Chapter 4: Anyone But You Premiere! {18+}

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*There's a small smut in the Chapter but I know not everyone is comfortable reading it so I'm going to leave a warning for where it begins and where it ends! That's the only way I can think of to make everyone happy! Enjoy!*


It's a few weeks till Christmas now and Logan will be going back to the UK, assuming he's going to be taking Ariana with him, no one really knows because Logan hasn't been speaking to them since the other day, they are just trying to help not only him but Ariana too, this relationship thing they've got going on is awful, they don't love each other, their constantly arguing, the only time they seem to get along is when their having sex, which is a lot, Sydney really could do with noise cancelling headphones to be honest, that's not going to ruin her day, she had a lot of fun filming with Logan, even if he is being an asshole right now...

... She still made sure to dress to impress, turning a few heads as she walked the Premier carpet, she didn't know if Logan was going to be here, he said he'd be her date but he hasn't turned up, nor has he been answering her message's, the others though just told her to live through it, Logan will come to his sense but Sydney can't leave it, it's annoying her that he's in a relationship like that.

Photographer: Logan! Over here!

Sydney turned from her audience to look down the carpet and saw Logan here, he looked good, like annoyingly good, she's not sure what she was hoping but it wasn't it, she felt like an girl that just lost the guy of her dreams to another girl and she's hoping to hear that he's miserable but instead he hasn't been happier, you know those moments, well, Sydney wasn't getting that as he's all smiles and looked really good...

... He really does have a baby face though, it's why he's been growing it out but for Spider-Man, he shave's, Peter Parker never really looks all too old, even when he is old he still looks like a highschooler, Sydney stopped and watched him, she couldn't believe that he'd come here after ignoring her these past few days.

Logan: Hey.

Sydney looked up to him with a "Seriously?" look, how's he just going to say "Hey" like that as if nothing has happened these past week or so, he's gone from calling her because he and Ariana argued, Sydney telling him she saw her with another guy, to getting engaged to her then having a big argument with his friends because he can't see past whatever they want to call it.

Sydney: "Hey"? That's all your going to say? Where have you been? Everyone's been worried about you.

Logan chuckled to her a little while she tried to keep the smile for the camera's, those Penguins from Madagascar had the right idea, "Just smile and wave boy's, smile and wave" and that's what their doing, the world doesn't know yet that Ariana is engaged again, they also would have a field day if they learnt that the MCU's new Poster boy is getting hitched.

Logan: Relax, my phone got broken. It happens.

Logan was cool and collected as he put his left arm around her, holding her waist and pulling her into him, she didn't like that answer though, Logan's never broken a phone, not even while filming, he's really, really careful with his phone, so hearing that he broke it, doesn't sit right with her.

Sydney: How'd it break? What did you do?

Sydney asked as they moved on, they have to keep this moving if people are going to finally see this movie, no matter the reviews, Logan and Sydney will remember it as their first true Co-Stared movie, sure they've done Euphoria together but they weren't the stars in that one, just big parts, Zendaya was defiantly prime focus there.

Logan: I just... you know.. it broke.

He's clearly lying, he's an awful liar and can't keep a secret, everyone knows that because he's the one that leaked the Avengers Endgame title, he didn't mean to, he just made a mistake, he wasn't supposed to open a package they gave him on camera but he did, it wasn't until the artwork for the film was already seen did Logan see the message about not showing anything, he's never opened anything on camera since because of that.

Logan: Don't worry too much, just have a good time.

Sydney felt his hand leave her as he walked past her, she's not sure why but something doesn't feel right about this, Logan doesn't break his phone, his parents had very little money when he was a kid so he learnt to not take things like a phone or anything for granted, as long as Sydney's known him, he hasn't broken anything like a phone or computer, laptop anything, something's off with that...


The movie was fun, are they going to win awards from it, probably not but it was far from bad, they had a good time filming it, they had a good time watching it and in the end, that's what really matters, there's nothing worse then being an Actor or Actress and not liking the work you've done, both Sydney and Logan are happy with "Anyone But You".

Logan: I'd love to go with you.

Logan and Sydney are back at the hotel, they decided to just share this room, they don't need two beds, their adults and can keep things professional, no matter how much Sydney wants to tell them how much she loves him right now but she can't, not while he's in this weird dream wave of being "in Love" with Ariana, Sydney's not a professional but even she knows that ain't love.

Sydney: Spider-Man at the Madam Web Premier, that will be a headline for sure.

