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Eliot tightened the strap on his backpack to make sure it wouldn't fall off. They had their cochlear attached but they don't have it turned on yet, Eliot liked to turn it on when he had class so he wouldn't be overwhelmed by the noise of the students running in the hall. They could feel a presence behind them before they even turned around, opening their locker they turned around to see his best friend, in the whole wide world besides MJ of course. Heather Daniels, recently came out to their Mom as nonbinary and Eliot has noticed they've been happier.

"Hey, I haven't turned on my implant yet." Eliot both spoke and signed so he knew that Heather would understand it. Heather awed before nodding in understanding and opening their locker beside Eliot. "Do you have lunch plans today?" Heather signed leaning against their open locker, Eliot and Heather liked to make lunch plans hours before lunch in case they didn't want to sit by whoever the other person choose so they can come down to an agreement. "MJ, Ned, Betty if she wants uh." Eliot stopped signing when the next name was Peter's.

Heather got a sly grin on their face. "And Peter." Heather drew out spelling his name for dramatic effect which made Eliot roll his eyes. "It's not like that okay?" Eliot signed before he closed his locker after grabbing the books for science class with Mr. Harrington. Eliot couldn't hear Heather he knew that they rolled their eyes as they sped up to walk beside Eliot to go into Mr. Harrington's class together.

As Eliot placed the books he needed on his desk he winced when he turned out his cochlear implant, after a few seconds of the annoying buzzing it settled and Eliot could hear the students loudly talking around him. They sighed and reached up to turn it down slightly before grabbing their phone from their pocket and sending a quick text to Jia saying they made it to school. Eliot put his phone in his pocket just in time for Mr. Harrington to walk into the class putting his briefcase down on his desk with a huff he turned towards the class. "Can you hear me?" Mr. Harrington asks looking at Eliot after pointing to his ears.

Eliot wants to sink into their chair but they nodded and place their hand on their chin. "Alright then, in June we're taking a class trip to Europe. I know it's a little earlier considering it's April but I wanted to make sure you guys get these permission slips signed by your guardians." Mr. Harrington starts to walk around and pass out the permission slips. Eliot smiled and grabbed his before thumbing the slip, beside him, Heather raised their hand. "How much is going to be paid for?" Eliot used their hand to muffle any laughter that threatened to come out because of Mr. Harrington's facial expression. "Why Miss. Daniels." Eliot winced, he forgot that Heather hasn't got a chance to update their school on Heather's pronouns.

"The hotel and flight will be paid for. Every student that is going must have a valid passport." Heather nods and grabs the slip that Mr. Harrington hands them. On his other side, MJ is rolling her eyes when Mr. Harrington turns around. "Are they okay?" MJ nods towards Heather who was putting the slip in their backpack. "They will be alright, they aren't out to the school yet." Eliot signed with a sigh. Heather is out to their friends but that's it, they also have a they/them patch on their backpack, Eliot has a similar one with his pronouns stitched with the trans flag behind it.

MJ frowned and Eliot but nodded and sat back against the back of the chair and looked towards Mr. Harrington who had made his way back up to the front of the class and was writing today's lesson on the board.


Eliot sighed and rolled his eyes as they walked out of their class before lunch, they were so excited to stop having to listen to a teacher go on and on about something Eliot will never use. Eliot got into Midtown because he's interested in technology like his Dad, but that didn't mean they didn't hate having to go here. "I'm so glad that's over." Eliot signed to Heather after they reached up and turned off their implant, the two of them walked over to their lockers and opened them before putting their history books into their lockers.

"Me too, I'm ready for food." Heather signed as they both closed their locker doors and started to walk to the cafeteria. When they got in the line for food Eliot turned his cochlear implant back on so he can hear what the lunch servers say. "Broccoli and cheddar soup is the lunch for today." Eliot nodded and held out his bowl for the person to put a scoop of soup into it, Eliot grabbed a roll and went to go sit beside MJ who had a seat open for him. Meanwhile Heather was sitting next to Betty Brant, Eliot placed his bowl on the table and started to spoon the soup into his mouth, every so often they would dip the roll into the soup and eat it.

Eliot jumped when he felt a tap on his elbow, he looked to his right to see Peter with a blush on his face. "Sorry, I asked if you planned on going to Europe." Peter looked down at the grilled cheese that he grabbed instead of the soup. "I would like to, it all depends on my parents." Ever since the snap happened both Elijah and Jia have been very protective over Eliot.

Not to mention he was only 11 when the snap happened so it would take a lot of work on Eliot to get them both to agree to them going to Europe with the rest of his class.

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