Chapter 2.

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18 years later.

Third person's POV.
Her hand moved to find that clock which was ringing and disturbing her sleep. Groaning, she took her head out of the blanket and opened his left eyes to see the alarm clock which just fell down with the strock of her hand. 

"Allah this alarm." Mumbling, she leaned her hand down on the ground from the bed to pick the clock.

As she did, her eyes widened when she saw the time.

"Damn me." Cursing herself, she got up immediately, throwing the blanket away and turned off the alarm.

"He must be angry." Mumbling to herself, she ran to the washroom after taking her clothes from the wardrobe.

Taking a quick shower, she came out after changing into her green frock.  Covering her hair in towel, she rushed out of the room because she knew she was late today. But again, she ran inside her room. Going to the side table of her bed, she took the keys and ran out of her room again.

As she reached outside the room, she inserted the key in the lock hole snd pushed the door once the door unlocked.  Her eyes fall on the figure slept in the blanket.

"Still sleeping!? Goodness." Running toward the bed, she mutters again and stood near the bed.

"Aryan get up." She almost yelled but no response.

"Get up. You'll be late for your meeting otherwise." She said again but no response.

Leaning on him, she shook him a little to make him get up.

"Aryan get up." Saying, again she shook him and this time he moved a little.

Sighing, she walked to the wardrobe to take his clothes out.

"Get up now. That's why I always asked you to sleep on time but you and your presentations." She was talking non stop and he threw the blanket away while sitting up on his bed yawning.

"No lectures in the morning sohan." Saying, he stepped down from the bed and walked to the washroom.

"Yes lectures.  My advises are now lectures to you." Coming in front of him, she said and he looked at her but didn't say anything.

"Why this towel on your head?" He asked looking at the towel wrapped on her hair.

"Non of your business. Freshen up. Baba would be waiting for you on breakfast table." Giving towel and his dress to him, she said and walked to clean his bed and room.

Sighing, he went in while she in just 5 minutes cleaned his already cleaned room and ran out. Going to her room again, she combed her hair and tied them in a clip. Running out again, she placed her dupatta on her shoulders and as she stepped toward the breakfast table, she saw Kaif and Anaya on the breakfast table waiting for her.

"I'm sorry I'm late." Saying, she looked at Kaif and Anaya who were seated passed a  smile, looking at her.

Soha's POV.

"I'm sorry I'm late." I said looking at the two who were my family, my parents.

"Its okay beta. Happens sometimes.  Come and sit." Baba said abd I took seat next to him.

I looked around at the chairs which were still empty. Smilingly, I looked at Baba who passed a smile to me and took the newspaper to read.

"So where is your Aryan today? He's late." It was mama saying and passing me a glass of juice.

"I woke him. I don't know how much time he'll take to bath." I said while having the juice.

"By the way where is Arhaan? Is he still sleeping? Doesn't he know that we have a very important lecture in uni today." Standing up, I said with wide eyes and looked around to find Arhaan.

"Bibi Gul." I yelled while I looked at the wrist watch i was wearing.

"Bibi Gul." I called again and saw Baba smiling.

"Why are you smiling now?" I asked as i took my seat again.

"Because Bibi Gul is trying to wake Arhaan for the last 15 minutes." Baba replied and i held my head.

"My Goodness. Mama your these both sons can't have their enough sleep." I said but stood up when my eyes landed on Aryan coming.

My breath stuck in my chest on what I said and i was praying that he didn't hear it. In black pant with black shirt, he was looking handsome but what i had to do with that?.


"What were you saying sohan?" Asking, he took seat with a light smile on his lips.

"Nothing.  I was just praising your sleeping habit." Saying, I took my seat again next to him and start placing his breakfast in front of him.

"Baba Jaan someone is jealous with my sleep." His remarks made me make a face and i looked at Baba who laughed on his words.

"I'm not. Have breakfast." I said as i took mine to eat as i was getting late for my first class.

"I'm done." Saying, i got up and turned to go to my room to get my things.

"Sohan." I stopped on his call and turned to see him.