Logan chuckled before getting up from the sofa and walking over to the try of drinks they got, literally, just them drinking, sure there were more of them, like Josh Bonello was here, Alexandra Shipp, even Hadley was here, she and Logan had a little talk and that's all Hadley wanted, she knew it wasn't anything, she just wanted to make sure he didn't want anything, once that was pretty clear, Sydney's pretty sure Logan got a new best friend.

Sydney: When are you going to act again?

Logan shrugged to her with his back turned, he even looked good drunk, only now he has his jacket off and his tie a little loosened, he should wear suits more often, he looks good in them, Sydney smiled as he huffed back to the couch, slouched back with his neck on the back of the couch, Sydney looked down at him from this position, her legs hooked up underneath her and her right arm on the back of the sofa, she's comfortable with this, however when his left hand rested on her legs, she couldn't help but see that ring on his finger and her heart shattered a little.

Sydney: What's it like? Getting married?

Desmond said to just play along, play along till they can figure out a way to prove to Logan that Ariana isn't the girl for him, so that's what she's doing as Logan drank from his drink and looked to his hand, his wrist still resting on her leg while he lifted his hand, showing himself the ring on his wedding finger, he didn't look as pleased about it now though as he was the other day.

Logan: It feels really, really heavy.

Sydney looked to him from sipping on her drink, she's a little drunk as well but not as much as he is, it's not so bad though because he's no different from being drunk to being himself, he's just a wacky guy, maybe this side of him isn't consumed by whatever is making him feel like he loves Ariana, maybe Sydney can snap him out of whatever's going on with the help of booze.

Sydney: It doesn't look that heavy.

Logan was staring at it, almost like he has this 1000 yard stare in his eyes, he snapped out of it though when he looked up to her, a quick smile on his face then faded as he went back to his drink, Sydney knew what he meant, it's not heavy physically but heavy on him personally, he knows that deep down this isn't right but getting sober him to know that is proving to be a hard task.

Logan: Yeah, well. Your not wearing it. It feels heavy to me...

Sydney moved closure to him, maybe if she keeps him talking then his drunk side can talk some sense into his sober side, she knows Desmond, Duncan and Alex have a plan but screw that, she want's to get Logan back now, not whenever they can figure something out, who knows how long that can take, she has a chance now and she's taking it.

Logan: ... I'm sorry. I lied to you too. I didn't break my phone. Ariana did...

Sydney smirked a little while sipping her drink, Logan doesn't do lying and isn't good at it, she's never heard him like this when he's drunk he really must be having an inner conflict, the part of him that knows this thing with Ariana is bullshit is fighting with the part that thinks their made for each other, this side looks like it's winning though.

Logan: ... She saw your texts about the Premiere and got jealous, we argued and she through it at a wall...

Sydney knew that Logan wasn't going to break his cellphone, he has too much respect for the little things in life, like he'd never buy a new phone just because they bring out another one, if it works, he's keeping it, it's also a red flag, their arguments are escalating, before it was just shouting, now it's throwing things, how long till they start throwing things at each other or hurting the other in general, Logan's not a violent guy but he is a big guy, he could really end up hurting Ariana, not intentionally of course but neither of them are in a good state of mind right now.

Logan: ... I think she knows I like you. Ari don't like that.

Logan chuckled to himself as he chugged down the last of his drink, it might be very narcissistic of her but the only part she got from that drunken speech is that he liked her, does he mean like, like or like as a friend because she knows he likes her like a friend but if he likes, likes her then she might have a new way to snape him out of this.

Sydney: Ah, screw it.

Logan looked to her wondering what she was talking about, he ended up chuckling when she downed her drink too then put both her hands to the side of his face and pulled him into a kiss, Logan clearly didn't expect that and seemed to push away a little, not for long though before he started to enjoy it, his right hand going to the side of her head as his left snaked around to her back...

*Smut Warning! Skip over if you want!*

... Sydney felt his hand roam up her back and found her zip, his hand tugged it down while she un buttoned his shirt, she left the tie on because that gives her something to grab onto, neither were really thinking straight but who cares, he's not stopping and nor is she, instead she stood up from the couch as soon as she felt the zip hit the bottom, Sydney shrugged her dress off as quickly as she could while Logan stood and did the same to his shirt and pants, as soon as they were both left in only their underwear, she took a little charge.

