Chapter 10.

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Third person's POV.
After a long journey, they all returned to their homes feeling relaxed but some hearts were still depress. Their minds were tangled. Their thoughts were unsolved. Each heart was trying to solve the puzzle created around them, around their lives.

Soha and Arhaan reachd their home and Khirad went to her home which was situated just next to the Hashim mansion. Arhaan was in his own mood, entered the house smiling while Soha was worried and eager at the same time. Her eyes roamed around in the porch to see Aryan's car but it was not there. Sighing, she stepped inside the house where Arhaan already was hugging his Bibi Gul.

"I missed you my Bibi Gul." Hugging her, he said and Soha smiled looking at them.

"Miss you too son. How was your trip?" Moving back she asked while combing his hair with her hand.

"Ah trip I think I've lost my heart there." Placing his hand on his heart, he said while smiling and closed eyes.

"What?" Shocked said Bibi Gul in his act while giggling, Soha came forward and hit is arm.

"Such a flirt." Saying, she moved ahead and hugged Bibi Gul who smiled on her words and took her in her arms.

"Welcome my children." She said looking at both of them who smiled.

"You both now go and feshen up. Its almost lunch time. I'll call you both when Its ready. Till then take rest." Said Bibi Gul and nodding both turned to go.

"I'm so tired." Said Arhaan and yawned while stepping on the stairs as his room was on the second floor next to Aryan.

"Hmm Bibi Gul." But Soha stopped and turned to Bibi Gul who was about to turn and go to the kitchen turned to Soha and looked at her, questioned.

"Is Aryan home?" She asked tangling her fingers.

Bibi Gul looked at her nervous face. Today there was simething special in her behaviour.  Something that startled Bibi Gul. Her cheeks tinted pink on mentioning Aryan's name. Holding her shoulder travelling bag's strip around her shoulder, she was looking down and sometimes looking up at Bibi Gul waiting for an answer. Bibi Gul smiled looking at her and placed her hand on her shoulder.

"No.  He didnt arrive yet. He'll be home soon." Tapping her shoulder slowly, she said with a smile.

Nodding with a smile, Soha turned to go but her eyes filled up with tears. Her heart was yearning for him,  her eyes were roaming around to find him. She wanted to see him. Around her. In front of her. She was missing him so badly but he was not there. Her heart was calling him with every passing second and her yearn for him was increasing second by second.

Defeated, she entered her room and closed the door behind her. Placing her bag on the Sofa,she walked to her bed and sat there with tears in her eyes. She sighed and tried to gulp the tears but it was not working. Slowly her tears started to flow down on her cheeks and soon she covered her face in her palms and cried her heart out.  She was crying. Why? She didn't know. She didn't know the reason of her tears. Was it because she was missing him? Or she was hating the fact that he might be with Alena? She was just crying for the hurt, her heart was feeling at the time.


As he entered the room, he took his shoulder bag off from his shoulder and placed it on the central table of his room and took his black blazer off.

"Ya Allah." While removing his black t-shirt, he hissed in pain.

He felt exhausted and sleepy at the same time. Removing the comforter back from the bed, he lay down on bed on his stomach placing his arms on his both sides and closed his eyes. He felt a little cold but couldn't get up again to pull the comforter on him. So he kept laying on his stomach with his closed eyes feeling the chills of cold in his body but he was too sleepy at that time due to medicine that he couldn't move to take the comforter.  He just wanted to sleep but this cold was getting unbearable for him. Suddenly, his mobile which was placed on the side table of his bed start ringing. Groaning, he opened his eyes and took the mobile with his left hand from the side table and as he saw the caller id, his jaw clenched and anger grew in him. Placing the mobile back on the table, he turned his head to other side and closed his eyes but this time her face appeared to his eyes. His Khirad who was like a mystery to him. A puzzle, the more he wanted to solve it, the more it gets complicated.

"What happened to you?" He was lost in her thoughts when he heard a voice.

He opened his eyes and tried to move but the person placed its hand on his shoulder making him lay back. He turned his head toward her and looked at her who was seated next  to him worried but her eyes fixed on his wound. He smiled and held her hand in his and closed his eyes once again. That lady touched his wound which had the blood spots on the bandage.

"Let me change your bandage." Saying, she took the first aid box out of the drawer and start cleaning his wound with antiseptic and then did the bandage.

"Why are you not talking to her? You know she's worried for you. You even didn't receive her call. She got worried and called me." She said caressing his back.

