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Eliot Zhang-Deitchman tapped their foot as they listened to the vibrations coming from his headphones, they flinched when they felt a hand on their foot, he looked up to see Elijah quickly signing out an apology. "Sorry, just wanted to say I'm going to work." Elijah signed slowly so Eliot could tell what he was saying.

Eliot reached his hand out for Elijah to help him up, Elijah smiled as he grabbed Eliot's hand and pulled him into a sitting position. Eliot rubbed their eyes and petted Chad when he bumped against Eliot's foot that he put on the ground as they were getting up. "Where is Mom?" Eliot signed to Elijah who rolled his eyes and gestured towards the kitchen, Eliot nodded in acknowledgment.

Eliot shook his head fondly as they watched Elijah walk out of their room shaking his head at Eliot's antics. Eliot looked at their implant which was charging on his nightstand and turned his nose up, he really only used it at school. Not at lunch though because he tends to become overwhelmed with everyone talking.

Without having to look behind him Eliot knows that Chad is following him as they walk to the bathroom so instead of closing the door, it stays open so Chad can come and go when he pleases. Eliot hooks his finger on the drawer handle and pulls it open, Eliot turns on the water and washes his hands quickly before taking the needle out of its package. They grab the bottle of testosterone and put the needle into the soft part on top, he holds up the bottle and pulls out the correct dosage slowly. "Fuck" Eliot whispers when he sees that the needle has air in it, placing the bottle of testosterone down Eliot flicks the syringe making sure the bubbles come to the top before slowly pushing the syringe so the air escapes.

Eliot holds the syringe between his pinky and ring fingers as they grab an alcohol pad and tears it open, wiping it over his stomach he takes the needle and pushes the plunger out to see if they caught blood when it comes back without any blood Eliot pushes the contents of the syringe into his body.

Pulling the needle out they wince slightly but put their finger on the mark to apply to alleviate the sting, as he does that he tosses the needle into proper disposal for needles that Jia takes out whenever it's full. Once that's finished he brushes his teeth after he washes his hands, closing the drawer with his needles and medicine in it he pulls the bathroom door closed making sure that Chad follows them after too many days of Chad crying from the bathroom because Eliot accidentally closed him in their, Eliot made up for it by giving Chad lots of cuddles and kisses which Chad loved.

Humming Eliot grabs the tape recorder that their Dad gave him for Eliot's birthday and placed it on his dresser beside the cochlear implant so Eliot can make his bed for the day. When Chad jumps on the bed to ask for some pets from Eliot, Eliot grabs him and kisses his face before placing him on the ground. "Go eat," Eliot says snapping his fingers for Chad to walk towards the kitchen where his food bowl was at. Chad just gives him a look and starts to lick his leg which makes Eliot chuckle before turning back towards their bed.

Eliot scrubbed a hand over his face when they sat down on the bed, before deciding if they wanted to go ahead and get dressed for the day their stomach chose for him as it rumbled telling him he was hungry. Shaking his head Eliot grabs a random shirt that was on the ground before pulling it over their body, they brought the collar up to their nose and sniffed. It didn't smell too bad Eliot decided before slipping on his slippers that had Spider-Man on them, as he starts to make their way closer towards the kitchen the smell of breakfast fills Eliot's nose which makes them smirk in enjoyment.

Tapping on the counter to let his parents know he's in the room Eliot grins when Jia turns around in surprise and signs to him quickly. "Goodmorning Honey, I made breakfast." Jia was the only one who mouthed as she signed Eliot only did it when he was at school or at work around hearing people. "I smell it, what did you make?" Eliot signs standing on their tiptoes trying to look behind Jia to see what she made for breakfast. "Steamed Buns and Congee."

Eliot sniffed appreciatively and nodded his head towards the food which Jia put her hands up and stepped back, she turned around and kissed Elijah on the cheek before patting his chest. "Have a good breakfast, I gotta get to work." Elijah signed looking at Eliot before saying something to Jia and kissing her on the lips before grabbing his coat and waving at Eliot and Jia one last time before walking out the door. "Is he coming home late?" Eliot signs after he places his bowl and a small plate of dumplings on the table. "No, he's off at five I think. Why?" Jia signs raising her eyebrows curiously. "No reason." Eliot signs before grabbing his chopsticks and picks up a steamed bun.

In reality, Eliot did have a reason, they needed Elijah to repair some of the electronics they use when they go fighting. You see Eliot wasn't just deaf, he discovered a couple of years ago the same gene that caused Eliot to be deaf also caused them to get powers so now he can manipulate sound. People who were fans of his superhero persona compared him to the new Spider-Man calling them a hero in a dark time but Eliot never wanted that, because with that he got his very own "villain" already even though he wouldn't call Beanie much of a villain, but she put up a fight for Eliot which is why he needed Elijah to repair his stuff all the time.

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