Chapter 12.

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Third person's POV.
His head turned to see the person entering his room. As he saw him, he turned his head to other side again. Laying on his stomach, he was laying again shirtless because of his wound. He didn't bother to turn to see the person again. Malik smiled on his offence and went closer to him.

"Angry?" Asked Malik while taking seat on bed next to him.

"Who am I to get angry with zn5yone! Everyone is free from my side." Said Roney, his tone filled with offence.

"She said something?" Asked Malik while placing his hand on his shoulder.

"No. That's the problem that she didn't say anyting neither you." Sitting up, he said and Malik could see his angry face.

"What is she hiding? What happened to her every time when I go to her. She got scared of me. Why? You know the reason of her behaviour don't you? Then tell me please. I'm getting mad." Said Roney and Malik sighed.

"I don't know. Really. But one thing is confirmed that you'll get to know soon. But don't force her for anything. Give her some time. Try to understand her." Said Malik but Roney got up from his bed.

"Why always I've to understand?" Saying, he went to his wardrob and started to take his clothes out.

"Going anywhere?" Asked Malik going to him who was showing full offence to him.

"To Asfandyar. I've to get all the information from him about their all illegal businesses." Said Roney and Malik nodded.

"I'm going to Phool gaon(phool village) today." Said Malik helping him in his packing.

"I know. You can't leave her alone." Said Roney as he went inside the washroom.

"This boy." Smilingly, Malik went out of his room.

Roney came out and saw the empty room. He took his mobile out and dialed a number. As the ring was going on, he took his clothes and went to the changing side.

"Yes Tayyab I'm coming to meet Asfandyar. Is he in senses now?" Asked Roney while closing the buttons of his shirt.

"Yes Sir. But in these all days he didn't utter a single word." Said Tayyab from other side.

"Don't you worry about that. I'm coming to take care of that. " Said Roney and cut the call.

Wearing his leather jacket, he took his bluetooth and bag and left from there thinking something dangerous.

Soha's POV.
Getting excited, I just hurriedly got ready as today we were going to our village. I was so excited to meet every one. After taking a bath and changing into my blue colour frock, I combed ny hair and rushed out of the room to wake Aryan up. I knew he must be sleeping. Didn't he rememver that we were going to our village today. Unlocking his room door, I saw him still covered in his blanket.

"Still sleeping?" Saying, I walked to his wardrobe and turned once to see him who turned on bed to other side.

"Aryan get up." I called while taking his clothes out.

"I'm sleepy." He said and my lips smiled on his words.

His voice filed with sleep but i just took his clothes out and placed them in the changing room. Going to him, I took off his blanket and saw him sleeping.

"We'll be late Aryan. Mama Papa would be waiting." I said shaking him who was in no mood of getting up.

"Sohan I.."

Before he could say anything his mobile started to ring and I took his mobile which was placed on the side table. As i saw the caller name, a frown appeared on my forehead.

"Why she's calling you?" I asked Aryan shaking him again who got up on my words.

"Who?" He asked while rubbing his eyes.

"This Alena Bakhshi. Why she's calling you this early morning? I've told you Aryan i don't like this girl." I said and cut her call.

"She's such a nice girl. You're so wrong about her. Now give me my mobile. I've to talk to her." He said and tried to get his mobile which i hide behind my back.

"No. I won't let you talk to her. We've to go to our village. We'll be late." I said still hiding his mobile behind my back while he was trying to get it.

"There's some business I'm running out there sohan. It must be important. Give me my mobile." He said tried get again his mobile and i tried to get up with his mobile but holding my wrist, he pulled me to him making me fall on him.

This happened all of sudden. This was never in thoughts. My arms around his shoulders, our nose touching, eyes lost in each other while breaths were tangled with each other. I didn't know what was there in that moment that i forgot everything. Sweet pinches, I could feel in my heart, his arm was wrapped around my back holding me close to him. In his black t-shirt, he was looking so adorable. The colour of sleep was still there in his eyes. His little stubble had something that my hands itches to feel it. Didn't know how my hand moved from his shoulders to his face touching his fsce touching his light stubble, suiting him beautifully. My heart drumped loudly and I felt stranged, tried to understand my own feelings. Again the mobile ring broke the moment and we came back to our senses. I moved back pushing, my hair back on my back eyes lowered down automatically.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean... My mobile." He said asking for his mobile which i passed to him.

