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"What the fuck?" Tae utters in disbelief. Seolmi, who was busy painting her nails pink, turns her head towards her dada, pouting when she hears the bad word. Taehyung looks at her apologetically before focusing on the message he received once more.

He almost winced as he typed the word 'niece'. It's still foreign on his tongue, though he forced himself to get used to it even just for a few months, because obviously he still doesn't want Jeongguk to know.

Taehyung smiles when he reads Jeongguk's reply. It makes him feel soft because Jeongguk really wants to spend some time with Seolmi even if he doesn't know the truth yet. He sighs before calling out Seolmi's name.

"Seolmi, Uncle Jeongguk is picking you up later. Now, come here and let's get you dolled up, okay?"

Seolmi's ears perk up upon hearing Jeongguk's name. She closes the lid of the nail polish she was using before dashing towards her room.

"Will you need dada to help you dress up?" Taehyung shouts from the living room. He then hears a "No" which makes him chuckle.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Jin pops out from the kitchen. Taehyung almost falls down from the couch because he was surprised when he heard Jin's voice from his back.

"Jeongguk is taking Seolmi to the amusement park."

Jin looks at him with concern. "Jeon Jeongguk? Her father?"

"Jin hyung! Lower your voice down, she might hear you!"

"Oops. Sorry. I thought you told them already because you gave him permission to take your daughter somewhere. So-" Jin cuts his sentence midway when Seolmi runs down the stairs.

"Snowflake, be careful!" Jin shouts instead before scurrying his way to the end of the stairs. He picks up the child which is chuckling at his reaction.

"Baba Jin is a scaredy-cat!"

"You almost gave me a heart attack right there, sweetie. Don't do that again, okay?"

"Yes, Baba Jin. Sorry," Seolmi says and she places a wet kiss on Jin's temple. Jin can't help but to melt at the kiss and giggle.

Taehyung looks at them warmly then he feels the vibration of his phone inside his pocket.

"Hyung? Jeongguk is outside," he says before eyeing Jin. The older just nods before giving Seolmi to him. Taehyung carries his daughter and takes her outside the house to send her off with Jeongguk.

"Jeon Jeongguk, make sure to take care of her, alright? You're gonna be dead if she comes home with just one tiny scratch!"

Jeongguk laughs at him and waves him off after reaching for Seolmi.

"I got it, Tae. See you later!"

Seolmi gives him one last kiss and then Jeongguk starts the car. Taehyung stands outside until such time the car can no longer be seen and enters the house, only to find an intimidating Kim Seokjin sitting on the couch.

"Explain this setup to me, Kim Taehyung."

Knowing that he can no longer escape from Jin's hands, and since he definitely don't want to put his life on the line, he tells him the whole conversation he had with Jeongguk before and how he decided to disguise his own daughter as his niece for the meantime.

"Tae, I have nothing else to say, except for this one. Are you sure you're not the one being fooled?"

Taehyung looks at his hyung, his mind spinning because of the confusing question.

"What do you mean by that, hyung?"

"I just- nothing, Tae. Just please be careful. I'm taking a nap because I don't feel well so just do whatever you want in here but don't you dare go inside the kitchen or I swear to God you'll be damned if I see even one strand of your hair on the floor!"

"But the fridge is inside!"

"I already placed some chips and leftovers on the dining table so you need not to worry about being hungry. I also placed some food leaflets beside it in case you want to order something. Wake me up when Jimin and Yoongi arrives, okay?"

Taehyung rolls his eyes but nods otherwise. Before heading upstairs, Jin holds his hand tightly, assuring him that everything will be alright, like how he always use to say to him every fucking day.

"Thanks, hyung."


jjk97 My date for the rest of the afternoon. ❤️

view all 755,301 comments

jeonjkglobal Omg...
jimbles Did u kidnap Taehyung's niece?!
jjk97 ^ Do i fucking look like a kidnapper to u?!
minyg The kidnapper is also a kid.
k.joon **fetus
luvlyjeon Isn't she... @jeonjkglobal
jeonjkglobal DM ME.

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