Chapter 3: Engagement from Hell!

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Desmond: Are you out of your fucking mind!?

Sydney snitched on Logan, she told nearly everyone she can that will try to talk him out of this engagement with Ariana, not just because she's crushing on the guy but because Logan and Ariana are not a good match, they've seemed to have falling into this weird mindset where arguing all the time and occasional sex is a healthy relationship, Sydney only knows about the sex part because the walls are actually thinner here then they look.

Logan: I don't see what the problem is. I thought you of all people would be happy for me.

Desmond has been Logan's longest friend, literally, they've been friends since they were in diapers, Sydney made sure that he was the first name she called, the other two were Duncan and Alex, all his other friends still live in London, although Des did have to come to New York from Los Angeles, from his wife and kids because his best friend is being an idiot.

Desmond: Trust me, when you find that special someone and actually fall in Love. I'll be over the moon for you but this isn't that...

Logan cleared wasn't listening or in the mood to actually listen, so he shrugged while Duncan, Alex, Zendaya, Victoria and Sydney all watched and tried to talk some sense into Logan before he screws up too much, Sydney just want's what's best for Logan at this point, whether it's her or not, doesn't matter, what matter's is that Ariana isn't what's best for him and it needs to end, sooner rather then later.

Desmond: ... Arguing and constantly cheating on the other, isn't a healthy relationship.

This is what Sydney couldn't do, she couldn't bring out the low blows for this to work, Desmond can because he knows more about Logan, then even Logan does, Logan's cheated before, she knows that, they know that and he knows that, a few of them didn't know he cheated on Ariana though, that's news to them.

Logan: Wait, hold on. I've never cheated on Ari. 

Logan actually looked like he believed that as well but Sydney knows he's not telling the truth here, so does Alex and thankfully Alex is here to call him out on it because Sydney's not sure she can, this is what guys are good at, the tough love side of their little "bro-code", women aren't like that, they'll talk as much trash about you behind your back but when it actually comes to this sort of thing, they got nothing.

Alex: Actually, I know for a fact that's not true. 

Everyone looked to Alex now as he sat back on the couch with Victoria beside him, Logan's not sure how these two met, it must have been a dm's thing or a party, it didn't matter, they looked cute together and that's all that matters, actually, it's not, Logan and Ariana are cute together but their slowly destroying the other one day at a time.

Alex: Remember when we were filming "Anyone But You"? You and Hadley went missing for a while.

Alex leant forward resting his elbows on his knees while it was only Logan and Desmond standing, Sydney was there that day, she remembered that they couldn't be found but she had no idea they were doing that, she just figured they got caught up in whatever they were doing, apparently she was right just not in the way she was intending.

Logan: Really? I don't remember that. Maybe that's why she keeps blowing up my phone.

Logan pulled out his phone to see he had got a text from her, he hummed and ignored it though, he has a few messages from her a day, he's not really sure what she's after, maybe she has no idea he's in a relationship but that's Logan's place to let her down easily, apparently he hasn't done that.

Sydney: How can you lead her on, she's sweet.

Logan really seemed like he has no idea what's going on, either he's a really good actor, which he is, or he generally has forgotten about all this stuff, Sydney liked Hadley Robinson as well, she was so kind and fun on the movie set, she's also a little jealous that she got to have sex with Logan before she did, real sex that is, Sydney's getting tired of these on screen sex scene's, there giving her the female version of blue balls.

Logan: Look, can we stop picking on me. I'm happy with Ariana, whatever mistakes we made are old news...

They honestly couldn't believe what they were hearing, this is a man that when he was cheated on, he literally tossed her shit into the fire as she watched then had sex with her best friend, sure Logan's a pig and a bit of an asshole but that version of him is a lot better then this weird whipped version.

Victoria: Oh what about the bunny girl at the Halloween party last year...

Logan, Duncan, Alex and Desmond looked confused to Victoria as she looked to Zendaya and Sydney, Sydney didn't know about this but apparently Zendaya did as she jolted with a big "Oh Yeah", Desmond though went back to watching Logan, he's his best friend and isn't happy with what's going on, Logan's always been a crafty guy but this thing with Ariana isn't going to end well for either of them and that's the last thing Desmond wants.

Zendaya: ... Yeah, he disappeared with the bunny girl till someone found them in the upstairs bathroom...

Alex now nodded, it was their Halloween party and remembered Logan getting caught in the bathroom with someone that wasn't Ariana but had no idea about the part of him disappearing with a bunny girl, he and Duncan thought Ariana was the bunny girl, they had a mask on and everything, Logan clearly felt the same.

Logan: What are you talking about? That was Ariana.

Sydney looked between Logan and the two girls as did Desmond, this is honestly getting a little worrying now, Logan's always had a dodgy memory, like forgetting names or a line in a script but he's never been this bad before, this isn't the same Logan the knew and loved a few weeks ago.

Alex: Actually, it wasn't. Ariana was wearing a black bunny costume, you were with a pink bunny.

Logan really looked like he was thinking, this is concerning now for them all really, this relationship with Ariana is taking away the person that Logan really is, sure he screws around when the women that loves him is sitting right in front of him, yes he cheats on his partners and they cheat on him but this isn't Logan, it's like Sydney went for a nap, Ariana put a spell on him and now he's a completely different guy, it's not right seeing him like this.

Logan: I don't remember that, I'm sorry, but I don't...

