Chapter 7.

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Aryan's POV.
"Shall we?" I asked her as we entered the WS Corporations.

Smilingly, she gave a nod and we both stepped in the huge hall of the office.  On left side there was a receptionist desk. About a little ahead from right side there few sofas in line were placed. Ahead there were elevators and on left side there were stairs. We walked toward receptionist desk.

"We're here to meet Mr Wahaj and Asfandyar." Alena said looking at the receptionist.

"Is Mr Aryan here?" She asked and I went ahead.

"I'm Aryan Kaif Hashim. Mr Wahaj invited us here today." I said and she gave a nod with a a smile.

"Welcome Sir. This way." Saying she took us toward the elevator.

"Sir Wahaj is on second floor. You please go there. I'll inform him." She said and nodding me and Alena stepped in the elevator.

"What you think? Is it worth to come here? I mean we don't know anything about him and our fathers wants us to consider working with them." Said Alena and i nodded in agreement.

"True and i liked your designs more." I said looking at her pretty face.

"Thank you for that.  But let's just check their work too." She said and nodding i fall my steps with her who just took steps out of the elevator.

"We are here to see Mr Wahaj." Said Alena to another receptionist sitting there.

"This way please." She said with a smile.

Nodding, me and Alena walked ahead and turned to the right side.  Holding our files and laptops, we entered the meeting room which was still empty.

"Sir you please take seat. Sir Wahaj would be coming." Said the receptionist and left.

Sighing we both took seat and Alena start taking her files and designs out. I could see she was nervous. Her acts were telling that.

"Relax. We are here not for interview but for a meeting." I said and she giggled tugging her lower lip between her teeth while my mind went back to her who was far from me these days.

"Sohan." My lips took her name as I remembered her all of sudden.

"Sohan?" She looked at me with a question.

"So beautiful." We both startled on the voice and saw a young man standing on the entrance.

His eyes were fixed on Alena Bakhshi and with a smile, he moved ahead. All the way inside the room, his eyes never blinked from her.

"You're so beautiful." He said looking at her who frowned and looked at me.

"Excuse me?" She looked back at him and asked.

"I..I mean..that You're beautiful Miss Alena Bakhshi." He said giving his hand ahead.

She turned to see ne as if asking me to hold his hand or not. I gave a nod and she looked back at him.

"Oh come on. I'm not that bad. I was just got mesmerized with your beauty." He said and with a smile Alena held his hand.

"Nice meeting you." She said and wahaj turned to me.

"I'm so sorry for my bad behaviour but actually Miss Alena is so beautiful that i couldn't see anything else around." He started again and i could sense his flirt habit.

"That's true. She's a beautiful lady with a beautiful heart." I replied holding his hand who gave a smile to me.

"True. We should talk about work now. Please take seat." He said and we all took seat with each other.

"By the way where's your partner Asfandyar Khan? Baba told me about you two." I said and took some files out of my bag.

"Oh Asfandyar. Yes he'll join us soon. Because of some work he's out of town." He replied and I gave a nod.

And after that we start talking about the designs and fabrics and other work related things but still my mind was tangled with few things. First thing that was Sohan. I just wanted to talk to her. Something was wrong. My heart felt restless all of sudden and her thought was not leaving me alone at that time.  Secondly, I found this Wahaj thing a cheap person because I could sense his eyes all the time on Alena. She was beautiful. I even liked her but i never stared her like he was doing in front of me.  This was the limit. Truly. But for now i just waiting for this meeting to end as I had to hear her voice.  I just wanted to know that she was fine. I was just waiting for this meeting to over.

Third person's POV.
"Roney." He said restlessly as Roney picked the call.

"Malik Sir are you okay?" Asked Roney as his eyes followed someone.

"Is she okay? Are you around her?" Asked Malik restlessly and looked at her picture set on his desktop.

"She's in front of my eyes sir. She's absolutely Fine. You just relax." Replied Roney while he looked at his girl who was walking with Soha in the valley of long trees.

"Did you find him? That bas***d Asfandyar. Find him Roney. He dare to touch her I will cut him into pieces." Roar Malik angrily.

"I'm trying Sir. But still not succeed." He said looking at both of them from a distances.

"Okay you just stay around her. Let nothing happened to her and i will try to crack down this cheap Sardar Wahaj network." Said Malik.

"Yes Sir. May Allah be our helper." Said Roney and disconnected the call.


"Soha." Looking at her picture he said and smiled more thinking about her.

Pulling the drawer out, he took out a picture out.  His eyes kept looking at it and his face turned more serious.

