The rehearsals

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"Okay, that's everyone, Mr. Moon." Miss Crawly said. "Whew! All right, call everyone back to stage, Miss Crawly, and let's get..." Miss Crawly talks through her megaphone. "Hello!" Buster and (Y/n) cringe. "Ooh." Buster said. "Uh, can I have everybody back to stage, please? Everyone come back to stage for selection." She said. "Okay. Thank you, Miss Crawly." Buster said. Miss Crawly is still talking into the megaphone into Buster's ear. "You're welcome, Mr. Moon." She said. "All right. Let's see, now." Buster scrutinizes each animal in silence. "We'll take..." He rejects most but chooses the Frogs. "You guys." He said. The Frogs celebrate. "Yes!" They said. (Y/n) turns to Ash and Lance. "And which one of you is the girl?" She asked. "Ha ha. Very funny." Ash said. "Loud and horrible, but shows promise." Welcome to the show." (Y/n) said. "Heh, cool. I guess we could hang." Lance said. "No, no. we just want her, not you." (Y/n) said. "What?" The duo asked in shock. "All right, the rest of the group acts, thank you so much."

Buster said. Animals leave the stage upset. "Oh, don't feel bad, folks. There will be a 10% discount on tickets for everyone." Buster said. "Yeah, sure, thanks a lot." A goat said. "Psh. Let's get outta here, Ash." Ash hesitates. "Ash?" Lance asked. "Uh, yeah... Yeah, let's go." She said. "Okay, soloists. Johnny, Mike, Pete, Richard, Daniel, and Ray." Johnny, Mike, a bull (Richard), a snail (Ray), a camel (Pete), and a giraffe (Daniel) nervously step forward. "Mike! Ooh-hoo-hoo! Wowza! I've gotta have you in my show." Buster said. "Even though he was super rude." (Y/n) mumbled, and Buster nudges her gently. "Oh, I... if you insist!"

Mike chuckles. "And I'll take Pete..." Buster said. "Ooh, yeah!" Pete said. "And one more. Let me see, now." Buster circles them, checks them up and down from behind and Richard is so nervous he suddenly farts, and (Y/n) gags. "Gross." She said. "Oh my gosh. I am so sorry." He farts again. " Oh, what is wrong with me?" He asked. "Good question." (Y/n) mumbled. "Whoo! Uh, thanks for coming, Richard." Richard begins to leave when he accidentally steps on the snail. "Oh, my... Ray!" The bull picks up Ray who looks shocked. "Are you all right? Just hang in there, Ray. I got you." Richard farts his way off stage carrying the snail. "Ooh. Oh. Whoopsie. Oh." Richard said. "Dude!" (Y/n) scolded in disgust. "Okay, then we'll take..." Johnny holds his breath. "Daniel. Thank you, Johnny." He said. Johnny nods sadly and leaves the stage, and (Y/n) frowns, feeling bad for him, but Daniel didn't answer.

"Daniel, can you hear me? You're in the show!" Buster said. Daniel's head is too high so he can't hear. "What? Are you talking to me?" He asked. "Yes." Buster speaks into the megaphone. "I was saying that you are in... Oh, geez, this is gonna drive me nuts." Buster said, and (Y/n) giggles. She sees Johnny and smiles. "Johnny, get back here, you're in!" She said. Buster nods and gives her a thumbs up. Then speaks in the megaphone. "Thank you, Daniel. Good-bye." Johnny is relieved. "Yes!" Johnny said quietly. "Okay. That's everyone on my list." Everyone starts to leave. "Um, wait a second. Rosita. Is Rosita still here?" Buster asked. "Oh, yes. Yes, I'm here." Rosita steps forward. "Rosita, Rosita, Rosita. Great set of pipes but boring to watch." Buster said. Rosita sighs. "I knew it." She said. "So, what should we do?" Buster asked. "We could partner her up with Gunter." (Y/n) said. "Oh! Great idea,

