Chapter 06

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[Your outfits⬆️
designed by yours truly]

3rd Person's P.O.V

Y/n woke up and got out of bed, rubbing her eyes.
"Good morning N/n-chan." Kokichi greet her as he see her taking some clothes from her bag. "Good morning Kokichi. Where's Rantaro?" "He's in the kitchen cooking breakfast." Y/n nod her head as she enter the bathroom and turn the water on until the bathtub is full, stripped herself off her clothing and began washing herself while humming a tune.

After that, she got out of the tub and emptied it and wrapped a towel around her body, went to the sink and brushed her teeth.

She then went back in their room and started to brush her hair. She started tugging on her hair but failed. "Y/n, breakfast is ready." Rantaro walked into the room to see his friend having a hard time. "Okay. Just, let me fix my hair first. Darnit!" Y/n sighed. Rantaro chuckled. "Need a little help there?" "Yes please." the (h/c)nette nodded, handing the hair brush to him.

"Are you done yet?" Y/n asked after a few minutes. "Almost. Let me just tie your hair." Rantaro answered as he braid his friend's hair. "All done!"
The (h/c)nette looked at herself in the mirror. "Wow! Rantaro, you're so good at this. Thank you!"
Rantaro blushed. "Yeah, anytime. Anyway, let's go eat. Don't wanna keep Ichi waiting." Y/n nodded and they both went to the kitchen.

"What took you so long?" Kokichi asked with his mouth full.
"Sorry. Y/n needed help with her hair." Rantaro said as they sat down.
The purple-haired boy just rolled his eyes and took a sip from his panta.
Suddenly, Y/n chuckled.
The two boys looked at her asking, "What's so funny?"
Y/n shook her head. "Nothing. It's just, this feels like we're siblings, don't you think?" Rantaro nodded. "Yeah. Now that you mention it, I always look at you as a sister." "N/n-chan, can I call you nee-chan?" Kokichi suddenly asked oyt of the blue. "Why?" "It's because I always thought of you as my older sister."

Y/n stayed silent for a moment before nodding. "Of course."
"Okay, neechan!" Kokichi gave a close-eyed smile. "Now that I think of it, we actually looked like siblings. Taro-nii being the oldest, N/n-nee the second oldest, and me the youngest."
"Eh? Why am I the oldest?" Rantaro asked with a shocked expression.
"'Cause you're the tallest."
Both the gremlin and Y/n said at the same time and high-fived.

"Are you done eating?"
The two nodded. "Okay, let me just wash these and off we go." Rantaro said as he took the empty plates.
"Alright, Taro-niichan!"
Y/n and Kokichi giggled and the boy just sighed. "Seriously, you two should stop." "Che, you're no fun!"
Kokichi pouted.
After a few minutes, they went outside the hotel to see the same limousine and they got in and went off.

Y/n's P.O.V

We've been driving for hours.
'Where are we going anyway?' I thought as I look through the window.
"We're going to a Shingen-ryu Dojo Miss Y/n. The chairman found someone to train you there."
The driver said as if answering my question. "Onee~chan! Are we there yet?" "Not yet. But we'll arrive soon."
I said as Kokichi pouted.

"I wonder who'll train us..."
Rantaro said, deep in his own thoughts. "We'll find out soon enough." After a few minutes, we arrived in front of a dojo.

"We're here." The driver said as and we exit the car. "Shingen-ryu Dojo."
I read the sign.
Suddenly, the door opened to reveal a blonde-haired girl wearing all pink.

"Oh, you're here. Come on let's go inside." she said and we followed her inside the dojo. She sat down on the floor, gesturing us to sit im front of her and we did so.

"Hello. My name is Biscuit Krueger. I'm the person who will give you Nen training."
"A girl? Pfft! No thanks, I'll pass."
Kokichi said as he turn around but was suddenly hit in the head.
"You don't have any manners don't you kid." I turned to her.
"May I ask how old are you?"
"I'm older than you guys." she bluntly said and I raise my brow. "I'm asking how old." she sighed.
"You're such a pain. I'm 55 years old, but I look like a 12-year old."
"Um. Can we call you Bisky?" Kokichi asked. "Of course you can."
"And I apologize for earlier." He bowed. "Don't sweat it. It's our first meeting afterall."

She eyed us one by one.
"You're Y/n Netero, correct?" I nod my head and she immediately hugged me tight. "You're so adorable~UwU!"
"C-can't...breath..." "Oh! I'm sorry." Bisky immediately let me go and turned to Rantaro and Kokichi.
"And you're Rantaro and Kokichi."
"Yes ma'am."

