Blue Christmas

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"PORSHA NO" buster yelled, getting their attention.

They turned to see him, then he grabbed Porsha.

"Stay away from him" he takes her away from wolf.

Then downstairs ash and clay were finishing up practice.

"that was great, we are going to do amazing tomorrow night" ash says.

"Yeah" clay says then he saw princess playing with the piglets he started to frown, ash started to notice.

"That kid's really gotten to you, huh"

"Huh" he had his guard down.

"I seen you with that kid, you seem sad"

But she could see on his sad face, he was hiding something.

"Does she reminds you of something...did you used to have a daughter too"

"She was the only daughter I ever had" inside his guitar case was a picture of female teenage lioness, he tells his story with a flashback.

"After my wife died it was so hard for us" clay and his daughter were looking at his wife as she was laying down on a hospital bed.

"I was wanted to go into retirement but Clarissa wanted me to continue singing for her mother" the scene changes to clay arguing with his daughter.

"We got into a fight and I told her I didn't care if I didn't see her anymore and just like that-"

Clarissa grabbed her guitar case, looks back with a woeful face then walks out of his house.

"She left, after she left, It was hard for me, I lost her mother I didn't wanted to lose her too but it looks like I already have, I regretted the fight and when I told her-I hate her, I didn't mean anything by it, we never spoke ever since"

Clay stares at the fireplace as he continues to sulk, ending the flashback with clay closing his case.

"Do you still miss" ash asked as she was heartbroken by his past.

Then clay turns a face to her, "of course I do, she's the only daughter I have and the only thing I have of her mother"

" you ever wonder about talking to het again"

"I do...but i worry she won't want to talk to see me again"

"Then you have nothing to fear about"

Then she saw his eyes swelling up in tears, "I'm scared ash, all I ever wanted is to tell my daughter how sorry I am mad much I love her"

"If there own thing I learned clay is that you can't always run away from your fears...what you can do is try to face it, things will get better"

Clay then broke down, he slightly hugged her due to her quills, "thank you"

It was a tender and touching moment, then drago over heard, he knows the feeling.

"I get the feeling" they turned to see him leaning against the wall a cowboy hat tilted down and he was biting on a toothpick, "facing your family won't be exactly a happy reunion and I should known" he tilts his hat up, walks towards them, takes the toothpick out, "o used to have a family too"

A flashback plays of drago's past, his family was dealing with some harsh times in winter, he had a low job with little pay, his wife was with their daughter.

"I wanted to give the life my family deserve"

Drago looks at his family, he takes a loo at his family's savings then he smirks as he gets an idea.

"So I took all the money we had and spend it on gambling, I was on a roll, I thought I could win more"

Drago was playing cards with gamblers, "but then-" he lost the game and all his money got token away, "I lost it all, I couldn't go back to my family empty handed I thought they were better off with out me"

Drago walked outside his house, sulking, he wasn't ready to face his he walked out and away from his family.

"What more could i done, i couldn't face my family not when I lost everything, will they even forgive me or let me back in, I had to leave them and find a way to make more money for them, to provide for them, I ended on the streets becoming a street musician so I can afford a place to stay just till I can come back to my family as a success"

The flashback ended to drago eyes getting watery, "so trust me when I tell you, facing your past or the people you once loved won't be easy but I'll be a good start, to start over but if they don't take you back then-you can pray that some day, they seek forgiveness in their should try to talk to your daughter"

Clay thought about it for a few minutes then he smiled, "thank you"

Meanwhile Lyle was heading home, he got inside his house when he heard his dad on the phone.

"So everything went well...good good, and what about he presentation...ok that's good, so I finally got the Well off"

"Finally" Lyle domes his dad wasn't going to be working which means he could see him perform.

"Oh sure I love it come to the office party...what they need me in the office again"

Huh" Lyle started to lose hope as his was slipping away.

"What for....oh I want the project, due when...January...oh I don't's New Year's Eve...yes I understand ok see you then goodbye"

Lyle couldn't believe it his dad was going to be working on Christmas Eve day and on New Year's Eve.

No...he wasn't going to deal with it anymore, so he marched up to him as soon as his dad hanged up.

