Chapter 11.

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Third person's POV.
"Aryan." Her lips made a whisper as her eyes landed on the figure standing at the entrance of the room.

"Sohan." His lips also took her name while lips smiled a little.

Both of their heart skipped their beat, felt a strange kind of happiness rising in their hearts. Her eyes got wet while his eyes forgot to blink as she was looking so beautiful.  He had never seen her like this or maybe these kinds of feelings were first time he felt. In baby pink colour frock which had silver colour piping at the outline of the frock and around the neck area of the frock making it more beautiful as her crystalline neck was shining with water drops and her wet hair hanged on her shoulder, standing without dupatta lost in his eyes, she was making his heart to beat fast. After a week both were standing in front of each other and these new feelings were knocking on their hearts making them feel strang yet beautiful. Without thinking anything their hearts made both of them to take steps to each other and without any delay, they took each other in their arms.  This was the first act they did since they were friends from childhood but how this moment of hugging each other came, they also didn't know. They just did what their heart wanted at that time. The sepration of this one week made these feelings to rise in them. 

"I really missed you Sohan." Hugging her a little tightly, his lips smiled, eyes closed down with her feel.

"I missed you too Aryan." Saying, she held his shirt in her fist placing her head on his shoulder while eyes closed down, a tiny tear escaped from her eye to absorb in his shirt.

Time kept passing. Both were silent on their place but their hearts were beating together for each other. Few second passed and he slowly moved back and so did she. Both felt awkward all of sudden. Standing still closed to each other, they were not looking at each other but escaping from the other's eyes. Still not believibg on hugging each other.

"I...just...sorry for not answering your calls." He was the first to say while scratching the back of his head and looked at her who was blushing a little, amazed on why her cheeks were getting hot.

"That Alena..." His words made her eyes moved up to look at him with a frown visible on her forehead.

"Yes that Alena. Because of her you didn't get time to call me or message me. I've told you that I don't like this girl." She said frowning looking in his eyes who smiled on her angry face.

"Who said i forgot you.  She's just a partner in business. Sohan why are you getting angry? I told you na its just business." He said looking at her with a smile who's glowing face was giving sweet tingles to his heart and he was amazed on his place feeling such things for Sohan.

"Maybe you're forgetting you've told me that she's beautiful and you like to be with her. I had been waiting for you but you were busy with her." Frowning she said and he laughed a little while walking toward the chair and took her dupatta placed tgere.

"Every girl is beautiful Sohan.  And you're the most beautiful." He said as he placed tge duoatta aroundher shoukder makibg her realize tgat she was standingwithout dupatta in front of him.

This made her cgeeks to tinted pink and eyes to lower down for a secon wike his commebt made her heart to jump. She fekt strange kibd of happiness on his eords and was smazed too on herself. Why she was feelung tgat way. He kept looking at her face for few second and tgen took sreps back creating some dustance between them.

"I'm going to frshen up. See you at evening tea." He said and turned to go analysing his weird condition that what had happen to him all of sudden.

As He left, Soha placed her hands on her fast beating heart feeling strange. Turningvto mirror she touched her cheeks which were getting hotvsnd punk. Why?? She fodnt know the reason.

"What is happening to me?" Askibgherself dhe took few deep breaths to calm herself while lips dmiked thinkibg Aryan.

"What happened to me?" On other side as Aryan ebtered his room he vlosed the foor snd leaned on the door yrird to think the rearon of his beating heart.


"You're looking beautiful in pink my love." Looking at the picture he just saved in his laptop he said and caressed her face.

Her glowing face in pink made his heart to beat fast, jump up and down and he just wanted to keep looking at her. Leaning back on the couch, he placed his laptop in his lap while his eyrs never averted from her picture, he set on his desktop. His lips were smiling thinking about her. Thinking a beautiful life with her. Every moment he was imagining. From their married to their kids to their old ages. He was living each moment with her in his thoughts.

