Chapter 3.

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Third person's POV.

All of them were seated in the hall. Anaya was making tea for kaif while Zobariya was seated next to him and her eyes were fixed on the tv.

"When they'll come Baba?" She asked looking at her wrist watch and then again at her father.

Kaif smiled on her impatience. After 2 years, she was back to stay with them like before and it was making her parents happy. They all were waiting for Aryan, Arhaan and Sohan.

"Assalam-u-Alikum everyone." Said Arhaan as he entered the house.

"Hey zobi." As he saw her, he went toward her.

"Bhaiiii." Yelling happily, she ran to him and hugged him.

He smiled on his acts. Both had the same nature. These both were best friend's of each other.

"Where were you by the way?" She asked as she moved back and looked at her brother.

"Shopping for you." Showing the bags, he was holding, he said and she giggled happily.

"Where is big bro?" She asked when she didn't found Aryan with him.

"Where he can be?" He asked with a smile and moved ahead to take a seat.

"His Sohan." Saying, Zobi took seat next to Arhaan.

Kaif and Anaya who were listening to them both looked at each other and sighed.

"Not only his but she's ours too." Said Anaya but both of her kids laughed a little.

"Mom ofcourse she's ours. Our cute and favourite Soha but not Sohan. She's only his Sohan." Said Zobi with giggles making kaif and Anaya smiled.

"Both are so cute." Said Zobi talking about Aryan and Soha.

"But bhai says she's not his Rapunzel." Said Arhaan sadly.

"Listen to me you both." Said kaif and removed his spects and looked at his kids.

"Don't say all this in front of them. They are best friends. Let them be that for now." Said Kaif making tgem understand.

"But Baba.." As Arhaan was about to say something, Anaya interrupted him.

"Let them know by themselves what they have in their hearts. Till then you just let everything happen as it's going on." Said Anaya and Kaif  nodded looking at his beloved wife and then turned to Arhaan.

"Your mother is right. Let them go through what is going on in their hearts. We can't make them feel or understand all this. They have to understand by themselves this beautiful bond and relation between them." Said Kaif and Arhaan nodded.

"Show me my gifts." Taking the bags, Zobariya started to open the bags to see the gifts.

Sohan's POV.

"You are late." Taking the pizza out of the box, I said and he started the car.

"I know and I'm sorry for that." The car was running on the road while he was driving silently and I was just eating my yummy pizza with extra extra cheese.

"You know sana and sabreena teased me so much today. They were continuously asking for your number but i said you're not avaible." I said eating the pizza.

"Hmm." I heard him but my eyes were on my pizza which was so yummy.

"You know that Yasir and Azam challenged us to get position over them in the coming semester but they don't know I have you." I said and  took the ketchup to put on it.

"Will you help me in study?" I asked him who turned to see me and gave a smile with a nod.

"You dropped Arhaan home?" I asked again eating my pizza.

"Hmm." The usual reply came and I gave a nod and kept talking to him non-stop and he kept silent and listening me as usual.

"Aryan." I called him who was busy in driving.

"Hmm." Again he cooed.

"Can I ask for something?" I asked looking at him who just took the right turn.

"Anything Sohan." He replied and my lips stretched into a smile.

Placing pizza back in the box, I cleaned my hands and turned to him. He looked at me once and then smiled looking at my excitement.

"You promise you won't say no?" I asked again, doubted.

"What's the matter? Why would I say no to you. What you want?" He asked again and looked at me for once and then again looked back at the road.

"Actually today I read the notification on the notice board of our uni. There was an announcement." I paused, slipped my tongue on my lips.

"What announcement?" He asked with a frown on his clear forehead

Damn!! Why it was so difficult to say this???

I thought.

Takibg a deep breath, I looked at him and took courage to say. I hoped to make him agree.

"A picnic announcement." I said and waited for his reaction but he was all calm.

"Actually it is a trip from university to Sawat and other hill stations." I said giving him more information but he was all quite.

"For how many days?" He asked with serious face.

"7...7 days trip." I stuttered.

"Are you mad?" Putting his feet on break, he stopped the car.

Turning to me,he looked at me.  He looked at ne like I've stolen something. He kept looking at me, waited to hear what I said. And I knew, I damn knew his reaction would be like this.

"I want to go. " I said slowly and looked down at my hands placed over the pizza box.

"No way. Forget the trip and all." He said and was about to start the car.

"But please listen I want to go." I said, holding his arm and stopped him from starting the car.

"My all friends are going and you promised that you won't say no. Please Aryan." I pleaded looking at him with hopeful eyes that he will agree.

"It's not going to happen.  I didn't made any promise. You're not going anywhere." He said with a serious face.


"Its decided Sohan.  Now don't argue." He cut me in between and said with a serious face.

"You never said no to me?!" I said slowly looking down at the pizza box placed in my lap.