"I can't believe it"


"You're going to be working again and on Christmas too"

"Lyle, they need someone there, it's urgent"

"And on New Year's Eve too, can't you just call in"

"Lyle please we talked about this, I'm trying to provide for us"

"Well it's not fair, you're Always busy working and spending no time with me, never taking the time off for me"

"I'm sorry but work is important"

"More important then me"

His dad was shocked, "do t you start with this, I'm just trying to make money for us, when your older you'll understand"

But Kyle couldn't deal with it anymore, so Lyle storms off, as he shuts the s
Door, a letter fell down, it grabbed his dad's attention...he finds a letter and he opens it...apparently Lyle wrote to him on wanting his dad to be proud of him.

Dear dad: I know you don't care much but you also work never paying attention to me and all I ever wanted is to make you this year I was hoping you get some time off work so we can spend Christmas together like we used to do, growing up, I grew without you raising I joined a Christmas charity which I told you but you didn't hear me as usual so i was wondering if you could see me perform

Then out of the letter the ticket fell out, it got his dad thinking but he ignores it and goes back to his work...then again he looks at the ticket.

Back at the theater, buster had dragged Porsha in his office, there rosita was there, she saw everything.

"I told you to stay away from him" buster told Porsha.

"He's not really that bad" Porsha says then rosita cuts in.

"What's going on" she asked.

"I caught that wolf talking to Porsha"

"Oh this again" Rosita was getting annoyed by this, "you buster do you think that maybe just maybe the wolf is actually a nice guy and your the only person who can't seem to like him"

Just then Johnny overheard and the others came in.

"Yeah, he and his mates helped out around" Johnny says.

"Once you get to know them...they're not so bad" Meena added.

"They seem pretty cool"

Buster realized something, "don't you see what he's doing, that wolf is a octopus, he's got you all wrapped around his fingers"

Everyone groaned, "this again buster" Johnny says.

"now buster stop, you're being paranoid again" Rosita says.

"I'm not being paranoid...ok listen I been following him and I think he's hiding something"

Rosita was shocked, "what! You followed him"

"I had to, there was something fishy about that wolf"

"Buster I told you to do not to bother that wolf and now this is a new low"

"New low" ash agreed with her.

"I just don't trust, for all I know he could be working for jimmy"

Just then the bad guys were heading to Buster's office when they eavesdropped to hear the conversation.

"Can't you see what he's doing, he's trying to trick you"

"You need to stop being paranoid, do you ever stop to think that not all wolves are the same" Rosita says.

"No...because all you think about is being paranoid with every wolf you see" ash added.

"This is no worst then the wolf who audition beauty and the beast" Johnny reminded him.

"Buster you need to stop being so judgmental about wolves, this is Nice"

"No one is that nice"

"Buster he has a child"

"And how do we know that he kidnapped that child"

"Buster stop it, there's more to wolf and his friends then they seem but they aren't bad"

"You know I'm sure inviting that wolf here was the best idea"

"Why do you hate him so much, why do you treat him so bad"

Then buster was about to say something that would break wolf's heart.

"Because he is a bad guy and bad guys never change, he's a monster and that's all he'll ever be, once a bad wolf always a bad, he can't never be trusted"

Every word wolf heard cause him to feel heartsick, he was hurt on the inside.

Everyone looked to see how upset he was getting, then he gets closer to inside Buster's office.

But before the argument could continue, rosita and the other gasped, and buster turned around to see Wolf's sad face, they knew he heard everything.

"Oh wolf-" fistula tried to explain but wolf was too hurt, he ran away, his friends watched him leave running from the theater.

"WOLF!" His friends tried to stop him but was already too late, princess was standing with them, she watched wolf leaving her then she started crying.

Shark picked her up to calm her down then everyone glares at buster.

That's when all the other performers came upstairs to see the bad guys arguing with buster.

"Ok buddy that was not nice and I think you owe my friend an apology"

"Why he's a wolf, there all the same"

Then webs step in, "ok what is your problem anyway, why do you hate wolves, what did wolf ever done to know wolf talks how a great guy you are, he likes, he's been nothing but nice to you but you just treat him bad in return"

Then Piranha steps up, "you know Mr moon you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, there more to wolf then his appearance if you got to know him, he is my best friend"

"I'm sorry Piranha but my mind is made up, I can't trust wolves"

"Fine...then you can find yourself a new singer...because I quit" he takes his hat off.

Everyone was shocked by this as Piranha glares at buster.

"Cone on guys, let's go find wolf"

After they left, buster saw Amy jacob Alice drago Allison and Lyle looking at buster with horrified faces.

Lyle was the first one to speak as he walks up to him.

" could you do this to him...he's just a nice guy"

"It's personal kid, you wouldn't understand"

"Wouldn't I? So if I was a wolf would you kick me out" he asked stunning buster.