"Where you kept my car keys? They are not in my room." He said and I sighed as I knew.

He didn't get anything. Everything which placed there in front of him but he couldn't see it until I showed it to him.

Strange. !

"Its in your room your highness!. In the left drawer of your side table as always." I said and turned to go.

"Bring the keys to me then sohan. I'm getting late." He said again and I just walked to his room to take his keys.

Sighing, I took the keys and his laptop which he forgot in his room. Going back to him, I gave things to him and he just took them without smiling.

Is smile too costly?

I smiled on my thought and at the same time, he looked at me.

"What is the reason of smiling?" He asked as his eyes captured me.

"Eh? Does smile needs a reason. Its not costly you know!." I said with my all teeth out showing my smile.

The colgate smile!

Hehehe.. I'm funny i know.

"Close your mouth sohan and go get ready or you'll be late." Closing my mouth with a pout, I looked at Mama and Baba who were hiding their smiles, i turned slowly to my room.

"He's bad." I said as i took slow steps.

"I heard that." I heard his voice and i turned to see him who wss busy in having his breakfast.

"Sohan now go." Without turning he could tell that i was still there looking at him.

How many eyes he has??

I thought and walked toward the stairs. Holding the staircase,
i was planning my all day in my mind. Then my eyes went to my wrist watch and my feet took pace as i was late for my class. Rushing to my room i was just hoping to reach on time at uni. 

Taking my books and bag, i rushed out. Running down from the stairs, i looked at him who was discussing something with Baba while their eyes were on the file placed in his hand. Going to him, i waited for few seconds but he was busy in discussing some business.

"Wallet." I asked still standing near him.

Without looking at me, he took his wallet out and passed it to me as usual and again was busy with his fike while i just opened the wallet hurriedly and took the money as usual and placed the wallet on the table.

"I took two thousand." Whispering slowly to him, I ran out as i was late today and i knew Arhaan was going to miss his class.

This was me Soha Kaif Hashim and this was my family. I was so happy with my life. My Baba and mama the best parents who gave me a place in their hearts amd lives. 

Third person's POV.

As Aryan left for office, Kaif leaned back on sofa with a smile and closed his eyes. Anaya who was observing him took seat next to him.

"What is the reason of smiling?" She asked turning to him fully and he who was lost in some thoughts opened his eyes and looked at his Rapunzel.

"Eh? Does smile needs a reason. Its not costly you know!." Replying with the answer which soha gave to Aryan, kaif looked at his beloved wife and both laughed their heart out.

"Both are stupid." Said kaif and Anaya nodded and rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

"I know. Stupid but cute." Saying, kaif smiled more thinking about his son and Soha.

"But i think your other son is losing everything because of his sleep." Said Anaya but before kaif could say something they saw Arhaan coming down from the stairs and still yawning.


Both of his parents thought and shook their head in disappointment. He fell on one of the sofa and closed his eyes again.

"Good morning young man." Kaif said while straightening up and looked at his son.

"Who young man?" Getting up shocked, Arhaan looked around to find that man his father was addressing.

"Baba jaani who young man? Don't tell me you're talking to me?" He started again with his acting and his parents sighed.

"Who's here to talk other than you. You lazy boy." Kaif said once again.

"Do i look like a man to you Baba Jaan? Young is okay but man. Come on I'm just 22." He said leaning back on the sofa and Anaya sighed.

"23." She corrected him while going to the kitchen side.

"22 and 8 months old mama. Why are you all after my age?" Asking, he looked at Bibi Gul who was coming with his breakfast.

"Only my bibi Gul loves me." He said as he pulled her closer to him and placed his head in her lap.

"Such a kid." Running her fingers in Arhaan's hair, she said and Anaya who was coming back from the kitchen smiled looking at their love.

"Stop spoiling him Bibi Gul.  He missed his class again." Anaya said and took seat next to him while he sat up and hugged his mother.

"Sorry mom but i was making project all the night so just couldn't woke up early." Saying, he start having juice Bibi gul brought for him.