"Do you remember Soha?" He looked at the picture and said.

"Your Nikah?" He asked and kept looking at the Nikah picture of Soha and Aryan where they were seated together in their childhood.

"I hope not." He muttered and placed that picture back in the drawer and kept thinking about her.

"Excuse me Sir." Knocking on the door Rubab entered the room and looked at him who was lost in some thoughts.

"Yes come Rubab." Closing his laptop he said and looked at her.

"Sir i got some information." Taking seat she said.

"Two containers are going from the south side and crossing the boarder. They will enter the other territory. I think there must be girls in those containers.  Sardar Wahaj is leading it." She said showing him the report.

"Let's finish this then. We've to save the girls before they cross the boarder." Said Malik while standing up.

"Get the team ready. We're departing." Said Malik and Rushed toward Mr Ubaid-ul-Allah's room.

"Sir." He called him as he entered the room.

"Malik." His senior looked up at him.

"You got the news?" He asked and his senior nodded.

"I got it but remember we've to catch Sardar Wahaj alive. He can take us to the leaders of the network." Said Mr Ubaid-ul-Allah and Malik nodded.

"May Allah ease our path to truth." Said Malik and soluting left from there.

Soha's POV.
I was looking around. The beautiful mountains around us and we were caged in them. Swat and its views were so beautiful that mesmerized one. The forests, mountains, long tress and rollibg gteen hillsides. Everything was so mesmerizing that you think to just keep roamibg around. We were now at tge hillsides exploring tge huge mountains of swat. All around there were huge mountain sand we were standing near the lake whose water was as cold as ice. The grass the tress and the huge mountains were making it more beautiful.  The beauty of nature was really pulling me to it. But i was waiting for the snow and it didn't started yet. Instead of snow, the rain slowly start pouring on us. It was not heavy not fast but slowly like pearls falling on us.

"What happened? Did he called?" I asked looking at the hapoy face of Khirad.

"He did." She replied with a smile.

"Oh that's why you're smiling.  Good. Stay happy."  I said and she gave a nod.

"Hey beautiful girls." As I was about to take step ahead with khirad my brother came.

"Why are you here?" I asked folded my arms on chest.

"Where were you both going?" He asked us but his eyes were fixed on khirad who was not looking at him.

"Why are you asking?" I asked back.

"Your Aryan was calling but you didn't pick his call." He said and I took my mobile out.

"I just come." Saying to khirad, I walked aside and called Aryan.

"Hey Sohan." He said as received the call.

"Are you enjoying?" He asked  and I smiled.

"I'm enjoying a lot. Its raining here But still the snowfall didn't start yet. Its so cold here. The lakes are so beautiful. I wish you could be here." I said excitedly, telling everything.

"We'll go there together one day. I called you to inform that I'm going out of the town for some work. Actually I'm going to London as Baba asked me to. Just for 2 days. I'll be back soon." He was saying and I was thinking.

"With Alena Bakhshi?" I asked frowning.

"Yes she's a partner so she has to be with me." He said but i didnt like it.

"Aryan I don't like her." I said what i felt.

"Oh come on. She's such a good person. You'll love her once you meet her. Okay now I've to go. Talk to you later." Saying he disconnected the call and i just kept mumblibg nonsense for that Alena.

Third person's POV.

"How much girls?" He asked as he put that bluetooth in his ear while his eyes fixed on the girls roaming around.

"6 girls Sir." He was informed from other side.

"Good. Now we've to pick that girl. 7 would be enough for now. And 7 is my lucky number. Remember she's wearing a skin colour leather jacket. " He said, grinned as his eyes went to her who was going ahead with her friends toward the mountains.

"Wait for my order.  We've to pick that girl in next 15 minutes." He said and disconnected the call.

His eyes followed Soha and khirad who were going at tge hilltop with a group of girls. He smiled evilly and took steps ahead.

Dialing a number he waited while he never averted his eyes from the group of girls.

"Asfandyar." As the call was picked said Wahaj.

"Yes Wahaj tell me is the delivery  ready? Are you going to deliver them today or not?" Asked Asfandyar looking at the surroundings.

"We're heading toward the the boarder.  We're going to deliver it today." Informed wahaj.

"Good. I'm coming with the girl Baba Sahib was waiting for. The sparrow is just a hand away from me." He said looking at Soha with an evil smile on his lips.

"But you know the sparrow has to die." Wahaj said from other side.

"I know but before that I want to cage her in my prison, to feel her." Laughing he kept looking at her.

"Bro control your desires. Baba Sahib just want his revange." Wahaj said.