Getting up from bed, I turned to other side closing my eyes, I tried to came into my senses. Holding my drumping heart, I turned a little to see him who was now busy on his mobile.

"Get ready. We'll be late otherwise." Saying, I walked out of the room tried to understand my own feelings.

Aryan's POV.
As Sohan left, i looked up from my mobile amd placed my hand on my heart tried to understand these weird feeling rising in my heart. That moment happened all of sudden. I didn't know that my act will be heavy on my own heart. Her fragrance, her closeness her breaths everything froze me. I never felt like that before.

What was happening to me??

Pushing the blanket away I stood up tried to get out of that feeling i was still having in my heart. The feeling of being close to her to just keep looking at her. Going to the washroom, I splashed cold water on my face to bring my senses back which got block since I saw her. I tried to calm my heart which was running so fsat. I closed my eyes to get clear them from her image which was appearing on them again and again. But nothing was helping. The more i wanted to stop thinking about her the more this heart and mind was recalling her to me.

"This is wrong. She's my Sohan. What I'm thinking." Scolding myself, I went to take a shower to get ready but still in my beating heart Sohan was there.

As i got ready, again my mobile started to ringing. Looking at the name of the caller i took the call and went infront of the mirror to comb my hair.

"Yes Alena." I said as i took the call while looking at myself in the mirror.

"Remember we've a meeting with Ws Corporation today." Said Alena and i held my head.

I really forgot !

"Damn i forgot and now I'm ready to go to my village." I said thinking a way.

"I'm not going alone there. You know that Wahaj right. Such flirt." Said Alena from other side while i laughed on her words.

"I know and also know that you can handle him. Please attend the meeting alone. I wanted to come but now Sohan will be offended." Saying, I walked out of the room.

"Hmm Sohan. Okay. I'll take care of the meeting. Will be in contact." She said and cut the call while went to the breakfast table to have breakfast.

Bibi Gul and Sohan were alreasy there. I took seat next to them and start having breakfast. My eyes moved up to take a glimpse of my Sohan who was making my heaet to beat differently. Why this was happening? I was feeling strange. Didn't had the cobtrol on my eyes neither on my heart ehich wzs pulling me to her again and again. Her eyes were lowered and she was having her breakfast. Scolding myself again, I tried to concentrate on my breakfast. Felt Arhaan missing, I looked around to find Arhaan but he was no there.

"Is he still sleeping?" I asked having my glass of juice.

"No. I don't know where he is." Replied Sohan and i gave a nod.

"He went to meet his friend who met accident last night. He informed me." Said Bibi Gul and i gave a nod and again started to have breakfast.

"In an hour we'll leave. I'll be back in an hour. Keep all the things ready and also inform Arhaan. I'll join you soon." Saying, I got up.

"But where are you going??" Sohan asking standing up as well.

"There's a little work. I'll be back in an hour. Just be ready." Looking at her beautiful face, I said.


I mentally slapped myself to come out of the trance i was going in again. My eyes were not averting from her glowing face who was looking beautiful in that blue frock. I was again losing myself in her. Hardly pulling myself back, I walked out of the hall and again put my hand on my heart which wss beating so fast.

"I'm going mad." Scolding myself, i got into my car and drove it to somewhere I had to reach.

Third person's POV.

"So how are you Asfandyar?" Asked Roney as he took seat in front of him.

Asfandyar was tied on a chair. Had wounds of his face, face drenched in sweat and he hardly opened his eyes to see Roney.

"Can we talk?" Asked Ronet leaning a little ahead keep hus arms on his knees.

"Who are you? Why I'm tied here? You don't know me. You'll regret on doing this." Said Asfandyar tried to free himself from the strings tied on his arms and feet.

"And you don't know me. I'm younger than you but more dangerous than your thoughts." Said Roney while getting up from his seat.

"I've few questions to ask and I want their answers. No lies would work here." Said Roney while stretching his arms and hands.

"So shall I start?" Said Roney taking a step closer to him.

"Why your father and his partner are after that girl Soha? Why they changed their village years ago? What business they are doing behind these companies and construction business? I know all their answers but i want to listen from you. So tell me what is your motive?" Asked Roney but Asfandyar didn't replied.