"I'm saying no this time. Just don't think anything now." Saying, he just kept looking at the road, driving silently toward home.

And I was just thinking a way to peruse him. I was hoping to join the tour. I was really excited for it and I knew I will persuade him. I will surely. I thought and nodded on my thought.


"Zobi you liked your gifts?" I asked looking at her who was looking at the gift placed on her bed.

"A lot. Thank you so much." Hugging me, she said looking at the ring, I gifted her.

"I'm so glad that you're back." I said looking at her who was smiling.

"I missed you too soha api." Her reply brought a smile on my lips.

"You didn't feel scared at the hostel? Living alone without all of us?" I asked what was going on my mind.

"No. I'm a big girl now api." She said moving back on her bed and I joined her.

"I feel jealous of you." I said turning to her.

Her eyes widened on my words but it was true. Sighing, I placed my palm under my face.

"You feel jealous of me? Seriously!!? Api I feel jealous of you because you're more important for bhai than me." She said and I gave a nod.

"It's true. But there's no limit for you. You can go wherever you want but I can't. My Aryan didn't allow me." I said sighing sadly and looked at Zobariya.

"You're smiling!?" I asked her offended.

'Your Aryan doesn't allow you to go alone anywhere because he cares for you a lot. He didn't want you to get hurt." Zobi said and I made a face.

"But you're his sister. He never stopped you. Neither he tried to stop you from going on collage trip but he didn't give me permission." I said getting up and looked around.

"It's because he cares for his Sohan more than his own sister." I turned on her words and looked at her who gave a nod with a smile to me.

Nodding in agreement, I moved back on bed again turning to her.

"I know. I know he cares for me but this time I really want to go. I want to roam around with my classmates with my friend and teachers. I just want to go but Aryan is not allowing." I said and took few deep breaths.

"But I will surely make him agree." I said with a new spirit and Zobi showed me thumbs up, wishing me and I start making up thoughts and plans to peruse Aryan for letting me go.

Aryan's POV.

Smiling, I walked back over to my room after listening their conversation. She's such a stupid girl but still cute. My Sohan. Thinking about her excitement, I decided to let her go as I didn't want to spoil her excitement and plans but still I was afraid to let her go by herself. Leaving her alone always create a wave of fear in my heart as something may happened to her of she just walked off from my sight. And this thought made me keep her always in front of me.

But for now, for her happiness I decided to let her go. I couldn't bound her to me always. I should let her go to live freely. Laying back on my bed, I smiled on my thought and closed my eyes to have a peaceful sleep.


"You're still sleeping? Aryan get up." I heard her voice and my lips stretched into a smile.

My morning always brightened up with her presence around me. Pulling off my blanket, she made me open my eyes and look at her.

"Hurry up." She said and ran toward my closet and I threw the blanket away.

"It's okay Sohan. I'm not in a hurry today." I said stepping out of the bed.

"But I'm. I've a very important lecture to attend today." I heard her who just took out my clothes and ran out of the room.

"Sohan." I called her again.

"What is it now?" She asked stepping back in my room.

"You want to go to the trip?" I asked her and her eyes widened while she moved closer.

"Can I?" She asked with a hope in her eyes and I gave a nod with a light smile.

"Really?!" Looking at me unbelievably, she asked.

"Yes you can go." I said looking at her excited face.

"Really!! Ohh Thank you, thank you so much." She squealed with happiness and circled around while i just smiled looking at her happiness.

"Thank you so much. I'll tell my friend about this." Saying she turned to go.

"But I've a condition." Her feet stopped on my words.

Turning around she looked at me and waited for my next words.

"What's the condition?" She asked coming closer to me again.

"No playing in the snow not in water. You'll get cold otherwise." I told her what i wanted as i knew her craziness about snow and rivers.

"But that's...that's unfair." She protested.

"If you accept this then you can go." I said and she made a face took few second to think.

"Okay." Slowly saying she turned and i smiled, walked to the washroom and she stepped out of the room.

Third person's POV.

"You took all the things Sohan?" He was asking it for third time and she looked at him leaving everything.

"Yes I've took my things. Will you please let me finish it. I'm getting late." She said but he smiled and start checking her things again.

"So our Soha is ready?" Asked Kaif as he entered with Anaya in her room.

"I'm ready baba." Saying she looked at them with a smile.

"But you've to take care of yourself." Said Anaya going to her and hugged her.

"I will Mama." She said and kaif looked at Aryan who was looking restless.

The thought of Sohan going somewhere was scaring him. He didn't know why he was feeling scared but he just wanted to be with her.

"Can't you take mobile with you?" He asked and she shook her head as no.

"Ofcourse I'm taking it with me." She said with a smile snd he took a breath of relieve.

"But you've to promise you won't go in the snow. Won't eat ice cream in the cold weather. You won't talk to the strangers. And you won't..." He was saying and all three of them were looking at him.