"We'll see but one thing is confirm the sparrow is going to be mine." Keeping an evil eye on Soha he said and laughed.

"Then see you later bro." Saying wahaj disconnected the call

"Sir ten girls are missing from the group." Roney got the infirmation and he got alerted.

"I knew something is goibg to happen.  Be alert boys and go behibd the girls. They are comibg to take her. We've to save her abd also the other girls." Saying he rushed toward the mountains.

"I can't let happen anything to her." He mumbled to himself and moved more faster.

He stopped but looked around to find a way. A way to stop them from taking her away. He knew his people must be around. It was impossible to stop them because he was a little far.

"Think Roney think." He said to himself while roaming here and there.

His eyes went up to the hill where girls were going, giggling and enjoying the weather. He looked at his watch and then took his mobile out. He was getting scared. But he had to do this. To stop them, to save all the girls, he had to take the risk. The risk of putting his life in danger. Putting his khirad in danger but he didn't had any option.

He dialed her number and his heart started to beat in fear on what he was going to ask her to do. On the fear of losing her. 

"Yes." She said as she picked the call.

"Can we talk?" He asked and looked at her from distance who smiled and moved aside from her friends.

"Yes. What happened?" She asked looking back at her friends.

"I need your help." He said but she didn't understand.

"Are you wearing the pendant I sent you on your 17th birthday?" He asked and her hand went to the pendant shinning in her neck.

"Yes but why are you asking? What happened?" He was asked by her but he held his heart and took a deep breath.

"You just have to send your friends down with other girls. But you stay there. And one more thing." He said roaming here and there restlessly slipping his tongue on his dry lips and looked around.

"There is a little button behind your pendant.  Press it." He said and she touched her Gold pendant.

"Button?" She asked surprised.

"Meri Jaan I don't have much time. Just do as I say. And one more thing. Just trust me okay. Don't afraid." He said and looked at her from distance who looked at him and gave a nod.

The call was disconnected and he took his mobile out. As she pressed the button on her pendant, his mobile start showing her location on it. He let a breath of relieve as the bug fixed in her pendant start working. His eyes went to the group of girls who were coming down after Khirad said something to them.

"That's it." He said looking at the girls going down.

Hiding behind a tree, he waited for them to pass from there and then looked up at the hill where his life was standing.

"I won't let anything happened to you." Whispering, he just kept standing there waiting for the right time.

Arhaan's POV.
My eyes roamed around to find Soha and ofcourse my Khirad. Thinking about her, my lips smiled automatically and I kept searching both of them. 

"Hey my brother's Rapunzel." I called her as i saw her coming with her friends.

"Hey cute brother." She said as stopped in front of me.

I looked at her friends but she was not there. Not in them. I looked at Soha.

"Where's khirad?" I asked still searching for her.

"She's coming. You can't go there." She  replied and held my arm to pull with her.

"What is she doing there?" I looked up at the hill where she standing.

"Waiting for someone. Now come. Lets have tea." Saying she marched ahead and took her thermos out and pour tea for us all.

"Its so warming." Sipping the tea I said and kept looking at her.

"What happened to you? You're looking like a spy." She said and looked at me from head to toe.

"What you mean?" I asked.

"The black woolen shirt with the same leather jacket and this huddie. And what's there in your ear?" She asked touching my ear but i jerked off and moved back.

"Its hearphones for God sake. And I wished to spy but couldn't as I didn't had good height." I replied but soneone bumped with me from behind and all tea fall on Soha spoiling her jacket and dress.

"Oh Allah what have you done Arhaan?" She looked up at me and turned back to see the person who bumped into me.

"You and yoir friends." She angerily said lookibg at me and my friend who bumped into me.

"Okay sorry. I've another jacket. You can wear this." Saying, I took the jacket of black colour from my friend and passed it to her.

"You change into it. I'll just come and be here with your friends." I said to her who gave a glare to me and I smiled.

"Wear it otherwise your Aryan will kill me if you get cold." I said and she smiled.

But before I could go with my friends our teachers reached us to take the attendance. As the teachers started to speak out our enrolments, students started to step on one side but many girls were not there. 

"Wher are all these students?" Asked our principal looking at us all.

"All these girls? Weren't they with you all?" Asked our teachers worried looking at the group of girls.

All got worried and spread around to find those girls. I turned to Soha who was looking scared.

"Stay with your friends and change your jacket." Saying, I rushed with my friends to find those girls.

Third person's POV.

"They noticed the missing girls.  We don't have much time.  Just pick the girl.  She's standing on the hills." He said looking around where all girls were standing aside in a group while boys were running to find the girls.

