Light always shine in dark times

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So Johnny offered Lyle a stay at his place, his dad was okay with it.

Inside Johnny and Lyle were on the table, he was explaining the situation.

"So your dad kicked you out" Johnny asked.

"No...we just got a bit into a fight"

"Ah, I know what that must feel like" Johnny can relate to that, he knows what it feels like to get in a fight with your own dad.

"It's just not fair, he's always working, he never has any time for me, all he does is work, work, work...that's all he cared about, he never cares about me...well thanks for letting me stay at your place"

"Oh, sure it's no problem mate"

Then Marcus, Johnny's dad came in, he gives the boys a cup of hot chocolate.

"It's no problem at all, you can stay as long as you need to, why any friend of Johnny's is welcome here, right lads" he asked Barry and Stan who were playing cards.


"That's right"

Then Marcus sat down with them, "oh dad"

He could see on Johnny's face, he was hurting as much as Lyle was.

"Everything has been a disaster, mr. Moon he...he's been a hypocrite, judging an innocent wolf before he could know him, I mean what is wrong with him, why does he have to judge every wolf he meets" Johnny slams his head on the table, "ugh, what am I going to do dad, I feel like...this could be the end of my singing career"

"You know Johnny, your grandfather always wanted to be a singer his entire life"


"Yeah, how else did you think you got your singing talent from...when your grandfather was your age, all he ever wanted to do was singing, he would sing everyday, to the neighbors, at talent shows, then one day when he was my age he was going to hit it big time...but something came, your grandfather had to give up his dream to raise me, it was hard for Your grandfather, I thought it was my fault your grandfather had to give up everything...but he smiles and tells me...I am a gift, because he knew I might continue his dream and I did...I was gifted with you, a singing sensation star" Marcus then cupped Johnny's cheeks.

"Whenever I see you singing out there, you remind me of your mother, you sound just like her too"

"So...what are you saying dad" Johnny asked.

Then his dad grabbed his shoulders and pulls him up.

"I'm saying you should stay at the theatre, don't give up on your passion because of one little hypocrite marsupial thinks wolfs are no good, he doesn't know what a good team he's got, he should be lucky to have you and your friend on his show, otherwise without you, he wouldn't even have his theatre, so go...the show needs you"

Johnny and Lyle then looked at each other, then in Alice's mother boutique, Alice was in her room crying, tissue paper were all over the floor, she was laying on her bed, sobbing into her pillow, her mother was comforting her by rubbing her back.

"Oh mom, what am I going to do know, the show's over"

"Aw I know honey" her mom gets up throws the used up tissue paper away, "but things will get better, you can't give because of one little setback or what one Koala bear thinks about wolves, sure what he said was rude mean and selfish of him and I like to see him Rot in prison get in the way of your singing career"

"I know mom...but he doesn't want us back in the show now" she lift her face off the pillow then her mom wipes her face.

"It doesn't matter what he did, You do this for yourself alright"

"Yes mom"

"Good, your dress is almost completed"

Then In the street, drago grabbed his guitar and started singing happy Xmas.

"So this is Christmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear ones
The old and the young
A very Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year-"

But as he was singing, a quarter falls in his case, he looks up to see it was a sweet generous donation given by a little turtle girl who was smiling at him.

Drago bends down to her when she offers him a piece of candy.

"Well that's very nice of you, thank you"

But then the little turtle reminded him of his daughter who was laughing and reaching out for him, his mouth was open wide, then he gets up and tilts his hat to the mother as she grabs her daughter's hand.

"You have a merry Christmas" drago says.

"Say goodbye" the mother turtle told her baby.

"Bye bye" the baby turtle waved to him.

After they left, drago continues to play his guitar, but the picture of his daughter continues to haunt him, like an old memory, he remembers his life with his family.

And just like that, he packs his guitar and runs back to the theatre...he knew what he needed to do.

That just leaves wolf next, he was still out in the snow, he was walking...when a car honked at him and he was greeted by an old friend.

"Hey" the window rolled down to be Diane.


"Need a ride"

It was a long drive in the cold but it was silence and Diane could see the hurt look on wolf's face.

"Are you ok" she asked.

Then he snapped, "no I'm not ok, I'm the opposite of ok, no matter how much I change, people still see me as-as-as the good for nothing big bad wolf...the savage monster I am then before"

He sighs and Diane could see he was suffering a lot.

"It was a mistake coming here, maybe you should've gotten someone else to go on this mission because obviously...I'm not the right person for this can I be a father figure to princess"

"Hey, what you and your friends did in the past does not defy you, you have change for the better and if everyone can't see that...then they're blind, you don't need to prove that you'll a good guy, you are a good guy, people can be cruel but you me, your friends and princess to remind what you truly are and nothing will change that"

That's when wolf realized something, "OH MY GOSH PRINCESS"

They ran inside the hotel, "I can't believe I just abandoned her...ugh, what kind of father am I"

He opened their door room, "princess I'm sorry I didn't mean-"

But all he saw was princess was asleep in bed, snake was shushing him.

" you have to be so took us an hour to calm her down and put her to sleep"

Wolf was astounded, he walks over to the bed, sits down and rubs princess.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to leave, I just-I couldn't handle it anymore, the pressure the fear the hate, I was being reminded of who I used to be"

Then webs says, "it's ok we understand and it's alright"

He had his guard down, till she started hitting him.

"but it serves you right"


"What were you thinking abandoning princess like that"

"Do you know how worried she was last night" piranha shouted.

"She's been crying all night, worried about you" shark added.

"She wouldn't calm down until she saw you" snake said.

Then princess woke, she rubbed her eyes and saw wolf.

"Daddy" she ran crying to him.

He picked her up, holding and cradling her as she hugged him tight.

"I'm sorry baby, daddy's sorry, I'm not going to leave again I promise"

Then he then looks back to the team, "ok guys forget the show...we need to go back to our mission"

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