Chapter 4.

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Third person's POV.
"Are you after her?" The question was asked while the person listening to the question looked around to find her.

"I'm. I'm just around her. You don't worry.  I will get her." He said and looked at her who was standing in the group of girls talking to her friends.

"Good. Just keep your eyes on her every time. You know what you've to do. We can't miss this chance." Said the other sider and he kept looking at her observing her every little detail.

"Don't worry I'll bring good news soon. I've to go now." He said still his eyes capturing the girl who now moved to some boy and talked to him.

"Just be careful. Allah Hafiz." Said the other sider and cut the call.

"You just don't worry Baba Sahib. I'll get that sparrow soon." Saying, with an evil smile, he moved ahead to the group of boys planning something on his mind.


"You guys keeping the eye on girls or not?"  He asked calling while looking at the group of girls in which she was also standing.

"Yes boss. Its going to be our jackpot." Said his man from other side.

"Nah Moti. The jackpot is in front of my eyes. This is the jackpot baba Sahib is waiting for since years." He said looking at her who was busy with her friends.

"What's the news of the boys?" He asked again taking seat under a tree.

"A container is going to deliver on the address you've said." Said his man and he smiled with a nod.

"Okay good job. Just be careful with every thing. I'm going to play a role. You send your men around the place I'm.  And wait for my signal to proceed." He said and cut the call.

Looking at her, he smiled and touched his stubble with an evil smile and held his bag to move forward toward the group of boys.

Soha's POV.
"Khirad." I called her again who was lost in her dreams.

"Huh!" Startled on my call, she Said and looked at me.

"Where are you lost? Come." Saying, I held her hand and went toward the bus.

Our journey toward Sawat started. We all students were enjoying. After the travel of 3 hours, our teachers stopped the journey for a while for us to take a look around the beautiful nature. There was beautiful park on the way where we took a break for a while.  All the students started to roam around. Some were enjoying that small lake passing through and some were busy in clicking pics.  I took seat with khirad on a stone while my other friends went to take pictures with each other.

"I'm so happy. Hoppe you're enjoying too."I asked her who gave a nod a smile.

"So are you excited? I'm very excited. I'm just waiting to feel the cotton like snowfall falling on me." I said closing my eyes imagning myself in the white blanket of snow feeling its coldness.

"You're crazy." She said on my words and I looked at her.

"I'm . After all I love snow." I said Smilingly.

"Don't you like it?" I asked her back.

"I never thought about it." She replied.

"Who do you think about then?" We startled on the voice and saw Arhaan coming with his those two friends who were like his shadows.

"Hey my brother's Rapunzel." He said again looking at me and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Shut up." I scolded him who laughed on my words.

"By the way Miss..." He turned to khirad who looked uncomfortably in his presence.

"You would be the first girl who didn't show any excitement about the snowfall." He said looking at her who was not looking at him.

"Shut up Arhaan. She's my friend. Don't talk to her." I said stopping him as I could see she was not liking him, looking at her.

"Is it a sin to talk to her? What's your good name Miss?" He asked again and i held my head in my hand.

"Why are you here?" I asked him.

"I just eavesdrop your conversation. Actually I'm very excited about the mountains and cold and the.."

"And the snowfall right! Me too." I got excited clapping my hands

"Hey you better stay away from snow otherwise your Aryan will be offended." He said and I punched his shoulder.

"You dare to tell him. Go now let us go and take some pictures." I said pushing away.

"Without me." He said before i could turned to khirad who was waiting for me.

"Go to your idiot friends." I said looking back at his friends who were standing at a distance from us.

"Can't we join you and your friend?" He asked again going to her.

"You haven't told me your name." He asked her again who gave a glare to him and then looked at me.

"Soha I'm going to the lake. You join me there." Saying she marched out from there and I tapped his shoulder who was still looking at her back.

"Khirad. Her name is khirad. I wonder how you don't know her nane when we are neighbours since years and also she's uncle  Ubaid-ul-Allah's daughter who is an old damiky friend of our Baba? I wonder you don't know her. I know your tricks. Will you leave us alone now?" I asked who smiled still looking at her who just went to our other friends.

Arhaan turned to me and gave a smile with a nod.

"I never noticed her as you know how I'm about girls. I can't remember their  faces and names. But this girl seems intersting to me." He said and i narrowed my eyes at him who laughed on my glare. 

"Okay don't look at me like this. You can go dear sister." He said and Smilingly I moved toward my friends who were now taking pictures.

Arhaan's  POV.
"Khirad." I whispered the name and looked at her who was seated in a rock which was between the lake and water was rushing by its sides.

"What happened bro?" Asked my friend and i placed my hand on my heart.

"What a girl." I said still looking at her who was looking so innocent so beautiful in her simple look.

