Chapter 07

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3rd Person's P.O.V

"Blazing Fire!" "Reigan!" "Shotgun!"
The three friends practiced their techniques one last time. Today is the day they'll be leaving the Shingen-ryu dojo and the day of Y/n's 12th birthday. "Alright! You three come here!" Bisky said and they all aproached her. "You've finally finished your Nen training. I'm so proud of you all. I'll miss you."
She said, on the verge of tears.
"We couldn't have done it without you master." Rantaro said wih a smile on his face."Yeah. Thank you for being such a great teacher." Kokichi said while playing with Y/n's hair.
"We'll miss you too master.I hope we'll see each other again." Y/n said and they all hugged their teacher one last time.

"They car is here. Goodbye. And by the way Y/n." The said girl turned to her former teacher. "Yes?"
Bisky smiled. "Happy birthday."
The (h/c)nette smiled. "Thank you Bisky-san." She went inside the car.
After a minutes, they arrived at the HQ of the Hunter Association. They went inside into the chairman's office and was greeted by Netero saying happy birthday to her while holding a cake.

"Happy birthday Y/n!"
They all said, including Rantaro and Kokichi. "Thank you so much everyone." Y/n smiled a close-eyed smile. "Come on, let's eat." They said and they all sat on a table, talking about their Nen training.
"How was your training?" Netero asked the trio. "It was hard but, we endured it." "Yeah, it was fun!"
The chairman nodded in understanding. "I see, I see. Which category are you in?" "I'm a transmuter, Rantaro's a conjurer and Kokichi's an emitter." Y/n said with a smile on her face.

They talked about random things for awhile until one question caught them off guard. "Would you like to take the Hunter Exam?" Y/n and her friends stayed silent for a moment.
"Don't you want to become hunters?"
Netero asked, a hint of sadness visible on his voice. "N-no! It's not that we don't want to." Y/n trailed off. "Then why are you kiddos silent?" "Well, it's just that we didn't expect you to ask that question Netero-san." Rantaro answered for his friend.

"Oh I see. Well then let me ask this one more time. Do you want to tale the Hunter Exam?"
The trio nodded. "Yes we do."
"Alright, so it's settled. You will ride my airship to Zaban City in two weeks. Be ready until then" the chairman said as he stand up and walk away.

Kokichi put his hands behind his head. "Nishishi. The time has finelly come eh." Rantaro nodded. "Yeah."
Y/n stood on her chair and raised her fist. "We'll past this exam and get our hunter's license. After that we'll continue our adventure."

Timeskipe>>after 2 weeks

Y/n's P.O.V

Today is the day we're going to Zaban City, where the first phase of the Hunter Exam takes place. I only took a small bag and puy some of my necessities; some clothes, my ukulele and kalimba and other things.
After I'm done, I walk to the airship with my friends. 'I'm finally taking the Hunter Exam! I can't believe it, my lifelong dream is coming true.'

"We're going to Zaban today." Rantaro said as he look through the window. "And we'll be participating this year's Hinter Exam." "How exciting!" Kokichi exclaimed. "I'll become a hunter. Once I do, I will find mother and Ray, no matter what." I said to no one in particular.

"You're not the only one who wants to be a hunter." I turned to my friends. "I'll become a hunter, but I won't leave nii-chan and onee-chan. We will still be together until the very end."
I smiled at them. "Yeah. Let's stick together until the end." We bumped our fists. "Nishishi."

"Say Y/n." I turn my attention to Rantaro. "Why do you want to be a hunter?" "Well, it's been my dream since a long time ago. Me and my brother Ray promised to become hunters and be partners but that day never came. And there's another reason, my mother is a double-star Blacklist Hunter. And I also want to know and discover the most dangerous and rarest things in the world." I spread my arms wide as I explained. "What about you two?" "No reason. Well actually, same reason as yours." Rantaro and Kokichi said at the same time. "I guess we're even. Niheehee."

The airship landed and we went outside. It's pretty lively here, it reminds me of Sindria.
"This is Zaban City." the navigator said in front of us. "Follow me to the exam site." We arrived in front of a restaurant. We went inside and the navigator talked with the owner and we went to the back. I guess this is and elevator. We sat down and waited until we stop.

After a few more minutes, we hear a ding and the door opened. We stepped out  to see so many people and my eyes landed on Beans-san. We walk to him and he gave us our tags. Mine is #100 Kokichi's #101 and Rantaro is #102. 'This might take a awhile.'
"Yo!" a fat guy came to us. "Hello." I said monotonously as I cross my arms. "Are you rookies?"  he asked and we nodded.

"My name is Tonpa. Actually, this is my 35th time taking the exam."
"Oh really." I said, not surprised because I secretly looked at the files. He was ranked 2nd. "I'm Kokichi, this avocado here is Rantaro and icy-hot over here is Y/n. We're childhood friends." Kokichi introduced us and I could see Rantaro scowl at him. I can't blame him though, the grape just called him avocado.

"Nice to meet you three. How about we drink to toast our friendship." he said, handing us a canned drink. "Sorry, we'll have to decline."
Rantaro said with a smile on his face.
"Huh?" "Seriously, you never get sick of crushing us rookies." I started.
"Actually, Kokichi over here is a human lie detector. You can tell he's suspicious right, Ichi." I turn him as I said that. "Niheehee. Yeah, and he's making us drink a juice that contains laxative. Oh and one more thing, that nice behavior of mine is an act."
Kokichi said, his hands at the back of his head. "Sorry but we're won't fall for your tricks. Tonpa, the rookie crusher." I said coldly and we all walk away from him.

"Don't you think you're a bit cold back there?" Rantaro asked as we walk to the side of the tunnel. "Oh! Am I? Oops my bad, sorry." I laughed awkwardly. I leaned my back on the wall wih my arms crossed. "It's fine. I think it's because of the icy-hot thingy." "I wonder..." I trailed off.
I thought I saw silver hair earlier.
'Nah maybe it's just my imagination.'
I thought as I closed my eyes.

Unknown Person's P.O.V

I walk around the tunnel looking for something or someone. I could've sworn I saw (h/c) hair earlier.
'Man, must be hallucinating things.'
Do I really miss her that much?
Y/n, I wish could see her here in this hunter exam. I forgot how many years has it been. Well, I'll just rely on my luck on this one.

To be continued...

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