"Malik you've gone made." Laughing on himselfe, he said to himself and caressed her picture.

"My Soha." He whispered looking at her picture.

The same day of picture when she was standing in front of Aryan. Her glowing face with lower eye was visible on the desktop and he was just gazing it crazily.  Suddenly his mobile rang and he just took the call without looking away from her picture.

"Assalam-u-Alikum." He said said still gazing her.

"Walikumusalam. Sir i want to go." Roney's  voice appeared from other sife.

"Where?" Asked Malik but still looking at Soha's picture.

"To meet her. She's not well. I'm going to meet her tonight." Said Roney from other side getting restless on his place.

"Are you mad? You want to go to her home? You're not allowed you remember that right!?" Said Malik placing his laptop away from his lap and stood up worried.

"I remember but for now its necessary. I have to see her." Said Roney while taking his black leather jacket out of the wardrobe.

"Roney you can't go there. There are cameras around her house. She's sir Ubaid-ul-Allah's daughter. How can you forget this." Malik tried to convince him but Roney was not listening him.

"Sir this heart will stop if I didn't see her. I have to go." Saying, he disconnected the call.

"Such a fool." Malik said as he knew how stubborn Roney was.

His eyes were closed while lips were smiling, thinking about her. The one who had made him think in another way. For him girls were only for flirt and play but for the first time he was thinking something else. She was something else for him. Even her thought made his lips to smile and heart to tingle.

"Alena Bakhshi." His lips uttered her name slowly as he felt beautiful thinking about her.

At the same time, his room door knocked and his right hand man Murad entered the room. Sardar Wahaj's eyes opened up and he looked at Murad but didn't say anything but waited for his words.

"We couldn't trace any sign of Asfandyar." Said Murad. 

"Keep tracing. We'll find him. Don't let baba Sahib and Chacha Saiyen know about this." Said Wahaj and again closed hsi eyes to think about Alena while Murad tried to say something but closed his mouth as he saw Wahaj not interesed in any more talks.

He left silently while Wahaj smiled again thinking about the girl roaming on his mind. He opened his eyes and leaned ahead a little with some thoughts on his mind placing his forearms on his both legs, interlinking his fingers together but mind lost in arranging some threads of thoughts. 

"It will be fun Miss. Let's see who's gonna win." He said thinking something and smiled.

Soha's POV.
As I entered the hall my heart beat differently again as my eyes landed on Aryan who was seated with Bibi Gul and was having tea with some talks. After our meeting in my room, I felt strange in front of him all of sudden. Why? I didn't know and why my heart was reacting this way? It was all beyond my thinking but still I was liking it. Taking a deep breath, I moved ahead where both of them seated.

"Assalam-u-Alikum." Greeting them, I took seat in front of Aryan and Bibi Gul started to serve my cup of tea which i held it as she placed it in front of me.

"Bibi Gul we're going tomorrow right?" I Asked after taking a sip of tea.

"Where? What about the university? You both will not go to the village but will go to your university to attend your classes." Aryan said looking at me making me pout.

"Its just a week Aryan. Baba and Mama are waiting for us there.  After all its Agha jaan and Dadi Sahib wedding anniversary." I said tried to convinced him who shook his head as no.

"I'll talk to Baba. You both stay here." Said Aryan while I looked at Bibi Gul who was smiling on our argument.

"Its just a matter of a week Aryan. Let them go. Sir Kaif asked me to send them there. And you too." Bibi gul said as she saw my sad face, bringing a smile to my face.

"Okay Bibi Gul.  But after this week i want you both to concentrate on your studies." Said Atyan and i just gave a nod.

"Shall we?" I startled on the voice and saw Arhaan standing behind me while holding his cuffs on his forearms.

"Where?" I asked looking at him who looked at me on my question.

"To visit her. She's not well  right!?" Said Arhaan and I got remember that I had to go to see khirad.

"Oh i forgot.  Lets go." I said while getting up.