(Y/n)! Gunter! Where are you?" Buster asked. "Ja! Ja! This is me." Gunter freestyles his way across the stage to Rosita. (Y/n) laughs. "Ja! He's gonna spice things up on stage." She said. "Wait. You want us to sing together?" Rosita asked. "Ja! The two of us together, you joking me? We're going to be spicy, no?" Gunter chuckles. The child kangaroo howls as her angry mother leads her ahead of a crowd. "Those two animals are fools, Sherry-Anne. You are going to be a star one day!" She said. Eddie walks past the crowd of animals leaving. "Auditions are over, pal. Show's already been cast." A hippo said. "Okay... You are our chosen few." Everyone exclaims happily. "This is it, folks. A defining moment in all of our lives." The Q-Teez walk next to Buster. "Um, no. No, no, no, not you guys. We dismissed all of the group acts already. You... you can go home." Buster said. The Q-Teez respond happily, in Japanese. "Ware ware wa kono sho de yarukodoga tetemo shiwawase desu! (English: We are so happy to be in this show!) "Look, look, look, I-I'm really sorry, but all of the slots are filled." (Y/n) said. "Almost all of em. But I got somebody else planned for the last slot." Buster said. "Huh?" (Y/n) asked.

"Ware ware wa futatabi anata no dameni utemasu! (English: We will sing for you again!) The Q-Teez begin to dance. "No, no, no, no, listen. No in show. Good-bye-bye. Miss Crawly!" Buster called. They giggle as Miss Crawly shoos them off the stage. "Come on, you guys, out... out of here. Come on, off the stage. Thank you so much." Eddie takes a seat in the back of the auditorium and reads one of the flyers. "I want you to be part of the show, (Y/n)." Buster said, and her eyes widened. "WHAT?! Dad, come on! You know I can't sing in front of big crowds!" (Y/n) protested. "What're you talking about? You have a beautiful voice, sweetie. And it needs to be part of the show, it'll blow everyone away!" Buster said. "But-" Mike Interrupts. "Sorry, hate to interrupt whatever this conversation is," Mike said sarcastically, and (Y/n) glares at him again. Mike jumps onto the treasure chest.

"Moon. (Y/n), what's the story? Is the prize really inside this thing?" Mike asked. "The prize? Oh, sure. Yes, it's all... It's all in there." (Y/n) said. "Well, open it, will you? I want to see what $100,000 looks like." Mike said. "Yeah, come on. Me, too." Johnny said. "Yeah, go on. Open it, (Y/n)." Rosita said. "Sure, I'll open it." Realization then hits (Y/n) and Buster. "Wait. What did you say?" (Y/n) asked. Eddie walks into the room. "He said $100,000." He holds up the flyer. "A hundr..." Buster looks at the flyer and yelps. "Dad...?" (Y/n) asked. "Uh..." he gives a nervous chuckle. "I forgot my keys. Koala be right back." He grabs Miss Crawly and (Y/n). Miss Crawly sobs while Buster paces frantically and (Y/n) tries to comfort the lizard. "For the last time, Miss Crawly, I'm not going to fire you." Buster said. "Now would you pull yourself together and please blow that nose of yours." She blows her nose. "No, no, no, not in here. Blow it outside." (Y/n) said. "I'm sorry, Miss (Y/n) and Mr. Moon."

"Thank you." She scuttles out of the room, howling. Eddie sits at Buster's desk as Buster paces. "Guys, what do you expect? She's like, 200 years old." Eddie said. "We know that, Eddie!" (Y/n) snapped, and Eddie flinches. Buster puts a paw on her right shoulder to calm her. "Eddie, please, look. If-if your folks could just loan us the money until..." Buster said. Eddie laughs. "$100,000? Buster, come on." Eddie said. Buster exhales. "Hoo! I gotta think. I've gotta think. I've gotta think. I've got to come up with a solution..." he said. "Maybe just... tell the guys the truth?" (Y/n) asked. "What?" Buster glances at her in disbelief. "She might have a point, Buster. Look, maybe it's time to stop thinking and it's time to just move on.