"What? I'm just worried for her. And why this Arhaan is not going? I think i should go with her." He said and all looked at him amazed.

"Really?" Mocking all said and he narrowed his eyes at them.

"Who said I'm not going? I'm coming on this trip." Arhaan entered the room with his bag on his shoulder a muffler around his neck and wearing a leather jacket.

"Really you're coming? Sohan said happily going closer to him.

"Ofcourse my brother's Rapunzel, I'm  coming to protect you." Said Arhaan while soha and Aryan narrowed their eyes at him but Kaif and Anaya smiled.

"What Rapunzel huh!?" Punching in his stomach she said glaring at him.

"Ouch. Okay okay don't admit. But I'm coming to protect my little sister." Caressing her cheek he said making all of them smiled

"Hurry up we should go now. Our friends would be waiting." Said Arhaan.

"Listen you two." Both turned to kaif who walked to thrm.

"Be careful okay. Take care of yourselves and Arhaan take care of your sister.  She's so precious." Said kaif hugging her.

"I will baba." Arhaan said with a smile.

"Now get ready. I'm going to tell the driver to drop you both at your university." Said Kaif and walked out with Anaya.

"Let's go my brother's Rapunzel." He started again but ran out of the room when he saw their glares at him.



Both called each other and smiled while looking at each other. He went closer to her and wrapped a shawl around her  properly.

"No talking to strangers. No gifts or anything received from anyone. Don't go out without shawl and please be careful." He was saying and she was listening him.

"I understand Aryan.  I'll be careful." She said and he smiled.

"Can i have the wallet please?" She said showing him her puupy eyes to him.

"Why?" He asked while taking his wallet out and placed it in her hand.

"I will shop there na. So i need some money." Saying she opened the wallet and took the money as much as she wanted.

"Its enough.  You can take it back." She said giving back his walllet.

"You emptied it." He said looking at his wallet while she shrugged her shoulders with a giggle.

And he smiled looking at her smile. Removing her hair strand from her temple he kept looking at her few seconds. Zobariya who was comibg to meet soha saw her brother worried for soha. She smiled in the beautiful bond they shared.  She entered the room with a smile.

"Take care and have fun." Said Zobi hugging soha.

"You're the first one saying to have fun." Soha giggled and looked at Aryan who walked out of the room while bith girls were taking the things out.

Aryan's POV.
I was looking at her who just got in the car and waved bye to us. I smiled for her but actually i was really worried. For the first tine she was going far from me and it was making me he'll scared. I didn't know what was it. The fear, concern or something else but i was really worried.

"She'll fine son." Said Baba placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I know but my heart scares." I said lookibg at tgeur car which just drove out if tge mansion.

"I know.  I can see how worried you're for her." Saud Baba looking at me.

"I can't forget that night Baba when those people come to kill my Sohan. To kill our Sohan baba." I said remembering that night of fear.

"Just For her safety, we left from our hometown from our city and shifted to this place but still i felt them following us, chasing after her like death. We were succeeded in saving her 2 times but will be next?" I asked turning to him.

"Allah is biggest protector.  Allah will protect her. We can pray only." Baba said and left from there while my heart was feeling scared on letting her go like this.

She had been attacked for 2 times. Ist when she came with baba and secondly when we were shifting from our city to this city.  I was scared on losing her. I just wanted her to be saved that's why i never let her go alone anywhere but this trip was creating strange kind of fears inside me.

Thinking something I took my mobile out and dialed a number, waited to be picked up.

"Hey I've a work for you." Saying i turned inside while talking the person.

Third person's POV.
"Only you're the one i can trust now." He said looking at man in his 60s seated in frint of him.

"You can trust me. I won't disappoint you." That man said and the first person who was an middle aged man, had his hair grey from bottom took the bag and took out some files.

"I want this to be done. All details are here but I want you to keep this confidential. The news shouldn't be leaked in media. Not even the people in your agency should know about this case." Said the first man passing the file to the other.

"You don't worry. No one will know. Its between me and you. I'll give you my best man for this work. He's young but best in his work." Said the second old man while the first one stood up.

Both man shook hands and turned to the opposite sides to walk away.

Arhaan's POV.
As we reached the university i saw all the students in the ground. Every face was so excited to go to the trip and i was amazed on their excitement. How happy they were on going to this trip but I was really not in the mood. I was just going because of soha. My brother would be hell scared of she go alone so only for them I was going on this trip. I was hell tired and sleepy.

"Arhaan." I turned on the voice and saw my friends coming with a happy smike on their faces.

"What a surprise. You're coming too." Asked Raza my friend.

"Of course. I thought to join you all." I said looking around.

"When we'll depart?" I asked as i saw the buses standing there.