"You think you've the option of being quite. Nah you have to speak." Said Roney looking in his eyes which had no fear.

"Leave me if you want to live." Said Asfandyar looking back at Roney.

Roney laughed on his words and walked ahead. Going closer to him, Roney held his hair in his hand, pulled it back hardly and leaned on his face to looked deeply in his eyes. With the colour of terror in Roney eyes, Asfandyar felt chills of death passed through his spine. The red colour of eyes were fixed on his face as if he was trying to read his mind.

"I hate the word no. I know all the dirty business you and your father with your partner are doing behind this corporation businesses. Kidnapping and selling girls out of country and the illegal businesses of drugs, human trafficking and most of selling kids for those dirty business I'm ashmed to talk about. How could you do this you bastard?" Punching hard on his face, Roney yelled and again punching hard on his face, he pulled him back with his coller.

"Forget the outer world now. This room is your end now. Tell me anything or not but you're not going to see the sun ever." Punching harder this time, he pushed him back that Asfandyar fell on ground with the chair he was tied on.

"You'll regret on your crimes Mr Asfandyar." Said Roney and held Asfandyar's hand and took something out from his pocket.

"These hands you used to ruin one's honour and respect." Saying, he used the cutter and cut his small finger of left hand making Asfandyar yelled in pain.

"For making every girl and kid cry." Saying, he plucked out his nail from the plucker making Asfandyar cry in pain.

"This is nothing what you deserve Mr Sultan. And your father will also go throw all this for making innocent souls suffer." Saying, he moved back while Asfandyar was still crying in pain as his hand was covered in blood.

"Take his statement now. I want all information. If he didn't say anything then continue to cut his fingers and pluck his nails one by one." Said Roney looking at Asfandyar who got scared on his words as this pain was unbearble for him and then his he was going to give his all fingers to these officers who were looking so cruel having no mercy on their faces.

"I'll be back soon. Keep telling me the report." Saying Roney left from there while his right hand man Munir was walking with him noticing Roney's serious look and angry face.

"Everything okay Sir?" Asked Munir walking out of their investigation centre.

"Yes everything is good." Replied Roney but Munir was not satisfied.

"You don't seem to be." Said Munir while taking seat next to Roney in their car.

"Don't ask now. I'm not in a mood of telling. I'm going for few days. Tell me if something happened." Said Roney and drive the car ahead and Munir just gave a nod this time.


He entered the room where DCP sarfaraz was tied. Going to the dark room, he closed the door and walked closer to him who was still unconscious. Taking the mug of water he splash it on him harder. Taking another he threw it right on his face to make him come to his senses. As he afain threw water on his face, he came to his senses. He opened his eyes with much difficulty and saw Malik seated in front of him with a smirk on his face.

"Welcome DCP Sarfaraz." Said Malik while DCP got scared.

He got scared that where he got stuck. Where he was and who was this person. Many questions were rising in his mind when a cup of tea was placed in front of him on the tsble. He looked at Malik and then at the cup.

"Have it." Said Malik but he was still confused scared and not understanding what was happening.

"Oh come on i didn't mix any poison in it." Said Malik and took his cup of coffee.

"I don't like tea so I'm having coffee. Hope you won't mind." Said Malik and had another sip of Coffee.

Whie Sarfaraz was tangled felt strange on his friendly behaviour. One thing he knew that he wss now badly stuck and no one voukd vome to help him or to took him out if this hell.

" want?" Asked Sarfaraz scared.

"Information and all evidence you've removed against Sardar Wahab and Sultan. I want everything." Said Malik looking back in his eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking. What evidence. What information? I...I don't know anything." Said Sarfaraz.

"No lies would work here. You can't be out from here now." Said Malik calmly.

"I can't tell you. If they got to know anything about this they'll kill my family. They'll kill my kids." Said Sarfaraz crying.

"You didn't had mercy on other's kids then why are you crying for yours. It hurts right when it comes to your own relations." Said Malik coldly looking back at Sarfaraz who was looking so scared.

"Come on tell me where i can get all the evidence." Said Malik looking at Sarfaraz but didn't uttered any word.

Malik sighed snd turned his head a little to his right side and looked at his man standing there waiting for his order. As malik looked at him he gave a nod and went out of the cell. Sarfaraz was looking at Malik and then at the door where that officers disappeared.  After a while the officer returned but he wasn't alone.  A dog was with him. A hungry Dog hich was ready to eat. He was difficult to control as his eyes caught Sarfaraz seated on chairs.

