New Friend

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A small child laid in bed, sniffling quietly. The soft, white sheets gently outlining her small, shaking frame as she cried into the stuffed animal she held in her arms. She stayed relatively quiet for she was terrified of waking the others that lived in the small house.

Small sobs echoed throughout the child's room, but immidaitly stopped when the child saw something in the shadows move. Her shaking worsened as she watched the spot she saw movement in, her honey-brown eyes wide with fear....
...which widened when a pair of icy blue eyes met her own.

A tall figure stepped out of the shadows.
He wore a fancy black suit with a bright red tie. His black hair was clean and combed back, but a few stray hairs stuck out of their place. A gentle smile laid underneath his cold blue eyes. The child only slightly relaxed, but she was glad that it wasn't a monster.

Her eyes scanned the smiling man in front of her.  How had she only just noticed him? Was he here to help her? Or to hurt her like everyone else?
All of her thoughts quieted when she noticed a small bear in the man's hands. It was a light grey and was wearing a suit that looked like his, complete with a red tie and light blue buttons for eyes.

The man held out the bear to her and spoke. His voice was soft and gentle yet it sent shivers down the poor child's spine.

"Hello dear child.."

The man's smile widened as the girl gently took the bear from his hands.

"Wh,,,who are you?"

The child whispered, still scared of waking her parents.

"I am your new friend, of course! I've been watching you for awhile now and I saw how sad you are. So I decided to finally come out to play!"

The girl giggled and smiled for the first time that day. The man chuckled along with her. He held out his hand for her to grab.

"Shall we get going?"

With the bear held beneath one arm, the child stood up and limped over to the man. She nodded...


...and took his hand.


It wasn't long before the police found the small child's body, hidden in an alleyway...

...with a small teddy bear stuffed beneath her arm, and a soft smile placed on her tear-soaked face.

//If y'all get who the man is, I freakn love you-

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