"Oh so you came here as her Badi Bi. Okay. But I'm not intrested in talking about her. You can go." He said closing his eyes once again and turned his head to other side.

"Shut up and tell me that why are you not talking to her? And how this wound you get?" She asked again but he kept silent.

"I'm asking something." She said strikly this time.

"She hates me. Doesn't like me around so I'm doing what she wants. Breaking the relation." He said calmly while a frown appeared on Badi Bi's forehead.

"Oh that's why you said that I'm looking a girl for you." She asked and he gave a nod still with his closed eyes.

"Okay but I'll find a boy before finding a girl for you. I'll fix her marriage first." She said making his eyes snapped open and he turned to her with eyes narrowing.

"Such a black mailer you're.  Go and ask your Khirad if she's ready then find someone for her. But I think no one can handle her than me." He said looking at Badi Bi.

"Only handle. Its mean you don't love her?" She asked caressing his head.

"That's the problem. This heart defeats me everytime when it comes to her." Innocently saying, he turned his head again to other side making Badi Bi smile.

"When you love her then don't test her so much. Try to understand her. You know she can't handle your offence. She has been crying since she return from the trip, not even going out of her room or eating something.  You now how crazy she's about you." Said Badi Bi and stood up and went out of the room.

Roney opened his eyes slowly, thinking about the words Badi Bi said and sighed. Its going to take much time for him to solve her mystery.  He knew, she was never going to tell it by herself. He had to find out the reason of her behaviour, her insecurities, her fears everything he had to find out. But for now he kept silent and didn't bother to call her and closed his eyes to have sleep for sometime.

Soha's POV.
I was laying on bed. My mind was lost in his thoughts who was still maybe with that Alena. I was waiting for him desperately.  My heart was not at rest. I just wanted to see him. Wanted him to be here in front of me. Tears flow down on my cheeks thinking about him. Why I was crying. I didn't know. I never cried like this. I never did but why I was crying now I didn't know.  I just wanted to hug him tightly and cry a lot. I don't know how much time passed but i was laying in the same postion thinking about him when a knock on the door took me out of my thoughts.

"Soha." Bibi Gul's call made me sat up on bed and i cleaned my face hurriedly.

"Yes Bibi Gul." I said taking my dupatta and she opened the door and entered the room.

"Beta the lunch is served. Come and have it." She said coming to me and caressed my head with her soft fingers.

"You go. I'm coming after freshen up." Saying, I got from the bed.

Smilingly, she walked out and I went in the washroom to frshen up. Washing my face and hands i stepped out of the washroom drying my hands and face with towel. Looking at myself in the mirror i took the comb and combed my hair for once and tied tgem in a clip and took steps out of the room after spreading the towel on the chair.  As I reached on the lunch table, I saw Arhaan already seated there having salad. I took seat in front of him and Bibi Gul also joined us.

"What happened to you my brother's Rapunzel?" Eating cucumber asked Arhaan and i narrowed my eyes at him who was grining like an idiot.

"Shut up." I said and took some fried rice in my plate.

"Are you missing him? Oh come on you can tell me." Taking some curry in his plate and tortilla, he asked me haing a mischievous looking on his face.

"Shut up and have your lunch." I warned him who laughed on my words and start having his lunch.

"Kids listen. Pack your stuff as we're going to your village tomorrow morning.  If Aryan come then he'll join us too. If not then he'll come later.  Your parents are waiting for you." Bibi Gul said and I gave a nod while having my lunch but felt Arhaan's eyes on me.

I looked up at him who was some question in his eyes for me. I looked at him once again, again looked down at my plate and start having my lunch while my lips were craving for a smile as i knew what he was asking from me. I ignored him completely and finished my lunch.

"Okay Bibi Gul I'll take some sleep now. See you in the evening." I said and walked toward my room, didn't looked at Arhaan who must be gritting his teeth as i didn't listen to him.

"As I step in the room and was going to close the door, he stepped in and narrowed his eyes at me. I looked at him questioned in my eyes but he kept staring at me angrily.

"What's up little brother? You need something." I asked looking at him.

"You know very well what I want my brother's Rapunzel." He said taking a step closer.

"Here call her and invite her with us to our village." Placing his mobile on my  hand, he said and I laughed.

"I'm not going to call her. And specially with your mobile.  I'm not going to give her number to you." I said and he frowned but i laughed enjoying his condition.

"Okay don't use my mobile but call her with your own cell invite her to come with us to our village. I'm telling you I'm not going without her." He said folded his arms on his chest  turned to other side.

"Why you want that she join us?" I asked going in front of him.