A black Hijab around her face, dressed in simple yellow trouser shirt, she was looking at her mobile reading something and a smile touched her lips.

"She has such a beautiful smile." I whispered lost in looking at her.

"Dude you're gone. Let's go now." Holding my shoulder they turned me toward them but i felt myself caged still in her smile.

Taking steps with them i was just thinking about her who was a fragrance of pleasant of roses and innocence.

"Khirad." Taking her name again I took the sip of juice.

"Dude wake up now." Shaking me my friends said and chuckled on my own condition and went ahead to enjoy with them.

Khirad's POV.

"My wish is still there. I want to meet you." As I stepped ahead, leaving Soha and her brother back, ignoring his gaze on me, I heard my mobile ringed and as i checked the massage, my lips stretched into a smile while i felt my palms getting sweaty.

"Why?" As I typed, I stopped for a while but then pressed the send button to send it to him who made my heart to run fast with his message.

Looking around, I found my friend there in the lake.  I walked ahead but didn't forget to look back at Soha who was still busy in talking with her brother. I saw him still looking at me. Frowning, I moved ahead and took seat on one of the big rock.

As I again turned to see her, she looked at me and waved at me. I waved back and looked back at the girls and water which was rushing by the sides of the rock. Again my mobile tuned and my heart skipped its beat and hand shivered, thinkibg about his demand his craziness.

Slipping my tongue on my dry lips, I nervously opened the lock of my mobile and checked my whatsapp.

"Because my heart yearns for you." My heart jumped on his words and a little smile touched my lips.

I just closed the app and put my mobile back in my hand bag and looked at my friends who were coming to me. I looked at their feet which were dipped in the water. Holding each other's hands, they were walking to me with giggles and i just smiled looking at them.

"Khirad come join us." They said and at the same time Soha reached us.

"No I'm fine here." I said.

"Silly girl. Come na we'll enjoy a lot." They said and Soha gave a nod in agreement.

"Come to that mountain. Lets see the coming way of water." Said Soha getting excited.

"Are you mad? Its so slippery. And scary too. The water passes strongly from that side." I said from the direction where the lake was coming from.

"Coward. Let's go." Both of them said and Soha looked at me and I shook my head as no.

"You go. I'll wait for you all here." I said taking my knees closer to my chest.

"Everyone is going to see." Said Soha looking at the students.

"You go girls. I'll wait here for you." I said and they all nodded and moved ahead.

Soha removed her shoes and held their hands and walked ahead in that slippery small rocks which were in the lake, water rushing through them.

I looked down at the water which was just passing, touching the rock I was sitting on. Taking my one feet down i tried to feel that water but scared again, I pulled my feet back and again start looking around waiting for my friends. Looking back at the water, I took my sandals off and slightly placed them in cold rushing water. I giggled feeling ticklish movement of water on my feet.

"That's like my girl." Startled on the voice, I saw two feet dipping in the water close to mine.

Looking at the person who took seat next to me, I held my breath in shock.

"You." Shocked on his presence next to me, I just could make a whisper and looked around to check if anyone saw him with me.

"Don't even try to." As I tried to get up, holding my hand, he failed my attempt.

"I've told you, today we'll meet and see I'm here, close to you." He said tangling our fingers and i felt our shoulders touching.

"What are you doing? Leave me and go from here. Anyone can see us." I said scared  and looked around again.

"Why are you scared? I never want you to be scared of anything." He said moving his feet a little in the water and slightly touched feet with mine.

"Right now I'm scared of you." Tried to avoid the tingles, I was feeling, I tried to be harsh and honest at that time.

"From me?" He asked amazed.

"Yes you. Why you come here? How can you sit besides me? What if anyone see us together? What will I answer the world about us. You want to disgrace me in front of the world. " Tried to free my hand from his hold, I said and looked around to see my friends who were far away from us.

"I came to meet you. And you're talking like I'm a stranger.  And I will disgrace you? How can you say that?." He said holding my hand firmly in his more.

"Just leave my hand. I'm not liking it." As i saw my friends coming back, I almost shouted at him and stood up.

Freeing my hand, I looked at his shocked face but at that time I was furious on his act. On his act of coming here. On being close to me. On holding my hand.

"I never knew that my presence would be that hateful to you but listen i would rather die than to disgrace you. You live here. Understand?" Pointed toward his heart and looking deeply in my eyes with hurt in his eyes, he said and turned to go without looking at me.

As he moved away from me, I felt what I did. I offended him. How could I react that.  My eyes kept looking at his back but he didn't turned. My eyes started to get wet. I offended him. This thought was enough to kill me.

"Where are you lost?"  Startled on the call, I turned and saw Soha standing next to me.

"Nowhere." I said and formed a smile on my lips but truly heart was crying inside.

"Let's go." She said and we all moved ahead while i was just thinking about him who got angry.