"Where are you both going at this time?" Aryan asked and we both stopped on our places, looked at each other and then at Aryan.

"Uncle Ubaid-ul-Allah's  home to see Khirad.  She's not well since we came bsck from the trip." I replied and he just gave a nod while his eyes moved on Arhaan who was looking so impatient to see her.

"And why he's going?" Asked Aryan and i tried to hide my smile on Arhaan's mouth open reaction.

"I company to your Sohan." He said looking at Aryan and then at me with a warning look.

"Let him come with me Aryan." I said and he gave a nod while me and Arhaan walked out.

I looked at Arhaan who took a deep breath as we stepped out and i laughed on his condition. He narrowed his eyes at me but i kept smiling enjoying his condition and fear from Aryan.

"My brother's Rapunzel aren't you looking happy as you've seen my brther at home?" He said startling me and i hit his shoulder while walking with him.

"Don't Rapunzel me first and secondly yes I'm happy because he's my bestfriend i met after a week." I said while pressing the door bell of Ubaid-ul-Allah uncle's home.

"Yeah friends. When you'll both admit it that its more then friendship  I don't know but one thing i know is that you're my brother's Rapunzel." He said pulling my hair a little while I slapped his hand.

"Shut up." My heart tingled on his words a little but again i supressed those werid feelings in my heart which were knocking on my heart as i think of Aryan.

The door opened up and the guard let us go inside as he knew us. We both stepped in the hall and saw Mrs Ubaid-ul-Allah seated there while reading a magazine. We both looked at each other and took stepped ahead.

"Assalam-u-Alikum aunty." It was me greeting her first who looked up on my voice and smiled but somewhere I felt her startling as she saw Arhaan with me..

"Walikumusalam. Come you both." As she saw us she stood up and welcomed us.

"Thank you Aunty. I came to see Khirad.  Is she okay now?" I asked taking seat in front of her while Arhaan sat next to me looking down.

"Oh yes she's not well. Her fever is not going down. She's mumblubg in her sleep.  Doctor just checked her and and prescribed some medicine for her. Her father was also tensed to hear about her but now she's fine. She's under the influence of injection. Will be better till morning." Said Naveen Aunty and I gave a no.

"Hope so. Can i see her?" I asked her and she gave a nod while i got up and walked toward her room but Arhaan kept seated there looking down.

I turned to see him maybe I thought of him coming with me but he was seated still there looking down rubbing his right forearm with his left hand.  I waved at him but he kept seated there and was not looking up. He was behaving weird. Avoiding him i moved ahead toward khirad's room and entered the room. I saw her sleeping on bed but her face looking so pale. I went closer to her and sat near her on bed. Holding her hand in mine, i felt the warm palms in my hands.

"Does love cause this much pain?" I asked looking at her as i knew somewhere that it was because of that person who beats in her heart.

"Khirad." I called her maybe i wanted her to talk to me to lighten her heart.

"Khirad talk to me." I called her again and this time she moved a little and I saw her eyes moving a bit and then she opened her eyes and looked at me.

"You okay?" I asked her who's eyes filled up with tears as she saw me.

"You okay khirad?" I asked her again who now sat up and looked down while shedding tears.

"He's not talking to me anymore." She said sobbing looking at her hands.

"So i was right. This condition is because of him. Why he's not talkibg to you again?" I asked her whike holding her both hands in mine.

"Becaue I hurt him again. But I didn't do it intentionally.  It just happened.  Why don't he understand that I'm hepless in front of him and also infront of my own condition. I can't explain to him but he always get offended and it kills me every time." She said crying badly and i hugged her tightky to lighten her pain.

Maybe this was the feelings of love. Feelings of pain in love. I was feeling bad for her and was wishing to slap that person who had hurt her this badly.

"Now relax. He'll talk to you soon. I know it." I said and she shook her head as no.

"He ended it. Everything between us." She said and started to crying again.