I mean, this theater of yours, you could get some decent money for it and... I don't know, maybe we could do something together." Eddie said. "What? What, sit around playing video games? Ahh!" Buster points to a bucket etched with the logo: Moon's Car Wash. "Do you know what that is?" Buster asked. "Uh, it's a bucket?" Eddie asked, and (Y/n) snickers. "Yes, and do you know why I have this bucket?" Buster asked. "'Cause the roof is leaking?" Eddie asked. Buster points to a different bucket filled with water. " No, that's the bucket for the leak." He said. Buster points to the silver bucket again. "I have this one 'cause it belonged to my father. Every day for 30 years, he worked his tail off washing cars just so I could buy this place. Every day, Eddie. Just for me." (Y/n) smiles at Buster, then frowns slightly. Though she thought that was sweet, she was also kind of jealous. She wished that her parents had cared about her like that. Buster looks at (Y/n) and tensed, knowing what was probably on her mind.

Eddie sighs. "So how do you want to handle this?" He asked. "Oh, Mr. Moon, I got Judith from the bank holding on line two again." Miss. Crawly said. Buster sighs. "Well, there's only one thing I can do." He said. The auditorium doors burst open revealing (Y/n), Buster and Eddie. The cast talk on stage. "Okay, everybody, listen up. I gotta send you all home. Right now." Buster said. The cast looks confused. "Huh? What?" They asked. "Yep, 'cause like my dad used to say, "Get a good night's sleep and do the great day's work." Eddie slaps his forehead and (Y/n) covers her face. "That's right. Rehearsals begin first thing tomorrow morning. And if you want to become stars and win 100 grand, then you better be ready to work harder than you've ever worked in your lives. So, get some sleep, and dream big dreams." The cast cheers.

"Dad..." (Y/n) groaned. "Blimey!" Johnny said. "This is great!" Gunter said. The Q-TEEZ dance around their boom box. "Kira Kira Kira Happy Happy Happy." They sung. "Miss Crawly!" Buster called. Rosita walks by them and laughs at how cute they were. Miss Crawly shoos them away while everyone starts to leave. "Okay, come on. That's enough now. Come on, off the stage. Please." Miss Crawly said. Eddie approaches Buster. "Dream big dreams"?" He asked in disbelief. "I know, it's good, right?" Buster asked. "Dad, I know how badly you want this, and I really want this too but, what about the 100 grand?" (Y/n) asked worriedly. They walk backstage. "Don't worry about that, sweetie. All you need to worry about is finding the courage to sing in the show. There's got to be a way I can get the money." Buster said. "What? Buster, no, listen to me! This show is not gonna save your theater. You're at rock bottom, pal." Eddie said. "Yep, and you know what's great about hitting rock bottom, Eddie?" Buster asked. Buster mounts a moon prop attached to a scenic cable. "There's only one way left to go, and that's up." Buster pulls the cable and flies high into the rafters.

Time Skip

Meena sits at the kitchen table, tears coming from her eyes as she whisks a bowl of batter. Her mom lifts a tray of muffins from the oven. "Oh, honey, please don't cry. You are not a failure. There'll be other chances. You just..." her mother said. "Bah! The heck there will!" Her grandpa said from the doorway. "Dad, please." Meena's mother said. "Come on! Don't you want this?" Her grandpa asked. "Well, sure, but I messed it up." Her grandpa struggles to get through the door, but managed. "Then you gotta go back there tomorrow and say, "Mr. Moon, or, Miss (Y/n), I demand you let me re-audition!" Be confident! Show 'em you ain't gonna be pushed around! You got that, Meena?" Her grandpa asked. "Um..." Meena said. "Good! Now go get my cocoa." Her grandpa said. Lance is singing and strumming his guitar while Ash was picking up trash. "I won't sell out for nobody, won't follow no fool." He sung. "Would you stop? I'd only be doing it for us." Ash said in annoyance. Lance chuckles. "Oh, really?" He asked sarcastically.