Third person's POV.




His mind was recalling her name her voice, her beautiful figure, her smile and those hypnotic eyes. Since he met her, he was in this condition. During the meeting, he felt himself gazing her. Looking at her again and again and was smiling stupidly. And now at his home with his laptop open in his lap he was lost again. His mind was going again and again toward her.

"What happened to him?" Asked Anaya looking at her son.

"Bibi Gul go and bring some juice for our Aryan." Said Kaif looking at his son who was smiling on his own.

"Bhai is behaving strangely today." Said zobariya looking at Aryan who was seated in lost cindition.

"Aryan you okay?" Called Kaif and Aryan came out of his thoughts.

"Yes. I'm...fine." Smilingly, he said and looked at his laptop screen where he was doing his work but his concentration was losing again as his mind was recalling Alena again.

"Bade Nawab I think you're lost in something." Said Kaif looking at Aryan who was again lost in thoughts.

"Huh! No Baba there's nothing like that." Smiling he said and looked at his parents and sister who were smiling.

"I think bhai is missing his Sohan." Said Zobariya.

"Ofcourse I'm missing her. I've called her many times but she's not receiving. Maybe she's busy. I called Arhaan and he told me that they would be there after midnight." Said Aryan and kaif nodded.

"Yes Soha informed me an hour ago." Said Kaif looking at Aryan who was surprised on this that why soha didn't call him back.

"Sir Mr and Mrs Ubaid-ul-Allah is here to meet you." As Aryan was about to say something, their maid came and said.

"Send him in please." Said Anaya and Aryan again start working on his laptop.

"Assalam-u-Alikum." As Mr and Mrs Ubaid-ul-Allah entered they said.


Anaya and kaif stood up and greeted them. While Zobariya also greeted them. Aryan stood up too to welcome them as they were old family friends since they had shifted in this house.

"Well young man you're early home today. Is everything okay?" Mr Ubaid-ul-Allah asked Aryan who smiled on his words but found his sister Zobariya smiling at him mischievously.

"Yes uncle everything is good. I just got free early today. Baba also came soon so I joined him here." He said and all took seats while the refreshments were served.

"Where is Khirad aapi and Azan bhai?" Zobariya asked as she took seat next to Mrs Ubaid-ul-Allah.

"Khirad is as you know on the university trip. And Azan is still in hostel. He'll come on this weekend." Replied Mrs Ubaid-ul-Allah.

"I wish I could join them on this trip." Said Zobariya while all smiled on her cute act.

"You should go to Aaga Jaan and Dadi sahib. They must be missing you." Said Aryan looking at Zobariya who gave a nod with a smile.

"I want to but can't go alone. It's fun with Arhaan bhai there in the village." Said Zobariya and all smiled.

"The little boy must be missing his sleep." Said Mr Ubaid-ul-Allah about Arhaan and all laughed.

"True.  He's crazy to have sleep.  I scold him every morning on getting up late but he hide himself behind Bibi Gul." Said Anaya looking at BibiGul who smiled while serving the tea.

"Its his age to enjoy." Said Mrs Ubaid-ul-Allah and all nodded while having tea.

Later on, all were busy in their talks laughs and talks about their kids. Its been years that both family become friends. Mr Ubaid-ul-Allah's mobile rang all of sudden and he looked at the id.

"Excuse me." Excusing himself, he went out and answered the call.

"Roney." He said as he answered the call.

"Sir I need you to give me permission to take action if I need." He heard from other side and took a breath and thought for a moment.

"The situation is not good. They've planned something danger. I've put my men around but still there's something I've to find out. I just need your permission." Roney said from other side and Mr Ubaid-ul-Allah took a second to think.

"What's the background? Any information from there? What about Sultan khan and his members?" Asked Mr Ubaid-ul-Allah.

"I've put my man to keep an eye on their movement.  We've our eye on their every step. But here the situation is getting worse. I can sense some danger. I just need your permission as I got information that sultan khan send his son to take the lead of this crime." Said Roney and waited for the order.

"Okay go ahead but keep reporting me and take care of yourself." Said Mr Ubaid-ul-Allah.

"Yes Sir. Allah Hafiz." Roney said.

"May Allah be your Helper." Saying the call was cut by Mr Ubaid-ul-Allah and with new thoughts, he went inside to Hashim family. 

Third person's POV.

"Are you sure about that?" The man asked the question.

"I'm hundred percent sure Sir.  Just give me permission to take action if anything happens." He said looking around and then looked at the papers he was holding.

What's the background? Any information from there? What about Sultan khan and his members?" Asked Mr Ubaid-ul-Allah.

"I've put my man to keep an eye on their movement. We've our eye on their every step. I'm also waiting to hear from Malik. Lets see what he has to tell me Sir. But here the situation is getting worse. I can sense some danger. I just need your permission as i got information that sultan khan send his son to take the lead of this crime." Said Roney and waited for the order.

