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Buster is outside the theatre with his dad. "All creatures great and small, welcome to the Moon Theater!" Animals were cheering as Buster hugged his dad.


Buster smiles at the memory. "Mr. Moon?" Miss Crawly brings Buster back to reality. "I have Judith from the bank." She said. "What? Whoa, no, no, no. Tell her I'll call back in the morning." He said. "Oh, I can't. She's right here." Judith appears. "Judith! Hello." Buster said. Buster rushes Judith out of the theatre. "I work for a bank, not a charity, and if your accounts are not settled by the end of the month..." she said. "Okay, Judith... I personally guarantee, by the end of the month this show is going to be the biggest hit this city has ever seen." Buster said. "Mr. Moon, none of your shows have ever worked. None of them! You've had your chances. Now settle your accounts, or we will repossess this property." She turns to leave. "Okay. Toodle-loo." Buster laughs nervously. "What are you going to do, Mr. Moon?" Buster notices Miss Crawly looking at him with concern. "Honestly, uh... I have no idea." He said. "Should we tell (Y/n)?" She asked, and Buster panics. "NO!" He shouts, startling her, then sighs. "Sorry, it's just, she's got enough on her plate already, and I don't want to worry her even more."

Buster said, and Miss Crawly sighs. Later at Eddie's house, sprinklers go off and crickets chrip. Underwater lights light up a pool on the grounds of a L.A. looking mansion. Eddie approaches the water's edge sipping from a soda can. He sheds his bathrobe to reveal a speedo, before walking to the end of a diving board, takes a deep breath, and dives in. Eddie swims gracefully underwater. He does some strokes, and then swims back to the top and right into Buster's face, and he screams. Buster is seated beside the pool steps drinking Eddie's soda. "Mmm. Are you wearing a speedo, Eddie?" Buster asked. "What... what are you...?" Eddie asked. "Eddie? Is everything all right?" His mother asked from inside. "Yeah, uh, just doing my laps, ma!" Eddie said. Eddie and Buster sit beside each other on inflatable chairs playing the x box in the pool house. "So, what, you live in the pool house now?" Buster asked. "Yeah, my folks want me to be more, you know, independent, I guess. They even hooked me up with this life coach dude." Eddie said. "Life coach?" Buster asked. "Yeah. I guess he's gonna help me find my purpose in life. I thought I had one, but it turns out, it wasn't the right one or something. I don't know." Eddie said.

"Anyway, he's got me on this whole schedule thing. It's, like, Mondays, take out the recycling; Tuesdays, mow the lawn; Wednesdays, go visit Nana; Thursdays, clean the pool. It's like, don't we have people to do all this stuff?" Eddie said. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up. Your Nana is still alive?" Buster asked. "Oh, yeah." Eddie speaks, without looking away from the game. Eddie knocks over his surfboard, showing a family photo on the wall, at the center of which sits a spectacularly surly aristocratic female sheep. "Wow. And she's rich, right?" Buster asked. "She's loaded. But trust me, you don't want to go near my Nana." Eddie shudders. "She is one mean sheep." Buster forgets the game and looks at the sheep and smiles. "They're maybe trouble at hand."

On the stage, Mike sings Let's Face the Music and Dance.

MIKE: But while there's moonlight
And music and love and romance

Buster coaches Meena with the lighting system. "Now fade up the spot." Buster said.

MIKE: And dance

"Good. Lower the moon." Buster said. "Coffee?" Miss Crawly asked. "Thank you, Miss Crawly." Meena pulls a cable but it gets stuck. "Okay, that's normal. Just needs a knock." Meena knocks on the cable and the ropes loosen. The moon lowers behind Mike. "See? You're getting it."

MIKE: And while we've still got a chance

Buster drinks the coffee as Miss Crawly looks distracted. "Anyone seen my glass eye? The darn thing keeps popping out." Buster takes the cup from his lips to reveal her glass eye in his mouth. He gags and spits the eyeball and it hits a lever. The lighting rig hits the stage. A sandbag swings and knocks Pete flying and (Y/n) cringes. The glass eye ricochets against a light and shoots back into Miss Crawly's head where it belongs. "You almost killed me, jumbo!" Mike shouted. "Hey, relax! It wasn't her fault!" (Y/n) defended. "Oh, is that so?" Mike screams, and so does Meena.A small fire starts. Meena runs over with an extinguisher. "Pete?" Buster asked. Pete is placed in an ambulance with his neck in a brace. "Urgh..." Pete said. "Pete! You're gonna be all right. Okay, just... just hang in there, buddy." Buster is concerned as the ambulance pulls away and two frogs storm out of the theatre. "Ricki? Kai?" They don't answer. The 3rd Frog runs away in tears. "Why aren't you guys rehearsing?" (Y/n) asked. "