"Yes, really. If I won that money, we could build our own recording studio, start our own label. I mean, the whole world would get to hear your songs." Lance starts to sing while playing his guitar. "I'm not listening to my girlfriend." Ash groans. "Cuz she just wants to sell out." Lance sung. Ash gives up and storms out. Mike is playing regular jazz but changes to a more seductive song when a pretty female mouse walks by. She remains aloof despite Mike serenading her down the street and around the corner to the nightclub. Fancy cars and velvet rope etc. The female mouse walks into the club and gestures Mike to follow. But Mike is turned down by a huge gorilla bouncer. "Hey! Uh, just a min... Oh, oh, wait. W-wait! Oh, look at... I know Derek, the manager. He'll vouch for me. Come on!" The Bouncer shakes his head, then shoves Mike aside to allow 3 bears in. "Hey, Mario. How's it going?" The leader asked. "Oh, for crying out loud. Oh, yeah, oh, let the bears in. Let the bears in. Fine." Mike blows on his saxophone.

Johnny walks through the door. The gang has gathered around a model plan of a robbery. "There he is! I got a surprise for you, my son." Big Daddy laughs. "What's that?" Johnny asked. "Tell him the plan." Big Daddy said to one of the members. "Right. We've been told there's a ship carrying 25 million in gold, gonna dock at night right here. With the usual guards here and here. But, lucky for us, there's a sewer right under here. So, the getaway driver meets us here." Stan said. "And that is gonna be you this time, Johnny." Big Daddy said. "What? You want... you want me to drive?" Johnny asked. "Yeah. It's time my boy had a proper role in the gang, eh?" Big Daddy asked.

"Hang on, hang on, Dad. Barry's always been our driver." Johnny said. "Barry don't mind. Do you, Barry?" Barry shifts anxiously. "No. No, that's fine." He said. "Yeah." Big Daddy said. "So... so, when exactly is this ship coming in, then?" Johnny asked. "We ain't exactly got a date yet." Stan said. "Probably won't be for a while though, will it?" Johnny asked. "What do you care? It's the last job we ever need to do. When it comes in, we go. Right?" Big Daddy asked. "Great. Can't wait." Johnny leaves, leaving everyone confused. Rosita stands at the end of a tooth-brushing production line on the telephone. "Um, hi. I saw your ad in the paper. Yes, I need a nanny just for a couple of weeks." Rosita said. "You can? Great. Oh, the kids? Yes, they're wonderful. They... yeah, I have 25. No, I'm... I'm not joking. Um, but they're really no problem..." the phone disconnects. "Hello? Hello?" She asked. The 'Piglet Train' rushes past her again. "Good night, Mommy." One of them said.

The front door opens and Norman walks tiredly in the house. Rosita takes his coat and case and is happy to see him. "Hey. How was the big meeting?" Norman groans and opens the fridge. "That bad, really? Well, I have something really exciting to tell you." Norman eats some pie as he walks towards the sofa. "Mmm. You make the best pie, honey." Norman said. "Listen, Norman, I know it's short notice, but I could really use some help with the kids tomorrow because... well, you are not going to believe what I did today." She holds out the flier. "Norman, are you listening to me?" Norman snores loudly and the food on his lap falls off. Rosita sighs. The TV drones on, and Norman continues snoring. Rosita hears Buster's voice inside her head. "Rehearsals begin first thing tomorrow morning, so get some sleep, and dream big dreams. Dreams, dreams!"

"Hmm." Rosita walks out of the lounge, opens the cupboard, and reaches to the back. Rosita pulls out a power drill and toy train. She pulls the trigger and it is powered. Outside there is blasts of drilling, sawing, and hammering and are lights. Later the sun rises and the power tool concerto stops. An alarm clock rings and activates a handmade system that opens the curtains in the piglets' bedroom and triggers a tape-recorded message from Rosita. "Good morning, everybody. Now, I want you all dressed before breakfast." The piglets, groaning, groggily do as as it said. A Heath Robinson-style device takes care of the chores.

