Chapter 8.

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Third person's POV.

Toward the Karakoram Highway.

"I'm heading toward the highway Sir. My team is with me." Said Malik while driving fast.

"Good. Keep informing me time to time. We've to save all the girls tonight." Said Mr Ubaid-ul-Allah from other side.

"Yes Sir and we've to catch Sardar Wahaj alive. I hope Roney gave us good new about Asfandyar." Said Malik while his eyes moved to the left side where agent Rubab was taking the weapons out of the bag.

"Inshah Allah we'll be succeeded. May Allah be our Helper." Said Mr Ubaid-ul-Allah.

"Ameen. Allah Hafiz Sir." Saying, he disconnected the call and looked at the road where the car was running.

Looking back at the road, he confirmed his team members were coming behind him. The road was going toward the china boarder from the Karakoram Highway which connect two countries. This nountainous region was highly beautiful and a favourite place for the tourists but in the darkness some evil people do their business through this link of roads. Malik was driving fast as they had to reach there before Sardar Wahaj could go away.

"Sir." She called and he turned to her.

Nodding, he took that beard from her hand and stopped the car aside.  Taking that beard, he fixed it on his face. Taking a cap, he put it on his head changing his getup.  She wore a wig and put on glasses on her eyes while slipping her arms in black jacket and zipped it up as the region had coldness in its atmosphere. After changing their looks, car start moving on the road again to reach the place. Taking the handgun Glock 22 Gen4 2.0 J CO black and Glock 22 Gen4 .40 pistol out, she filled their magzines with bullets and prepared herself for the coming situation. Their jeeps and cars were running toward the Karakoram Highways. Sardar Wahaj was going to export whatever he had in those containers to the people who were going to pass it through china to somewhere else.

"There they are." He said looking at the containers runnibg on the roads in front of him.

The containers had their Sardar Wahaj's company logo on it. And it made it easier for them to recognize it. Following it from a distance, he kept looking at their every movement. Stopping a bit far from them they saw the containers stopped ahead on the road. It was almost dark and it was getting hard for them to see what was happening there.

"We've to step out now but shouldn't it be noticed by them." Said Malik to his odficers through the Bluetooth call he was sharing with them.

"Yes Sir." Said All of them in union and Malik with Rubab stepped out of their car slowly.

Taking his Handgun Glock 22 Gen4, he tugged it on his back while taking another, he took steps ahead with Rubab who was already ready with her weapons. Slowly and steady his officers slso followed him with their weapons in their hands. Going to the downsides of the road they tired to walk voiceless.  Not making a single voice or mistake they were walking ahead.  Hiding behind trees and bushes they just held their breaths and looked at the men standing on this empty road.

Malik's eyes roamed on their faces which were visible on the containers lights. He saw Sardar Wahaj coming out of his car and gave a hand to the man standing there. They shook their hands and Wahaj took a briefcase from that man.

"There are 500 girls as I've promised." Said Wahaj looking at the money in that briefcase.

"And what about the kids delivery?" Asked that man.

"As you've said. Will be done on Wednesday to the Afghanistan Boarder." Said Wahaj smiling evilly.

"See you there than." Saying that man ordered his man to take the lead of containers from here.

"On my count  Attack." Said Malik.




As he finshed the count, the first gunfire was done by Rubab right at the shoulder of that man who was about to sit in his car. And then the gun fire was all they could hear around. Stepping ahead they kept firing, killing all those bastards who were selling girls or involved in it. Malik moved ahead shooting everyone coming in his way. The other siders were also shooting at them which made two of his officers injured but they didn't stop and kept going with their weapons and bullets going out. Taking his weapon in his right hand, Malik moved ahead focusing Sardar Wahaj and tried to shoot him as he wanted to get him. Malik didn't stopped and kept going on, emptying his pistol and taking the other pistol out, he kept moving ahead toward Wahaj who was now looking terrified as his all men were laying dead and so were the man, he was here to deal with. Sardar Wahaj took his gun out pointing toward Malik and Malik had pointed his gun toward him standing about 5 step far from there.

"Don't be fool Sardar Wahaj. You've no way to escape now." Said Malik taking a step closer and Sardar Wahaj took a step back toward his black land Cruiser.

"Just stop there or I'll shoot. Officer check the containers." Said Malik and few of his officers went to  open the containers.

"Let me go." Said Sardar Wahaj and at the same time pulled his trigger to let the bulket hit Malik's arm.

He faltered on his place for a second as a blood rushed out of his arm like water but only fir a second, he was again standing with his gun pointed toward Wahaj but before Wahaj  could got in his Land Cruiser, officer Rubab reached him from behind.