"Or how about me" drago asked.

Then jacob and Allison steps up, "what about Allison, if she was a wolf would you kick her out" jacob asked.

"Whoa ok everybody calm down" buster was shocked to everyone was defending wolf.

"You know Mr. Moon, not all wolves are the same" alive says.

"How can you be so mean" Amy added.

Soon everyone was bombarding him with questions then buster snapped.

"ENOUGH, I gave enough problems as it is today, I finally got rid of the wolf and I don't need trouble from you, there is a limit to how much stress I can handle and that's wolf has caused enough of it, my mind is made, how I feel about wolves is now if you're business and if you all can't handle that...then there is the door he pointed.

Everyone was shocked by Buster's sudden out bust.

"Fine" Lyle speaks out for everyone.

"Good now if there is no more argument everyone get back to practice one more day till the show starts"

"No worries mr. Moon...because we quit too"

"What!" He was shocked then sees everyone leaving.

"Good luck finding some performers to do your show" Alice yelled.

"If wolves aren't welcome then so are we"

After they left...buster didn't seem to care.

"Fine go, I don't need them, we'll do the show on our own"

They all got downstairs to the stage finishing up.

"Can you believe them they're going to miss the show of a life time, thud really unbelievable"

"Actually buster i think you went too far" rosita says.

Buster turns around to see everyone looked gloomy from the fight everyone had.

"What-you can't be serious, now your sticking up for the wolf too"

"Did it ever occurred to you that not all wolves are bad and you need to stop criminate always over react with you meet a wolf and this has to stop"

"You said your self rosita, he was a criminal"

"He was a criminal, till he adopted a child"

"Hey that child got be kidnapped, he doesn't even deserve her"

"Buster you better watch what you say"

"I just don't know how a innocent little girl could end up like a beast like him"

"Watch it buster, what would Porsha say if she hears you"


"Buster...turn around"

He turns around and his drop when he saw Porsha and the expression on her face...was in describable.

Buster shook his head and sigh, realizing what he said.

"Porsha I-"

But she had her bag packed, "it's ok buster I know you didn't mean, but there are two things you should know, you have a been a great father to me, a much better father then my real father has ever been and I was glad you took me in...but I'm a wolf too...thank about that" she walked out.

"She's got a point buster, Porsha is a wolf and you trust her, why can't you be like that with all wolves"

But buster ignored his guilty conscience, "never mind that, we got work to do, the show is tomorrow and if we do t put on a spectacular show, we could lose the charity"

"Fine...but after this...we're leaving the theatre"

"What" buster was shocked.

"Yeah since you can't trust wolves it seems you can't trust us either, so good luck finding new singers"

"Well...that's fine by me"

Everyone was hurt by Buster's harsh words and they go to rehearsal again...but buster was thinking about everything he just lost.

The song please come home for Christmas was indeed a blue Christmas.

Bells will be ringin' the sad, sad news
Oh, what a Christmas to have the blues

Wolf was walking lonely in the heavy snow, he looks back to where the theatre was, thinking about what buster said then he continues to walk sadly.

My baby's gone, I have no friends
To wish me greetings once again
Choirs will be singin' Silent Night

Everyone was hurting..

Christmas carols by candlelight
Please come home for Christmas, please come

Alice mom was working on a dress when she heard her door opening.

home for Christmas
If not for Christmas, by New Year's night

"Alice?" She saw it was Alice, she looked upset

Friends and relations send salutations

Alice ran to her mom hugging her and crying, "oh mom" she sobbed, "everything's ruined" her mom comforts her.

Sure as the stars shine above

Drago came back to his trail, he grabbed a picture of his wife and daughter then he sulks.

"Sorry, but it looks like I won't be coming home for Christmas"

But this is Christmas, yes, Christmas, my dear
Some time of year to be with the one you love

Then clay decided to talk to his daughter, he arrived at her house, he was about to knock when a thought came to him, he started to worry, pressure getting to him.

So he ran away, he looks back, his face was hurting..."I'm sorry Clarissa" he sobbed

So won't you tell me you'll never more roam?
Christmas and New Year's will find you home
There'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain

Lyle was heading home till he realized the fight he had with his dad, he realized he had no home to go too.

So he was alone on the streets...

And I'll be happy, happy once again
Ooh, there'll be no more sorrow, no grief and pain

As he sits in a alleyway crying, he felt someone was watching him.

And I'll be happy, Christmas once again

He looks up to see it was Johnny, he smiles at Lyle and offers his hand to help him up.

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