Devices pour cereal and milk into bowls. The piglets run to the table and eat the cereal. "Breakfast!" The piglets talked together. Norman sleepily comes in, pulling on his jacket. "Rosita, have you seen my car keys?" Norman asked. "Don't forget, your keys are in your coat pocket." The tape said. "Oh, I found 'em. Bye, honey." Norman is unaware of the mechanics above. "Bye, Norman. Time for school." The piglets get up from the table and the entire table cloth is lifted and carried out. A device hands each piglet a backpack. "Bye, Iggy. Bye, Perry. Bye, Carla. Bye, Gail. Bye, Rory. Bye, Micky. Bye, Moe. Bye, Nelson. Bye, Hannah. Bye, Tess. Bye, Kelly. Bye, George. Bye, Andy. Bye, Freddy. Bye-bye, Casper." A counter flips to 25, triggering the door to close and lock. Rosita joins the rest of the cast entering the theatre. "This contest is war." Buster said.

The cast is on stage receiving instructions from Buster and (Y/n) while Miss Crawly hands out song lists to the cast. "This stage is the battlefield. Your song is your weapon. Now, you only get one shot to blow that audience away, so choose carefully from the list of songs we've selected for each of you." The animals regard their individual lists with vocal interest. Ash arrives late. "Ah, talked some sense into that boyfriend of yours?" (Y/n) asked. "Lance is an artist, but I wouldn't expect you to understand that." Ash said. "You're right. I don't understand that at all." (Y/n) said. She hands Ash a song list. She looks shocked. The Frogs fight over the song list. "Just stop it! Give it to me!" One shouted. "Now, you'll notice each list also includes my costume and performance suggestions. Okay? Miss Crawly will show you to your rehearsal spaces.

Now, let's get to work." Buster said. The cast begins to exit the stage in an optimistic hubbub. Buster and (Y/n) walk among them backstage. "Excuse me, Mr. Moon? Miss (Y/n)?" For some reason, it says here that I should be playing the piano." Johnny said. "Yes, just imagine, big soulful guy like you tenderly playing the keys. There'll be goosebumps everywhere." (Y/n) said. Johnny blushes a bit, but it was barely noticeable. "Oh, and you can just call me (Y/n)." (Y/n) said, and Johnny nods. "Well, I haven't played piano since I was a kid." Johnny pointed out. "Miss Crawly! We're gonna need some piano lessons over here." (Y/n) shouted. "Yes ma'am! Up the stairs. I'll be right along." She said to Johnny. "And, Pete, you're in here." Buster said. "You got it, Mr. Moon." Buster is cut off by the sound of quarreling. Buster and (Y/n) come in to see the Frogs fighting. "Check your ego, man." Howie said. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Break it up, break it up, break it up." (Y/n) said. "Oh yeah? Tell Ricki. He started it." Howie said. "That's right. Just like I started this band. My band, Howie." Ricki said. "Oh, forgive me, your highness." Howie said sarcastically. "Guys, come on." As the Frogs continue to bicker, Buster notices the Q-Teez rehearsing in the next room.

"No, no, no, no, no. Hey, hey. Out. Get out of here." He bangs on the glass and gestures for them to exit. "Look, just calm down and pick a song." Buster said. He and (Y/n) leave the room. Rosita and Gunter walk into their rehearsal room. "Wow!" Gunter said. "I think we'll probably have a better chance of winning if I do the singing part and leave the dancing part to you." Rosita said. "Bah! Are you joking me? You are just in need of, like, a super cool warm-up." Gunter hits play on a stereo and music begins to play. Gunter unzips his tracksuit. "Come on, let's take off these clothes." He said. "That... that is not necessary. Oh! That is a lot of skin." Rosita said. "Ah, don't you look so worried. I've got one for you, too."

He holds up a tiny dress right when Mike opens the door. "Hey, porky! Keep it down, will ya?" He snapped. "Sorry." Gunter said. Ash is with (Y/n) in her rehearsal room. "Hey (Y/n), you gave me the wrong list. Cheesy pop's not exactly my style." Ash said. "Style. I'm glad you brought that up. Now, let's see..." (Y/n) presents her with a bright pink leotard. "There." She said. "Ugh." Ash said. "Isn't this a great color for you?" (Y/n) asked, smirking. "I can't tell. It's melting my eyes. You got anything in black?" Ash asked. (Y/n) turns back to the rail. "Black?" She asked. "What, you want everyone to think you're going to a funeral? Think you're some kind of artsy-fartsy type? No, no, no, no, no." (Y/n) said. (Y/n) picks out a sparkly princess dress. "Bingo! Pop star princess!" She said. A power cut occurs and the theater goes dark. "The lights are out!" Johnny said. "Wait, what happened?" Rosita asked. "Is this part of the competition?" Gunter asked. "Okay, everybody, don't panic. Don't panic." Buster said. "What's going on?" Mike asked.