"Don't even think so." Kicking on his hand, she said, pointed her gun on his head.

He got scared for a second and turned to see who was there to point his gun on his head. As his eyes fell on her who was covered in black pant shirt with black jacket. A grey colour wig on her head and those glasses around her eyes. But his eyes found something else. Her little beautiful mole. The beautiful mole just on her upper lip on left side. That mole reminded him of someone.

"Hey miss you'll kill me?" He asked as he kept looking at her mole.

Her eyes get squinted and so did his. His eyebrows thinned in lines as he saw her eyes hidden behind those glasses.

"Hands up." She shouted, ignoring his stare on her.

She looked at Malik who was now looking relax and ordered his officers to take the lead of the containers as they've found the girls inside and thankfully they were okay.

"Wahaj there's no way to escape now." Putting his hand on his arm which was bleeding, said Malik as he took a step ahead.

"You can't catch me Mr officer." He said and looked at her who was glaring at him.

"I said Hands up." She yelled while punching on his face who was gazing her all the time.

"I must say you're beautiful Miss." Taking his hands above in the air, he said.

"Move." Pushing him toward Malik she said, still her gun pointed at him.

"Not so easy to catch me Miss." He winked at her which startled her.

This was the first time when she got startled as no one ever winked at her. And this man even in this dangerous situation was playing with her. Her anger grew and as she tried to hit him and Malik took step ahead toward him, Sardar wahaj with a blink of an eye, holding the wrist of Rubab turned her in front of him like that she become his sheild. Putting gun on her head, he looked at Malik who just stopped a step away from there.

"I was a soldier officer but i didn't like this job. My moves are more fast than yours." He said looking at Rubab who was getting angry.

"You're a betrayer then." Said Malik and Wahaj laughed while holding her neck tightly in his arm.

"Just let me go and I'll let your officer go." Said Sardar Wahaj looking at Malik.

"Leave her you bast**d." Said Malik angrily.

"Don't use that language officer." Said Wahaj and looked at the briefcase fallen on the ground.

"Give that briefcase here." He said pointed toward the briefcase laying on the ground.

Malik took that briefcase and handover him which he placed in his car still holding Rubab with one hand.  She tried to protest and kicked on his leg with hers but he was smart to save himself from her attack. Hitting her elbow in his stomach she tried to free herself but his hold on her was strong. Bending her arms behind her back, he held them with his hand and pointed the gun on her temple.

"Let her go. I'll let you go." Said Malik worried for his officer.

"Few steps back officer." Said Wahaj and Malik with his other officers moved few steps back while he moved closer to his car but still holding Rubab who was standing close to him.

"You've remind me of someone officer. You've just like her eyes." He whispered in her ear, inhaling her fragrance while her protest stopped for a second as she heard his deep manly voice ringing in her ear.

"You've her fragrance too." He Said close to her ear that his lips touched her earlobe and her heart beat skipped for a second.

"You're actually her. This mole of yours told me evetything." He whispered in his ear and she turned a little to see him.

"I think we'll meet again. Soon." Whispering in her ear, he pushed her away and got in his car while she just fell on the ground and tutned to look at his car which just ran away from her sight.

"Rubab you're okay?" Asked Malik going closer to her.

Makibg her standing up they saw her pale face. She was shivering.

"I'm fine sir. I'm sorry because of me he escaped." Said Rubab looking down.

"We'll catch him again. I'm happy that we saved the girls." He said and all officers nodded.

"Sir your arm. Its bleeding." Said one of the officed.

"I'm fine.  Hurry we've to leave before tge sun rise." Said Malik and tied a piece of cloth around his arm.

"Rubab and Jamel you'll accompany me while other will follow me in their Jeeps." Said Malik and sat in the car on the back seat as his arm was hurting and he wasn't able to drive.

As the cars started to run on the road, Malik lay back on the seat and closed his eyes for a second. As his eyes closed down a face appeared on the curtain of his eyes. His lips smiled but on the next second his eyes opened up.

"Roney." He thought and took his mobile out and dialed a number.

"Roney." He said as the call was received.

"Malik Sir." A frown appeared on Malik's forehead as he heard someone else's voice.

"Its me Munir." Said his officer from other side.

"Munir is everything okay? Is Roney okay? Where is he?" Asked Malik worried.

"Sir he's not fine. He's badly stabbed at his back. He lost a lot of blood. And you know the situation we can't go to the hospital and disappear from the scene." Said Munir informing him.

"Where's he now? Is Asfandyar arrested?" Asked Malik.

"Yes Sir Asfandyar is in our cage now. Here is Roney. Talk to him." Said Munir giving the mobile to Roney who sat up with much difficulty.