"We're through. They said I'm an intolerable egomaniac. I don't even know what that means." Howie sobs as he runs out. Miss Crawly helps to put the fire out. "All right. We're two acts down. Give me some good news, Miss Crawly." Buster said. "Oh, it's not as bad as it looks." A piece of the stage falls beneath her. "Oopsie-daisy." She said, and (Y/n) face palms. Buster sighs. "Meena, how would you like to re-audition for the show?" He asked. "Really? Well, yeah." Meena said. "Great!" (Y/n) said. "I mean, no." Meena said quickly. "What?" Buster and (Y/n) asked in sync. "I-I mean, yes, I can sing. But no, I-I get so nervous, and... I-I can't do it.

I mean, I would totally do it, but..." she stammers. "No, I... No." She said, and (Y/n) frowns with pity. "I'm gonna take that as a maybe. If you're too shy, maybe you and (Y/n) can practice together." Buster said. Q-Teez run by. "Great! Look, they're back." Buster said. Meena turns to (Y/n). "You're scared to perform?" She asked. "I... in front of big crowds, yes. But dad really wants me too perform in the show. But there's no way I'll be able to perform." (Y/n) said quietly. "Hmm..." Meena mused, deep in thought. "Uh, we're gonna come back to this, Meena." Buster said.

Buster walks in and turns off the Q-Teez music. "Listen, guys, forget what I said before. You are very talented. Please, join the show, okay? Yes? No?" They don't understand, so he pulls out his book. "Oh, um... here." He speaks in Japanese. "Anata-da shi. Sugoku kusai yo ashii no-tsume, iishoni mitei kusai." He said, and (Y/n) face palms. "Oh god..." she said. "What's wrong? What did he say?" Meena asked. "He said You are smelly. Like toenails." She said. "You know Japanese?" Meena asked. "Just a little bit." (Y/n) said. The Q-Teez gasp. One of them slaps him. "What? Hey, no, no, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Don't go! Don't go!" Buster pleaded. Gunter is stunned by the sight of Rosita covering the floor in color-coded dance steps. "Oh, what is this for?" He asked. "Now, we use this to follow the steps." Rosita said. She demonstrates by stiffly following the steps as she sings.

ROSITA: Goddess on a mountain top
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love...

Caspar runs into the room screaming. "Casper! Casper, no!" Rosita scolded. "How about this? Ha-ha!" Gunter laughs. "Come on. What did I tell you? I'm so sorry. He had a fever, and it was too late to get a sitter, so..." she turns to the piglet. "Well, you seem fine now." Caspar dances, messing up the floor. Gunter joins in. "Wow!" He said.

GUNTER: Well I'm your Venus
I'm your fire, at your desire

"Stop! You're messing it up! Hey!" Rosita shouted. Meanwhile, (Y/n) is now with Ash, and she plays the intro to Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen. "I am not singing this." Ash said. "What's not to like? You're a female and you're a teenager. This song was made for you." (Y/n) said. "Wow. It's like you can see inside my tiny teenage mind." Ash said sarcastically. "Well I am a teenager." (Y/n) smirks. "You just gotta add some moves and a little bit of..." (Y/n) acts out the song, and Ash chuckles.

Hey I just met you
And this is crazy
But here's my number
So call me maybe

"I thought you had stage fright." Ash said, and (Y/n) stops suddenly. "You're only one person, Ash. But dad wants me to perform in front of hundreds of animals, that's different." (Y/n) replies a bit nervously. "Ah. So that's the problem." But Ash suddenly realized what she said. "Wait, Buster's your father? But you two seem so... different." Ash said. "Well he's... my adoptive father..." (Y/n) said, and Ash's eyes widen. "Oh... sorry." She said, and (Y/n) shrugs. "Eh. Here, you try it." She said, referring to the music, wanting to the change the topic. "Oh, you mean like this?" Ash joins in sarcastically.

ASH: Try to chase me!
But here's my number
So call me maybe!

