Chapter 2: Pretty Big Bombshell!

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Sydney woke the next morning in Logan's bed but not naked, she's sure she's going to get his attention one day but when she's not sure, obviously she's hoping soon because watching him go from girl to girl the way he is, isn't fun for her, Sydney let out a yawn with a stretch then glanced to see if Logan's still in bed with her but he's not, his side's empty, so she got up as well to go see where he is, she didn't need to guess, all she needed to do was follow the music...

... Sydney smiled as she made her way into the kitchen, Logan's cooking and dancing to the music, she chuckled to him which made him look to her as soon as he saw her he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him, forcing her to dance with him as he sung the song to her.

Logan: ... "Oh I could throw you in the lake or feed you poisoned birthday cake, I won't deny I'm gonna miss you when your gone..."  

Logan twirled her around, ignoring the food on the heat, she didn't mind and loved his energy, imagine working with this every morning, it's so contagious, when she's having a bad day, he can cheer her up, today isn't one of those days, Logan and Ariana are split, which means he's single and prime for the taken, she already has a hoodie of his on so she might as well smell like him too right.

Logan: ... "Oh I could bury you alive but you might crawl out with a knife and kill me when I'm sleeping that's why..."

He went on to sing the chorus again, this time with one last twirl and letting Sydney go, she couldn't stop smiling even if she wanted to while he went back to the food, Logan's not the best cook ever but he's pretty good, he'd make a great husband, partner, father all of those things purely based on that fact, imagine coming home to a nicely cooked meal, Sydney day dreamed till the song was finished, she then went to take her shot.

Sydney: Hey, I know you and Ari just split...

Logan plated up their food and moved over to her as she leant on the kitchen island, she wasn't looking at him, she was toying with the draw strings on his hoodie she has covering her body, she's naked under this thing other then her underwear, if someone walked in right now then they might assume the worst.

Sydney: ... But would you... maybe... want to, you know...?

Sydney tried to ask him out, how hard can it be, she just needs to ask him out, that's all, they've gone to events all the time together, they've spent nights in hotels together, they've had countless sex scenes to film together but just one look into his blue eyes and she fumbled, she couldn't do it, Sydney did think that she could just kiss him, he's right there, looking at her, waiting for her to say something other then "Um" and "Uh", but before she could talk herself into doing it, the apartment door opened taking his attention away.

Sydney: ... So close...

Logan didn't hear her say that, he heard her say something but he was more interested in Ariana walking back in wearing the exact same thing she left in last night, Sydney was confused to why she came back, she sore her last night with another guy at a bar on her way here, there's no way Logan will take her back now.

Ariana: What's she doing here? And why is she wearing your hoodie?

Sydney rolled her eyes at her a little before going to the food that Logan cooked, she doesn't hate or dislike Ariana in anyway but Logan's a sucker and will fall for the first girl that bats their eyelashes at him, it's why he gets into so much trouble, did you all know he dated Taylor Swift as well, that ended really, really well... It didn't, it really didn't end well.

Logan: What do you mean "What's she doing here"? She lives here and has for years...

Sydney liked that he stuck up for her, Ariana didn't seem too happy that she's here right now but Logan's not going to ask Sydney to leave, he's had relationships that have tried to cut him away from the people he cares about and he's been good at breaking the relationship then and there, Ariana isn't trying to do that, she just hates how close these two are and feels that Sydney's going to try and take Logan from her, little does she know that Sydney is 100% trying to do that.

Logan: ... And there's no way your walking back in here like you haven't just done the walk of shame. Where were you last night?

This is when Sydney did actually leave, she didn't need to be part of this so she took her food to the room she's made hers, it's just across from Logan's room, Logan and Ariana started yelling at each other before Sydney could even get to the stairs, it's not looking good for their relationship but looking pretty good for Logan being single again, this time she's not going to miss her shot and take it.

Logan: ... You can't keep saying that shit! How can you say I don't listen!? I listen to you shouting at me all the time!?

Sydney shouldn't be happy she can hear them screaming and shouting at each other but she is, Sydney has always had this liking towards Logan, ever since she first watched "Captain America: Civil War", he made her laugh in the movie, then in Homecoming, she kind of developed a small crush, only she didn't know it was a crush till it was too late, once he's single again, she's aiming for that bullseye, they already get along great, they've seen each other naked, share the same food, the only thing they don't do together is fuck, might as well at this point right.

Ariana: How can you listen to people when your heads up your own ass!?

Sydney didn't know where she got that part, he's not self-centred, well, not in a condescending way anyway, he will make jokes with his friends where he'll slide in the fact he was the main star in the 7th Highest grossing movie of all time but that's just a joke, Sydney's never thought Logan to be self-centred, Ariana's his girlfriend though, she must know him better then she does at this point right.