"Okay go ahead but keep reporting me and take care of yourself." Said Mr Ubaid-ul-Allah.

"Yes Sir. Allah Hafiz." Roney said.

"May Allah be your Helper." Said his senior and cut the call.

"Muneer you're keeping your eyes on him?" He asked.

"I'm Sir. But it looked like we're just doubting him for no reason." Said Muneer.

"There's a damn reason but..." He cursed angrily and at the same time his mobile ringed.

As he looked at the numbers his jaw clenched tightly and he put his mobile in his pocket ignoring the name which just tingled his heart but he avoided it.

"Just do as i say. Keep your eyes on him all the time and also on the girl. Find any danger call me." He instrusted him and moved ahead placing the papers back in his pocket and took his mobile out to read that massage which was tingling his heart.

"You're not a stranger." The massage increased his anger more and without replying to that massage he moved ahead.

Sohan's POV.

"Hey what happened to you?" I looked at her who seated next to me but her sad face was not hidden from me.

"Nothing." Forming a fake smile she said but i could sense that something was bothering her.

It was almost midnight and we were on our way to reach Sawat. All srudents were sleeping but i couldn't. I knew he must be waiting for my call or massage. I couldn't received his calls and i knew this would made him offended.  Looking at khirad who just rested her head back to the seat and closed her eyes, i looked out of the window to see the passing hills which were dipped in dark. The cold of the city increased and I wrapped my shawl around me properly and took my mobile out to check the time. I was impatiently waiting to reach the hotel so that I could talk to him.

Almost 3 to 4 hour travel, finally our bus stopped in front of a grand hotel.  It was 4 of the morning when we reached sawat valley.  All students excitedly jumped out of the buses and and me, khirad also stepped out with our other friends. I looked around to find Arhaan and there i saw him standing with his friends. He was almost half sleepy and half awake. I hide my smile looking at him. He waved at me as he yawned and rubbed his eyes again. Our teachers took the attendance of all the students and we all stepped inside the hotel.

All students and teachers were tired, so we were soon distributed the keys of room. Each room was allotted to 4 students.

"Students offer Fajar prayer and then sleep. We'll see you on breakfast at 9 o'clock and then will start to roam around the beautiful valley." Said our principal and all students nodded, some clapped and some shouted with joy.

Smiling I moved ahead with khirad and our other two friends to our room. All were feeling so much tired and sleepy. Khirad was looking sad I didnt know why. But I was waiting for the time, I will talk to him who I knew must be waiting for me.

Placing our luggage in the room, all of us one bt one freshen up and did ablution and offered the prayer.  As the prayer was done, all lay down on bed to have a sleep but i just took my mobile out and went out in the balcony. Dialing his nunber, I took seat on one of the chair placed there.

"Sohan." And he picked the call on the first ring.

"Aryan." I called him with a smile.

"Where were you? Why didn't you picked my calls?" He asked offended.

"I'm sorry I was just busy in enjoying around. We just reached the hotel so I thought to call you. Were you awake?" I asked as i leaned back on the chair.

"I didn't slept all the night. I was waiting for your call. I had to tell a lot of things and you're busy in your trip." He said and I smiled knowning his habit of sharing his daily routine with me.

"I'm listening. Tell me what you did today." I asked as I closed my eyes.

"I had a very important meeting with Mr Bakhshi and his daughter. Thankfully we got the deal." He said and I smiled with closed eyes.

"Alena Bakhshi... she's.." He paused and I opened my eyes.

"Alena Bakhshi? How's she?" I asked, frowning, somehow tried to bear what he had to tell me about that girl.

"She's...She's beautiful. I mean I felt good with her." He said but I couldn't understand how to react.

"You liked her?" I asked and my heart beat differently.

"I...Don't know. But she's beautiful." I heard him.

"Okay now sleep for now. We'll talk about this later." I said and tried to smile but I just couldn't.

I didn't know why? What gad happened all of sudden that my heaet saddend.

"Okay you take rest. I'll talk to you later." Saying, he cut the call and i kept thinking about his words.

"Am i not beautiful?" I thought and keep thinking I went inside.

A/N:: Assalam-u-Alikum readers.

How are you all??

I'm back with the update. Hope you all liked it. Its going to be more suspense and thrill on coming chapters.

I hope the suspense I'm creating is pulling you more to the story. The track is going to be more interesting so be with me.  I didn't  had any idea when i started the srory but as the track I found seems intersting to me and I know my readers would like it too.

I wabt to kniw if sny reader couod help me.  That how can i earn money on wattpad or any other writing sites. How can i get paid for my stories on wattpad? Anyone can help me with that? I'll be thankful to you.

Do votes readers and a lot of comments.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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