"Sir." He said controlling his pain.

"So buddy what's happening?" Asked Malik tried to cheer him up.

"Nothing Sir. Just got stabbed. That bastard attached me from behind otherwise it was not easy to hit me. I.. asked her to... take...the knife out so that it didn't hurt because her,, hands..have the magic you know...that I forget everything when she touches but she didn't.  And its really hurting now." Hissing in pain said Roney with much difficulty and again lay down on bed on his stomach while Munir put more cotton to his wound to stop the blood.

"You are insane.  Won't let go of any chance to flirt with her." Said Malik with tears in his eyes.

"Flirt or love whatever it is sir. Its only for her. Listen elder brother  she's okay. She's...fine. I...fullfilled promise." He said as his eyes started to close down while Munir was waiting for his colleague to come eith sone help.

"Roney. Roney you okay? Keep talking to me. What happened to you?" Asked Malik, called him but Roney's fell down on pillow Unconscious.

4 hours ago.

"My lady." On his voice, she startled and looked at him again who was waiting for her.

"Its really hurting." Closing his eyes for a second, he hissed in pain and then looked at her again.

"How..I?" Khirad asked going all pale again as she said blood dripping down from her waist to the ground.

"Hurry." He said in a loud voice and looked at her who was trembling in fear with pale face.

Her feet moved ahead slowly toward him who was seated on ground while an unconscious Asfandyar was laying beside him. Kneeling down just behind him, she looked at the knife stabbed on his left side of his ribcage.
Her hands trembled while moving ahead while her eyes widened when she saw blood dripping down on ground and the ground started to turn red.

"Listen Ar..."

"Don't. Don't take my name my love." Interrupting her between, he stopped her from saying any further.

"You can do it." He said turning to see her with a light smile while her eyes were ready to flow down all the tears.

"I can't." She replied as many tears left her eyes and he tutned to her on his feet.

"Hey its okay. Just calm down.  Look I'm fine." He said looking at her who was crying sith hiccups.

"Khirad I'm fine. Stop crying." Wiping her tears, he tried to smile but truly now that knife was hurting him more.

"No you're...not fine. I can't do anything. You've lost a lot of blood." She cried more looking at his blood.

"Shhh... you're hurting me more with your tears." He said and stood up with her.

"But Ar.." She was about to take his name again when he pressed his thumb on her pink lips.

"I'm all yours but don't say my name here." He said with a smile but hissed in pain.

"Wait here." Making her stand in a corner, he took hus mobile out and dialed a number.

"Munir come here. Hurry." He said holding the wall as he felt losing his senses because of lost of blood.

"You okay?" Going closer to him, she asked as she placed her hand on his arm concerned.

"My love." Looking at her with heavy eyes which were ready to close, his lips formed into a smile.

"You please...don't cry." Standing in front of her, he made her pinned against the wall while she could see the sweat beads shining on his forehead.

Placing his both hands on either sides of the wall, his head bend down a little taking deep breaths. Turning his head a little toward the ground where Adfandyar was laying unconscious, he tried to stay in his senses till Munir come.

"You're not fine. I'm telling you if anything happen to you I won't talk to you ever." She said shedding tears and he smiled as he looked at her eho was so close to him that he could smell her fragrance, felt her breaths on his face.

Her pink lips were trembling while her big eyes were capturing his every movement noticing every breath. His lips smiled along with his eye and he moved closer to her, touching their foreheads and closed his eyes for a second.

"I'm not scared of death now as you're here in front of me." He said looking deeply in her eyes.

"Please." She cried with hiccups holding his shirt from front.

"I love you my life." Cupping her face with left hand he said and hissed in pain.

"Sir." At the same time, Munir came with few other officers.

"How much time you took dost (friend)." Said Roney and moved back from khirad who was shocked to see the blood on the ground.

"Zahid and Faheem will take care of Asfandyar.  I'm trusting you guys.  Take him to our special room.  I'll be there soon." Holding himself with much difficulty he said.

"Yes Sir." Bith saud and took Asfandyar from there.

"Munir take...her with you. Leave her in the...hotel with other girls. You know... what you've to do." Hissing in pain he said while he felt his eyes started to close down

"But you Sir. You're not fine. We've to firsr treat you." Munir said going closer to him.

"No..I..said...take..her f..first." He ordered falling on his knees on ground.

Going in front of him she kneeled down and held his face in her hands making him look at her.

"I'm going but if you die, I'm going to die too. You're listening?" She almost shouted to bring him into his senses.

"Yes..My lady." He said as he looked into her eyes for a second.