"Just in 15 minutes." Said Moheb my other friend and I gave a nod and looked at Soha who was so happy and talking to her friends.

"Hey my brother's Rapunzel." I called her, going to her after excusing my friends.

"Shut up. I've told you to not say this.  He's my best friend and that's it." She said narrowing her eyes at me but there was no anger.

"Okay my brother's Rapunzel, I understand." I said again laughing while she punched my shoulder pushing me away from her way.

She went with her friends while i went back to my friends, waiting for the trip to start.

Third person's POV.
"Where are you?" She read the massage and felt the butterflies in her stomach.

She just kept looking at the words written there and her fingers shivered to type a reply.

"In university." She replied and put her mobile back in her bag and sat with her friends aside.

Her mobile rang again telling that she received another message.  Her heart tingled, hand tightened on the strip of her bag which was hanging around her shoulder. With the feelings of butterflies in her stomach, she took the mobile out and unlocked it with shivering fingers.

"I want to see you." His words scared her and she looked around as if he was standing there.

"It can't happened." She replied.

"Don't give me any reason.  I want to see you." The reply came soon.

"Its not possible." She replied.

"There's no words call impossible in my dictionary. And I hate this word." His words were there in front of her telling how much he was determined on what he said.

He always do that. Never listened to her. Make her things to do which she never wanted to. She wanted to offened with him but couldn't stay without him too. Her anger on not listening her was increasing.

"What you love then? You hate everything."  She replied angrily.

"I love you. And that's enough." The message was enough to make her shut up.

She felt her throat dry on his confession. This was not the first time he said this but it was always for the first time for her.  The feelings, sensations, butterflies she felt with his confession was always new on every time.

"I've to go now. And Miss me my Khirad." With a kiss emoji, he send her massage while her cheeks turned pink as she read the massage.

She locked the mobile instantly as she read the massage and touched her cheeks which were getting hot. Placing the mobile back in her bag, she rubbed her hands together which got sweaty all of sudden.

"Khirad." She heard a call and looked at the direction where Soha was standing.

"Come we're departing." She said and khirad gave a nod while going toward her but still she was feeling the butterflies in her stomach while the massage was running on her mind.


"The house seems empty without them. Don't you think?" Said Kaif looking at the hall which was filled with silence.

"True. I'm already missing them." Said Anaya thinking about Arhaan and Soha.

"Should i go and bring them back?" Getting up said Aryan and Kaif held his arm to pull him back on his seat while Zobariya laughed.

"Is our elder brother missing his Sohan?" Zobi asked mischievously and he narrowed his eyes at her.

"Sorry." With a smiles, she said and look down again at her book.

"You guys are making fun of me. I'm..just  worried for her." Saying, he got up and held his laotop bag.

"I'm going. Its my meeting with the Ceo of Bakhshi group of industries. I hope we sign the contract today. Miss Alena bakhshi is also coming. Hope everything goes well." He said closing the buttons of his coat and walked out while kaif smiled and looked at Anaya and Zobariya who were just smiling like him on Aryan's condition.

Aryan's POV.

I reached office thinking about  Sohan and Arhaan and about their trip. I was just hoping that everything goes well for their trip and they safely come home.

"Sir Mr Bakhshi is here." Said my secretary and i gave a nod.

"Make them sit in the merting room. I'm just coming." Saying I took my mobile out.

I had to talk to her once. Just wanted to know she was okay. Dialing her number, I waited for it to be picked.

"I was wondering why didn't you call yet." And I heard her from other side.
"Sohan you're okay? Is the trip started?" I asked taking the files out of my bag.

"We're still in our university.  Just going in few minutes." Her reply came and i gave a nod.

"Be with Arhaan okay. And don't talk to the strangers.  Be careful okay. " I instructed her once again.

"I will best friend. Now let me enjoy." Saying, she cut the call and i smiled thinking about her.

Taking the important files i stepped out of the cabin to walk toward the meeting room. As I stepped in, I saw my few employees and Mr Bakhshi seated there.

"Assalam-u-Alikum Mr Bakhsi. I'm sorry for making you wait." I said stepping ahead.

"You should be sorry." I heard a feminine voice and I turned to see the person.

And i was left stunned. A beautiful girl in red loose shirt and skin colour trouser with her hair open on her shoulder was standing there with a smile.  I just kept looking at her, didn't know why. She was really a beautiful girl. She walked to me holding her cell phone in her left hand while other was having her silver clutch in it. I was observing her. Why? Her looks, style, smile, walk, the colours she wore at the moment everything I was noticing.

"Alena Bakhshi here." Brining her hand forward she said introducing herself.

"Alena Bakhshi." I whispered her name lost in her.

A/N:: Assalam-u-Alikum readers.

How are you all??

After a long time i updated.

By the way Eid Mubarak to all.

I'm sorry for not updating other stories.  But i will soon.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Kerp smiling...

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