"She's coming down the hill. No one is looking.  Hurry." As he saw khirad coming down from the hill, he ordered his man considering her as Soha.

"Yes Sir." His men replied and he with other boys started to roam around to find the girls.

On other side, khirad start walking down as she got his message. He asked her to come back and she was coming.  She could see the girls standing far aside. She wanted to reach them as soon as she could as she was feeling scared all of sudden. The silence of atmosphere, the sound of unseen danger increased in her and she took fast steps but before she could reach her friends she was taken away by some men. Placing a cloth on her nose  which had some chloroform  on it, they made her lost her sense in just a second and took her away from there before it could be noticed by anyone.

"Sir." As they placed her in the jeep one of the man dialed a number and said.

"She's here. We took her." Said his one of the men.

"Good I'm coming. He looked around at the students abd teachers who were worried for the lost students. He looked at the group of girls stabdibg aside but couldn't see Soha as she was hidden in the girls.

"I wish i could take all of them." His evil and dirty eyes on the girls mad him utter these words and silently he left from there.

It was almost 5 of the evening and teachers were tensed on their places. 10 girls were missing and this was not a small thing. All the boys returned with a negative answer.  The sky filled up with clouds and it seemed that it was about to rain any moment.  The principle decided to return to the hotel as he was scared for other students now.  All students got in bus when Soha turned and looked around for khirad.

"Khirad." She called for her.

"Sir khirad is not here." She told one of her professor.

All looked around but couldn't find her. The girls panicked and so did teachers.

"Get in girls. Hurry." Said the principal and soon they departed from there to hotel while every heart started to beat in fear.

Soha started to get cry as she got worried for khirad.  Where did she go? This was the question scaring her more. Her heart was praying for her friend who was so near to her heart and also for the girls who just got disappeared. As soon as they reached hotel the police was called and situation was described in front of them. The report was done. The cops srarted their duty of searching the girls.  The atmosphere got tensed. Everyone seemed forget to speak. There was only silence between the students.  Sitting in a hall of the hotel together, all were praying for the girls.


"Roney what's situation?" Asked Malik from other side while driving fast.

"Situation is not good. They took 10 girls." Roney informed while walking with his two fellows.

"Is she okay?" Asked Malik worried.

"She's fine.  I couldn't let them take her away so i just let them take..." He paused as his heart beat in fear.

"Take? Don't tell me that you let them take her.?" He asked shocked as he pulled the breakers.

"I had no choice.  Saving Soha was a promise Sir. I choose promise over my life but don't worry I won't let anything happen to my life." He said as his eyes started to wet in fear.

"Roney you stupid fellow. I never knew you would do this." Malik was still shocked.

"Sir I'm heading toward Takht bhai. The bug in her pendant is giving me her locations." He informed while takibg seat in the jeep with his team fellows.

"At the ruins of an ancient Buddhist monastery.  This can't happened.  They choose that place to hide. But Roney its quite far from Swat. Almost 2 hours to Takht bhai. You've to hurry." Said Malik as he started the car and ran it on the road.

"I'm heading toward it Sir. I won't let them take the girls away. I will grab them and that Asfandyar too." He said while Munir his assistant was driving fast.

"May Allah be our Helper." Both said and disconnected the call.

He was drivibg fast while his heart was praying to reach there on time before it got too late. The sun started to set and he pressed the accelerater to drive more fast.

"The other team is waiting there Sir.  Any order for them." Asked Munir.

"Tell them to start searching the cells. The meditation cell inside. I want their exact location.  We had to then just attack on them but be careful." He instructed and Munir giving a nod transfer the order to the team which was waiting for them. 

His car was heading toward the ruins of ancient Buddhist monastery which called Takht Bhai. It was almost 2 hours away from swat. This Buddhist monastery was on the hilltop. As they reached the place they had to pass the stairs which were leading to the hilltop where that Buddhist monastery was. About 250 to 280 stairs were about to cross to reach up at the top. The weather suddenly clouded and they took the pace to reach at the top.

"I'm coming my love. Just don't be scared." He mumbled while running fast.

Soon it start raining drenching them completely but they didn't stopped. Catching his breath, his looked at the mysterious ruin and tried to find the way which could lead him inside those cells where he thought they were hiding with the girls. Calling his team members he kept standing aside and catching his breath, he kept looking around. Going forward he stopped in front of the main stupa where years ago people worship.

"Listen boys we've reached the place. Tell me did you find anything?" He asked still looking around, alert all time.

"Sir there are small stone rooms with tiny doors. And there are lot of them. We are trying to check every place but I don't know where to go first." Said one of the team member.