Duncan, Alex, Victoria and Zendaya sighed as they have honestly had enough of this, sure they know that he's acting weird but it's Logan, he's always acting weird, give him two weeks and a blank check for Vegas and he'll be back to normal in no time, Logan's not a gambler, he'll go to Vegas and spend that money on other activates then crabs.

Logan: ... Look, I don't get where this is coming from. Yes Ariana and I have had our differences but what relationship hasn't. I've seen you and Gigi argue before...

Logan indicated to Desmond beside him, the situations are completely different, yes, Desmond and Gigi have had their differences of course they have but their squabbles don't excide the subject of what colour to decorate the kids rooms in, or what car to get, the last one was where to go on Vacation, Desmond wanted to go one place and Gigi wanted to go somewhere else, in the end Desmond found a place which gave them both what they wanted, ending the disagreement.

Desmond: You are not going to compare my loving relationship to this car crash you call "love".

Desmond is willing to say whatever it takes to snap Logan out of whatever is going on with him, he's not sure what this is, he's heard of something like it, it's where both of them fool themselves into thinking their made for each other, all it can take is a proposal and that's it, they think their soul mates but Logan and Ariana are by far from soul mates, Desmond's just trying to get his best friend back, the guy who stood beside him at his own wedding, that's what Des wants.

Logan: I honestly did think you of all of these guys would be happy for me. Your my best friend for fucks sake...

Duncan, Alex, Victoria, Zendaya and Sydney watched, Logan actually looked hurt, he can't seriously think he and Ariana are a good fit, Desmond is hurt too, Logan's his best friend, has been since they were kids, they grew up together, they had sleepover's together, they played stupid games together in the backyard, Logan stood beside Desmond as he got married to Gigi, this hurts Desmond seeing Logan like this then anyone else.

Desmond: But you aren't mine, this isn't you mate. Remember when we were kids, you'd start fights you couldn't finish and I'd have to save your ass? What happened to that boy, huh...

Desmond walked over to Logan and put his right hand on the back of his neck, Logan's a little shorter then Desmond but Desmond made Logan look up to him as he tried to get through to them, if Desmond can't then maybe none of them can, especially like this.

Desmond: ... Your strong Logan. Stronger then you think but you have got to snap out of this. What you had with Ariana was fun but it's time to call it quits...

Logan looked like he was listening to him, Desmond's right hand not letting go of the back of Logan's neck, Logan didn't even bother fighting but they can all see that he's getting through to the MCU's Spider-Man, Desmond has stuck by Logan through everything he's been through, no one's really sure why Logan's going from relationship to relationship but their here for him if he ever figures it out.

Desmond: ... Let her go and come home. I want my best friend back. My little brother back.

Logan chuckled, Desmond's always been taller then Logan, most of the time it's only an inch of so but Desmond has never let him live it down, it looked like he got through to him, everyone else watched hoping that Logan's about to call this thing off but it didn't work, Logan brushed Desmond's hand off him and stepped back.

Logan: If you can't be happy for me, if you can't support me then I don't need you as a friend...

That hurt a little, Desmond poured his heart and soul out to Logan then but the guy doesn't even look like he cares, they have no idea why Logan's so hooked on Ariana right now, it doesn't even make sense, they share very little in common, literally, the only thing they have in common is that they are both in the Music business, Logan's even a part timer in that so they only share half of that in common, most of Logan's money comes from the MCU.

Logan: ... Ariana was right about you lot. Now get the fuck out of my house.

Logan left without another word and by left, he went up the stairs leaving them all alone, Desmond looked honestly a little hurt by Logan's words and it's understandably, they've been together through thick and thin, then to hear that just because he's hooked on this girl for some reason, bro's before hoe's clearly has been forgotten by Logan.

Duncan: So, what do we do now? Logan's a pain in the ass but I already hate this guy.

Duncan hasn't said much because he hasn't got much to add to the conversation, sure he's friends with Logan but their more wacky friends, like they'll play pranks on each other and stuff, working with them both on set is a nightmare, especially when they worked on "American Pie: Girls Rules", the amount of times they had to start shooting again because one had made the other laugh, he also didn't know much about Logan's skipping out on Ariana, sure he heard rumours but never witnessed it, he wasn't at the Halloween party this year, he was ill, also Desmond was the best man for the job and even he couldn't get it done.

Desmond: We make him believe that Ariana is cheating on him.

Desmond hasn't stopped looking at the ground, clearly Logan's words cutting deep and running through his head but yet, he's still willing to help Logan break through this weird faze and get his friend back, sure it's happened before, Logan's got hooked on a girl but never like this, he's never proposed to one, that's really new.

Sydney: I won't work. I already told him she was and he ended up asking her to marry him. God knows what he'd do if we tried to tell him again.

Zendaya chuckled and made the joke that he'd probably get her pregnant or something, Duncan and Alex thought it was funny, even Victoria grinned but the sad thing is right now, that's actually a scary possibility, not the idea of Ariana and Logan having a kid but both of them having a kid in these sorts or mindsets, it won't be good for the child, not in anyway shape or form, but luckily, Desmond has a plan.

Desmond: Then we don't tell him. We show him.

They all looked back up to Desmond who still looked to the ground, he did turn away shortly after that, showing Logan will be tough though, they will need to find someone to seduce Ariana and is willing to film it, not too many options but Desmond's plan that he told them all was solid, if this doesn't work, then it might be the case of saying goodbye to Logan, the real Logan forever, Sydney however has the "Anyone But You" Premiere to go to first, she was hoping they'd go together, she has a feeling that plans have changed now...


{To Be Continued!}

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