"Talk to me, Crawly." Buster said. "When did we last pay the power company, Mr. Moon?" Buster winces. Animals keep bumping into things in the dark. "Oh, for Pete's sake. Okay, don't worry, everybody. I will take care of this. In the meantime, you will continue to rehearse in the dark." The cast is shocked. "What?" Ash asked. "But I can't see anything." Rosita said. "Don't you worry, Rosita. I have glow sticks." Gunter said. "Great. Use this time to shake off those first-day inhibitions, and I'll be right back." Buster said. "You got to be kidding me." Mike said. "Okay, you heard him. Back to work now. Come on, everybody." Gunter sings and waves his glow sticks. Buster climbs out of his office window holding the end of a power cable. He shimmies carefully through a ledge but a piece of the theatre breaks under him and he yelps.

"Whoa! Sorry, old girl. I'll fix that." Buster gets ready to jump to the neighboring store, jumps, but misses. Meena arrives with a cake as Buster bounces in front of her on the end of his power cable like a yoyo. "Hey." Buster said. "Mr. Moon?" She asked. "Uhhhhh..." he replied. "You-you probably don't remember me, but I-I auditioned yesterday and I..." Meena said. "Hey, listen. Do you think maybe you could reach the ledge?" Buster asked. "Th-that ledge?" Meena asked. Meena lifts Buster up to the ledge using her trunk. "Whoa! Whoa, that's a heck of a trunk you've got there. Thanks a lot, kid." While Buster rushes to connect his cable to his neighbor's supply, Meena reads from notes she has on her hand. "Uh, Mr. Moon? M-my name is Meena, and I baked a cake for you, and, uh... uh, I was wondering if you'd maybe give me a second chance to..." she began.

"Just a moment, please. Be right with you. Hmm." Turns out Buster's power cable is too short. He pulls hard. The power cable is released from under a door, but traps Miss Crawly against the cabinet. The lights come back on. "Yay! It's about time." Mike said. Miss Crawly is still pinned against the cabinet while Johnny plays the piano and she groans. "Johnny..." she said. Buster comes back to the backstage area with Meena beside him. "Yep, mind your head here. Hey, can you pull up that scenic cable?" Buster asked. "You mean this?" She pulls a lever high and the stage scenic rises. "Yes, that's it. Great! And the house lights?" Meena throws two switches, illuminating the auditorium. "Wow." She said. "Ah, I know. Beautiful, isn't she? " Buster is pleased by Meena's awed expression. "You know what, kid? How would you like to be a part of this show?" Buster asked. "Really? Wait. Oh, my gosh, I was gonna ask about that." She replied. "Great. 'Cause I could really use a stagehand." Buster said. "Stagehand?" Meena asked.

"But..." Meena said. "Ah, don't worry about it. You're gonna pick it up in no time. (Y/n) and I will teach you everything we know. Follow me." Buster said. Buster rushes up the stairs. "These are the rehearsal spaces and dressing rooms, and up here we got workshops and main office." Meena stops to admire all the different acts rehearsing. "Touch ya toes... up in ze air! Touch ya toes... up in ze air." Pete was vocalizing while the Frogs were practicing their choreography, and Ash was playing her guitar. "Hey Meena! You're back!" (Y/n) said as she catches up. Meena turns and smiles at her. "Hey (Y/n). Ths is awesome." She said. "Awesome?" Mike scoffs. 'Yeah, I think the word you're after is "awful." And that's me restraining myself." Mike said. "Is it?" (Y/n) asked, and Meena snickers quietly, and Mike whips around. "What did you just say, missy?" He asked angrily. "Nothing..." (Y/n) said quietly, and Mike scowls. "That's what I thought. (Y/n) growls, but Meena puts a hand on her right shoulder to calm her down, and (Y/n) glances at her. "Just ignore him...." She said softly, and (Y/n) nods and sighs. "There's not an ounce of talent between 'em. Not an ounce. In fact, you know what? I think that prize is as good as mine already." Mike said. "You keep telling yourself that." (Y/n) mumbled.