"I want her that's it." He said still not looking at me.

"But you know she loves someone else." I said and he looked at me.

"She will love me only. No one else. Now call her or else I'll tell bhai that how badly you were crying for him." He said making my eyes go wide.

"I wasn't crying okay." Saying, I turned to other side took my mobile from the side table.

He was such a blackmailer. I looked at him once with full offence and then dialed khirad's number.

"Hello." I said as the call was picked.

Khirad's POV.

Looking at my empty room, i felt like lifeless. Nothing around me was giving me joy. My heart was breaking. Actually it was broken already. Without him, life had no meaning. My living had no meaning. And it was my own fault pushing him away always but on this i couldn't help but push him away. There was nothing in my control. But now without him i felt suffocated. Its been hours that not a single message came from him. I crazily was checking again and again my cell phone but not a single message. I was going mad without him. I felt like dying.

"So this was your love? So easily you left me." I yelled throwing my mobile on bed and cried.

"Why will you love a girl like me?" I yelled more and threw the things placed on the table on the ground.

At the same time, the room door opened and mama entered the room. She was shocked to see me like this but i think she knew my condition.

"Khirad my dear." Coming to me, she hugged me tightly and I just lost myself in her arms.

"Its okay. Nothing happened. Calm down." Caressing my back, she said and made me sit on bed but I was still crying.

"Here drink some water." Saying, she touched the glass of water with my lips.

I drank the water and took deep breaths. She just kept caressing my hair and i felt relaxed for those seconds.

"Lay down and have some rest. I'll call you on lunch." Making me lay down, she said and kissed my forehead before leaving the room.

I closed my eyes while a hiccup released from my lips and tried hard not to cry. But there was nothing I could do at that time but to think of him. I took my mobile and dialed his number. I was dying to hear his voice but he didn't picked my call. I felt my breath stopping. I called Badi Bi immediately.

"Badi Bi he's not talking to me." With hiccups, I said.

"Why? What happened?" She asked from other side.

"He got offended. I don't know what to do. He said you are looking a girl for him." Crying I told her.

"Stop crying first.  I'll talk to him. You don't worry." She said and disconnected the call while roamed here and there restlessly.

I felt my head hurting, things blurring in front of me. Holding my head, I walked toward the bed and lay down with close eyes but he wasn't leaving me there too. His image appeared to my eyes making the tears rushed out of my eyes.

"Its a death without you." I muttered looking at his image and kept laying there somewhere waiting for his call but he didn't call.

Arhaan's POV.
"Hello." Soha said and I was looking at her impatiently.

What was she going to say? Was khirad going to join us? I just hoped and prayed in my heart. I hope she said yes. My heart beat increased with just her thought and it made me amazed too. I was never like this. Never ever I've had concerned for any girl and now this girl was ruling on my heart with full right and i couldn't do anything.

"Assalam-u-Alikum Aunty. Is Khirad there?" Asked Soha and I moved closer to her.

"Oh is she okay now? Okay you don't worry. Take care of her. I'll come to see her." Said Soha and i was getting impatient to know what happened to her.

"What happened?" I asked going closer to her.

"She's having high fever. Her mother took the call." Replied Soha and i got worried.

"What? I'm going to see her." Saying, I turned to go but holding my arm soha stopped me.

"Shut up. You can't go there.  We'll both go together in evening. She's resting for now. You too go and have some rest." She said and I freed my arm from her hold.

"She's not well how can I take rest. Let's go now to see her." I said turning to go again.

"Stop your nonsense. I'm saying na we'll go in evening. Go to your room for now." She said narrowing her eyes at me.

I rushed out of the room immediately angrily and went directly in the room. I was so worried for her and Soha wasn't letting me to go to her. I really wanted to see her at any cost. My heart was not at rest but I was compelled to go to my room.

"I hope you're fine." Muttering, I sat on bed holding my head in my hands.

Third person's POV.

He got up from his bed lazily and held his head in his hands. He looked at his mobile to check the time. It was almost afternoon but he was still in his bed. The effect of liquor had made him lazy and gave him headache. Rubbing his forehead with his fingers, he stepped out of the bed and went toward washroom to freshen up. After taking a long relaxing shower, he stepped out, drying his hair with towel when his mobile got his attention. Going to the side table of his bed, he took the mobile and received the call.

"Baba Sahib salaam." He said as he took the call.

"Any news of Asfandyar?" Asked his father from other side.

"No Baba Sahib. I'll try to find out about him." He said going to his wardrobe and took his clothes out .