"Munir take care of him. Nothing should happen to him. Understand." She said looking at Munir who gave a nod.

"Yes Ma'am.  Officer Tayyab will take you back to the hotel with other girls." He said and nodding she got up and looked at him who fell down on ground unconscious.

Looking at him once she walked from there while Munir moved to Roney with his officers to pick him up. Picking Roney in their arms they rushed out of the those caves kinds of room.

"We've to inform Sir Ubaid-ul-Allah." Said Munir as he put Roney in the jeep and looked at his co officer.

"As you say." He replied and Munir started the jeep while other two jeeps were ready to depart toward hotel.

Her eyes fall on him who was laying unconscious on the back seat of Jeep. Her tears were rushing down and her heart was praying in front of Allah(SWT ).

Third person's POV.
"Its raining a lot." Said Anaya looking out from her room's windiw.

"Yes its raining since morning. The weather is getting cold." Said Kaif pulling the comforter on him and looked at his wife who was just watchinh the falling drops of rain on the earth.

"Anaya what happened? Its almost 2 of the morning and you're still awake? Aren't you feeling sleepy?" Asked kaif as he turned to her side and looked at her who just took seat on the chair placed near the window and looked at her hands.

"I don't know Kaif.  I'm just...worried for my children. I'm just thinking about them." Said Anaya as she felt restless.

"They didn't called for once today. My heart is not at rest. I hope they're fine." Said Anaya as her eyes get watery.

"Why are you thinking like that? Ofcourse they would be fine. Aryan had told me that he's going to london for two days. And Arhan must be sleeping now after spending a beautiful day." Said Kaif but Anaya was not looking satisfied.

Getting up from his bed he walked to Anaya who was looking worried.  Her heart was not in peace. She just wanted to see her sons.

"Let me connect to Aryan." Said Kaif taking his mobile and dialed his number.

"Baba everything okay?" As Aryan received the call he said from other side.

"Your mother was getting worried for you both." Said Kaif as he took seat in front of Anaya after pulling a chair a  for him.

"Let me talk to her." Said Aryan and kaif passed the mobile to Anaya who was looking so restless.

"Mom what happened? Why are you worried?" Asked Aryan concerned from other side.

"I don't know but my heart is getting restless. Are you okay? Arhan is he okay? He didn't call for once today." Said Anaya as many tears left her eyes.

"We both are fine.  He had sent me his picture with Sohan enjoying there.  You please don't be tensed. We both are fine. Once let me return from london and those two from trip we'll join you there in the village. Okay now?" Said Aryan snd Anaya smiled.

"Okay but take care of yourself and Arhaan is really okay right?" Anaya asked again

"He's fine. If you want you can talk to him tomorrow because he must be sleeping now." Said Aryan and Anaya nodded with a smile.

"Now have peaceful sleep." Said Aryan and disconnected the call while Anaya looked at Kaif who was already looking at her.

"Shall we sleep now?" Asked kaif and she nodded.

Holding her hand, he took her toward bed and made her lay there. Covering her with comforter, he joined her too on bed and she turned to face him.

"You think we shoukd tell Aryan and Soha about their Nikah?" Asked Anaya looking at Kaif.

"Kaif say something." Said Anaya looking at Kaif who was deeply in thoughts.

"You think they remember it?" Asked Kaif and Anaya shook her head.

"I don't know." She replied.

"They don't remember.  They never agreed to the Rapunzel term Arhaan used always for Soha but both didn't took it seriously." Said Kaif which tensed Anaya more.

"Shouldn't we tell them then?" She asked sitting up.

"You lay back first." Making her lay down again Kaif thought for a second.

"Not now. We've to see what's there in their hearts. We've to see what they think of each other then we'll decide what we have to do." Said Kaif and Anaya nodded.

"Oh Allah  (SWT) make them fall for each other." Prayed Abaya and kaif smiked while closing his eyes and so did Anaya closed her eyes and falls asleep.

Soha's POV.
I was seated scared in the hall of the hotel. All teachers and students were scared praying for the girls and police had arrived. The investigation had started but i was really scared. My heart was beating in fear. I looked around to find Arhaan but he was nowhere.

"Where he gone now?" I asked myself looking at the group of boys standing there talking to each other.

"Oh Aryan i wish you could be here. I'm scared." I mumbled while closed my eyes as my heart was beating in fear.

It's been 5 hours that we were waiting for a news. A news of rescuing those girls who I didn't know where stuck. I was worried for khirad. Where did she go all of sudden when I was watching her all the time. She was standing at hill and the next second she wasn't there.  I was just hoping that they were okay. 

"Sir." A boy of our class came running inside with heavy breaths.