"My tiger's appetite increase as he saw you. He's so hungry for the last two days." Said Malik while caressing the dog's head.

Sarfaraz eyes widened and heart started to beat fast in fear. The dog was going out of control and started to bark at him. The saliva wss coming out of his mouth, his eyes redended, dangerously fixed on Sarfaraz.

"I'll tell everything. Please take him away." Said Sarfaraz trembling in fear.

"Calm down shero. Gon and have your meal." Tapping the head of dog, said Malik and the officer took the dog away.

"So what you've to tell me." Said Malik looking at Sarfaraz who started to tell him everything in fear.

She entered his office. Looked nervous a little as it was Sardar wahaj in front of her going to be. His eyes always disturbed her and that's why she didn't wanted to face him alone but here Aryan had left her alone to attend this meeting. Sighing she pushed the door of his cabin without knock and as she entered, her eyes caught him with another girl. The girl sitting in his lap and he busy in adoring her eyes holding her, smiling at her. As he felt her presence there, he stood up immediately pushing the girl away from him.

"Oh Miss Alena. You came." Adjusting his coat back on his shoulders, he said looking at Alena who looked at him with disgust and sighed as it was only professional not personal and she didn't want to get involved in all this by asking any question.

"Can we do the meeting?" She asked and sardar Wahaj nodded.

"You please go to the meeting room. I'll join you there." Said Wahaj and nodding Alena turned to go out.

As she left Wahaj took a breath of relieve and turned to the girl standing there. She tried to come closer to wahaj again but he pushed her back.

"Go now." He said and walked out of his office with his laptop.

"God why she came so early?" Saying he entered the meeting room and passed a smile to Alena who forcefully smiled back at him.

"I'm sorry for making you wait. And sorry for you know." Saying, he took seat and placed his laptop on the table.

"Its okay. And its your personal matter. we start the meeting? Mr Aryan couldn't be here as he had some work so i came alone." Said Alena while taking the files out.

Wahaj just lost in looking at her who was talking while looking at the files and he was just observing her. In peach colour frock her short hair touching her shoulder, dupatta placed on her right shoulder while the right arm had the wrist watch and other had a beautiful bracelet on it. She had two peach colour pins on her head making her look more beautiful. Her lips had the slight touch of lipstick and eyes filled with khol makibg Wahsj to lost his senses.

"Mr Wahaj you listening?" This was the third time she called him and he came to his senses.

"Y..yes. I'm listening. What were you saying?" Coming to his senses, he said and looked at the prints she was showing.

"Miss Alena I've a suggestion." Said Wahaj closing all the designs of fabric.

"You want to see the old work of embroidery which is now so rare to see and find right. All these designs I've showed you or you've are nothing infront of those designs which you can get from in our own factories. I suggest ypu please visit my village where you'll get pure work. There are many home factories women working on and selling those items nearby. We can use such designs in our new attires. I want you to please come with me to my village where my own factory had workers who are great experienced in making such designs." Said Wahaj making Alena think.

"Please say yes." He insisted and Alena was still thinking.

"I'll let you know about this Mr Wahaj." Said Alena and after that they discussed some more things and the meeting overed.

Alena got up to leave while wahaj was still looking at her without blinking. She felt nervous under his gaze all of sudden. Both walked out of the meeting room.

"I'll let you know my decision after asking my father." She said and wahaj gave a nod.

"I'll wait." Saying he brought his hand forward to shake with her which she held hesitantly.

Both of their hearts twisted for a second on the touch and she pulled her hand immediately. He smiled looking at her and she without looking at him turned and went out of the building in a hurry. She felt strange on her own condition. On one side she didn't like him and other her heart beat around him. This was strange for her. With thought she left from there.

Khirad's POV.

"I'm so excited." Said Soha while putting our luggage in the car.

"But where are Arhaan and Aryan?" Sge said turning to me and i just shrugged my shoulders showing I didn't know.

"We'll be late." She said pouting and I smiled looking at her.