She clasped her hands together.
"Now let's start with discussing what Nen is and their principles."
She suddenly pull out a white board and started explaining.
"There are four major princuples of Nen; Ten which means "point ", Zetsu which means "tongue", Ren which means "temper", and Hatsu which means "release"."
And so on and so forth.

"There are 6 categories of aura; enhancer, transmuter, conjurer, emitter, manipulator and specialist."
Bisky started explaining the categories one by one.
"Umm. Is there a way to determine which category our aura is in?"
Rantaro and I asked at the same time.
Bisky nodded. "There are many ways, but the most popular way is through Water Divination."
"Water..." "Divination...?" Kokichi finished my sentence.
"This divination requires one to float a leaf atop of a glass of water. A person should place their hands around the glass and focus a greater amount of aura in their hands or perform Ren."

Then she explained the resulting effects from one's aura contacting the glass will determine which category a person's aura is into. This went on until, "And that's all. Let's start your training."

Timeskip>>end of the day

"I'm... so tired..." I panted.
"That's all for today. See you tomorrow." Bisky said and we bowed. "Thank you so much Bisky-san."
"Oh and by the way, you'll be staying here untup your training is over. I prepared your rooms yesterday."
She said as she walk aeay, gesturing us to follow. After a few minutesof walking, we stopped. Bisky opened the door. "This is your room. Dinner will be ready in a few, so have some rest for now."

We sat on the floor.
"Today sure is tiring isn't it?" I said to my friends beside me. Rantaro nodded "I agree."
Kokichi lay his head on my lap saying, "I'm so tired as hell I could barely stand up." After talking for a few more minutes, we went to change our clothes.

After that, they came to give us our food. After dinner, we lay on our futons and fell asleep.

'Tomorrow's going to be a long day.'

Timeskip>>next day

First thing in the morning and we're already training again. "Too slow!" Bisky said when she cut the rope that was holding the boulder and landed right on Rantaro's head
[Shuichi:killing him instantly
Tetsuna:Shuichi, where did you come from?! Where not in a freaking class trial!
Y/n:Yeah! It's not a freaking shot put ball!]
'This is hell...' I thought to myself.
"OUCH! MY HEAD!" Kokichi yelled in pain. "Don't let your guard down!" said Bisky as he stood in front of him.

Timeskip>>after 2 months

"Today, we're gonna find out which category your aura belongs to."
Bisky said as she took a glass of water with a leaf floating on top of it, placing it on the table in front of us.
"You know what to do." We nodded and looked at each other.
"Who wants to go first?"
I asked Rantaro and Kokichi.
"Ladies first."
they both said at the same time and I sighed. "Fine."

I stepped forward and placed my hands around the glass and consentrated in performing Ren. "Nothing's happening."
I said monotonously.
"Try tasting the water."
Bisky said and I dipped my finger on the water and tasted it.
"It tastes salty."
"That means you're a transmuter."
I walk back to my friends. "I'm next!"
Kokichi exclaimed while raising his hand. He did the same thing I did and the water turned into purple.
"You're an emitter."
"Nishishi. Not bad."
He walked back to us and Rantaro went next. "You're a conjurer."
He sighed. "I thought I would be something like an enhancer or something. But it's not bad either."
He said as we sat down.

"Now all that's left is to think of what power you want to use."
I immediately thought of something.
'Half Cold-Half hot!'
I tried to consentrate my aura to form flames and ice. "It's not working."
Then suddenly, flames started errupting on my left palm and ice started forming on my right palm.
"I did it!" Bisky came to me and pat my head. "Good job kid." I grinned and practiced my skills.

After dinner>>

We all lay on our futons as we talk about our training today.
"Rantaro, Kokichi. What are your powers?" I asked them.
"Well, mine is I can summon any kind of weapon. What about you Ichi?"
"I can shoot aura with either my palms or fingers and I can also make a sword out of aura,
[same as Yusuke's reigan and Kuwabara's spirit sword]
cool right?" Both Rantaro and I nodded."But Neechan's the coolest! Her left side can errupt flames, and her right side is ice. I saw her shooting blue flames earlier. Say neechan, what do you call yours?"
"Half Cold-Half hot." I said bluntly.
"What about yours?" I asked them.
"Well, I think mine is.... ACK! I can't think of anything! I'm still thinking."
"Alright. How about you Rantaro?"
"I don't know..."
"Okay." i yawned. "Let's go to sleep. We have a long day tomorrow."
I said and closed my eyes.
"Good night nee-chan/N/n." they both said and went to sleep.

To be continued...

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