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Eliot adjusted his beanie making sure his cochlear implant was still stuck to his head, bending down they grabbed the cloth that was under the counter and walked over to the records that were open and on display before rubbing them softly to get the dust and fingerprints out. Some people, especially kids liked to touch the records even though they had a do not touch sign right by the open records so this was one of the things that Eliot had to do every day.

He looked up when the doorbell to the shop rang. "Hi, welcome to Rosewater Records. How may I-" Eliot cut himself off when he saw who it was, MJ along with Peter and Ned. "Do you need help?" MJ asks but she also signed to Eliot while she spoke, Eliot looked at her confused but she nodded at the cloth in his hand, he made a face of acknowledgment but then shook their head no and walked back towards the front desk. "Hi." Peter walked up to the desk and carefully signed Hi which made Eliot smirk and look at MJ who winked at him. "Hi, how can I help you today?" Eliot spoke as he signed because he knew that wouldn't pick up on it.

Peter lifted his hands, but then groaned and looked at MJ who put her hands up and stepped back, pressing his lips together Peter groaned and rubbed his hands over his face. "I don't know how to sign Ned," Peter muttered to Ned who rolled his eyes at Peter. "I can read lips but I can also hear you because of this." Eliot shoved part of his beanie up to show Peter his implant which Peter blushed at, he apologized quickly. "I'm so sorry, I've been asking MJ to teach me how to sign and that's all I've picked up on." Peter chuckles rubbing the back of his making Eliot smirk.

"Well, if you want. I can teach you, like after school. We have the same classes and periods." Eliot puts his hands together and leans against the counter. "Oh, shit. Sounds perfect, thank you." Peter licks his lips and looks around the store, it was something that Eliot was familiar with when a customer wants to ask for something but isn't sure where to start. "What was it that you needed?" Peter snapped his fingers when Eliot said that like he remembered why he was up here at the counter. "Right, I wanted to know if you have any records for AC/DC." Peter had a sad look on his face when he meant the band, it made Eliot want to wrap Peter in a blanket and cuddle him.

"Yes, it's on that back wall." Eliot pointed to a wall behind him, Peter nodded and gestured for Ned to follow him towards the back wall. "Did you do that on purpose?" Eliot signed to MJ who took Peter's spot at the counter, MJ smirked before nodding. "I did, I also only taught him Hi, I'm Peter," MJ smirked as she signed to Eliot, who rolled his eyes. "So you did it on purpose because you knew I would offer to teach him."

MJ nodded as she walked behind the desk to sit next to him. "I knew you wouldn't be able to resist the urge to spend more time with your crush." Eliot scoffed and shoved her but not harsh enough to push her off the seat. "You're so fucking mean to me." Eliot didn't sign which made MJ shake her head fondly. "When do you plan on going out to patrol?" MJ signs to Eliot after a few seconds of them not talking. Eliot hums and moves his feet. "I don't know, maybe tomorrow because I'm off and It's Sunday? If not after school because my gadgets are broken again." Eliot signs, MJ picked up her hands to sign a reply but Peter walked up carrying two records along with Ned carrying one of his own.

"Did you find everything okay?" Eliot asks standing up from the chair that's behind the counter. "Yes, thank you. I picked up the Wheatus album as well. You got lots of cool things here Eliot." Peter places the records on the counter and grabs his wallet out of his pants. "Thanks, Peter. These are some good choices, that will be $20.50 please." Eliot double-checks the price before grabbing the money when Peter gives it to him.

Eliot checks out Ned who bought a Taylor Swift album, Eliot hands over the receipt with a smile before waving at them as they walk out the door. "See you at school?" Peter asks looking at Eliot from the door, Eliot smiles and nods quickly waving at Peter once again. The door dings when the door hits the bell from Peter closing it, Eliot chuckles and grabs his phone from his backpack that was behind the counter. He sent a text to their Mom asking if they should pick up some pizza for dinner, while Eliot is waiting they grab their water and take a sip before sitting up straighter and watching the door.

Glancing down they think it's a text from Jia but it's an alert from the app that he made with MJ from stealing the codes from Elijah. Huffing, he looks to see what it is and if it's important enough to warrant an appearance from Audio.

Eliot shakes his head when he sees what Genesis aka Beanie Brant is doing, it's nothing major but it still warrants the presence of Audio, Eliot grabs his backpack and walks towards the back bathroom. It shouldn't take them that long so they're just quickly going to get dressed and stop Genesis from doing anything stupid, just like Eliot always does.

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