"And what you wanted?" We both turned on the voice and saw Arhaan standing at the entrance.

"You want it or end it?" He asked taking a step closer to us.

"Arhaan shut up. You go I'm coming." I scolded him who's words brought more tears in khirad's eyes.

"I..don't know." She muttered looking down at her hands.

"You better end it bcause it hurts you again and again. Moved ahead and don't look for him any more." Said Arhaan stopping infront of us .

"We're going to our village tomorrow morning.  Why don't you come and enjoy." He said offering her and i was just lookibg at him with wide mouth open.

I didn't knew he would be like this talking to khirad so freely. And for the firsr time she was not getting angry but was looking at her hands. Both got silent on their places and i was the one to talk again.

"Yes khirad come with us. You'll feel better." I said and she gave a nod.

Arhaan left all of sudden without any other word while I kept talking with khirad to lighten her mood and also did her packing. After a while I came back and had dinner with Aryan and Bibi gul but Arhaan wasn't there. I tried to ask about him but Aryan was busy in having his meal. Maybe he had gone to sleep. 

"Bibi Gil where's Arhaan?" I asked.

"Gone to his room. Said he won't have the dinner as he's not hungry and going to sleep. I wonder what happened to this boy." Said Bibi Gil and i just gave a mod.

Maybe he was worried for khirad and that's why he didn't had his dinner. My poor brother felling in love with the girl who already love someone else. Sighing i got up and walked to my room as i finished my meal and was thinking to pack my stuff as we were going to depart early morning. As i was about to enter my room, i heard his footsteps behind me.

"Sohan." I turned to him who was standing behind me.

"Is your packing done?" He asked.

"No. I'm just going to do it. Is your done? Should I do it?" I asked him who shook his head as no.

"No.  I will do it. You keep your all necessary things. We'll depart early morning. Zohaib Chacha is also coming with his family ." He said bringing the excitement level up in me.

"Means Fahad bhaiya and bilal are also coming. I'm so excited." I said taking the name of Zohaib chacha's children.

Zohaib Chacha was Baba's cousins and his wife Aasiya khala was Mama's best friend.  I liked to be with them. It had been a year since i met them and now when i came to know that they were also coming, i got more happy.

"Yes. Now go and pack your stuff. After that have sleep." He said and i just gave a nod and was about to turn when Aryan called me again.

"Sohan." Turning to him on his call, i wsited for him to say something, he was just looking at me.

"This colour...suits you." He said making my heart to jump up and then to down.

With a smile, he turned and went to his room while i kept standing there feeling the sweet tingles running in my heart on his comment. Going to my room i closed the door and placed my hand on my fast beating heart. This wss new.  All these feelngs, tingles I felt in my heart were new and I was lost in controlling them but his thought was making my heart to drum more fast.

"Aryan what you've done to me?" Asking i went to bed, his thought on my mind while lips smiling.

Aryan's POV.
"This colour suits you." Repeating the words, I said to sohan, I enteted my room and closed the door behind me still thinking what I've said to her.

"Such a foolish you're." Slapping on my head, I said to myself while going to the wardrobe.

Taking my  night dress out, I went to change in to it but my thoughts were still roaming around Sohan. Why?? I didn't know. Shaking my head to get rid of her thoughts which were giving some weird kinds of feelings to my heart, i walked to bed and took my laptop from table to do my work.  Few mails from Alena Bakhshi were there.  I replied to it and tried to concenteate on my work and tried to think about Akena who had been a great person and we both had great time together int he past week but Sohan's thought was not leaving my mind. Her image in that pink dress with wet hair was appearing in front of me again and again. The feel of her in my arms gave sweet pinched to my heart as I start remembering that moment. Her breaths, her heart beat, her glowing face everything I was recalling forgetting what i was doing on my laptop. I was lost in her thoughts.

"What I'm doing?" Asking myself, i straightened myself and looked at the  laptop screen where Alena and Sardar Wahaj's messages were coming and i tried to concentrate on it but i just couldn't.