She was so happy and excited. Her eyes were going again and again toward the door waiting for Aryan and Arhaan. I was just standing there. My heart was sad. It was not at rest. How could it be when i had offended him. Offended him that much he broke every relation with me. I had force him to do that. It was me asking him to end our relation and now when he did then why i was not at rest. Why this heart was calling him. Why i was waiting for his message. A tear slipped on my cheek and i wiped it immediately as there was no use of it. I had choose this wsy for me by myself.

"Girls ready." All of sudden i heard a voice and saw Aryan bhai standing with Soha asking.

I gave a nod and so did Soha. Bibi Gul with Soha entered the car and i joined them too.Aryan bhai took the driving seat and drove the car out while i was again lost in my thoughts when Soha's voice came.

"Is Arhaan not coming?" She asked .

"He's. He said to pick him from the hospital." Said Aryan bhai and soon the car stopped in front of the àhospital.

"Where were you gone?" Asked Soha looking at Aryan bhai who was dialing a number on his mobile.

"I went on shopping. I brought so much things for you too and also for all who are waiting for us in the village." He said and Soha got happy like a kid and my lips smiled too.

At least there was someone happy. My friend had a companion who took care of her and was there always with her. Not like me. Always alone. Didn't i had the companion who loved me like no one ever did?

My subconscious asked me the question and i looked out of the window maybe escaping from my own self. I had lost that companion. I was so tangled, so confused. I was helpless in front of this heart. This heart who wanted him and again pushed him away. I didn't know what i wanted. How to make him understand my condition. How to explain what i felt about him. I just couldn't. My eyes again filled up with tears but i held them back. The car door opened up and Arhaan got in.

"Assalam-o-Alikum everyone." He said as he closed the door and Aryan bhai started the car aain and our journey toward their village started.

Soha was talking, asking questions from Arhaan which he was answering quietly. Today he was looking different. Not much talking while Bibi gul was seated silently. Aryan bhai was also taking a part in the conversation. I was all silent. Not in a mood of talking. My hands tembled and heart felt to jump as i felt my mobile beeped with the message tune.

It must be him!

I thought. Hands shivered that the lock couldn't open. My fingers again draw the pattern of the lock while heart stopped to beat. As the mobile unlocked, i went directly to the message icon to check the message and here my all happiness faded. It wasn't him. It was not his message. It was from some sim card company. I felt dishearted. Felt like I'll die if he didn't talk to me. Eyes again filled up with tears and i looked out of the window tried to not think about him but there was always one thing on my mind since years and that was him. He was always there. Im my sitting, sleeping, eating, dreams, nights and day. He was there. Then how I'm going to live without his thought. Closing my eyes, i just kept looking at his image and kept talking to him all the way to village.

Third person's POV.
Their journey toward their village was going on. Khirad was lost in her thoughts while Soha was happy enjoying the journey. Today Arhaan was also quite not so much talkung. Aryan was busy in talking and driving. Soha was completely justifying with eating snacks and other things.

It was about to night when they reached their village. Kaif and Anaya welcomed them with Mr and Mrs Hashim who were their grandparents. Zubariya was happy to have her brothers snd Soha there. All were gathered in the hall having tea. Zubariya was checking gifts and so was Soha. Khirad was seated aside silently.

"Zimal phuphu?" Asked Aryan about Zimal who was Kaif's sister.

"She must be coming. All you kids have gave us a great surprise. We were missing you all. Now this year kaif and Zimal's kids in our anniversary would give us great memories." Said Agha jaan (Mr Hashim) who was grandfather of Aryan and Arhaan.

"Agha Jaan you don't worry. We'll give you a complete package of enjoyment." Said Arhaan hugging his grandfather.

"Is their flight on time?" Asked Aryan about Zimal who lived in UK with her family and now was coming.

"Yes. The driver has gone to pick them up. They'll be here any time." Said Kaif and all nodded.

"Khirad beta you okay? Want to rest?" Asked Anaya looking at khirad who was silent all the time.

"I'm fine aunty." Smilingly, she said and placed her cup of tea back on the table.

As she saw everyone busy in talking, she silently got up and walked out of the hall. As she stepped out, she felt a little cold. There was all dark. Few bulb in the lawn on the right side were on giving some light to the grass and flowers. Looking back at everyne from the hall door, she stepped ahead toward the lawn. Her mind wss empty. There was nothing she was thinking. She was just walking without thinking. She didn't know where was she going. He had overwhelmed her thoughts that much that there was nothing else she could think. Walking ahead toward the huge lawn, she didn't got scared of the darkness. There were some benches on the corner of the lawn. Her feet moved toward them and she sat on one of the bench like felling. Looking at the darkness, her eyes went to those tiny bulb shining in the lawn giving some light to see. Her mobile beeped at the same time. She opened the message box immediately to see who's message was it.

