popping up, but I wasn't willing to read them. I wasn't willing to do anything except climb into the shower and let the warm water run over me. 


I walked down the street, heading towards the library. I had no idea if Daisy would be there, but I had to try. I wanted to talk it over with her. 

She wasn't there, and I suddenly felt completely alone among all the books. I didn't think I could bear to see Theo, at least not then. I needed someone to talk to. I left, walking along the streets, forcing myself to ignore everyone's big, fat purses. 

That was enough struggle in of itself. I walked forwards, forcing myself to move with every step.

There was a person walking into a store... they wouldn't notice...

No. I was past them, but then there was a man, his wallet in his hand, counting money without a care for where he was going...

I forced my eyes not to focus on him. 

I took a deep breath. I could handle this. 

Rain started to fall in delicate drops, barely wetting anything, but nonetheless, the street started to clear. 

By the time rain really started to fall, I was alone in the downpour. I closed my eyes, putting my arms out. 

I let my eyes roam around the street. An electronic billboard flashed in an advertisement for some therapist or doctor or something like that. I didn't really notice other than the words, talk to Leah today!

All that I knew about her was that she worked at McDonald's. I guess I knew where I needed to go.


The rain had chased everyone inside. Everyone was dry and happily munching on food that was full of who knows what. I gulped. I didn't know exactly what I would even say to Leah. I couldn't bring myself to have much of a conversation with Theo, and I was just realizing that she was probably worse than he was. 

My hands were clammy as I sat on one of the hard seats in the restaurant. I rocked back and forth, looking up to meet Theo's eyes. 

He held up a finger for me to wait and he disappeared for a while, Leah eventually appearing, seeming to be in a bad mood. Theo walked steadily towards me stopping short at whatever look was on my face.

He sat down uncertainly next to me.  "I'm so sorry about last night."

I didn't say anything, my eyes flicking over to his face. He looked so genuine.

"You tried to tell me," I muttered under my breath.

Theo was staring at me. "Are you all right?"

I looked at the people, the machines, the floor, the ceiling, and everywhere else that wasn't him.


"I'm feeling just fine. Yeah, it felt great to see that, but you know what felt even better? Getting lost because of my own stupidity, or maybe it was the cab ride home and not being able to pay the taxi because of my own stupid issues. No, come to think of it, that wasn't even the best part. Maybe the best part was that I didn't have enough energy to get back inside the building so I fell asleep outside the building. Best sleep I've ever had. Ten out of ten would recommend it."

"You don't feel good then?" He said, sounding like it hurt him.

"What gave you that impression?" My voice rang out with a cold, hard sense of mockery to it. I could feel myself being immature and miserable, but I had nothing left in me to stop it.

"I'm sorry."

I didn't say anything until a woman walked up to Theo, pulling his attention away from me. 

"The machine over there is out of ketchup," she pointed out studiously, and Theo left me sitting there, alone.

I still wanted to talk to Leah. I hadn't done that yet. Theo's shift would be done before long and I had no doubt Leah's would be done at the same time. I still needed time to collect myself. I took deep breaths, waiting.

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