My heart was refusing every other thing but not her thoughts. Though it was never diffucult fot me to concenteate on my work but today i felt helpless on these werid feelings rising in my heart.  I was getting angry on myself on feeling on thinking such way about Sohan. I know she was beautiful but why it felt in some different way to me today.

"Aryan she's Sohan.  Your Sohan. Your best friend.  What are you thinking? You should think Alena Bakhshi not Sohan in that way." Scolding myself I tried to forget about sohan and start talking to Alena and Wahaj about the project and the meeting we were going to have.

Third person's POV.


He took his black jacket out and put it on, on his black shirt while taking the black cap as well. He looked at his watch again and decided to go out now as it was midnight and everyone must be fell asleep. It was the best time for him to go to her. To check on her who had been beating in his heart since long. As he was about to jumped out of his room window, the room door opened and Malik entered the room and looked at Roney who was ready to jump but stopped as he saw Malik standing in his room with frown on his forehead.

"Won't you listen to me? I told you you can't go there. We can't get caught till this case ends." Said Malik but Roney sighed and looked at him.

"No one can catch me you know that. But I've to go to see her. She's not well and i know she must be waiting for me. Don't stop me now." Said Roney looking at Malik who got angry on his words.

"We can't take rish Roney.  You know if sir Ubaid-ul-Allah came know about this, what will haplen then? He put this condition in front of you to not to meet her back there and you agreed to it. Then what's the problem? You've waited so much years then why can't you wait a little more?" Asked Malik looking at him who's eyes turned red as the shine of his eyes incresed because of tears.

"No I can't. Because she's in pain. She wants me there close to her. She wsnts to see me. I want to see her. And bhai I've not forget what I've promised years ago but you people can't keep her away from me like this. I know you both knows what happened to her back there but not telling me. Not even she's telling me the reason of her fears but I will not leave her alone. For now I've to go  to see her so this heart could be at rest." Roney said placing his hand on his heart and turned to go and as he put his right foot on the exit of the window, he heard Malik.

"What about Sarfarz then? The DCP. The one who had been helping sardar wahab and Sultan khan in their every crime. We had to pick him secretly but you don't care about it." Said Malik angrily just wanted to stop Roney at any cost.

"It will be done till sunrise." Said Roney and jumped out of his room window while Malik sighed turned to go out of the room as he knew Roney won't stop at any cost.


Looking around, he jumped the wall and entered the huge lawn of Mr  Ubaid-ul-Allah's home. Escaping from the camera's, he jumped on the pipes and started to climb up to her room who had made him to take this risk of meeting her. But for one and last time, he had to meet her. To see her. As he jumped in her room through the window, she looked at him, got startled as she found him in her room. His eyes landed on her who got up from bed as she saw him. The mobile was still in her hand maybe she  was waiting for his call but didn't expect him to came here like this.

"How are you?" He asked taking a step closer to her.

"What are you doing here? Baba will find out." She said getting panicked.

"I asked how are you? I heard you were having high fever because of me but i didn't believe. But now looking at your condition, your pale face, red eyes and unhappy face tells me that I'm that lucky to have you worried for my offence." He said taking slow and little steps toward her who got scared on his every step closer that she started to move back.

"I'm fine. Nothing happened to me. Why you came here?" She asked still moving back, her forehead filled up with sweat while he could see the line of fear in her eyes, the disbelieve for him on her face.

"I said I came to see you." Ending the distance between them, he reached her in a flick and holding her from her arms, he pinned her against the wall while she squealed a little closing her eyes tightly as she could feel his fingers pinning hard in her arms.

"Are you playing with me khirad?" He asked holding her tightly as his own face turned more serious with anger.

Anger on her behaving like this. On not trusting him. His anger grew whenever he saw the fear on her face. Why she was scared of him. He had never done anything which could scare her then why he could see fear shinning in her those big black eyes whenever he came to see her, to meet her. The disbelieve in her eyes killed him many times.