~Time Skip~

Mike sits opposite a bull bank manager. "Yes, indeed, uh, I am about to come into a very, very large sum of money. $100,000 to be precise." Mike said. "Well, is that so? In that case, sir, you'll be wanting our platinum card." The bull pushes a silver credit card toward Mike. The female mouse walks up to the entrance. She hears music and everyone turns to see Mike arriving in a sports car. Everyone, including the female mouse, are in awe. Mike gets out of his car and offers his arm to the female mouse. She takes it and they walk to the door. "Well, well, well, hello again." Mike chuckles. The bouncer lets them in and they enter the club.

Ash and Lance are laughing at song choices together on the sofa. "Oh, man, these are, like, the cheesiest songs of all time." Lance said. "I know, right? I mean, I was even thinking of writing my own song instead." Ash said, and Lance stops laughing. "Wait, what? Your own song?" He asked. "Well, yeah." Ash said. "Look, if you want to win that money, just do what the (F/a) says." Lance said. "Why? You think I can't write my own song?" Lance puts up his paws in surrender. "Whoa, whoa. I'm just saying, not everyone can write songs, okay? I know I make it look easy, babe, but it's not." Lance leaves the room. Ash looks at the song list and rethinks her choice. Meena gets off the bus, humming to a song. As the bus drives off, her front garden is full of animals waiting for her. "Oh, here she is. Quiet down, everybody." Meena looks at her mother. "So, Meena, are you in the show?" Her grandpa asked. "Uh... well, yeah, kind of, but..." Meena said slowly, and everyone cheers. "I knew it! I knew it!" Her mother shouted. "She did it!" Her grandpa said. Meena's mother runs to her and hugs her. "Oh, I'm so proud of you, I could pop!" She said. "That's my birthday wish coming true right there!" Her grandpa said. "Way to go, Meena." One her neighbors said. "Oh, Meena, we love you!" Said another. "Mom... What the heck?" Meena whispered.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute. Don't be mad, ok? It was your grandma. She told the whole street about your audition." Her mother said. "Mom, no, wait." Meena shouted. "Shh, shh. Shush, baby. You need to save that singing voice of yours. So, from now on, just nod or shake your head, ok?" Meena nods. Neighbors call her name and take pictures. Big Daddy looks up from his stopwatch to see the gang's van coming towards him. Big Daddy shakes his head and it pulls up beside him. Johnny leans out of the window and the radio is playing loudly. "How was that, Dad?" Johnny asked. "You're still too soft on the corners, Johnny. You got to attack 'em. And you're crunching the gears. I told you, you got to be gentle with the... Look, turn that down." Johnny doesn't wait for what his father was going to say next, he puts the pedal down and drives off, leaving his father very angry. "Oi! Listen to your father!" The van speeds down the track. Johnny puts his head down and looks fierce. "Too soft on the corners, Johnny. You're not doing it right, Johnny. Speed up, Johnny." He drives like a maniac. "Do it like I showed you." Whoa!" Johnny is about to hit his father and slams on the brakes. "Dad? Oh no. I've run over my dad." He said. Big Daddy comes up and hits the hood of the car, laughing. "Now that is more like it." Big Daddy laughs.

Rosita quietly goes through the front door to find the lights low and her 'system' cleaning. Rosita peeks in the kids' room and they are sleeping. A recording of Rosita ends. "And the three little pigs lived happily ever after. Good night, my dears." Rosita climbs into bed next to Norman who is very sleepy. "Norman, are you awake?" She asked. "Mmmm..." he replied. "How was your day, honey?" Rosita asked. Norman yawns. "Same as always." He said. "It was?" Norman affectionately lays his hand on her leg. "Mm-hmm. I don't know how you do it all, honey. Good night." Norman said. "Good night." Norman rolls over, leaving Rosita feeling excited.

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