"But next time i don't want you to miss any lecture.  Your exams are near son." Said Kaif and stood up.

"Promise Baba.  Are you going to office?" He asked looking at his father and took bread to eat.

"Yes. Why are you asking?" Asked kaif while getting up.

"Take me with you. I've some work with bhai." Saying, Arhaan stood up and followed Kaif who gave a nod and both son and father walked out toward the porch.

"Rapunzel." As kaif reached in the porch, turning he called and saw his Rapunzel coming with a smile holding her saree fall.

"Your laptop." Giving him, his lalaptop bag Anaya said and waved bye to him.

"I'll miss you." Saying, he got in the car while she smiled looking at her kaif and son.

"I feel jealous." Said Arhaan looking at his father.

"Why?" Asked Kaif amazed.

"When I'm going to have my Rapunzel Baba Jaan?" He said which made kaif laughed.

"Driver lets go." Saying Kaif start making calls while Arhaan looked out of the car with a smile.

As the car drove out of the bungalow she walked back in the house.

"Bibi Gul is everything ready for tomorrow?" Asked Anaya as she stepped in the hall and looked at Bibi Gul who was seated there.

"Yes everything is ready. Zobi will be surprised." Said Bibi Gul with a smile on her lips.

"She will. Its special day coming. You come with me." Said Anaya and both walked toward Anaya's room while discussing something.


"Hey bhai." His eyes moved up from that file he was holding and looked up at the door where Arhaan was standing.

"Kido what are you doing here?" Asked Aryan surprised as he saw Arhaan there.

"Bhai you forgot." Saying, he fell on one of the chairs, placed there.

"I didn't.  But why are you here and you missed your class again." Said Aryan looking at his younger brother who was showing carelessness toward his studies.

"Oh ho bhai its just the matter of one day. I'll take the notes from Sarmad. And you don't know how i tolrate that professor. Professor Ghani. God! He and his lectures. " placing his hand in his heart, Arhaan overreacted and Aryan sighed looking at him.

"Shut up. He's one of the best professor. He was my favourite when i was studying." Said Aryan and Arhaan leaned back on the chair.

"My Goodness. His boring lectures! I wonder how you liked him." Replied Arhaan but Aryan stopped on the word Goodness he used.


His mind went to her and he narrowed his eyes at him.

"What?" Asked Arhaan staetled on his look.

"She went alone uni today. What if something happened?" Asked Aryan and Arhaan laughed.

"Your Sohan right?!" Ased Arhaan with a smile.

"Arhaan shut up. What's this with your Sohan? She's our family. You know na i never want her to be alone." Aryan said getting up.

"Bhai you should be with your Rapunzel na but you want me as her bodyguard."Arhaan's tongue slipped again and this time he received a glare from his elder brother.


Both brother's mind stuck to that word and Arhaan stood up as his mind was thinking something else.

"Bhai you know i feel jealous." Saying he stood up and went in front of him.

"Baba has his Rapunzel and you too. When I'll have my one. When my Rapunzel will come?" He asked so innocentlycwhich made Aeyan to smile a little.

"She'll come when you'll pass this exam and Sohan is not my Rapunzel but my best friend. You get that. " Said Aryan and Arhaan nodded with lower head to hide his smile on his brother's statement.

Aryan's  Pov.


I looked at my brother who was talking about my Rapunzel.  Thinking about Sohan, I shook my head and walked to my younger brother who was so eager to meet his Rapunzel.

"She'll come when you'll pass this exam and Sohan is not my Rapunzel but my best friend. You get that." I said and saw him nodding.

"Good. Now wait for sometime. I've a meeting and then we'll go to get something for Zobi." Saying, I took the files and walked out.

My mind was working fastly. I have to finish this meeting soon so i could go to get something for my sister Zobariya who was coming tomorrow from hostel. Finally, she was coming back. I was really missing her. Tomorrow, i wanted to make her more happy with a lot of gifts as she was crazy for gifts. And after that I had to go to see Sohan.  I hoped she'll be fine.