"I'm not playing anything.  Leave me. Stay away from me." Sought to get free from his hold, she shouted a little.

"You want me to die because of your harshness you showed every time toward me whenever I tried to come to you?" His words froze her on her place and she looked at him with shocked eyes.

"I think this is a game for you. When i stop talking to you, not message you or call you, you get sick, cry like crazy like you're going to die without me. But when i came to meet you, you showed me your rudness every time.  I think you want me to die in search of you. Why you behave like this? The love I can feel in your voice and messages, why it faded away when i came to you. Why this lonliness between us scares you? Why you not trust me?" He said and asked all those questions which were going on his mind.

His words made her heart to stop and breath too. Life without him was like a death and he was talking about his death in front of her so easily. Placing his both hands on either sides of her, he leaned closer to her and looked deeply in her eyes. Her face was shinning with the beads of tears which escaped from her eyes. The eyes which never blinked for a second from his face.

"I don't know what's your problem? You want me near you but still you want me to stay far from you. You want to hear me every time but don't want to see me around. My offence kills you but you kill me every time with your harshness and disbelieve in your eyes. What you want khirad? What you want?" He asked touching their foreheads together and closed his eyes with a deep sigh as if he got tired.

"You know you're my weakness and my strength too. You're the reason that this heart is beating.  Since years its crazy for you. But when you don't trust me it dies every time." Touching her jaw with his thumb, he said looking deeply in her eyes.

Her heart flyed high on his touch where she could feel love, respect and concern in it but her mind was not letting her accept her heart condition. It was a war between her heart and  mind going on in her.

"What you want khirad? I want to know." He asked wiping her tears slowly as his breath fanned her face.

"I want this relation to end. Forever." She said looking deeply in his eyes, somewhere mercilessly.

His hand fell down from her face and he looked at her shocked. He never thought that she would say this again. But she did. She said and looked away from his face.

"You want to end this?" He asked shocked.

"I feel bad. Every time this closeness made me feel bad. I hate this thing. I hate being with you and I hate mysef for wishing for you again and again when you don't respect my words my wishes. I never want to meet you, never want to see you but still you roamed around.  And I hate myself for longing for you every time because this heart wants you." She said all in one breath and pushed him back far from her.

"Liar.  You're a liar khirad.  You've played with me and with my emotions every time. My closeness hurts you right. Then I won't come to you ever. Consider this The End of everything." He said taking steps back from her and she felt her heart stopping on his every step going far from her.

"Good bye." Looking at her for the last time, he jumped out of the window while she fell down on the ground.

"I asked him to End this?" She asked herself and slapped on her cheeks like a mad person.

"Will I be able to live then?" She asked again shedding tears, felt helpless in front of her own condition.


It was early morning.  The sun was about to rise but still hidden behind the clouds and heaven. Birds started to chirp as the morning was about to touch the earth. People woke up and many could be seen walking around taking morning walk. In all this, those two person's eyes were fixed on a person who had a fat body, was running on the track in his loose trouser and t-shirt. As the person completed his walk, he wiped his sweat and drank water from his water bottle. After that he start walking out of the park. As he walked on the huge road, those two persons start walking with him. He got started but didn't got chance to react or think as a small niddle got injected in his neck from the first person making him lost his senses.

Holding him in his arms, Roney indicated Muneer to open the door of their car. In just few seconds, their car was running on the road taking The DCP Sarfaraz with them while the sun rised from east with new challenges.

A/N:::Assalam-u-Alikum readers
How are you all??

You waited a lot right? But isn't worth waiting update?

I hope you all liked the chapter. Next update will be on Eid Day Inshah Allah.

I need your a lots of comments snd votes.  Share my stories with your friends too. Keep praying and loving my work readers. 

Any word for khirad??

She's strange right??

Tell me in your comments.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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