"I was thinking something." It was his message which brought a huge smile on her lips and her fingers started to type.

"What?" She sent the message and again started to wait for his reply.

Her impatience could be seen on her face. Her eyes never averted from the mobile screen. He took time replying her and she was just waiting, holding her heart.

"That we should really end this relation. A relation which cause only hurt and pain should be ended." His message was there and she read it many times while eyes filled up with tears.

"That's why you didn't contact for the last 20 hours?" She asked sending him the message and she waited for his reply.

"Yes. I think a lot about this." He replied.

"We should stop talking then. Maybe this could help us in forgetting each other." She typed and sent it to him while a tear slipped on her cheek.

Her heart was yelling. It was crying. She wanted to ask him that how can he do this? How easily he can break their relation? How can he forget what they had between them since years? But she couldn't ask. Suddenly, she felt someone's presence there.

She looked up. Her senses started to work and she looked around to find where she was. How she came here in this darkness? She asked herself. She heard some footsteps and found some one coming toward her. Her heart trembled in fear. On a strange place, she was there standing alone. Didn't know what to do. The person was coming closer and before she could yell, his perfume reached her telling her that it was him.

"You." She said as he stood few steps away from her but she could see his face in the dim lights of the lawn and so was his strong perfume was there to tell her it was him.

She was shocked to see him there. He looked at her once and then took steps toward her. Without giving her any warning, he took her face in the cup of his palms and leaned on her face, focused on her lips. Without giving her any warning, he touched their lips. Her eyes go wide as she felt his hot lips touched hers. He was returning her all the feelings of love, anger, frustration, confusions, yearning, he felt every time because of her. His yearn for her was shown in the kiss that she felt breathless in his arms. Her eyes close down while he circled his arm around her waist to hold her. Her protest of pushing him away ended and now her fists held his shirt from front. Few second later, he moved back leaving her lips. Both were breathless. Her eyes were still closed and she leaned a little ahead on his chest and took deep breaths while her eyes felt the slight wetness.

"Don't judge me ever. I can never be without you. And if you want to live without me then bring that much strength in you." He said in her ear.

What happened to her at that moment?. She didn't know. She was the one who never let him come closer to and now she was standing in his arms placing her head on his chest. Why she was not scared now? What happened in this one moment that she felt secure in those arms which were wrapped around her lovingly.

"How you got to know that i was here? Stalking me every time?" She asked still inhaling his fragrance.

"I know where my heart is beating. And its not a bad thing to keep you in my eyes." He replied and she moved back to see him.

He cupped her face with right hand and looked deeply in her eyes.

"This moment which came between us bring us to the world of reality. From dreamy world to real world. Now you can't deny my presence in your life." He said and she just couldn't blink her eyes.

She kept looking at him who was so near to her. She could feel his breaths on her face, heart beat under her palm. His fragrance was going through her nostrils to her heart making her lost her senses.

"Khirad where are you?" She heard Soha's voice.

"Don't cry ever." Kissing her forehead, he said.

"Khirad." She again heard a call for her but she wasn't able to move back.

He had hypnotized her in his eyes. In his fragrance that she wanted to be there feeling him keep looking at him. Moving back, he looked at her once and left from there. She saw Soha and Zubariya coming to her. She looked around to find him but he wasn't there. He left before the girls could reach them.

"Girl what are you doing here?" Asked Soha standing in front of her.

"Nothing. Just came to roam around." She replied and walked ahead with them to go back.

"Such mad you're." Said Soha holding her hand while she still felt her body shivering remembering the beautiful moment they shared today.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you all??

Long chapter isn't?

5000 words after all.

I hope you enjoyedthe chapter. So confusing right but will be soon unfold the story and all the confusion will be end. Suspense is going to end soon. But tell me do you like this suspense kind of stories ?

Do tell me your views about the chapter..

Want Wahaj and Alena love story too??

I'll wait for your views.

Till update Allah Hafiz.


Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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