"Okay but be alert.  And keep your eyes open." His father said and he just could nod getting frustrated.

"What about the business deal with Bakhahi corporation?" His father asked and his hand stopped on taking his clothes out while mind went to Alena Bakhshi.

"I'm going to meet them soon and offered them to check on our designs and also the handicraft of our village. Maybe they agree to visit our village. Baba Sahib Bakhshi corporation introduced Hashim corporation too. They are partners and wanted us to work with both of them." Said Wahaj in his own state of mind still thinking about Alena.

"What? What name you've taken?" Sarder Wahab asked curious from other side.

"Hashim corporation." Wahaj replied normally.

"Wahaj who are they? I mean you think this can be Kaif Hashim's corporation? Find out Wahaj." His father from other side startling Wahaj.

"You mean to say Mr Aryan could be THE Hashim? That mean that girl we are looking for maybe lives with them." Wahaj was shocked on the fact and was thinking of any possibility of Soha living there in Hashim family.

"I'll try Baba Sahib to find out. You don't worry." He said assuring and cut the call.

He start thinking about Aryan and his family. He really didn't know his background.  Not about his father or the company he had. But now it was neccessary for him to know about him. To seek the revenge, he had to find out. He thought and went toward the washroom and freshen up. Coming out from the washroom in his black three piece suit, he stood in front of the mirror thinking what he had to do. His lips curved into a smile as his thoughts went to Alena Bakhshi and he closed his eyes with a sigh imagining her in front of him.

"I'm waiting to meet you." He said looking at her image.

As he opened his eyes, he was still smiling. Taking his perfume, he applied it on him and wearing his watch he stepped out of the room. Going to the breakfast table, he took seat and his servant served the breakfast on table when his mobile ranged. He took the call while pouring juice in his glass.

"Assalam-u-Alikum Mr Wahaj." His heart jumped as he heard her voice.

"Miss Alena. How are you?" He asked leaning back on the chair.

"I'm good. Actually I've called to know that is it possible to meet? I mean Mr Aryan and Me returned from london today but baba want us to finalized the deal. So if you're free we can come tomorrow and talk about the deal." She said from other side and Wahaj smiled listening her voice.

"I'm waiting. You can come at any time." He said and waited for her reply.

"Okay. Me and Mr Aryan will come at your office tomorrow. See you soon." She said.

"See you soon then.  Bye." He said and disconnected the call.

His lips smiled thinking about her. His heart started to beat fast with her thought. He did his breakfast and took the mobile. Dialing a number, he got up and walked toward the hall.

"Murad listen carefully. Find out about this Hashim corporation and about their owners. About Aryan Kaif Hashim. Everything." He said ordering his right hand man.

"Okay Sir." He replied and Wahaj cut the call walked out to his car and drove to his office.

Soha's POV.
Getting up from bed, I stretched my arms and sighed as i sat lazily feeling tired. This afternoon nap really gave sometimes headache.  Holding my head in my hands, I got up and thought to take a shower so that I feel better. It was almost evening  and he still didn't come.  I was now really angery on him. On this, mama Baba and Zobariya were not here with me. I was missing all of them.

Thinkibg about them, I smiled as tomorrow I was going to our village.  I was going to meet them  and going to spent a funfilled time there but what about the  university?? I thought and shrugged my shoulders knowning Arhaan will find a way for us both. Taking my tea pink frock, I went inside the washroom and took a shower to relax my mind. Drying my hair with towel, I stepped out of the  washroom while my thoughts went once again toward Aryan.  Why didn't he arrived yet?? Must be with that Alena. That thought brought anger in me and standing in front of the mirror, i looked at myself. Wet hair on my right shoulder, dripping the water down while my face was turning red with anger.

"If he didn't come tonight I'm going to kill that Alena for taking my Aryan away." I said looking at me while throwing the towel on the chair.

"You better come Aryan or..." I was saying with anger and at the same time my room door opened.

My eyes widened as i saw the person standing on the entrance of the door. My heart beat increased while eyes filled up with tears.

"Aryan." My lips made a whisper of his name as a tear slipped on my cheek.

A/N:: Assalam-u-Alikum readers.

How are you all??

I knw you waited a lot for the update and I'm sorry for updating it late. Almost 4000 words.  I tried to write more but couldn't as you all wanted to read other stories too.  So to write other stories too i just finished this chapter here.

Coming to the chapter tell me how was it?? Hope you all like it. Soon next chapter will be updated.

I want a lot of comments and votes on this chapter.  Do share and follow me.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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