"Sir girls came. They are coming." Said that boy and we girls stood up as we heard.

"Really? Where are they?" Asked our teachers looking at the entrance of the hotel.

And tgen in few seconds, a group of girls entered the hotel and my eyes fell on khirad who was coming inside and was ahead of those girls. All were looking scared. Their pale faces were telling the story of their fear. Behind them our universty boys entered. All teachers gathered around the girls who were not looking fine.

"Girls you okay? Where were you gone?" Asked our principal concerned.

"Let them sit first." Said our one of the professor and chairs were brought and girls took seat.

"We are being kidnapped sir." Said Khirad and we all looked at her shocked.

Oh my dear friend.

"Yes Sir we were being kidnapped. But thankfully before they could take us somewhere, the Soldiers of our country saved us. They drove us here and these boys took us inside." Khirad narrated all the story while I moved ahead and hugged her who was looking so pale.

"Thanks to that Almighty.  Now everyone pack up. We'll be leaving tomorrow morning.  The trip is cancelled here." Announced our principal and all students gave a nod.

After taking our enrolments we were all asked to go to our rooms and take care of ourselves.  Holding khirad's hand I stopped and turned.

"Sir Arhaan is missing? He didn't come yet." I said as i got remember about him.

"I've told sir that he's gone to search girls with other group of boys. All return but he didn't. I've just called him and informed him about girls arrival. He's coming." One of his friend who was still standing there said.

"Okay. But tell him to meet me when he come okay?" I said and he gave a nod while we both stepped ahead toward our room with Sana and Sabreena.

"You first freshen up and change your clothes." I said to khirad as we entered the room.

Nodding she went inside the washroom while I walked out in the balcony. My mind was tangled, heart was scared, body  was stiffened, thoughts were running. Why did someone kidnapped the girls? What if I was in one of those girls? This thought scared me more.

"Soha." I heard a call for me and I turned inside.

"Come. Its getting cold." It was khirad who called me and I walked to her.

Holding her hand in mine, I walked toward bed and offered her some water while sane brought some fruits for her. I kept looking at her for few seconds.

"Weren't you scared?" I asked her who's eyes filled up with tears.

"Hey its okay." I said hugging her.

"I wasn't." I heard her and moved back to see her face.

"I wasn't scared when I was kidnapped. But I'm scared now." She said crying and I looked at her confused.

"Why now?" I asked holding her hands.

"Because he's not fine." She said and my eyes widened.

"Who saved you?" I asked with shock.

"My comrade." She said with a little smile on her lips.

"But he's not okay. I'm scared for him." She cried and I hugged her again consoling her.

"He'll be fine. He'll be fine InshahAllah." I said and she nodded.

Wiping her tears I made her lay and asked her to sleep. Sabreena and saba also lay down to sleep but I wasn't able to. First i had to confirm if Arhaan returned or not. Secondly I was thinking about Khirad and the man she loved. What this love was? It was like s magic, like breaths snd heart beats. How it was? How it looks? How it feels? How it deepen in the heart that you feel die without that person.

"Is it made for me too?" I asked   looking up at the sky and took ny mobile out as my thoughts went directly toward Aryan.

I dialed his number but he didn't receive it. I keot dialing it again and again but he didn't took it.

"Why are you not picking the call?" I said lookibg st the cell as my eyes filled up with tears.

"I know must be with that Alena." I said as anger boiled up in me with her thought of being with my Aryan.

Roaming here and there i took seat on one of the chairs placed in the balcony and I opened my mobile's gallery with beating heart. As I opened the folder and clicked on the picture, my heart beat increased as it was Aryan's picture. Placing my hand on my heart, I heard its voice, felt its tingles.

"Aryan." Caressing the picture with my thumb i just kept looking at his picture  and then slide to the other picture which made me to hold my breaths.

"Do you remember it Aryan?" I asked looking at picture as my heart tingled more.

"Do you remember me as your Rapunzel?" I asked again but there was no answer coming.

"Do you remember our Nikah?" I said looking at our childhood picture of our Nikah day.

A/N:: Assalam-u-Alikum readers.

4676 words finally.  After 2 weeks I'm succeed in writing this chapter.  I hope you all loved it.

So how are you all??

I made you all wait a lobg right?? Well this time i did it intentionally. 
We'll I've been checkibg tge votes and comment on the previous chapter.  And it really disappointed me that my teaders doesn't like to vote and comment on my stories.  It really hurt me a lot.

Coming to chapter  if you want to tell me yoy czn comment telling mr how's the chapter?  I'm going to say to commrnt your view or vote. Its your wish now. 

Take care.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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