Logan: God! You are so full of it! Just admit you were fucking another guy!

Sydney sat there with an "O" face, she didn't expect him to just come out and accuse her like that, it makes sense, he's been cheated on before in his relationships, one of them a number of times, but he was so hooked on her, he couldn't let her go, so it kept happening till one day, she left him, his friends were thankful of that in their own little way.

Sydney continued to listen as she picked at her food, they were really going for each others throats, pulling out all the big cards, they didn't seem to end either, like it was an hour and they were still yelling at each other, in the end, Sydney fell asleep listening to them, she doesn't usually like to listen in but there was nothing on Tv, it's like hearing the same old song though, over and over again, she's given up on trying to convince Logan to stop dating these types of girls but every months it's the same old tune, she just hopes when she wakes, Logan's in a good mood...


Sydney woke up, she's not sure what time it is but the suns going down, that's a lot of sleep she's just had in the past 24 hours, she must have slept a total of 22 or so, when you need it, you need it sometimes, it did take Sydney a moment to remember what happened this morning and for no reason whatsoever, she pretty much jumped out of her bed and ran out her room, heading down the stairs to see Logan sitting on the couch with pen and pad in hand while "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" played on the big screen.

Sydney: What you up to?

Sydney didn't want to just jump in with asking him out, she can't see Ariana around so she's assuming things went well for her, bad for their relationship but well for her, Sydney's starting to sound crazy with how obsessed she's becoming over Logan but she just wants to give dating him a try, she's tired of her relationships failing and also tired of seeing his last for a few weeks, he doesn't seem to care though and keeps making the same poor life choices.

Logan: Hey, did you sleep all day...?

He asked her looking out to New York, the sun is pretty much hitting the horizon now, it's a beautiful view but she's wasted her day, it sucks but it could be worse, she could have just ruined her relationship with her girlfriend of a few months, but that's what Logan's done today not her.

Logan: ... I figured I'd take a break till Feige calls me for Spider-Man 4. I've neglected my Music fans long enough.

Sydney is so excited about Spider-Man 4, especially with Logan returning in the role, he was a little unsure he would because of his age, he was 17 when he got giving the role, he's going to be 27 next year but he got a call not a few weeks back from Kevin giving him the good news that he's still going to be the Web-Slinger for the MCU, him being Spider-Man is what inspired her to take the role for Julia Cornwall for "Madam Web", sure it's not MCU but she had fun making it, she's hoping she can take Spider-Man with her to the premiere as well.

Sydney: I have no idea why you keep dating girls like that...

Logan chuckled as she sat on the couch beside him, she looked to the pad and saw the title for at least one of his new songs, "Waves", she read them and the lyrics looked good, she can't lie, she like's Logan's music, he can sing, dance and is one of the best Actors in the modern era, how could you not want to date him, he's every girls dream, other then the fact he has the same IQ of a raisin.

Logan: ... If I didn't then what would I write my music about?

Sydney smiled to him as he took back the pad, most his songs are about break ups and other life choices that he's made, he hasn't put an album out in a while though so it's good that he's taking a step back from acting and putting his time into this, he does have fans for his music and fans for his movies, he has to give them both equal love.

Sydney: Sorry that you guys broke up. Your getting good at them now though right.

Sydney tried to lighten the mood with a small joke about Logan Kenway getting good at break-ups and he is to be fair, the last few, he doesn't hang on it for too long before moving on to the next eventual break-up, it's really not healthy but it's his life and until he starts hurting himself or others, there's not really much she nor his friends can do about it.

Logan: What makes you think we broke up?

Logan asked her without looking away from the film, his pen tapping at the ped as he sat there all relaxed and not at all looking like a man who just broke up with his girlfriend, Sydney looked to him a little worried because they need to at this point for them both, not just for his mental health but hers as well.

Sydney: You had the argument. She was with another guy last night. You did break up with her, didn't you?

Sydney is so confused right now, the argument they had this morning was pretty bad, it's easily the most pissed off she's seen Logan in a while but he just chuckled to her, almost like she told him a joke or something, Sydney isn't sure what she's more disappointed with, the fact she has to wait longer to see if they'd work together or the fact that Logan's doing it again, he's hooked on this girl even though she was spotted by his best friend with another guy not even 24 hours ago.

Logan: No, we didn't break up. I asked her to marry me and she said yes.

Sydney needed to do a double take, she wasn't sure if she heard him right, this is easily the most stupidest thing he's ever done, sure he and Ariana make a cute couple but he's too much of a sap, he just wants a wife, kids and love, so much so he's willing to be in a toxic relationship to have those things, Sydney needed to be a friend here though and put her foot down, not just for her desire's but for Logan's sake as well.

Sydney: What!?


{To Be Continued!}

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