"Boys now listen to me. Its getting dark right and those rooms are already dipped in darkness.  Find any light and we have to follow that." Saying he rushed inside the monastery to find a lighted place.

Crossing each and every room which had so tiny door to pass, bats were flying on their heads but they didn't care. Roney kept going from one to other looking for a lighted area. His feet stopped and took deep breaths.

"How can I forget this." Saying he took his mobile out and start checking the location khirad's pendant was showing.  Following the location, he kept going and ordered his team to follow him. Crossing many room he stopped in front of a hall kind of place. The place was lighted and he could see the guards around the place. He nodded to his team who spread aroun with their weapon in their hands.

"What should we do now sir?" Asked his one of team member.

"Cover your faces first and then cover me." Taking a black handkerchief which had a 'K' embroidered on its corner, he tied it on his nose to back to his head covering his face while other officers took their mask and wore it.

"I'm going inside. Follow me." He said taking his weapon out and stepped inside slowly keepibg his eyes on everything.

Killing each and every guard, he was going inside where he could hear some voices. Someone was shouting breaking things.  He went more closer to listen what was happening.

"You took the wrong girl you idiot."  He heard a roar and moved ahead slowly while his team was following him.

"I had told you to pick the girl in skin colour leather jacket. I told you to pick Soha. And you picked her." He yelled and pointed toward khirad who was standing scared with pale face her eyes reddened while body was trembling in fear.

Looking at the person who was shouting from the corner, he looked at his face. He was a young man of around 30, had blue eyes which could scare the person.

"Its Asfandyar. We've to catch him too." He whispered back at his officers who nodded.

"Ready?" He ssked and all showed their thumbs up signs.

Nodding, he look ahead and one of his officers pushed two cans which had some kind of gas in it. As they rolled in the room it started to spread like white smoke in the room and at the same time, he rushed inside the room going directly toward Asfandyar and gave a hard hit on his head.  It happened all in just few seconds that they couldn't knew neither could handle that what was happening.  Before Asfandyar could knew he had lost his senses  while his officers killed his men. The white smoke started to decrease and there he saw her with other girls, panicked and coughing.  He ran to her who was about to fall. Taking her fragile body in his arms he held her tightly.  As she felt some touch on her body she jerked off tried to step out of his grip with tears rushing out.

"Shhh..its me meri Jaan." His soothed words, his voice calmed her and she turned to see him.

His dark black orbs were shinning as her hazel eyes met his. Her eyes started to close down and knees felt weak to stand and she was about to fall again but holding her in his arms, he kept standing, feeling her who had placed her head on his chest.

"You're so bad." She cried with hiccups uttered these words which made him laugh.

"I know. I know." He said with a deep breath, wrapping his arms around her, feeling her heart beat next to him.

"Sir what about the girls?" As all were killed, Munir asked looking at him who was holding her in his arms.

"Take them out and inform the police about them.  I'm coming." He said and all left with the girls but he kept standing there holding her in his arms who was still crying.

"I'm sorry but i had to do this." He whispered slowly caressing her hair.

"Come let me take you out then I've to deal with this man." He said looking at Asfandyar who was laying unconscious on the ground.

Holding her hand, he was moving ahead when he felt a sharp pain in his back. Turning back, he looked at the person who just stabbed him on his back. It was Asfandyar who was smiling evilly.

"Its not easy to catch me." He said and was about to run but Roney was quick.

Forgetting his pain and the knief which was still there in his back, he punched Asfandyar holding him from his collar and kept punching him until his nose started to bleed.  Pushing him down on the ground, he sat on top of him and leaned on his face looking deadly in his eyes.

"You don't know how much I waited for you Asfandyar and you think I will let you go like this." Punching harder on his mouth, he yelled at the last words.

Khirad trembled in fear as she saw him in such anger.  Her eyes followed his back where that knief was still in his back while blood was rushing out.

"My lady." He turned to see khirad with a smile, hiding his pain.

"Huh!" She startled on the call.

"Will you take this knief out of me? Its really hurting." He asked with a smile hissing in pain and her eyes widened.

"Me?" She asked shocked.

A/N:: Assalam-u-Alikum readers.

5000 words finally.

How are you all?
Readers did you like the chapter? Come on, I can't hear you. say it loud. Did you like the chapter??

I need a lot of comments on this chapter otherwise I won't update the next chapter. I had really work hard on this chapter for u all readers so please do vote and comment if you want to read more.

His will be updated  tomorrow.

Love you all for your love for me and my books😙.

Take care.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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