"There you go. You're a natural." (Y/n) said. Johnny thumps the piano keys in frustration. "Uggghh..." he said. "Yes, that was very bad." Miss Crawly said, and (Y/n) giggles as she heard that while entering the room, and Johnny immediately turns to her. "Oh! He- hey Miss (Y/n)." He said, and she rolls her eyes. "Johnny, I thought I told you, just (Y/n) is fine, no Miss is needed. I don't really like people to see me as an authority figure." She said, and Johnny raises an eyebrow. "But you are though, you and Buster are in charge of the whole show." Johnny said, and (Y/n) shrugs. "Well, technically dad is. I'm just helping him out as all, like his assistant or something." (Y/n) said, and Johnny's eyes widen.

"Buster's your father?" He asked, in slight disbelief. "Adoptive. He adopted me back when I was a baby." (Y/n) said. "What happened to your real parents?" Johnny asked curiously with a hint of concern, and he then notices her tense a little. "They...." (Y/n) sighs. "It doesn't matter. But anyway, just (Y/n) is fine, okay?" She asked, and Johnny smirks. "Okay, "just (Y/n)." He joked, and she rolls her eyes again. "That's not what I meant and you know it!" (Y/n) said, and Johnny laughs. "Hey, I was just kidding." He said, and (Y/n) scoffs playfully. "Oh. So you're a funny gorilla, huh?" (Y/n) asked playfully, and he chuckles nervously. "Yup." He said,

"Johnny. Come in. Over." His dad's voice said. "Hmm? Johnny, who's that?" (Y/n) asked curiously. "Oh uh..." Johnny takes out his radio and quickly turns away from her. "Johnny, where are you?" His father asked. "Dad, what's going on? Over." Johnny said quietly, making sure (Y/n) wouldn't hear. "What do you mean, you gotta leave now?" (Y/n) asked after Johnny's call. "I know. I'm... I'm so sorry. It's just that I've got this family business thing." He replied. "Do I need to start worrying about your commitment here, Johnny? Please tell me no." (Y/n) begged. "No. Absolutely not. I promise it won't happen again." Johnny said. "It better not." (Y/n) said. "Thank you, (Y/n)." Johnny said. Later, Ash comes into her home, exhausted and sighs. "Baby, I'm back." Ash opens the door to find Lance rehearsing with a female porcupine. They share a microphone and gaze lovingly at each other.

LANCE & BECKY: I would love to

LANCE: Change my friends to enemies

They see Ash and the music stops. "What is going on here?" Ash asked. The new girl takes off her pink sunglasses. "Hi, I'm Becky." She said. "Becky?" Ash questioned. "Hey, what did you expect? You're never around anymore." Lance defended. Ash appears at the door, very upset. "I did it for us, Lance! You and me!" Ash throws Lance's guitar case at him. "Aagh!" He shouted. "Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry. I think I left my sunglasses in there." Becky said. Ash slams the door and slides to the floor. "Come on, Becky. Let's get out of here." Lance said. Mike is with his new girlfriend gambling with bears. The boss takes out the last card. Mike had won. "Jackpot, baby! Whoo-hoo! Well, I say we call it a night there, fellas. Hey, uh, put the cash in my car, will ya, Derek?" Mike laughs. Mike slips Derek $20 and Derek leaves with Mike's winnings. "Well, you're one great card player, Mike." The bear leader said. "Not so bad yourself." Nancy giggles.

"Except I still can't tell how you cheated." The leader said. "Cheated? Cheated? Oh, I am offended. Come on, baby, let's cut some rug." As Mike walks away, the leader sees a piece of paper sticking out of Mike's jacket. He grabs it and pulls out an ace card. "Oh! Wh-what the...? Oh." Mike chuckles nervously. "How did that get there?" He asked. Mike kicks the bear in the face, then makes a run for it. "Run for it, baby!" Mike runs and jumps over the balcony. "Hey!" Mike lands on a balloon that flies over the dance floor. "Get him!" The balloon pops on a rhino's horn. Mike runs to the door and screams. "Excuse me." He said. "Don't let him get away!" The leader shouted. Mike jumps into his car just as Derek is closing his trunk. "Thanks, Derek." The bears break out of the door behind him. "Out of the way." Mike drives off, and the bears jump onto the back of his car. Mike swerves, and the bears fly off into the alleyway. "So long suckers!" Mike laughs. The bears get themselves off the ground and growl.

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