Sydney: Come on ~

Sydney giggled as she grabbed the tie he's still wearing and pulled him towards the bed, Logan stumbled but went with her and fell on top of her, Sydney's arm's wrapped around his neck as they looked at each other almost asking the other if this is what they both want, when neither of them argued, they both worked to push his boxers down and move her panties out the way, they didn't need much just the idea was exciting them, which aloud Logan to push his cock inside her, Logan's breath hitched while Sydney moaned as he thrusted as much as he can into her, pulling out just enough then pushing back in, Sydney's hands remained around him while his hands moved her hair out her face before giving her another kiss, which roamed to her cheek, neck and then shoulder.

Sydney held him in her arms as they finally fucked each other, years of crushing on the other and all it took was a troubled relationship and a lot of drinks, the past yeas they wasted don't matter, what matters is Sydney has him now and she's not going to let him hurt someone or get hurt, she was so happy she's finally fucking him that she doesn't care their not protected.

Logan: Fuck ~

Logan moved to push himself up, suspending himself above her by his hands pressed against the mattress Sydney is laying on, Sydney's hands slipped down to his waist and held him there while his hips moved giving her the best sex of her life so far, maybe it's because they know each other so well, or it's because she honestly does feel they were made for each other that this feels so good.

Sydney: It feels so fucking good ~

Sydney managed to get out as her head fell back and her hands reached up, toying with her hair for a moment before she just laid there, her legs still wrapped around him, however with her eyes closed, she didn't see Logan's eyes on her chest, bouncing up and down with every thrust he put into her.

Logan: I've always loved playing with these ~

Sydney looked to him again, this time with a small giggle as his right hand gripped onto her tits, he's touched them before but this time is different, they feel so much better for him, even covered by her bra, he didn't care and she didn't, she knows he's not one to be with someone for their body, he's going to be with someone that loves all the same things he does and laughs at all the same jokes, it's confusing that he's never seen her more then a friend before.

Sydney: Their yours now ~ All yours baby ~

Logan liked hearing that and pushed his cock deeper then before, gently grinding his hips into her as both hands clutched at her chest, together they got her bra off which let him suck and nibble at one of her nipples, even without telling him what she loves, he does it anyway, he probably knows from all the times they've "Joked" about sex and bad sex since their friendship begun, you can tell people things without even realising it sometimes.

Honestly though, none of that matter right now, the only thing that mattered is that his cock is finally in her pussy, where they both want it right now, what happened yesterday and what happens tomorrow means nothing to them, their all in for the right here and right now, the future or past isn't important, their finally together as one...


*Smut Over! Thanks for continuing to read!* 


Sydney woke up thanks to the fact they didn't shut the curtains last night, then again, they were drunk and heated, the last thing on their minds were to close the blinds so that they can sleep in the morning, Sydney's awake now though and let out a stretch as she turned to see Logan, only he isn't still asleep, he's not even laying down, he's sitting on the edge of the bed, his hands clasped in front of him as thoughts are peddling through his mind.

Sydney: You okay?

That's not the first thing she thought she'd say to him the morning after they finally had sex, for real anyway, those sex scenes don't count, Logan didn't respond though, he's just so caught up in whatever he's thinking about, it took a "Hey" and a small nudge with her foot as the cover's kept over her, not because she's trying to keep covered, Logan's seen her naked before, last night was the nail in the coffin, it's just it's cold right now and she wants to stay warm.

Logan: Sorry, I uh... I just...

Logan looked to her for a moment but then looked back a head of him, he didn't know how to say what he's thinking, he of course knows what he want's to say but saying it is a completely different thing, Logan's never really been able to say what his heart says, it's not easy for him, so to help him out, Sydney pushed the covers off her and moved to cuddle over him, her chest pressed to his back, her chin resting on his shoulder and her arms wrapped around him, this seemed to work since he let out a sigh.

Logan: ... I can't marry Ariana... I don't love her...

Logan stared at the wall as he said that, the 1000 yard stare back into his eyes, Sydney though couldn't help but internally cheer, she got her Logan back, the one that's not completely hooked on a girl that doesn't love him like he deserves, she will though, she'll love him like he deserves however before she could say another thing, Logan looked to her making their eyes click together.

Logan: ... Cause I love you.

Sydney replayed his words over and over again in her mind, the last 24 hours have been wild, they've gone from thinking he hates them and it's going to talk to them, to getting drunk and having sex, great sex, then to this, it's been crazy but Sydney didn't care because she loved him too, the only way she could show him that is by pressing their lips together again, this time it meant more, so much more then any kiss they had on set...


{To Be Continued!}

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