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Eliot listened to what MJ had to say but he rolled his eyes, MJ was listing all the crimes that Eliot could help out with but this was getting too time-consuming, Eliot couldn't do it all today he promised that he would be home at 4 before dinner because his parents wanted to talk to him about something which was never a good sign in Eliot's opinion.

They froze when they could feel eyes on them, they hit a silence button on MJ which automatically sent her a notification saying that she was paused before he turned around to see if someone was staring at them. Eliot's eyebrows rose under their cowl that was surrounding their face and their eyes were covered as well. "Hi, Audio right?" Spider-Man put his hands up in a placating manner showing Audio that he wasn't going to harm him. Eliot was about to sign yes when they coughed and spoke instead, no one knew that Audio was deaf in real life, only that his power is that he can manipulate the sound around them when screaming. "Yes, I don't think we've officially met," Eliot smirks before walking closer to Spider-Man. "Well, I was not here for most of your career. I am glad to hear that you've kept Queens safe though. You're doing a good job especially when you have to deal with Genesis. I've been meaning to ask, do you need any help to take her down?"

Eliot couldn't see Spider-Man's face but he knew that Spider-Man had a smile on his face. "Thanks, but I got it." Eliot stepped back towards the fire escape. "I'll see you around, Spider-Boy." Eliot teased before grabbing a hold of the railing and straightening their arms to flip to the other side. "It's Spider-Man," Spider-Man grumbled which made Eliot laugh, they shook their head before balancing on the edge of the fire escape before jumping to the 3rd one below which put him a few feet above the ground. His heart pounds as he grabs onto the railing, Eliot mainly did this so he can look cool in front of Spider-Man but he was beginning to regret not climbing the ladder like a normal person.

Looking up Eliot decides it's safe enough so they pull themselves up before lifting their leg and getting back onto the fire escape, he didn't care if he looked cool anymore. They would rather not die in front of Spider-Man like this. Raising their hand they rubbed a gloved hand over their face before hitting the button again to reactivate MJ who was cursing at him. "Why the fuck-" Eliot shook his head and cut MJ off quickly. "I'm sorry but it was Spider-Man." MJ gasped before letting a chuckle. "What was Spider-Man doing around you?" Eliot gasped in feign offense. "No offense." Eliot rolled his eyes knowing that MJ meant all the offense.

They turned around and started to carefully climb the ladder. "Maybe he just wanted to say Hello, this is his turf after all." Eliot could kiss the ground when his feet touched the alleyway. Before MJ could say anything else Eliot interjected. "What time is it?" MJ scoffed. "It's 3:48 pm. More about Spider-Man, was he nice?" Eliot shook his head as they ducked into a nearby alleyway to start making their way to Rosewater Records, at least to the alleyway behind the record shop where Eliot placed his clothes that they can change into.

"Of course Spider-Man was nice, he did ask me if I wanted help to catch Genesis which I of course declined. If Genesis escalates then I will take his offer but she hasn't. Now if you excuse me I've reached Rosewater Records so I have to go but I will text you." Before MJ could respond Eliot takes off their mask from the safety of behind a dumpster, it automatically disconnects MJ's computer which is where she's talking to him from, Eliot knows he'll get an earful later but if they don't get changed now they will never make it back to the house on time.

They stuff their costume as MJ calls it into their backpack before they put it across their back before running towards the street. Eliot holds his hand up and hails a taxi, telling the driver his home address he grabs his phone from his pocket and sent MJ an apology text. I'm sorry, but I had to go. My parents wanted me home before 4 because they want to talk to me about something. Eliot pressed his lips together and brought his thumb up to his mouth as he waited to see if MJ would respond, they watched those little dots before a came through. Don't worry about it, let me know how it goes with your parents.

Eliot lets out a sigh of relief before the taxi comes to a stop, he looks up to see that they've stopped in front of his house. "Thanks," Eliot said to the man before paying him, he quickly took their implant off and stuffed it in their backpack before running up the driveway. Without knocking they turned the knob and slipped their shoes off by the door. They let out a huff and dragged their backpack towards their room. Opening his bedroom door Eliot placed his backpack on the bed, it was risky with his suit being in it but his parents weren't the type of people to snoop through his stuff.

Sucking their teeth they walked to the kitchen to be greeted with Jia at the bar reading a newspaper while Elijah was typing on the computer beside her. "I'm home." Eliot signed after tapping Jia three times on her shoulder, she turned around and smiled before hugging him tightly. "We missed you, honey, we have some news for you." Jia nudged Elijah who nodded quickly with a smile. "Right, we've decided that you can go to Europe." Eliot gasped before hugging Elijah and Jia tightly, he could feel Jia laughing before she slowly pushed him back. She held out a finger telling him to wait. "But, here's our condition." Eliot straightened his back and nodded, they knew this was coming. It could be anything.

"You have to stay with MJ. She knows you and she knows Italian so it would be helpful." Before Elijah is finished signing Eliot grabs their phone out of their pocket, they send a quick text to MJ before looking back up to his parents again. "Deal." Eliot signs smirking.


I picture Eliot's costume to be like white and red and looks similar to Mark Grayson's suit.

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