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Eliot was surprised to both of his parent's cars home, usually, it's just his Mother getting home from her own classes at ESU that she taught but it was both. Eliot had alright taken their cochlear implant off in the bus and put it in its proper case so it's protected from the outside elements so when Eliot turned the knob on the house they let their backpack drop to the floor. They couldn't hear it but it made the floor vibrate under him, Eliot slipped his shoes off and grabbed them before walking towards his room.

Opening their closet Eliot pushed the suit he made to fight crime in further in the back of his closet so it would be harder for people to see, they placed their shoes on their shoe rack and slowly backed out, without turning around they could feel a presence behind him. "Hey, Dad." Eliot signed when he saw who it was by the door. Smirking Elijah walked closer to Eliot who closed his closet so Elijah couldn't look inside. "Hi Kid, how was school?" Instead of answering Eliot shrugged and walked towards his bed before sitting down, the bed dipped from Elijah taking a seat next to Eliot. Before Elijah could ask what was wrong Eliot had a smile on his first, he held his finger out to Elijah for him to wait before they walked towards the closet and opened the black backpack that was in front of his suit. He let out a slight curse before pulling out headphones with what looked like a megaphone attached.

"This broke again, can you repair it?" Eliot signed after he placed the heap of equipment on the bed next to Elijah, Elijah raised an eyebrow as he lifted the headphones and megaphone which if you pressed the button sparked. "How did you break it?" Elijah signed placing the two attached items on the bed. Eliot gulped and lifted his hands to start signing the lie that Eliot did not carefully come up with. "I dropped it, again." Eliot huffed hit his head to show Elijah how dumb they were, Elijah rolled his eyes but nodded, and Elijah picked up the equipment.

Elijah stood up and started to walk out of Eliot's room, Eliot was about to follow him when a soft fur brushed up against his leg, smiling Eliot bends down and grabs Chad, Eliot kisses Chad on the head and rubs his face. Instead of putting him down Eliot keeps Chad near his face, which Chad likes if him butting his head against Eliot's neck is any indication. Eliot waved his pinky towards Jia as a way of saying hi before walking over to her and kissing her cheek. "How was work?" Eliot spoke carefully, it was weird talking without his cochlear implant but he was working on it. "It was good, although I had to write some kids up for incomplete homework." Jia both signed and spoke so Elijah could also know how her day at work went.

Eliot hummed in response, Eliot kissed Chad's head before placing him on the ground with one last rub. They walked over to their backpack that they left by the door and picked it up before placing it on the kitchen bar. They ignored Jia's huff and rant that Eliot knew all too well about Eliot bringing school germs into the kitchen, they grabbed the crumbled-up permission slip from the teacher and walked over to stand beside Elijah and Jia who was by the stove. "Mr. Harrington said they're having a class trip in Europe and I was hoping I could go." Eliot hands over the slip to Jia who looks it over and passes it to Elijah who also looks it over. "What do you have to do?" Jia signs taking a bite of the apple she brought home. Eliot smiles but doesn't allow themself to get their hopes up, they've been disappointed before.

"They said they will handle everything like expenses and stuff but I need to make sure my passport is in order. Please, I really want to go. I know that things have been hard since the snap and then everyone coming back but I want to go to Europe. I want to spend time with my friends." Eliot signed, he knew that the last part got Jia but suddenly she smirked. "You just want to spend time with Peter don't you?" His crush wasn't a secret from his parents, he regretted ever telling them who he liked. Eliot rolled his eyes and walked back around the counter to sit next to their backpack.

"Can we think about it?" Elijah signs looking at Jia to see if she agrees with what he signed and when she nods he looks at Eliot again. "Yea, of course. It's April and you got until June to decide." They bend down and grab Chad who was sitting under his chair waiting for Eliot to drop food like he was going to eat. Eliot kissed Chad's head who nudged against Eliot's chin, he twidled with the tag that was hanging down from Chad's collar. "You're gonna have to leave him, are you ready for that?" Elijah signed to Eliot with a chuckle. Eliot playfully pouted before nodding.

"I know, it will be sad but I can do it. I think Chad will be happier about it anyway." Eliot placed Chad on top of the bar so they can sign to their parents who chuckled. Jia shook her head at Eliot and walked towards the fridge before grabbing an orange and tossing it to Elijah which he started to peel. "We will think about it, I promise. It might be good for you to go to Europe, you would be away from the superheroes and stuff." Eliot nods quickly in agreement, he was pretty sure that Europe didn't have any villains or heroes, unlike New York.

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