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The manor was cold, which was to be expected since it was abandoned. Or so they thought...

Huffing and puffing, they had ran away from,,, whatever it was they saw. It might have just been their imagination, but there was no way they were gonna take that risk.
Besides, if it was their imagination, why was there footsteps following them?

Wait a minute...
Oh no...

They sped up, legs pumping as they ran faster and faster through the dusty corridors of the dark manor. They quickly turned a corner, entering a room. Quietly shutting the door, the piled basically everything in the room against the door.

Finally, they looked around their current shelter from the monster outside.

It was dark, but the moonlight filtering through the window gave off enough light to be able to see. Two couches and plenty of chairs had been sat around the room before they were pushed against the door. An old tv was set near one of the walls next to a coffee table.

So by their guess, it was a lounge of some sort. But what caught their eye, was a tall mirror I'm the corner of the room. It has a blanket draped over it.
Filled with curiosity, they slowly walked towards the mirror, their head tilted slightly in confusion.

They pulled of the blanket when they got to it and...

They should've known. It's just a mirror- wait.
Their reflection glitched slightly and started to warp, scaring the poor person, yet they couldn't turn away. So they watched as their reflection suddenly changed into.. nothing? It was still them but it looked different in some way.

There was more life in their caramel-colored eyes and more of a happy attitude. It looked.. happy... happier than them, that is.

That could be you.


You could be happy.

I... no. I'm fine.

No you're not.

Leave me alone. I am.

I know you. You're not.

Their reflection was speaking to them now.. or at least mouthing the words.


I gave up on this one hahahahaha-

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