I started my meeting with the CEO of  Bakhshi group of industries. My one of the best employee gave presentation on the garments and now i was discussing the stuff and qualities of the garments we made in our industries.

"Well Mr Aryan I'm impressed. The designs are very good. My daughter is coming in just few days.  She'll come and will have a look of all these designs you are making. After all it will be her choice." Said Mr Bakhshi abd i gave a nod.

"It will be good if we worked together." Shaking hand with me he said and i just gave another nod to him.

"Sure Mr Bakhshi.  It will be great. Will be waiting for your daughter." I said and walked out with him.

As Mr Bakhshi with his employees gone, I turned to Baba Jaan who was standing next to me and was looking at the door where Mr Bakhshi just disappeared.

"What happened Baba?" I asked looking at him who was deeply in thoughts.

"Mr Bakhshi's daughter. I'm hoping you'll get a great company." Saying, he walked back to his cabin while I just kept standing there trying to understand his words.

"Bhai." I was startled by the call and looked back where Arhaan was coming from.

"You free now?" He asked standing next to me and i just gave a nod and walked back to my cabin.

"Shall we go now?" He asked and i took my car keys and walked with him out of the office without answering him.

"What we are going to buy? Doll? Teddy bear? She likes teady bear. What you think bhai." And the non stop questions of Arhaan started and I just kept quite 

"But i think i should gave her a camera. She likes to capture moments." He was deciding by himself and i was driving silently.

"Can't you stay quite for few minutes.?" I said as i parked the car in front of a mall.

Taking my mobile out, I dialed a number and waited to be pick up. I looked at Arhaan who opened his mouth to say somerhing but stopped when he saw my glare.

My cute brother.

"Hey Sohan. You okay?" I asked as she picked the call.

"What happened to me?"

The reply came and i sighed as she was just like Arhaan. Bubdles of questions.

"Why are you asking by the way?"

"Where are you now?"

"Listen my friend is asking for your number? Should i give to her?".

I was trying to speak but her questiobs were not ending. On her last question, i sighed and closed my eyes tried to control the anger.

"Shut up Sohan. Listen to me first." I shouted and her voice ended.

"Tell me you okay?" I asked again what i wanted to know.

"I'm fine." A slow answer came.

"Me and Arhaan came to shop for zobi. Anything you want?" I asked but i received only silence.

Sighing I smiled as I knew that i offended her. She never liked shouts but it threatened her. It made her sad and i akways do the same mistake.

How idiot I'm!!

"Sohan." I called her again but no answer.

"I'm sorry.  I won't shout again." I apologize which i never do to anyone but for her I can do anything.

For her.

My best friend Sohan.

"I'll never talk to you if you shouted again on me." I heard her as I felt her crying.

"Sorry. Now smile. Anything you want me bring for you? What you want to eat?" I asked her again who now giggled which made me smile and I felt rekax.

"Many chocolates and a large pizza." And here we go. I was told to bring her most favourite food.

"Done. Now take care. I'll come to pick you." I said and cut the call and turned to see Arhaan who was half slept.

Ruffling his hair i tried to wake him up. He opened his eyes and looked at me and a sigh of relieve escaped from his lips.

"Thank God you're back. I thought you forgot that we came to shop." He said and stepped out of the car and i followed him.

"Sohan i was talking to her." I said as we entered the mall.

"So what your Rapunzel asked for?" He said and i gave a glare to him.

"She's not my Rapunzel Arhaan. But my best friend." I repeated my words and he gave a nod with a smile.

"If she's not your Rapunzel then no one can be big brother." Saying he walked ahead leaving me behind.

My Rapunzel!!



A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you all??

Long time isn't that i updated. But finally i updated. Married life makes you so much busy that you hardly get time for yourself and now after becoming mother responsibilities increased.

But still I'll try to get some for you and for myself too. But I'm too much sleepy these days as the little princess doesn't let me sleep. 😊

Anyways coming to the chapter tell me how was it? You all happy? Tell me your views and do vote for my stories.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Take care of yourself.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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